Our Morning

Without Me


It was early in the morning and the sweet couple were still sleeping on the bed . Hye Won was still stired in her sleep making Jaejoong stiffened , as he is worried he will wake her lovely wife up . He first took away the blanket on him away and wore his jacket so that he won't caught cold .  However , when Jaejoong  starts to walk , he heard some noises from Hye Won . She was yawning and rolling around the bed . Jaejoong smiled and walked back towards the bed .

"Good morning , chagiya (honey) . " Jaejoong greeted and kissed her forehead . She swear it was the sweetest thing ever a guy did for her and this is totally what she wished for . Anyway , she is already used to it ever since she and Jaejoong got married.

"Omo !"  Hye Won shouted when she saw her digital clock on the mini table beside her bed .  It is already so late and she isn't prepared yet . As a wife , she was suppose to prepare Jaejoong breakfast before he heads to work . 

"Mianhae oppa , I overslept again . Is it still possible to make breakfast now? Is it too late?" she flooded Jaejoong with questions just right after she woke up . Jaejoong then smiled at Hye Won's cute aegyo . 

"Why are you smiling , oppa?" Hye Won looked at Jaejoong questioningly.  "Ah no , i am going to cook now !" she blurly wore a jacket and rushed out of the room.

"Ani , it is alright baby . I can have breakfast outside later . You don't need to rush for me . I don't want you to exhaust yourself in this early morning . Come on , go change and wash your face . I will fetch you to work later ." Jaejoong smiled .

"I can't believe i am married to such a good man . Love you ! " she winked and headed to the toilet to get herself prepared.

"Ah , that cute wife of mine." he blurted out and smiled by himself without realizing.

"I heard that!" she smiled while peeking out from the toilet door.


"Stay still , i am still fixing your collar!" Hye Won warned when Jaejoong moved slightly to grab his wallet on the table. A smile appears on his face .

"Wae? Do i look weird?" Hye Won asked while touching her face slightly as if something is on her face that made Jaejoong smiled happily.

"Ani." Jaejoong shakes his head and shifted his eyes to continue smiling . He just couldn't hide his smile and happiness of his wife fixing his collar before he goes to work .

"Tell me why . Or not i won't let you go ." she muttered. "Yah , that is threatening ." Jaejoong chuckled . 

"Nappunnamja! (Bad man) ." she pushed Jaejoong away lightly and took her bag .

"Yah yah yah---" Jaejoong pulled HyeWon's hand before she continues showing her sulky face.

"I thought you said that i am a good man this morning . What is this now, hmm?" Jaejoong lowered down his body to make sure his eye is in contact and same level as yours . 

"I am taking my words back then." she frowned slightly.

"Fine fine . I am smiling at your cuteness , ara? I am proud and i didn't regret my decision of proposing to you . You are a good wife , definitely . Now that i am thinking back the way you fixed my collar and makes me look good , i really can't stop myself from smiling . " Jaejoong smiled and hugged you tightly.

"I am still far away from the destination of being a good wife , oppa . I promise i will try my best to be one ." Hye Won replied , emphasizing her word 'promise' .

"Araso." Jaejoong said and peck on her cheeks . He took her hand and left the house . Both of them together entered the car as Jaejoong will be fetching her to work.

"I can't believe that i am a married woman now though . I feel so blessed and perfect , oppa." she smiled while Jaejoong is busy driving .

"You need to believe it from now then . We still got a long way to go ." he said .

"What is your dream for now , oppa?" she continue to question .

"Aigoo , why is my wife asking a lot today?" he chuckled.

"Oppa , answer me first." she replied. 

"Hmm . To earn more money for you and our future . And of course , to have a happy life with you forever . What about you baby?" he asked .

"To---to get a newborn baby for you and me . I hope i can do that , that is my dream ." HyeWon looked into Jaejoong eyes. Jaejoong was amused with your answer.

"Wae? Is it...not the time yet?" she added.

"Ani..I just hope that you don't push yourself too much . These things come naturally . Don't keep this thing in mind always and pressure yourself . When it is the time , we will have it . Okay?  " he warned.

"Araso~" she nodded . A message then coming ringing into Jaejoong's phone . Jaejoong checked his message when he stopped the car for the traffic light .

"Ahh, is it a message from another woman?" she teased in a joking manner .

"Yah . Ani ~Junsu is asking me out tonight for a drink . "Jaejoong said while looking at the message thoroughly.

"Then..are you going?" she asked .

"No ~ I am going to accompany you tonight." he said .

"Go oppa . Dont because of me then you are not going . I dont want you and your friends to stop contacting each other just because of me . " Hye Won smiled.

"Pabo . Staying and accompany my wife is my responsibility . How can i go and leave you alone in the house? Sorry , i can't do that." Jaejoong said.

"I am going over to omma's house tonight . You can fetch me go and later go meet up with your friends ." she voiced.

"Stop forcing me to go . I told you i won't go." Jaejoong said . Hye Won then silent up and stayed still .

"Araso..Mianhae . Are you sure you will be alright if i go? " he asked again .

"Yes oppa , i will wait for you at omma's home tonight . Okay?" you muttered.

"Okay." Jaejoong nodded and they finally reached HyeWon's office . Its time to let her go for work so Jaejoong waved her goodbye . "See you later, oppa." Hye Won waved and walked into the office .


After work , Jaejoong packed his bag and took his car keys .

"Bye !" Jaejoong waved to his colleagues before moving out . He receives a call before he enters the lift .

-'Call from HyeWonnie ~'-

"Hey baby , whats up?" he answered .

"Oppa ! I am heading to omma's home now , you can go straight and meet your friends !" HyeWon said .

"Mw-mwoh? Where are you now?" he asked .

"In the taxi " HyeWon said.

"Yah i am really angry right now . Didn't I told you that i will fetch you?And you agreed with that." Jaejoong said angrily.

"Ani , omma called me suddenly and asked me to head to home now . I can't wait for you to come oppa . Are you really angry?" she replied , in a puppy voice hoping Jaejoong will forgive her for doing so.

"One more time and i will not tolerate this anymore . Do you know how dangerous is it for you to take taxi alone? Its not like your husband does not have a car ." Jaejoong said.

"Yeh yeh..mianhae oppa . I am reaching soon , see you tonight ! " she said and ended the phone call.

"Aish." Jaejoong mumbled to himself and entered the lift as soon it reached.


"Hey Jaejoong hyung! " Junsu waved his hands dismissively as soon as he saw Jaejoong reaching and walking towards him.

"Yah Junsu !" Jaejoong smiled and hugged him tightly.

"You have got so much skinnier ! How are you? Oh ~and you are married ! I almost forgot that." Junsu muttered when he saw Jaejoong's ring .

"Really? I didnt noticed that . How are you then?" Jaejoong sat down .

"You must be busy taking care of your wife. Introduce her to me one day ! I am good , still the same Junsu." he chuckled.

"Ah sounds good . We should meet up one day . Anyway , have you settled down -- a marriage or a family?" Jaejoong asked and drank some soju.

"Me? Still not ready for marriage . Actually i was shocked when you said you are getting married ...because we used to have so much fun together . Its been like...3 years ever since we met isn't it?" he said while wondering back the past.

"Yah i am already 28 years old now . You know how pressure it is when the parents rushed you to get married . And Hye Won is really a nice girl ." Jaejoong smiled.

"Aigoo , look at your smile. So her name is Hye Won? I really trust that when a person get married , he/she tends to get mature .  Is she really that good? I want to meet her badly. When you both are going to born a cute baby then?" Junsu chuckled.

"Ah ..that . We will leave it to fate ." Jaejoong laughed.

"But if i am not mistaken...i remember you said that you don't really like kids or babies . Or am i wrong? " Junsu questioned out of his curiosity.

"You still remember that." Jaejoong hummed and nodded in acknowledgement.

"And what is HyeWon's thought about it? She agrees it too?" Junsu asked .

"I did not told her my opinion though." Jaejoong frowned.

"Wae? She might not know what you think then."  Its true . Hye Won does not know what Jaejoong thinks at all . He doesn't blame her , she is just as innocent , pure and simply who wants to born a baby for the family and for him , himself. That is what Jaejoong likes about her afterall . However, maybe because of her simpleness houghts of life, raising a baby isnt as easy as what she think . Jaejoong is not worried about money nor HyeWon at all , he is just thinking that its too fast . His career and all , are still at peak which hasn't reaches its destination . Whatever it is , Jaejoong will not hurt Hye Won . He will just let her do what she wants . 

"Maybe when it comes , my thoughts will change." Jaejoong replied.

"Anyway it has not come yet . I shouldn't have think that much , mianhae ! Come on , cheers!" Junsu said and raised his soju bottle high .

"Yah , are you still working in that company ? I heard that the ongoing finance there ain't that good nowadays..." Junsu asked.

"Yeah , i should start searching some new careers online . I thought that it will bring me a good future , who knows the company is not even stable yet ." Jaejoong sighed.

"Hyung, if you don't mind you can come over to my company and work. We are in need of talented people like you . I am pretty sure you will like the job." he said.

"Shinja? What? You opened a company?" Jaejoong straightened up and hissed in disbelief.

"Ah mianhae , its not my company but indeed we are hiring some people . You should try it out." Junsu said.

"And its salary will be high too . Just a few things that you need to keep in mind . Your boss , which is mine too , is a woman and she is kind of unpredictable . She is single and she can be really weird sometimes . But she is really pretty ! I wonder why is she still single . Oh an--and you need to be there anytime she calls . You can just come for the interview ! Trying wont lose anything." Junsu said.

"A single and yet pretty girl? I am pretty sure that Hye Won doesn't like it . I don't wanna make her feel worried and--" he commented with a soft smile.

"Yah , i am also sure HyeWon wants you to have a good future . Just go for the interview , or you want to discuss with her. Your choice . " Junsu smiled and cheered with soju bottle again .

"Its already 11 pm? I have to go Junsu ah." Jaejoong stood up and grabbed his car keys.

"Eh , be home safely , your lovely wife is waiting for you ." Junsu smiled and waved goodbye.


"Omma!! Appa!!" she shouted as soon as she reached her home , the place where she stayed before she got married to Jae.

"Aigoo , Hyewon-nie." both of the parents hugged her tightly as if they never seen each other of years .

"Why are you here alone? Where is Jaejoongie?" her omma asked while looking around .

"Dont need to look around , omma . He isn't here. He has a meeting with a friend." Hye Won smiled and walked into the living room.

"You came here alone? Yah what husband is he ----" the appa voiced.

"Appa , i said , he has meeting with friends . I am the one that say i am coming here by myself ." she smiled and wrapped her hands around appa's neck.

"Araso , you will help him always." appa shakes his head.

"Of course! He is my husband after all . " she smiled.

"Aigoo look at our daughter , she had changed so much after she married." omma whispered to appa while you were walking towards the kitchen to find your little brother.

After a few hours of sitting down and spending some quality time with the family , the doorbell came ringing.

"Annyeong appa , omma." Jaejoong greeted when WonBin , your little brother went to open the door.

"No hello for me?" Won Bin sulked.

"Yah , you are already 7 years old and you are still acting like this ? Aigoo!" HyeWon carried him easily and tickled his stomach.

"Why would i forget you , you are just exactly like your sister that likes to show sulky face." Jaejoong chuckled and kissed your forehead.

"You have finished meeting with your friend? It is still early." Hye Won smiled.

"Yes chagiya . It isn't early anymore , we should head back home now . " Jaejoong said and pinched her nose lightly.

"I cant see anything ~~~" WonBin closed his eyes and walked away.

"You guys are heading back home now ?" appa asked.

"Yeh appa-nim." Jaejoong said. Omma then walked into the kitchen and grab a few boxes of kimchi out .

"Ommo-nim .." Jaejoong glanced at the boxes of kimchi . 

"Omma , thats way too much . We cant finish the kimchi ." Hye Won said.

"Aigoo , its consider very little Hye Won ahh. Feed Jaejoong till he is full . Look at him , he is getting skinnier just to take care of you this blur little girl . He likes kimchi the best , don't you know? " omma said.

"Ommo-nim , mianhae , that I did not come often to visit you and appa . I promise to eat more and stay healthy ." Jaejoong smiled and hugged omma .

"Omma , i know he likes kimchi . I am trying very hard to cook something delicious for him . " she sighed.

"Pabo , everything you cook is good enough ." Jaejoong held your hands . His pair of warm hands that fits her small sized hand perfectly... 



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hey guys ! "Without Me" is back!


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starqueen #1
Chapter 3: both of them are really stubborn. ughh~~
anyways, thanks for the update. :)
and update soon!! :D
your story is so interesting~ i wonder what happen to ....?
is she suffer from any disease or she got problem with her pregnant? you make me wonder..looking forward the next chapter...update soon ^^
purpleandpink #3
Chapter 1: Omo! After reading your foreword it made me hooked up with the story! Kyaahhhh!!! I love the first chap!!! :))))
Hope you update soon! ^^
hana231289 #4
Update soon!!!