~ Xiau.Lulu BUSTED ~

~ Manipulated by you ~

Okay, first of all I would like to apologize for not updating, I had a lot to do I was really really busy and I couldn't use the laptop because it was barely free .)_.) not to mention my leak of ideas. Please understand that I'm trying my best to give you a good and synchorized part. Also it is my first time writing a fantasy fanfiction and it is really giving me a hard time. I have to think a lot, it's hard for me but I will accept the challenge and continue writing because I love my readers. I hope you support me and encourage me to write more ^_^ so ..... Yeah. I hope you understand and I will try to update As soon as possible



Seolhyun: LUHAAAAAN [she screamed from the top of her lungs, waving at him like a desperate starving girl who was lost in an island and saw a plane flying high in the sky] 

Luhan smiled at the crowd, his head hanging down trying to walk and not to step on anyone's foot, hearing all of the girls screaming his name. "Just ignore and walk away " he said to himself and kept looking at the ground while walking to the car. Seolhyun pushed herself with the crowd to the car and screamed his name out loud "LUHAAAN.. I HAVE THE SAME NECKLACE AS YOURS!! LUHAN! LOOK AT ME!" She waved and screamed louder than before. she almost cried when she saw him getting into the car. "NO! NO, NO Don't get into the car!" she cried and followed the car along with the other fans. She pushed herself between the girls and managed it to touch the car. she hit the car's windows with her palms and ran to keep pace with the fast vehicle screaming his name, hoping that he might hear her. The pushing fans didn't make the job any easier. The car drove away after some fans stepped aside in order not to get run over by the car. Seolhyun ran after the car at the beginning, then when she realized that it was embarrassing and that it won't help her at all, she stopped and kneeled catching her breath. She pouted with a dour expresion on her face while watching the car slowly disapearing from her sight. She sighed and walked to the opposite direction she had taken, she arrived the dorm and stood a bit in front of it, gazing at the balcony glancing a slim guy hanging a piece of cloth on the clothesline. Sehun? O.o 

SEHUN-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH [A girl screamed irritatingly and waved jumping and slapping herself, crying] SEHUN OPPA [she whined as Sehun waved sweetly with a cute smile on his face]

AEGYOOOO!! [another girl screamed] AEGYOO!!

And once again the fans screamed stumping with their feets, slapping themselves sheding tears for each other's happiness as Sehun motioned with his clutched fists and swayed his head left and right. He covered his mouth, laughing at the fans' reaction to his fan service, then went inside the dorm and closed the glassy door along with the curtains. Seolhyun eyed each one of those fans, and shook her head at their crazy behaviour. It was even embarrassing for her to stand with them. She sighed and turned around to walk home when she glanced a pare of feet in front of her. She traced her look up till her eyes met with the girl's eyes who was sending creepy looks at her, pating with her right feet on the ground. Seolhyun's eyebrows quivered, she looked at the girl from head to toe then looked her in the eye and moved to the right. The girl followed her step and moved to the right as well. Seolhyun stopped and glared at the girl with a scary look, then moved to the left, it wasn't surprising that the girl copied her action once more. Seolhyun crossed her arms in front of her chest sulking at her, raising one brow. She didn't utter a word.. Sometimes a look can tell more than words. The girl nodded at Seolhyun and stared at her neck. 

The girl: You wear the same necklace as Luhan's.. Where did you get it from? [she said as she looked at her with a cold expression]

Seolhyun: I believe that this is none of your business? Now would you please step aside? [she moved to the right and the girl stepped to the right as well.. This time she threatnend her with a scarrier look. Seolhyun glared at the girl] What the hell do you want?!

The girl: Your necklace [she opens her palm and squinted with a mean look] Give it to me. [she ordered as 4 girls _who felt the tense_ approached both of them.. So this is what it's about. She's the evil leader. Seolhyun wasn't scared at all, sure they were overcounting her as a single "fighter", but they don't know that she fights like a bull. Seolhyun hissed a laugh and snirked.]

Seolhyun: You know, you're very funny.. You call your servants that obey you to fight for the weak you, because you're too scared to lay your hands on me..

Seolhyun lifted her head a bit, revealing her long neck and with a flat tone she completed her sentence.

Seolhyun: Here... Take it if you want it.

The fish-lipped girl with the big eyes stared at her. She was probably considering rather she should take a step or not. She gulped before telling one of the slim school girls to take it off her neck.

The girl: Chun.. Go [she nodded at Seolhyun]

The girl called Chun was about to make a move when Seolhyun stopped her by saying "No.. " fiercely than ever, causing everyong to hold still once more.. "I want YOU to come and get it"  she toned the word  "You" as she glared at the leader once more. The mean girl exchanged a provocant look with Seolhyun, confronting her.

Seolhyun: Well?... Are you going to take it by yourself or not? I don't have all day you know.. 

The girl kept her gaze fixed on Seolhyun for a few seconds. Afterwards she approached her with slow hessitating steps. Once more she showed Seolhyun her palm.

The girl: Give it to me [she ordered] Or else... [this time she threatened with a more determined look]

Seolhyun: Your threats don't scare me at all to be honest. You're anything but scary, and I seriously have better things to do than fighting with a silly girl like you.. So.. [she moved to the right and was about to pass the girl by when she felt a firm grip on her shoulder] 

Seolhyun looked at the girl's hand, then trailed her look to the her face, eyeing her. 

Seolhyun: If you don't remove your hand... [she gridded her teeth and closed her eyes] Then I swear.. I will break your hand, and beat you up till you can't walk anymore. [she re-opened her eyes and gazed at the uncertain girl]

For some reason the girl wasn't really sure about the next move that she'll do. Usually most of the girls would run away, or give her what she wants. Soon enough girls started to gather around them, tasting the tense in the air, it seemed like the girl was known for her agressive actions. whispers were slowly getting louder by each minute. While neither Seolhyun nor the girl made a move.

Seolhyun: I'll count to three... If you don't remove your filthy hand off my shoulder, then you'll be dealing with trouble.

The girl gulped and looked around her, glancing the confused faces that were waiting for the next move. Curiousity yet fear flowing through the crowd. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, but by looking at Seolhyun she actually felt a bit scared and she didn't have any other chance but to drop her tough attitude and give up. Slowly she let her hand down and avoided to look her in the eyes. All the others gasped in surprise. "What? Did she just surrender?!"  some of the girls whispered to each other without taking their eyes off of the fierce Seolhyun. The girl felt herself small. Never had she given up on a fight, she didn't know why she was so scared and nervous around her. Seolhyun glared at the girl once more, then eyed each one from her "crew" then took fast steps, walking away from those limited-minded girls. 

Streets of Seoul. It has been a while since she last wandered through them. She unwillingly smiled. The smell of the streets of her hometown was different than the ones in Beijing. Comfortness was rushing through her as she was hearing her mother language lingering in her ears in the crowds. "Home..." she thought to her herself smiling at the faces of the people passing her by. Joy feelings exploded in her heart as more she got into the city heading towrds the familiar shopping area. For a second the feeling of doubt crushed her mind, prickling those immerse feelings of happiness she had a while ago. She should be studying for her exams right now. She shouldn't have left Beijing just to try to meet Luhan _which is something impossible_  taking a walk in the streets, leaving everything behind. What to do.. Craziness took over her at that moment she packed her stuff and bought that ticket with almost all her savings she had kept for her flight to Korea AFTER the exams. She had no doubt about it that this move of hers was clearly irrational and undisciplined. Something funny is that at some point, she decided not to care about it and not to feel guilty. "I'm here now, and there's nothing I can change about it" she thought to herself as she inhaled the fresh air gladly. At that moment she knew she must do a lot of things to in Seoul before she goes back to the "world of studying"  in Beijing, an addition to that she promised herself not to leave the surface of South Korea till she had visited that one certain place she lived all her sweet memories in as a young girl.. Home. She didn't want to loose a second and immediately made her way to visit her parents whom she has missed. Their laughs, their voices even their scolding.. She has missed it all. One of the most things she wanted to refresh her memory about was her room. The miles seemed to get shorter as closer she got home. With a few more steps she was standing in front of that white door. She took a deep breath, her heart's beating fastly and increasing by each second. She closed her eyes for a second, then exhaled while opening them again, knocking on the door exactly 5 times, chewing on her lower lip. Deep down bellow there was another primal truth: she missed home. She missed her family; a part of her feels were terrible for missing out on all of their joys and sorrows over the past 6 months. She missed her cat, and her bed, and the other night she felt a deep and desperate longing for her old teddy bear. she realized that this was probably not the most evolved emotion, but there it was. 

Before she knew it the door opened. That one person that raised her, and stayed up most of the nights for her appeared in front of her. Seolhyun's mother gasped in surprise and covered not believing who she was seeing in front of her eyes right now. 

Mother: OMO OMO! [she touched her chest longing for her heart] Seolhyun-ah! [her eyes teared] Yobeo~ [she screamed in excitement as she held Seolhyun from her shoulder, lightly pushing her in] Yeobeo~ [she screamed his name once more] 

Footsteps could be heard from the other room. "Wae?" her father said while walking to the door. When he glanced her in front of his sight he froze at his point, mouth wide open. "Seolhyun?! What are you doing here?" .. Okay now this is not the way she expected to be welcomed like. It was the total opposite of the image of her running parents in her head.

Mother: Aigoo.. Is this how you welcome your 6-months-absent daughter? [she looked at him almost scolding him with a sweet tone, then she looked at Seolhyun and cupped her face kissing both of her cheeks] Come in sweety. I missed you.

Now that feels more like home :) 


~ Luhan P.O.V ~


Luhan: Can you drop me off here? [he said to the driver of their private van, looking at him]

Driver: Sure. [he stopped] But be careful, and call me if you want me to drive you back to the dorm.

Luhan: alright [he pulled up his mask that was loosen up hanging on his neck] thanks [he got off the car]

Luhan started to walk through the streets without knowing where his feets led him to. He was crossing the long, busy roads in the middle of the surrounded city. Heading to an unknown place only to arrange his mixed and confusing thoughts. "What should I do with that fan fiction that I can't even find" he complained to himself about it. At some point he stopped walking with the thought that something might happen to him any second. What if the writer had written something again? What if the writer decided to kill him in the fan fiction while he's walking on the streets? But wouldn't it be even more dangerous to stay at home too? I mean.. It could be that the writer decided to let him die IN the dorm. Anything is possible. Maybe he's going to die during his sleep where he never wakes up! or slips on the soap in the bathtub while taking a quick shower? Those thoughts somehow reminded him of the movie "Final destination". No matter how you try to run away and try to keep yourself safe. It'll be impossible to escape from your destiny. Your fate is sealed and you can't hide from it. Luhan felt like he's going to die any time soon. He was lost ih his thoughts, not knowing what next step he's going to take. His Parents, his friends, his beloved ones, his family.. Maybe he won't be able to see them ever again?! That moment he considered things with other point of views. It's like looking at life through other eyes. A sudden succession of shrill rings cut his thoughts. Luhan jumped up and startled in his place, snapping into the real world. He peered at his cell phone screen. "Sehun calling.." without hessitation he picked up the phone.

Luhan: Oh Sehun (with "Oh" I do not mean his last name xD ) wae?

Sehun: Hyung where are you?

Luhan: Just taking a walk.. Why?

Sehun: We were worried about you. when are you coming back?

Luhan: Oh, I might be out for a while.

Sehun: Aren't you hungry?

Luhan: I'm not in an isolated area, there are people everywhere. I can buy something to eat.

Sehun: Yeah, but Lay and Baekhyun bought us pizza. I know you love pizza.

Luhan: Pizza?!! I'm coming! [he started to run the opposite direction he came from] DON'T EAT WITHOUT ME! 

Sehun: Alright, but hurry up. You know what happens when Xiumin gets near the pizza.

Luhan: Alright. Distract him I'll be right there. [by that he hung up the phone]

Luhan ran as fast as he could. Luckily he wasn't that far away from the dorm. Soon enough he reached his destination, he unlucked the door and entered it running to the living room eagerly, taking off the mask and throwing it in the air not caring where it would land. He barely held himself back from attacking the hungry animals who were gathered around the pizza like wolves devouring their pray, grunting at each other greedely. Luhan stood there for a moment at the door gaining everyone's attention. All eyes were on him as he approached them carefuly. He kicked Sehun's leg who was munching on his slice of extra cheese pizza. He flinched and looked up at the emotionless Luhan with innocent twinkle eyes.

Sehun: What? [he managed to say with a full mouth]

Luhan: I thought I told you to wait for me [he stooped and squatted sitting comfortably next to Sehun]

Sehun: The pizza was getting cold, and Xiumin couldn't wait [he simply said and continued chewing]

Luhan: Yeah right.. Typical Minseok. You already finished one box?!

Suho: There are 3 boxes. We ate one, and the other one is.. [he was about to point at the pizza box that was on the top of the 3rd box, when he noticed that Kris took the last slice from it] the other one is empty [he chuckled scratching the back of his head, revealing his sweet eye-smile]

Luhan: So only one more box is left? 

Xiumin: Yes, and it's all mine [he opened the last pizza box and dragged it towards him, and took a slice out of it, taking a big bite from it]

Luhan: Yah! Minseok [he said in a flat tone while dragging the box back into the middle of the circle-shape they were sitting like]

Xiumin: It's Minseok hyung for you! 

Luhan: There's only one month difference between my age and yours! [he glared at him while taking a slice of pizza from the box]

Xiumin: I don't care.. I'm still older than you. So call me hyung! 

Luhan: Shut the hell up and eat, voracious creature. [he took his first bite hearing Tao's nose laugh] 

Lay let out a slight chuckle, while the only native chinese speaker left in the group Kris, didn't show any interest. The other members eyed each other then turned their attention at Luhan with quivered eyebrows.

Xiumin: What did he just say? [he looked at the other 3 chinese members in confusion]

Tao swallowed, and opened his mouth about to answer his question.

Tao: vorac-

Luhan: HEY! [he beamed, glaring at Tao as a warning not to say anything]

Tao: Sorry [he said in a low tone and ate up his slice]

Xiumin: What? [he looked at Tao then Lay and Kris. Neither one of them seemed to have the courage to answer] I want to know what he said.

Luhan: Just eat will you?... HYUNG! [he toned the word hyung in an irritating way]

Seconds after Luhan's last words Tao suddenly spat out the milk he was drinking. It spluttered like a fountain down on the pizza (Ewww).Tao's cough was getting louder and louder as he bend down hiding his face with continuous coughs. Baekhyun who was sitting next to him started to hit his back with his left palm releasing a slight chuckle. Tao sat up when the coughing seemed to come to an ending, with teary eyes he peered at Baekhyun with the corner of his eyes still covering his mouth. 

Kris: What on earth was that? [he examined the pizza that had milk splatters on some of its slices. He then looked at Tao who was trying to grab a hold of himself, clearing his throat]

Baekhyun: Hehehe [he stuffed his mouth with the rest of his pizza slice]

Tao: [laughing while looking at Baekhyun] Sorry. [then he started to laugh again]

Chen: I smell something Baekhyun-ish.

Baekhyun: [smiled cutely] 

Luhan: Suriously guys, I just came to eat and now all the pizza has milk on it. That's disgusting.

Chanyeol: What kind of person drinks milk with pizza? O.o

Lay: Why? It's delicious. It's refreshing.

Kai: Eww. Milk with pizza? That's.. Odd.

Xiumin: Don't say ew to food. 

Lay: Have you ever tried drinking milk with pizza?

Kai: No. 

Tao: Then how do you know that it doesn't taste good?

Kai: It just sounds disgusting. I don't even want to try it. 

Lay: I don't know why you are acting up like it is a strange thing. It's pretty normal.

Chen: Yeah.. Like eating a sandwhich with mortadella and jam [he laughed]

Lay: Mmmmm haven't eaten this for a long time. 

Luhan: [almost spitting out what he had in his mouth] Let me eat for god's sake!

Chen: What?! [he jumped in surprise] Are you serious?! I was just trolling O.O

Lay: Yes I am serious. I eat mortadella with strawberry jam, it's delicious.

Xiumin: EW! 

Lay: [looking at Xiumin, then peeres at the faces that were glaring on him] What? [he said in a cute low tone] It's really good.

Suho: Okay [he chuckled in a creepy manner].... Any other weird eating habits?

The 12 members stayed quiet for a few seconds, until one of them opened his mouth. It was no other but Tao.

Tao: Well, I also like to eat spicy doritos with milk. [he lowered his head avoiding the stares]

Chen: That's still normal compared to the mortadella and jam sandwhich.

Chanyeol: It's strawberry jam. Not any jam, but strawberry jam! [he clearified]

Luhan: [throwing the slice that he had in his hand into the box] For heaven's sake STOP IT! [he shouted, glaring at all the exo members. His bulging neck veins were showing. Everyone held their breaths, shocked at the sudden shriek of his]

The room stayed quiet for a few seconds. When Luhan finally came back to his senses, he released a heavy breath and picked up his pizza slowly. Everyone's eyes widened as he was about to take a bite.

Sehun: Urmm.. Hyung, I wouldn't do that if I were you. [he said carefully in order not to anger him again]

Luhan: Why? [he said squinting at Sehun. He seemed to be more relaxed than before, he just can't get angry at the boy with the baby face]

Sehun: Milk.. Your pizza is dripping milk [he pointed at the pizze with his index then poked his own lip once]

Luhan peeked at the down side of the pizza. then poked his inner cheek with his tongue with an agitated expression on his face watching a few drops plopping down on his pants. 

Luhan: Great.... [he drops the pizza slice back into the box and stands up, marching to his room where he could be alone]

Sehun: Hyung, do you want anything else to eat?

D.O: Yeah, I can cook something for you if you want to. [he raised his voice a bit in order for Luhan to hear, but instead of getting an answer all they heard was a loud "Boom" sound as a door was slammed with anger]

Everyone remained silent, thoughtfully thinking about what each one of them did wrong. He obviously lost his appetite. Probably because of the "mortadella and jam" conversation they were having a few minutes ago. Despite that they tried to dig out the seeds of this exciting topic, and it didn't take long till everyone glued their eyes on no other but Baekhyun. The stares were intensive, about to dig a hole in his face. Baekhyun quietly sat there already feeling guilt and nervousness building up in him.

Baekhyun: W-Wae? Why are you all staring at me like that?

Kai: What did you tell Tao before he spat the milk?

Baekhyun: N-Ne? ... Me? [he pointed at himself surprised] you're giving me the fault for what happened? 

Kris: Of course we do, otherwise he wouldn't spit shoot out and arch like a fountain.

Chanyeol: [released a nose laugh, then covered his mouth] Sorry [ on his lower lip, preventing himself to laugh. Oh yeah.. It was hard for him]

Baekhyun: Oh come on.. Why are you putting the blame on me for something he did? 

Chen: You probably said something stupid as usual.

Baekhyun: But he's the one who laughed! Not me.. [he defended himself]

Tao: I wouldn't laugh if you haven't said anything. 

Baekhyun: Well I'm sorry for being funny~ [he admited humbly]

Tao: [punches Baekhyun's arm]

Baekhyun: AAH [rubbing his arm, grunting at Tao]

Kris: You're so weak... [he shook his head]

Baekhyun: Oh yeah? Well you can't draw! 

Suho: Aaah you're so childish >_< [he shut his eyes]

Xiumin: What did you say anyway?

Baekhyun: That doesn't matter anymore. It's not funny~

Lay: Why? Tell us, we want to know what started the human fountain.

Baekhyun: It's really lame.

Kai: Just tell us~

Baekhyun: [sighing deeply] fine... I said when I was born I was so shocked that I couldn't speak for one and a half year. That's it [his cold look squinted at the pale faces]

A husky laugh killed the tense in the air, followed with the sound of Chanyeol's pierce clapping. There he was on the ground laughing himself off like a crazy monkey. Soon enough Chen followed suit causing the others to smile widely and eventually laughing. Baekhyun looked at the members in a weird manner. The ground started to jolt due to Chanyeol's stumping. All of them were in a giggling mess. Even Baekhyun laughed with them. The first one who came back to his senses was Suho. With chuckles and heavy breathing he wiped away his tears of laughter.

Suho: So what are we going to do with the milky pizza? [he manged to say through giggles]

Lay: Tao? [he raised his brow at him]

Tao: Yaaay, more pizza for me [he dragged the pizza to him and took a slice gladly]


~ At Luhan's room ~


With a jaded feeling he plopped down on his comfortable bed, hearing the rumpus outside his room. Coiled with his blanket, he tried thinking about a way out of his mess. He was still mad about yesterday when the members didn't really show their complete support and help for him. They haven't read all fan fictions that they were supposed to read, and some of them even read the same fan fiction. Luhan sighed deeply and cuddled in his blanket hoping to take a nap. He took a deep breath inhaling his own scent, that's when he realized something. "When was the last time I took a shower?!" he uncovered himself nauseated by his own smell. He sat at the edge of his bed, about to put his feets into his slippers, then he stopped for a specific reason. quick made up images of him slipping in the bathtub flashed in his mind like thunder. Only the thought of it sent him shrilled shudder up to his spine. 

Luhan: I better not step into the bathtub at all. [he lied down again, recovering himself] But I smell so bad! [he cried as he posed himself in a seating position] The hell with the shower. 

The fights between Luhan and his own conscience didn't last that long, he kicked off the blanket and threw it on the ground, and abruptly stood up steaming from anger. "This is all the writer's fault" he thought out loud. He blamed the writer for everything bad that had happened in the past few days. The headaches, the fainting, the car accident and the milk-dripping pizza.. It's all the writer's fault, and he was pretty sure that it's a girl who is writing all this. It's always a girl. Luhan grabbed his hair in frustration and clenched his fists about to rip off his hair, he breathed out rubbing his face lulling himself. Brooding while unwillingly looking at the laptop. "Fine, if they don't give me a hand, I'll figure it out myself"  With a determined look he headed towards his laptop and searched for "Luhan almost getting hit by a car fan fiction on Baidu" he got plenty of results and didn't intend to waste any time, and started reading each chapter that included a car accident immediately. He forgot about his hunger, he forgot about time and also didn't mind his smelly scent. His full focus was on reading, his main goal was finding the writer and salvage himself from this nightmare of being controled by some story. He didn't know how many chapters he read, nor did he intend to know. He will find her because he wants to. And when someone's will is strong, nobody and nothing can stop him from that. 


~ Seolhyun's P.O.V ~


Mother: Seolhyun-ah! Lunch is  ready

Seolhyun: Coming. [she ruffled her cat's hair harshly then stood up leaving to the living room. The food was already served on the table, and she gladly took a seat, her eyes wide open inadvertently drooling as she joyfully examined every dish with apetite] Yumie. Looks delicious. [she her lips and looked at her mother grinning]

Mother: Well, dig in!    

Without thinking twice, Seolhyun greedly stuffed with the full spoon. Her mother was watching her carefully, Seolhyun clearly looked like a caveman who had no clue what the word "civilization" might stand for. Her mother's cooking has always been something she appreaciated, since she was 14 years old she always told herself: When I grow up I will learn how to cook like my mother. And she still hasen't XD

Seolhyun's mother didn't blink once nor moved her hands that was holding the spoon up to put it in . 

Mother: Seolhyun sweety, slow done. The food won't run away, there's plenty food for everyone on the table. 

Seolhyun: Arasso [she throttled afterwards, coughing hard till it burned her lungs]

Mother: Omo saesanghae (Oh lord) [she hovered her upper body over the table and hit Seolhyun's back harshly]

Seolhyun: G-Gweanchana [she managed to say through husky coughs, her face redder than ever] 

Mother: Aigoo.. I'll go get you some water [she quickly went to the kitchen and came pack with a full glass overflowing with water] Here, drink this! [she paniced as she saw her swallowing it down in one gulp] are you alright now?

Seolhyun: Yes [she cleared ] Eomma (Mother) Can I ask you something?

Mother: sure dear. [she sat down on her chair and started to eat]

Seolhyun: Do you remember the little chinese boy who used to be my friend back when we used to live in China?

Mother: Aaah.. The little cute boy. [she constrained herself to remember his name] I can't remember his name. Yeobo (dear) [she looked at her husband] What was the little boy's name? he used to live next to us. 

Seolhyun's father shrugged with his shoulders and didn't even bother to open his mouth. 

Mother: Aigoo.. Useless [she hissed, and Seolhyun chuckled slightly]

Seolhyun: Do you remember anything about him? Like the way he looked or anything?

Mother: He had a small cute face [she cupped her own face and squeezed her cheeks not being able to handle  her memory of his cute puffy face] and it was always smeared with dirt because he used to play football with his friends. And he used to step by a lot. He loved my cooking. And he used to play with you a lot. Why are you suddenly asking about him?

Seolhyun: I was just thinking. It's sad to that I don't remember anything about him.

Mother: Hmmm.. [straying] Neither do I. [she then hisses a gentle laugh]

Seolhyun: What? 

Mother: Nothing.. [she stopped laughing] It's weird that after all these years you ask me about him today. And at the same day I see a guy that reminds me of him.

Seolhyun: You see a what? [bug-eyed]

Mother: A human being, Seolhyun. A normal guy.

Seolhyun: What did he look like?

Mother: Hmmm.. He wasn't so tall, he had blond hair and he was really cute. 

Seolhyun: OMONA! [she jumped off her seat] You saw Luhan?!!

Mother: Luhan? Who's that? A friend of yours?

Seolhyun: Was he chinese?

Mother: [thinking for a few seconds] I think so.. In a matter of fact I heard him speaking chinese on the phone.

Seolhyun: Oh my goodness. [she roamed while breathing heavily] It might be him. [she uttered to herself then she gazed at her mother surprised] Where did you see him?

Mother: Oh. Well, he was about to get hit by a car but your heroic father here rescued him [she patted on his arm twice then stoked it feeling proud of him]

Seolhyun: You what? [she looked at her father] He was about to get hit by a car and you rescued him? 

Father: Yes.

Mother: Good thing he was around. Nobody else seemed to move an inch.

Seolhyun: Well of course he didn't die [she thought out loud, and dreadfully looked blankly at the nowhere] He had the white stone with him! (remeber that the white stone had the power of protection)

Mother: What? 

Seolhyun: Eomma, Appa! I need to make a phone call to China.

Mother: No way! It's too expensive.

Seolhyun: Aaaah. Eommaaaa~ [she stumped with her feets on the ground, pouting while releasing a fake cry]

Mother: That won't work with me young lady [she pointed her finger at her]

Seolhyun: [she sighed] Fine, I'm going to use the computer then. [she put the chair in its place and picked up the empty dished from the table]

Mother: Oh we gave it to your cousin Chinji.

Seolhyun: MO?!! (what) [she screamed in surprise]

Mother: Aaah! you're too noisy. [she covered her ears for a second]

Seolhyun: Why would you give away the computer to Chinji? [she put down the empty plates back on the table]

Mother: Well, she graduated from high school, and we wanted to give her a "Good luck with you college life" gift.Adn we couldn't come up with anything better than the computer... Nobody was using it anyway. 

Seolhyun: But I... I had a lot of stuff on it. All my photos are saved on it.

Mother: don't worry honey, we've put it on a usb stick. [she grinned at her]

Seolhyun hit her face with her palm and shook her head. This was one of the thinks she didn't miss about home: Her parents making decisions without her knowing. She took the empty plates once more and marched out to the kitchen like an angry soldier. She put the plates in the sink then headed to her room. And sat on her bed breathing out the heavy breaths of anger. It was now 2 p.m. Tomorrow she'll be flying back to Beijing because she needs to study. Wonder where she got the money from? ',:-) Well she tried her best and convinced her father to buy her the ticket :> he didn't really mind paying her the costs of the flight, but what made him wonder was the reason she came to Seoul, even though her exams were near, eventually she managed to escape from the question somehow. What a relief!. Although she wanted to stay here a bit and see her friends and family and kill chinji for taking the computer but she knew that she had to accept reality. So, one day in Seoul and then bye bye S.Korea and hello China. As far as she remembers, EXO are flying back to Beijing tomorrow too. But what time and which airport was unknown for her. She picked up her flight ticket that was on the bed next to her, and checked on the flight time and the airport. 7:15 a.m. Gimpo airport. Gate E27

Seolhyun: Aigoooo. The whole idea of coming here was useless. [she grunted and rubbed her face as she felt something jumping on the bed she peaked with one eye and sae her cat] Aigoo Kkulbbangi (honey bread) [she carried her cat put it on her lap stoking it] I won't be seeing you tomorrow :'( [she released a deep breath and lyed down although she wasn't tired, but for some reason she felt like she needed to take a nap. Funny that when she's about to fall asleep her mind starts to leap from an idea to another, creating incredible fables that she would never make up when she's fully awake and desperately using every cell in her brain to come up with an idea for her fanfiction. For the time being she saved those ideas in her head and shut her eyes forcing herself to sleep]


~ With Luhan ~


Luhan: Ufffffffff! [he leaned back in his seat] Where is this stupid fan fiction?!!

"Luhan gege!"  he heard a sweet yet excited tone across the room. He looked to his right and surprisingly he saw Lay aproaching him with careful steps. Luhan turned his attention back on the laptop screen, and answered with a flat tone.

Luhan: what?

Lay kneeled next to Luhan and peered at the lap top screen smiling cutely. For some reason Luhan felt something weird about his behaviour. Instead of continue searching for the fan fiction he was trying desperately to find, he fixed his gaze on Lay waiting from him to expose his real intentions of coming here.

Luhan: For how long are you planning to smile at my laptop screen?

Lay: Till you talk nicely to me. [he beamed with a cold look]

Luhan let out a deep breath. Yes he knows he was actig like an idiot lately, but he had a reason for it. The whole fan fiction thing was just bothering him till an extend where he came up to the level to release his bad mood at the others. Luhan felt the lump in his throat growing as he glued his eyes on Lay. Although he was acting like a retard lately, but the others accepted the fact that he was having a hard time with his personal "controled" life, and they were patient enough to bare with his sharp-toned answers and mood swings. he swallowed the lump and peerd at him.

Luhan: I-I'm sorry for being such an idiot for the past few days. I know I was giving you a hard time.

Lay: [smiled at him nicely then nodded] It's okay... Anyway, welcome back! haha

Luhan couldn't help but to smile at him.     

Lay: Aaah! [he slapped his forehead] I almost forgot why I came here. [chuckles] Silly me.

Luhan: What is it?

Lay: Guess what I found!

Luhan: Your headphones?

Lay: -_- No. I found something for you.

Luhan: What?

Lay: [stands up and points at himself] I, Zhang Yixing, Have found the fan fiction that you have been looking for.

Luhan: O.O WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! [his eyes wider than ever]

Lay: Nope. It's called "Between two worlds" And it's actually pretty good [he said amazed while Luhan typed in a nano second the name of the fan fiction, even clicking on it desperately, he moved to the last part and read the last few sentences]

Luhan: "Luhan looked at his left, flinching at the noisy sounds the fast car was making. The car was speeding towards him and before there was any time to react he felt the colassal impact. tire screeches and a blarring horn screaming in his ear!" Oh my goodness! It really is the fan fiction I was looking for! [he gasped and covered his mouth, wide-eyed] I have to read it all.. I must know what she had written in this fan fiction.

Lay: Is it a girl?

Luhan: [stops clicking and thinks for a second] I suppose so. Let me check the name: "Xiao.LuLu"  (Deer.LuLu) What on earth....? 

Lay: HAHAHHAHHAHAHA. It MUST be a girl. [he looked at the laptop screen as Luhan was checking on her site for basic information] Oh look how cute, the profile picture is a photo of you hihi [he smiled his dimple smile as Luhan didn't take his eyes off of the screen]

Luhan: Aha! Now we're going on the right track! [pointing on the screen] User: Xiao.LuLu, Birthday:  3rd of January, Country: Beijing-China.

Lay: Oh my god! She lives in Beijing! [he interrupted him]

Luhan: Wait there's more! There's a link to her FaceBook account! 

Lay: Do you have a Facebook account?

Luhan: No [he said while clicking on the link, revealing the profile under the name "Xiao.LuLu" once more] What's with the fake name? Why don't you put your real name?! [he said annoyed] 

Lay: I actually like that name.. It's catchy.. Xiao.LuLu ... Cute hehehe. Oh! [points at the profile picture] It's you again! 

Luhan: [sighs] We're not getting any closer to her real identity... [he groans] I don't know what to do.. I'm so clueless and tired. [he rubbed his face] 

Lay: Ermmm... Gege. [he said in a cute tone]

Luhan: hmmm [crying out loud]

Lay: I.. I know this might sound creepy but.... I have a friend that is very professional when it comes to hacking personal sites. 

Luhan slowly reveals his face again, and looks at Lay in panic.

Luhan: Are you assuming that I'll accept that help?

Lay: Well... [he rubs his neck] You seem kind of lost and out of your senses lately because of that fan fiction. And I don't want to force that idea but this se-

Luhan: Alright. Call your friend. 

Lay: What?

Luhan: Call him, and ask him if he can hack her account as soon as possible. I'll pay him if he wants to.

Lay: O-Okay [he grabbed his phone, and searched through the contacts for his friend] Chang Laozi, Chang Laozi [he kept repeatingf his name] Ah! there he is! Chang Laozi! [he immediately called him, watching Luhan's curious face looking at him without even blinking once] O-Oy.. Chang! [he held his phone with both of his hands as Luhan's curiousity grew bigger] How are you?... I'm also fine. Listen, can I ask you a favor? [he looked at Luhan and gulped] C-Can you hack a FaceBook account for me?


hope you liked that part, also I apologize once again ~.~ I will try my best to update ASAP 

Thank you for reading this <3 Love you all.



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kaioticangel #1
Chapter 17: OMG OMG I was waiting for this thank you author-nim really thank you
katoko99 #2
Chapter 16: update soon unnie !! ranbir kapoor ♥ hehehehehehehe ! i read ur fanfic in arabic & enlish hehehehehehehe ! fighting !! فااااايتنننغ !!
Chapter 16: yess now luhan realized his real feelingss--- 8D what did mei do omf pls i kind of dislike her now- she just, over acted, you know D8 c ries<///3 AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ENDING THO WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED
Chapter 15: yessssh please luhan is starting to like her right :>
kaioticangel #5
Chapter 15: you're amazing if u won't mind can you please made a pdf for this fanfic I really want to make a book from it to re-read it cause I like your style in writing.
btw do u study literature?
if u do I want u to know that you'll be an amazing author oneday beleive me yours looks more than of fanfic for me and I like it that your chapters are long even if it take u long time to update I'll always wait for u :D

i'm SO GLAD that you make the main chara SEOLHYUN!
its really rare; a fanfiction with aoa members /cries






kaioticangel #7
Chapter 14: OMG!!I like it
one of the reasons that made me love your fanfic it's I can learn chinese LOL but really I'll start learning next week maybe you'll help me :D
waiting for your update no matter how long it'll take...
kaioticangel #8
smart_thing #9
Chapter 12: Oh my... Luhan being a girl... So cute!!
Haha.. New reader here... Update soon!
kaioticangel #10
Chapter 12: I want them to meet already
I can't wait anymore
update soon