~ There's no escape ~

~ Manipulated by you ~

Are you Xiau.lulu? [the familiar voice said and Seolhyun quivered her eyebrows at his sudden question]

Seolhyun: [to herself] Why would he ask for my nickname? O.o 

Lauren: I.. What? Xiau.lulu? What's that?

Seolhyun decided to watch closly. She ducked to the side, so only her eye was showing to take a look at what was going on.. Seems like all of them were dumbfounded, lost. They didn't know how to communicate with the other. Lauren's chinese wasn't that good, nor her korean. And Luhan and Lay surely didn't know how to say anything in english but "Hello, My name is _____, nice to meet you!" "Thank you" "Sorry" and the most important "I love you". Great~ 

But the greatest thing was that Seolhyun could understand all 3 languages.

Lay: What did she say?

Luhan: I don't know.. Something with the nickname.. It must be her. [he said to Lay without looking at Lauren] 

Lauren: I'm Lauren.. Who's Xiau.lulu?

Luhan: You are! [he blurted pointing at her]

Lauren: What? oh god I don't understand a thing. [she touched her temples, then catched her breath. Maybe she could try it with broken chinese?] Okay.. Ummm.. Xiau.lulu.. Not I am.. Eeeh... I'm Lauren.. I not... Aaah what was "know" in chinese [she thought hard] AAH right! I not know.. Xiau.lulu.. [she said with confidence ans eyed both of them. Luhan and Lay looked at each other in confuion, then looked at her again. Lauren started to wonder if she had pronounced a word wrong and said a bad word instead?.. She didn't really know]

Luhan: Xiau.lulu.. You! 

Lauren: What Xiau.lulu?? What is that? I don't get a thing.. 

Lay: Gege. It's impossible.. She doesn't even speak chinese well.. And the fan fiction is in chinese! [he looked at Lauren who seemed to be a bit awkward because of this situation]

Luhan: No! She's just playing dumb, she's pretending that she's not Xiau.lulu so she can get away with it. Well I've devulged her plan, and it won't work on me! [he beamed in anger at Lay]

Lay sighed and stared at the ground, he knew that he couldn't convince Luhan that this girl with the cute impressions has nothing to do with it.. For god's sake she doesn't even look chinese.. It could be true that she's faking that she can't speak chinese, but it didn't seem like it's like that in her case. You can tell from a person's look in his\her eyes. Lay was somehow embarrassed, and felt sorry for the girl who was forced to deal with a short-tempered Luhan... It's weird though, Luhan isn't the type who gets withdrawn with his feelings immediately, he always thinks by himself.. If he gets angry he doesn't show it, he hides it and retreats to an empty place where no one is found and just tries to think clearly about everything. Unlike now, he was calm and.. And rational.

Recently Luhan has been having a lot of anger issues. He gets mad easily, even if it is just a silly thing like "changing the place of something he had put somewhere on the table earlier". He also became very emotional. There was once, where Xiumin told Lay that he saw Luhan crying in his room while looking out the window, but when he asked him why he was crying he didn't say a thing, he just motioned him to go and that he wanted to be left alone. Did Luhan change? Or was it just because he was having a hard time lately? Well let me tell you something: People don't change, they just get emotionaly crushed when they face certain problems. I mean everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were, or maybe change for a while. In Luhan's case it wa still unclear. You can judge by yourself. 

Lauren peered at Luhan, she seemed a bit upset or maybe annoyed that Luhan keeps saying that she's Xiau.lulu; whoever that is. Well, I guess we humanbeings always hold onto the bits of hope that is given to us. We grab onto it, and don't want to believe anything else just because we're desperate to finaly find a solution to all our problems. We surely know that we might discover other solutions, but the hope of walking down a road that leads us a "solution" blinds us. Like we're wearing a blinder and we can't look right and left, we still focused on one thing but no other. Luhan held onto the that weak glim that was making its way to him. It must be Lauren who's writing that fanfiction! he heard her screaming his name a while ago when he was thinking about what to do next. It was her, wasn't it?

Luhan: You.. You screamed my name out loud when I was in the main entrance of the building [he said in a calm yet persuaded tone that it was her who called for him]

Lauren: I.. what?.. [she scratched her haid and then lost her mind] Yah! Seolhyun come out this instance!! [she beamed with a hectic tone]

Luhan raised a brow as he heard the name Seolhyun being mentioned.. How many Seolhyuns are there in Beijing? Is it the same Seolhyun he knows? Who's a good friend of his cousin, and a big fan of him.. The same Seolhyun whom he was lost in her dark eyes, and stood up for him earlier this night? The mysterious girl named "Seolhyun" didn't appear despite Lauren's grumpy tone. Lay stayed calm, watching Luhan's sudden change of attitude, he didn't seem like he was about to barge in and destroy her laptop by smashing it on the floor and step on it; like he said to Lay while they were heading to the "devilish girl's house"; as Luhan described it. He was calm, almost given up of that intense feeling of attacking with his words, his facial features softened.

Lauren let out a heavy breath and excused herslef to both of the guys, and turned around and started to pull on something from behind the wall murmuring words Luhan could only understand some of them.

Lauren: Come on! [she hissed as her face expressions turned grunt while pulling hard. A hand was revealed, also another hiss - that seemed familiar - trailed its way to Luhan's ears]

A sudden sound of flounder could be heard, followed by a growl. The one and only Seolhyun stepped to the front, awkwardly smiling to the ground, not even daring to take a clearer look at both of the handsome guys who were actually standing by the door. She always imagined a similar situation like this, having her bias by the front door and hug him and what so ever. It was too good to be true, only that Luhan didn't come here to get a bit intimate with Seolhyun.

Luhan: Seolhyun...???? [he breathed fast, demanding for an explaination. Why is she living here? Is she Xiau.lulu? Was she stalking him because it was definit that what she was writing in her fan fiction comes true? Too many question that were spinning in his head, yet he didn't take his eyes off of her]

Seolhyun tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and pressed her lips together, and then finally dared to look at him.

Seolhyun: I... [she bit on her lower lip holding her tears back.. She didn't know why she suddenly felt so emotional. Seolhyun isn't the type of girls that cries easily if she's in a situation where all eyes are on her because of something she has done. But what can I say.. Eventually, there has to be a breakdown] I.. I can explain [she managed to say with a shaking voice]

Luhan: Are you Xiau.lulu? [he asked fiercely]

Seolhyun: [peered at him and choked on her tears. She wasn't able to utter a simple "yes"]

Luhan: Are you?! [he asked in a high-pitched provoking tone, and Lay whispered a "easy Luhan.. Easy on her"]

Seolhyun kept staring at the ground, she avoided direct eye contact. It was hard to endure this pain in her chest. She breathed heavily as she felt the hot tears start to accumulate. Mus.Not.Cry, Must.Not.Cry [her tears threatened to stroll] . A single tear slid down from her warm, butterscotch eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down her cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that has been held inside of her, but still she did not make a sound. She knew that this wouldn't make things easier, crying won't solve a thing.. She would only put herself in an awkward position of silence. Something got her thinking: Would it be better if she racked her body with noisy sobs and let the everyone in this room know of her pain, or if she slowly released her emotion within herself with silent tears? She wasn't sure. 

All she knew that she couldn't grab a hold of her stream of tears, and that the 3 pairs of shocked eyes were peering at her. Lauren hurried to her direction with the intention of making her calm down in some way, but when she laid a finger on her, Seolhyun slapped her hand away, and stormed out, rushing to her room, leaving the 3 people behind. Silence occurred the room, and everyone was just staring blankly at their feet. It's the first time Lay actually finds out that the second toe is taller than the big one! He somewhere heard that these kind of feets are called greek feets? but he wasn't sure himself. He raised his head only to meet Lauren's sweet gaze. She's pretty~

He found himself smiling at her. She has a cute smile~

He eventually lowered his gaze to avoid more embarrassing moments between the both of them. Would she understand him if he said she was cute in chinese?

Luhan could hear a sudden gasp for air from one of the rooms. Lauren opened her eyes widely in shock and looked around the room all of them were gathered in, trying to analyze what that sound could be or from whom it was coming from, as if she was lost in the "world of thinking". Then it hit her, she touched her chest, longing for her heart, feeling every beat. And hurled to one of the rooms in horror while scolding herself in awareness of forgetting about her friend. 

Lauren: Oh my goodness, Seolhyun! [she tiptoed swiftly as she reached the room. She then realized that she hasn't ask the two guys to come in. She turned her head to their direction and bowed her head as an apology and motioned them to come in, then disappered from their sight, entering the room]

She actually didn't expect to see this.. Seolhyun was laying accross her bed, her face hidden, sobbing and crying her heart out. Lauren aproached her carefuly, and sat on the bed, laying her hand softly on her back as a comfort. Diverse shrugs were clear to Lauren's vision. No one knew the exact reason why Seolhyun bursted into tears. Maybe pressure? Weakness or maybe she cried to run away from the responsibility to carry all this on her weak shoulders?

She wept, the salt of her life soaking the pillow below, hot torrents of grief coursing out her eyes like the breaking of a dam, mingling with the uncomfortable softness of the sheets, her racking sobs shaking her thoroughly with the knowledge that she had seen this coming some day, having a breakdown, but what bothered her more was that she collapsed in front of him. She showed him how weak she actually is inside, when she plays strong and independent in the outside. He probably finds her pathetic, and pitties her for not having the guts to face him like she usually does. Gasping for air, she turned her head and sobbed some more. She seemed to get calmer, she just needs some attention and someone who shows her that he's here for her, caring for her, and loving. Someone like Lauren~

Seolhyun stayed on the bed, messy strands of her hair were partly covering her eyes, and although her vision was a bit blurry, but she could define a figure standing by the door. She turned her head to the other direction, suppressing her tears, biting on her lower lip as Lauren her hair gently. 

Should he step forward and tell her not to cry? Would it sound awkward? He glanced over to Lauren who glared back in silence, his bleak eyes pleading for permission to come in.

Lauren bit on her lower lip, thinking if Seolhyun might not like any disturbance. She glaned over her, and she knew that Seolhyun sensed his presence.

Lauren: Come in [she said with a low tone and gave Seolhyun her whole attention once more]

Behind Luhan's physical appearance stood Lay with a lost expression on his face. "Typical Lay" Thought  Lauren to herself and smiled in unawareness, seeing Lay approaching them. Seolhyun's grip tightened on the bed sheet when she felt someone plopping down on the bed. Why does he have to be in here when she's in this messy state?! She didn't want to look him in the eye, nor say a thing.. The silence ruled for a while until Lauren decided to put an end to this. 

Lauren: Should I leave you two alone? 

Seolhyun: NO! [she hissed after turning her head to her direction, forgetting that she didn't want Luhan to take a glimpse of her face, she sniffed and then turned her head to face the other side again]

Luhan felt unwelcomed in this room, he could sense from her fierce tone that she was irritated by his presence. Despite that he felt that he had to make things right again, even though she's the one who caused him trouble all along, but she stays a girl behind that devilish attitude of hers.

Luhan: I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to sound so cruel. I'm not usually like this.. I just want some explainations. W-Why me?.. Why are you taking control of me? Why are you writing this story about me where I have an accident and faint?! [he intensified each word he said] Why would someone do such a thing to another person? And how do you do this? I mean.. Are you a sorcerer, a magician.. Do you have a special gift given from god?

Several sniffs could be heard before Seolhyun decided to sit up and stare at her lap, wiping her glistening tears with her warm slender fingers. She took a deep breath and peaked a look every once in a while at Luhan with her red eyes. 

Seolhyun: Could you give me a few seconds alone? I'll meet you in the living room in a while. [she sniffed one last sniff while fiddling with her fingers]

Luhan: S-Sure.. umm [he got up and hit Lay's arm once] Come on.

Soon as they left the room, Lauren gave Seolhyun her whole attention. 

Lauren: Heyyyyy.. Are you alright? [she pouted her lips and her back]

Seolhyun: [she rested her head on her right arm after turning to her right side] Yeah.. [she uttered weakly, then released a shaky breath] Can you leave me alone for a second? I need to gather myself up and prepare to hold still in front of him. 

Lauren: S-Sure.. Are you sure you'll be alright? 

Seolhyun: Yes. 

Lauren: Alright [she got up and ran slightly to the bathroom humming a song] 

Seolhyun: What are you doing? [furrowing her brows as she heard something rattle in the bathroom]

Lauren: Just applying some make up [she said cheerful]

Seolhyun: Aigoo that girl.. [she smiled and sat up running her fingers through her hair]

Lauren suddenly came out and checked her clothes, then looked at Seolhyun.

Lauren: Do I look weird?

Seolhyun: No not at all [she said with a tired tone. She was probably defeated with all the crying. She smiled weakly]

Lauren: Okay, I'll go ahead then.. Don't take too long in here, alright? 

Seolhyun nodded and stared at the ground releasing a deep breath. Lauren left the room. Seolhyun could hear Lauren's excited tone even though she was trying to act cool and hide her cheerfulness. She got up and headed to the bathroom and stared at her face in the mirror. How is she going to tell him? How is she going to convince him that she's the girl he used to play with? Will he believe her? She shook those thoughts off and splashed the cold running water on her face, put her arms on the sides of the sink and analyzed her facial features once more in the mirror. Watching the tiny water drops plop down from her face into the sink. It's the beginning of August, and Seolhyun could already feel that this month has come with his heart-touching greating and a welcoming hot embrace. The sudden waves of heat were unbearable, so she freshened her neck with the cold water, and didn't bother to let it dry it completely. She fixed her hair and headed to the kitchen to drink some water. Surprisingly she found them there.

The people around the kitchen table went silent when they saw the strong appearance of Seolhyun in front of them. She took a seat and sat accross from Luhan and fiddled her fingers, resting her elbows on the table.

Lauren: Tea? 

Seolhyun: No. [she took a deep breath and looked at Luhan with those dark eyes of hers. The look wasn't different from how she looked at him in the ladies room.] About your questions... I believe you deserve an answer to each one of them. 

She exhaled once more, her lower lip was shaking a bit. she pressed on it with her upper lip and lowered her head, closing her eyes. There's definitely no backing off now. slowly, she opened her eyes again to meet 3 pairs of eyes peering at her with curiousity. Is it that obvious that she didn't really know the order of Luhan's questions he asked earlier? What were the questions again?.. Somehow she couldn't focus and replay the scene in her head. 

The 3 pairs of eyes were still fixed on her. Somehow they didn't even seem to blink! Maybe she should poke them to make sure that they're real and not some plastic ones like those puppets. Well at least the plastic ones waggle if you simply touch it. No, she won't poke, don't worry.

Seolhyun: I will start from the day I decided to write the fan fiction. [she took a deep breath and started off] To be honest. I didn't want to start writing. And I didn't know that it will have such an effect on you. I didn't mean to change anything in your life, and I surely didn't want to- [she stopped, realizing that she's already explaining and giving him excuses. Maybe she should start with the bad part and then sweeten the bitter? She started off again and changed the preamble] Can I start over? 

Luhan: [shrugged] This is not a presentation Seolhyun, I just want everything to be clear.

Seolhyun: It's true.. I am the girl who writes the fan fiction  but I didn't know that it had an impact on you... [she paused and then completed her sentence with a low tone] at first. But I didn't start to write with the intention to make a change in your life. That's not what I wanted. [she took a look at Luhan's untouched cup of tea and then proceeded] so, I started to write not knowing that what I write will actually happen to you. Yet not everything I write happens in your life.

Luhan: That's what is confusing me.. You write about the other members talking to me, or having direct actions with me, but somehow they're not affected by your fan fiction. Why is it only me who's being played with?

Seolhyun: I-I'll get to that later.. Just listen up. [Luhan nodded in awareness and took his first sip of his tea] The first time I realized that my fan fiction was having an influance on you wa-

Luhan: A big influence [he corrected and Seolhyun snapped out]

Seolhyun: Would you just let me finish? You said you wanted answers, so stop giving stupid comments and let me explain what needs to be explained! [she said in a sharp tone. She never expected herself to get angry at her bias or scold him, but he really started to get on her nerves. From the moment he entered all he did was screaming, or saying stupid things. And Seolhyun can't bare with that not matter who it was. She was even kicked out of class once for arguing with her teacher because he called her "idiot" in front of the whole class. Luhan's surprised expression wasn't that different from her middle school's teacher] I didn't know that the  fan fiction massively changed your life at first, alright? I found it out myself a few weeks ago. Yes, I continued writing after finding out you were partly effected by it, but I had my own reason for it.

Luhan: Which is? meeting your favorite member in EXO and then lock him in a room and do what you wish with him? 

Seolhyun: If I wanted to that I would have done this a long time ago.. [she sank in her seat and glared at Luhan] In the ladies room for instance. I could have convinced the big woman to knock you out and then I could take you home and do what I wanted to you. [she gave him a creepy look] unfortunately, I'm not that kind of an obsessed fan. 

Luhan: Unfortunately! [he hissed a laugh and shook his head]

Lay: Wait.. She was the girl you were telling me about? Mrs. Bubbles?

Seolhyun: You gave me a name? [she furrowed her brows at Luhan]

Lay: It's cute right? [he chuckled]

Luhan: Yixing, shut up. [he avoided direct eye contact with Seolhyun and then dared to ask a question] You said that it "partly" effects my life [he looked her straight in the eyes] What do you mean by that?

Seolhyun: I can only control some actions, I can't control what you say or where you travel to. If you happened to be in a place I wrote about, by coincidence, then all the actions you did in my fan fiction, will be represented by you.

Luhan: So you can't actually... pick the actions you want me to do?

Seolhyun: I can.. If I write them in my fan fiction and you happened to-

Luhan: Alright, alright.. I get the coincidence part thing.. What I don't understand is.... Why? and how?

Seolhyun: Why.. [she held her breath and looked blankly at the table] That's the question I was afraid of to be honest. [she tipped her fingers on the table and then made direct eye-contact with Luhan] Okay.. Listen to me well. This might sound weird, I was shocked as well when I found out that it was true. But I can proof why it is you who's effected and no one else but you.


Luhan: [he took his eyes off his cup of tea and furrowed his brows at Seolhyun] Now this is... A bit confusing.

Lay: Just let her finish.

Seolhyun: I am.. [her hands started to shake, and she glared at the floor. She shifted nervously in her chair, her hands intertwined with each other repeatedly as she fidgeted with them, her heart racing and she could feel her cheeks getting hot. she gripped her skirt tightly with sweaty hands as she tried to breathe slowly and tell herself that everything will be alright and that she shouldn't worry about anything] I am Seolhyun.. K-Kim Seolhyun [she peered at him with dark, fearful eyes]

Luhan: Nice to meet you Kim Seolhyun [he chuckled not getting what she's trying to say, eyeing everyone in this room, flashing a wide smile at them. When his eyes finally landed on Seolhyun, he put on his serious expression again and cleared his throat] I don't get it.. I know that you're Seolhyun.

Seolhyun: But I'm THE Seolhyun.. [her eyes flashed at him] The Kim Seolhyun that used to play with you when you were a little boy. [Luhan didn't even let her finish, he stood up, stepped back and held his hands in the air freaking out] The Kim Seolhyun that you gave a-

Luhan: Woaw woaw woaw.. Wait. [he held his palm in front of her face and laughed out of nervousness] Now that... is a bit.. Funny. Where did you get these kind of information? Did someone spread this on the internet? What other nonsense did you read?! That I still have contact to her? [he blurted out of anger at her only to see Seolhyun returning his anger with a choleric one] 

Lay: Luhan, just stay quiet. Let her finish what she wants to say.

Seolhyun looked at Lay for a few seconds and then eyed Luhan and straightened her back, giving herself another shot to explain.

Seolhyun: Sit down please.. [she finally got herself together and was the one who had everything wrapped around her finger, she looked at Lauren and spoke to her in english] Lauren could you bring me the necklace?

Luhan and Lay watched Lauren's figure walking out of the kitchen. Seolhyun intertwined her fingers with each other once more, but this time it wasn't out of tenseness, but out of vigor. Luhan's physical appearance was surely here, but his mind was somewhere else.

Seolhyun: Everything alright?

Luhan looked up at her and simply nodded without uttering a word.

Seolhyun: I know that this seems hard to believe. I was shocked too when I found out that it was you. I've been where you are now. [she pointed at herself and seeking for his eyes] But I have a proof! Do you remember when you almost had a car accident? The man who saved you, didn't he look familiar?

Luhan: Are you trying to say that the man who saved me -who is coincidently your father as I assume- is the same man who used to live next to our apartment when I was a kid?

Seolhyun's heart was torn apart. She didn't expect him to believe immediately, but at least he could have tried to deny what she's telling him in a more suitable way. She felt that he was making fun of her, or trying to show her that she's crazy. She looked to the side, watching the door, waiting for the moment Lauren would come back with the necklace in her hand. Things will be clearer if she had the tactile evidence in her hands.

Luhan: I.. I'm sorry. [he found himself apologizing for some reason]

Seolhyun looked at him for a nano second and simply nodded in return. Lauren came back with the necklace, and gave it to Seolhyun, then returned to her seat. Although she didn't get everything what was being said. But she wanted to be there for many reasons. And I bet you know that Lay was one of them. 

Seolhyun watched Luhan's expression turning stun when she placed the necklace on the table in front of him. His face became as white as chalk, his lips were trembling like a candle in the wind and his voice? his throat was so dry as if he had climbed a high mountain in one breath. He could barely make a sound, but when he finally could, it sounded like an unpleasent breeze, it was harsh, it was hollow..

Luhan: How did you... Where? [he gaped with round eyes at her]

Lay: Hey, Luhan. Isn't that the same necklace that... You.. Have [he touched his lower lip and peeped at Seolhyun in astonishment] Oh my god. You are THE Seolhyun. 

Luhan: Are you... Are you really Kim Seolhyun?

Seolhyun nodded slowly at him and pressed her lips together.

Seolhyun: I still have it [she chuckled awkwardly]

Lay: C-can I ask something?

Seolhyun: Yes?

Lay: How.. Does that have to do anything with the fan fiction and the controling thing? I mean.. Is it a coincidence that you are the one who did all that to him, or.. I don't know.. Fate? There has to be a reason to all of this. 

Seolhyun: [released a heavy breath and fiddled with her fingers] Shock number two. It's the necklace.

Luhan: What do you mean it's the necklace? The necklace brought us together? [he looked at her sarcastically]

Seolhyun: As weird as it sounds, yes.

Luhan: [laughs and sits back] Okay now this is a bit too much. First you tell me you're Seolhyun and then you tell me that the necklace is somehow magical?

Seolhyun: Weren't you the one who told me that it our minds will always be connected if we always wore it?

Lay: Uuuh. Some old stories showing up~ [he grinned]

Luhan: I was a kid! I was dumb!

Seolhyun: Well, do you have any other explainations for everything?.. I mean you have grown up now. You became smarter.

Luhan: Don't try to convince me to believe this nonsense.

Seolhyun: It's not a nonsense. It is true. Everytime you only get effected by my story if you wear your necklace.

Luhan: How did you find out about that, smart head?

Seolhyun: I went to a shop, and the old woman told me that it has special powers.

Luhan: Special powers you say?

Seolhyun: Yes, the white one is for protection, and the black one is for manipulation.

Luhan: The white one is for protection? [he had a vision where he saw that the white gemstone was glowing when he almost had this accident that day her father saved him] So it was the white gemstone that protected me?.. [he uttered in a low tone to himself]

Seolhyun: What?

Luhan: Nothing! You can't convince me to believe this! [he said out loud as if he is reminded himself not to be that naive to believe what she's saying] 

Seolhyun: Fine.. Then how did you come here?

Luhan: On my feet... With Yixing.. In the dark.. We were scared..

Seolhyun: Enough nonsense [she chuckled and showed him her palm] Come on. Show me the necklace.

Luhan: [his face expressions turned serious] Wh-What...... I don't have it with me. 

Seolhyun: What do you mean you don't have it with you, how did you come here then?

Luhan: [looked at Yixing in confusion, then back at Seolhyun] I told you. I came here walking.

Seolhyun: But I.. I wrote that you came to this apartment in my chapter, and if you're here now, then it means that you were wearing the necklace, because otherwise there's no way you came here by your own.. Which leads me to ask you, how on earth did you find out where I live?

Luhan: [gulped] I'm the one who asks the questions here!

Seolhyun: [hissed a laugh and looked at Lauren] Can you believe this? [she pointed at Luhan for a second and Lauren shrugged with her shoulders not understanding anything. She then turned to face him again] I have the right to ask you that, it's our apartment. The place we both live in.. Were you stalking me?

Luhan: Ah! NO! Furtunately I respect people's privacy. Stalking people would be something a fan like you would do!

Lay: O____O  [looking anywhere but at Seolhyun. He was around her enough to realize what kind of short-tempered person she is]

Seolhyun: [hissed at him and stood up] Seriously, I never expected myself to say this to you, but you are the most idiotic jerk I've ever met. Get out!

Luhan: Excuse me?! [his lips were apart, and his eyes widely open. Clearly under shock! Did he hear her right? Was she kicking him out?]

Seolhyun: I'm asking you to leave! [she glared at Luhan, and then looked at Lay and he flinched in his seat. He never saw a woman getting this angry in front of him. She tried to sound as soft as possible] Yixing oppa, I'm sorry for my behaviour, but I can't act normally in front of him [she nodded towards Luhan, then quickly looked away]

Lay: It's okay. [he stood up and fixed his shirt]

Seolhyun: Good night gentlemen. [she walked to the door and then stood there. She swiftly turned around and said one last thing.] That's what a fan like me would do if a moronic idol like you treated me bad. [she then walked out of the kitchen, turning left when reaching the corridor]

Luhan: wait [he fastened his hands on the table and shot off, his hands assisting to push him up. Soon enough a crack could be heard, the cup of tea shook and dropped down. The hot liquid flowing on his hand, trailing its way down, dripping flexibly and finally dropping in intersecting intervals from the table's edge. At all happened so quickly. How could he be so clumsy and accidently hit his pelvis on the table while getting up?] Tāmāaaaaaaaaaaaaade (Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit xD) [he squeezed his eyes shut and waved with his hand, shaking the burning liquor off his hand, hopping like a bunny whining in pain] damn it!

Lauren and Lay hurried up to him, she didn't really know what to do or how to react. She just stood next to him screaming in panic "Oh my god , oh my god" repeatedly. Only god knows what would hae happened to Luhan if Lay wasn't around. Lay grabbed Luhan by his arm and told him to calm down, then he asked for the bathroom. "Bathroom.. Bathroom! ermmmmmm. Right. Right! turn right!" She blurted in delirium. 

Lay reached the corridor and then turned right as Lauren said. After a few minutes he came back with a mild expression on his face. Lauren's worried expression pleaded for cheerful news. Lay aproached the table and took his cup of tea and finished drinking it. He looked at her, smiling his usual irresistable dimple smile. Lauren couldn't help but to smile back and blush. 

Lay: He's alright. umm.. This might sound stupid, but.. Do you have any baggy shirts? Because Luhan spilled some tea on his shirt, and it's a bit sticky, so he needs one. [he scratched the back of his neck flashing an eye-smile]

Lauren was a bit confused about what he was saying, but she could understand somthing with "Shirt, Luhan, tea" So she did as she understood from the sentence. She went to the bedroom and searched for her baggy shirt that doesn't look that feminine, although she thinks that most of the things that the EXO members wear when they're out, doesn't seem that manly to her, but whatever. Seolhyun wasn't in the bedroom, perhaps she was on the balcony? no one really knew, and Lauren didn't have the time to check where she was. She had to take care of a burning man!!

Lauren came back to the kitchen and handed Lay her baggy shirt. She then did the rest from what she has been told, and poured Lay another cup of tea. Lay furrowed his brows while walking to the kitchen door. Why would she serve him more tea when Seolhyun told them to leave a few minutes ago? He didn't put much effort on thinking for a reason why she did that. Instead he rushed to the bathroom where Luhan was waiting. He knocked on the door and gave him the T-shirt and went back to the kitchen. Once again there was silence between him and Lauren - the girl that obviously seemed to be head over heals for him. He sat on the table again, and she sat across him and shifted the cup to him, sending him a look that is asking him to drink.

Lay raised his brows in surprise and didn't want to cause her any embarrasment and gladly sipped on his second cup of tea, hoping that he won't spend the rest of the night coming in and out of the toilet.

Lauren watched him taking his first sip, then she looked away realizing that it's embarrassing for him and herself. She rested her chin on her hand and pouted her lips. "Maybe I should offer him some snacks?"  She thought to herself and immediately got up and searched in the cupboard for some snacks. She sighed a sigh of relief while taking the chips out of the cupboard. "good thing I didn't eat them while watching my favorite chinese drama" she chuckled by herself as she returned to her seat with a bowl of chips. He glanced over to her, and then back at the bowl. Are they going to stay now or are they leaving? No one was sure about that.

Lauren glanced up at Lay who was munching on a chip he had picked earlier. She tried to remember the vocabulary of lesson number 21; Asking someone to stay for dinner.  

She tried her best to remember, yet couldn't come up with more than "Would you like" and "Please sit down" - if the wanted person accepted your offer, and other simple words. Lay cleared his throat out loud, gaining Lauren's attention.

Lay: Cèsuǒ? (Toilet?) [he simply asked]

Lauren: Right. Next to the bathroom. [she answered, proud of herself for saying a complete sentence without any mistakes] 

It didn't take long till Lay disappeared. Too much tea i guess, it's starting to show its effect XP

Suddenly another person appeared. Seems like the kitchen became some sort of a gathering center? Seolhyun's harsh expression hasn't seem to change since she left the kitchen earlier. She walked over to the sink and poured herself a glass of water and drank it in one gulp. After that she turned to Lauren to ask.

Seolhyun: Where's my cleansing cream that I've put on the table yesterday? [she crossed her arms in front of her chest and gave Lauren a piercing look]

Lauren: Oh. I've put it in the medicine cabit in the bathroom. Don't you always put it there?

Seolhyun placed the empty glass on the table and stormed out of the kitchen without saying a single word. Those odd days are back when she answers in a sharp tone, or simply doesn't say anything and just talks with her dark, full-of-hate eyes.

Lauren sighed, already feeling annoyed by her attitude.

Lauren: Not answering is also an answer.. [she uttered to herself in annoyance. Then, all her actions were interupted by an acute shriek coming from Seolhyun. Oh she knew that voice very well. And she could define that it was a scream of an unexpected thing appearing. Where is she anyway? Bathroom. hmmm, something was alerting her mind that another thing had to do with bathroom other than Seolhyun. Tea.. Lay.. Shirt.. Luhan.. Bathroom] Oh crap! [she rose from her seat and dashed to the bathroom in terror]

As expected. The bathroom door was left open from the accident that Seolhyun caused. Luhan was just pulling down his shirt, reprimanding Seolhyun about being shameless to open the door to peek at him while being shirtless. Seolhyun - as expected - couldn't hold herself back, and started to teach him discipline, telling him to treat a woman like her with respect. Only one word can describe this scene. Chaos!

Their voices started to get louder and louder. Each one of them refusing to give up on this argument. Why on earth do they have to fight about a simple accident none of them planned to happen?!

Lauren: Shut up! [she eyeballed the both of them] Enough!

Luhan: She's the one who barged into the bathroom just to see me half !

Seolhyun: Oh just save those lies to yourself will you? [she growled with an annoyed expression] There's nothing to see anyway.. [she rolled her eyes and looked to the side]

Luhan: [hisses and puts his hands on his waist] Don't take me for a fool and talk in korean as if I won't understand anything.. As a matter of fact, I have abs that I don't like to show to everyone.. Especially not to you.

Seolhyun: Abs? [laughs] Abs.... You? Abs? Yeah sure.. If you say so..

In that very moment Lay walks in, clueless as always. Luhan gawked at him and pointed at him.

Luhan: Yixing! Tell her I have abs!

Lay peaked a look at Seolhyun in confusion, then turned at Luhan again, blinking with his eyes in surprise.

Lay: Why?.....

Luhan: She doubts about their existence. Tell her I have abs!

Lay: If you want to proof they exist, why don't you just simply show her your abs?

Luhan: No.. I won't!

Seolhyun: Okay [she hoots] I'm sorry to turn you down like this, but I'm really tired.. And I want to sleep. So if you would please lea- ["CRUKHHHHH"  A clanking sound could be heard from the sky. What the... A thunderstorm in summer?! Everyone went silent and listened in horror.]

Seolhyun was the first one who made a move. She ran towards the window and held off the curtain to peek out the kitchen's window into the dreary scene. Faint splattering sounds came from outside, hissing as lightning struck the sky. She could see the small droplets of water starting to leave trails as they rolled down the dark glass. A large boom echoed into the far away areas. Seolhyun loved the thrill of a thunderstorm, like some primal instinct coming to tell her to run far away from this mighty storm. This is the nature of things. But a thunderstorm in summer is a different story! 

Lauren started to panic, she rushed to the rooms and started to close the windows and pull the curtains. Her far away nervous warnings were hectic enough to bring Seolhyun to action. 

Lauren: Pull out the plugs from the outlet of every electric device! washing machine, television, chargers, everything. Quickly!

While Seolhyun ran from one room to another, Lay and Luhan started to discuss what they should do now that the thunderstorm has crashed over. There's no guaranty that they will make it safe to the dorm with that kind of weather. No one knows when it will get better.

Luhan sighed and plopped down on the sofa lazily. After discussing with Lay, they came to the conclusion that they had no other choice but to stay here for the night. Great.. Just what Luhan would have wished for.. To stay with a person that he can't even have a normal conversation with.

He tried to not look bothered about that fact. Well at least he's safe, and they are keeping him in their apartment. And thank goodness, Seolhyun isn't that kind of an "obsessed fan". And if she was one, she surely doesn't carry those "love" for him anymore. Not after those harsh agruments had since the moment he walked through that door.

When everything was settled and planned who will sleep where, each one of them wished the other a good night and retreated to their places. Lauren and Seolhyun slept in their room, while Luhan and Lay slept in the living room. Luhan was laying on the sofa, while Lay was mature enough to waiver and let his hyung sleep on the sofa, and decided to rest on the fuzzy rug. And oh yes, it was comfortable.

Luhan and Lay had their usual chat before sleeping time. This time it was about the "The necklace" issue, and everything that had to do with it. He found the girl that caused him trouble, now what? Should he suppress her and force her to stop writing? And if the necklace actually did have super powers, should he destroy it? So many questions, yet neither one of them found a real answer to them. Maybe they were too tired to think about a solution for his dilemma. It didn't take long till Luhan fell asleep. He couldn't even remember what Lay lastly said to him before dozing off. He suddenly found himself awake again. It was still dark in the room, he glanced down. Lay was still in a deep sleep. He sat up, his throat was soar. He glanced a dim light coming from the kitchen. If it wasn't for the flickering light in the distance, he wouldn't have woken up - he thought. He hesitated a lot about getting up. Yet, ended up doing so.

He slowly walked out of the living room, quiet enough so he won't wake Lay up. When he reached the kitchen, he stopped by the door watching those dark eyes that weren't foreign to him. 

He marched in, and stopped near the table where Seolhyun was sitting.

Luhan: Can I have a glass of water? [he asked politely]

Seolhyun: [shrugged with her shoulders] Sure.. Glasses are in the right cupboard.

Luhan stood there for a few seconds. What an extraordinary behaviour.. Asking a guest to serve himself is the last thing Luhan could expect from a "Woman like her". He didn't comment on that, and followed her instructions, and opened the right cupboard, and took a glass out of it. Serving himself as Seolhyun asked him to.

He placed his galss on the table and took a seat accross of Seolhyun. He didn't make direct eye-contact with her, but he could swear that she was glaring at him as if he was disturbing her privacy.

Luhan: Can't sleep? [he took a smal sip of his glass]

Seolhyun didn't seem to have the intention to react, yet eventually she shook her head and fiddled with her fingers glaring at his glass of water he had placed down on the table again.

Luhan: Me neither. 

A moment of silent occupied the room, the empty sound of nothing was kind of terrifying. Usually the sound of the fridge would be kind of distracting, but since there's a thunderstorm there was nothing to be heard but their breaths. When Luhan finished drinking his water, he dared to kill the silence.

Luhan: I'm sorry. [he said, lowing his gaze] For everything..

He looked up to meet Seolhyun's rheumy eyes.


WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! updated faster as usual! 

Well i hope you liked that chapter. 

Aaaand, I have something to say.. Yes it is bad. I will have to focus on studying, and I won't be free to write :\ 

But I will try to write in my free times! I hope you guys understand.

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kaioticangel #1
Chapter 17: OMG OMG I was waiting for this thank you author-nim really thank you
katoko99 #2
Chapter 16: update soon unnie !! ranbir kapoor ♥ hehehehehehehe ! i read ur fanfic in arabic & enlish hehehehehehehe ! fighting !! فااااايتنننغ !!
Chapter 16: yess now luhan realized his real feelingss--- 8D what did mei do omf pls i kind of dislike her now- she just, over acted, you know D8 c ries<///3 AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ENDING THO WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED
Chapter 15: yessssh please luhan is starting to like her right :>
kaioticangel #5
Chapter 15: you're amazing if u won't mind can you please made a pdf for this fanfic I really want to make a book from it to re-read it cause I like your style in writing.
btw do u study literature?
if u do I want u to know that you'll be an amazing author oneday beleive me yours looks more than of fanfic for me and I like it that your chapters are long even if it take u long time to update I'll always wait for u :D

i'm SO GLAD that you make the main chara SEOLHYUN!
its really rare; a fanfiction with aoa members /cries






kaioticangel #7
Chapter 14: OMG!!I like it
one of the reasons that made me love your fanfic it's I can learn chinese LOL but really I'll start learning next week maybe you'll help me :D
waiting for your update no matter how long it'll take...
kaioticangel #8
smart_thing #9
Chapter 12: Oh my... Luhan being a girl... So cute!!
Haha.. New reader here... Update soon!
kaioticangel #10
Chapter 12: I want them to meet already
I can't wait anymore
update soon