Survival of the Fittest Doesn't Apply Here. Bullets Do.

Surviving High School Got A LOT Harder

Key grabbed the gun that was Yoona's hand and ran to the other side of the room.

Yoona grabbed my hair and pulled me down. I punched her in the face to let go but she pulled harder. I grabbed her hair and she kicked me.

We continued fighting until Taecyeon groaned.

I stopped to glance at him but Yonna punched me in the face.

"Yoona stop it!" Key yelled grabbing Yoona's arms and pulling her away.

"LET ME GO TRAITOR!" She screamed. "She stole everything away from me. I dragged myself towards Taecyeon. He was shot in the gut, we was dying and dying slowly.

"Look at yourself Yoona! You've killed our best friend and your boyfriend and people who had chances in life!"

"Nothing matters! I just want her dead!"

Taecyeon groaned louder.

"Let us get help! We can save him!" I yelled, not knowing if we really could.

"JUST SHUT UP YOU ." She screamed. "I know your kind! You walk around, hiding your face, your so called 'talent', and have millions of men following for you." She continued to wave her arms in the air as if it would make me feel bad.

"Shut up! you don't know her!" Key yelled, picking up the gun and pointing it at her. You just....You just shut up you murderer! You killed Taemin! He was my best friend and you killed him because you were jealous of a complete stranger?"


"Lover?" Taecyeon groaned as he groaned in pain again.

"I wasn't his lover!"

"I SAW YOU IN THE MAGAZINE. YOUR HAIR! YOUR HAIR!!!" She sheiked pulling a magazine clipping from her back pocket. it was worn and torn in the corner but you could still see the faint color and lines of Taemin's face, body, and the small outline of a girl's hair framing her face.


"YES YOU. DON'T ACT STUPID." She yelled again. "I know it's you!"

"How can you tell from that picture!"

"I had a P.I. follow him!" Se moved closer, not even a little bit scared of Key and the gun in his hand. "He told me all about you!"

"You...You hired the stalker!" I yelled at her. "You paid a man to terrorize Taemin! He didn't get information about him for you. He took erted pictures of him!"


"YOU HIRED A MAN THAT MADE TAEMIN GO CRAZY. THAT MAN CUT HIS BRAKES AND KILLED HIM." Now it was my turn to yell. "Taemin caught him and charged him. A girl came in and bailed him out. You let him run free and go insane. He ruined his life!"

"I did it for him. I did it for us. What I'm doing now, is for him."

"You belong in a mental hospital."


"Now I do too." I took the gun from Key and shot Yoona in the head.

Her body crumpled to the ground and her eyes glazed over, yet I could sense her evil soul staring right back at me.

I dropped the gun and stepped back, away from her.

Key grabbed my shoulders and ushered me out the door.

I sat next to Jonghyun and held his hand while Key did his best to save Taecyeon.

The rest of the night was a blur.

Sirens were finally heard. It only felt like minutes later, but Hyoyeon had said we had been waiting for over 4 hours in that one spot.

Jonghyun and Taec were put on stretchers and sent immediately to the hospital. Key went along with them while Hyoyeon and I sat in the back of a police car to be questioned after being checked by paramedics.

The ride was the shortest ride in my entire life, but thought more than I had ever before.

"Tell us what happened."

The police officers had separated Hyoyeon and me.

I sat in a white room on a cold metal chair across a white table from an unsightly man with a badge.

"Tell us what happened."

"I....I found her body. I found all the bodies."

I told them that Yoona had trapped us. Trapped us and used a recorder to make us think it was a killing spree.

I told them that Yoona killed Sunny.

I told them that Yoona killed Onew.

I told them that Yoona killed Heechul.

I told them that Yoona killed Yoseob.

I told them that Yoona killed Minho.

I told them that she tried to kill the rest of us.

I told them that Taecyeon shot her.

I told them that Taecyeon shot her.

I told them a lie.

Hyoyeon said she was with Jonghyun the entire time.

She didn't know who shot whom.

Taecyeon died in the hospital. There wasn't enough time to save him. Key and Jonghyun managed to surive and have surgery done.

"It's alright Maki. There's nothing you could have done to stop her." Jonghyun said to me as he petted my hand. I was sitting next to him at the hospital.

"I...." I wanted to tell him but I couldn't tell him that I was the same as her.

"Maki?" Key limped his way toward Jonghyun's bed I was next to. "What are you doing here?" 

"Just visiting."

"Aren't you supposed to start filming today?"

"I don't have to be in until 8." I said looking at Jonghyun's hand on mine.

"Then you can have breakfast with us." Hyoyeon said, walking in with 3 bags of food in her hands. She smiled and placed the meals on the table next to Jonghyun's cot. "I brought lots of food from my mom. She wants us healthy and ready for next week's interview. "

I smiled and helped Hyoyeon set up food.

"Do you have rehersal today?" I asked her.

"Around 11." She said handing a bowl of rice to Key who was sprawled out on a nearby chair. "The company doesn't even want me to train for a 6 months. I'm going to debut in 2 months."

"They must really like you." Jonghyun said.

"Yeah." She looked really happy and excited for herself.  Then she turned to the side of the room and gave a hearty smile to the line of pictures.

The pictures of Sunny, Heechul, Minho, Yoseob, Onew, and Taecyeon were lines up along the side of the room and there were small electric candles for each one. There was even a picture of Taemin above them.

"He'd be proud of you." I told her.

"He'd be proud of you too." She said. I smiled to myself and saw that Jonghyun was looking away from us.

"Don't worry, Jonghyun. Maki loves you the most." Key said smirking at him.

"I'm not worried." He grumbled.

"You should be. Her lover in Are You Baekhee is pretty talented and goodlooking."

"Yeah Jonghyun. Maybe you should be a little jealous more often." I giggle, bending to kiss his forehead.

He pouted as I caught the glimpse of red on his cheeks.

"Well eat up boys. You need to get better so you can catch up to the rest of your group." Hyoyeon said finally finished with passing all the food out.

We spent the rest of the hour talking about what had been going on the past few weeks and what our complete upcoming plans were.

Key and Jonghyun were going to be in a group, debuting soon, after Hyoyeon's solo debut.

I was beginning my filming today and after I finished, I would also solo debut myself.

We were all set for the future.

We were ready to lock away the past and move on.

And we did.

~~~~~~~5 years later~~~~~~~


"Tae? Tae? Is that really you?"

"Momma! Momma!" the small boy ran towards my open arms as I began to sob.


I let go of the boy who smiled at me.

"Did I do good, Momma?"

The boy was only 4 and thought I was his mother for tha past 5 months.

"Very good." I said patting his head. He smiled as his assistant took him away from an afternoon snack.

"Good job, sweetheart." Jonghyun said, kissing me on the cheek. I gave him a tight squeeze and kissed him back.

"Thank you. Where are we going for lunch, today?"

"I was thinking of...."

My phone began ringing.

"Sorry. Excuse me." I said, picking it up.

"Hey Baekhee. Are you ready for your secret to be spilled?"

I suddenly couldn't breath.

"Who is this?"

"Meet me where it all started with 100 million won today at 6."


"You know where."

"Why now? Why 5 years later?"

"'Tis an important year for you isn't it? You're pregnant."

He hung up and I hung up too and turned back to my husband.

"Ready for lunch?"


Later that day, I excused myself early from the filming of my drama and called Jonghyun.

"Hello, Jonghyun. I was thinking of getting some of Hyoyeon's favorite dessert for her 5th year debut anniversary up in that one place....I think it's called My Sweet."

"Alright. I'll just tell the chef to make dinner a little later."

"See you!"

I called a rental car and went up to the bridge where Taemin died.

"Hello." A man was waiting on the deserted bridge. His face was scarred and hideous.

"I see you're still free. Never did get caught for taking erted pictures of young men, did you?"

"I took many pictures of you too, Miss Maki. It's how i know you're pregnant."

"What do you want."

"My money. I already told you." He moved closer to me with a gun in his hand.

"You are really stupid." I said shooting him in the chest. He fell back, the gun flew out of his hand.


"I was in many dramas and movies the past 5 years. Many of which, I learned fast reflexes for being a spy. i may be pregnant, but I'm only a few weeks along."

"You...You killer...."

"From the words of the girl who previously let you go free, 'I did what I had to do.'"



"She didn't kill them....You did....You killed Taemin and the rest of them...."

"How so, old man?"

"You seduced Taemin, you caused Yoona pain, you...."

"If everything is my fault, then how come no one has stopped me?"

He began choking on death.

"Exactly." I started walking back to my car.

"Baekhee....." He moaned. "Baekhee...."

"Yes. Yes I am Baekhee. Don't you forget it."

I drove away and stopped by My Sweet to pick up Hyoyeon's favorite cake.

Survival of the fittest never applied to us.

Survival of the fittest means that Yoona would have won with her smarts, weapons, and beauty.

We only survived because we had to do what we needed to.

I killed Yoona. I had to.

We all do what we need to. Not what we want.

Some of us choose to kill, others must.

Yoona chose to. I did it to stop her insanity,

I am Baekhee.

I haunted Yoona and put a stop to her.

I've completed my role in life.

I've fulfilled my destiny and avenged Taemin.

"Maki?" I picked up my phone and heard a sing song voice on the other side.


"Where are you? Hyoyeon is on her way here."

"I'm almost home. I'm on my way now."

I hung up and drove back to My Sweet.

I drove back home.

Back to my husband.

Back to my friends.

Away from a dead man.

Away from where it all started.

I drove past the school.

I stopped in front of the gate.

The school had been abandoned and slowly being redone to hide its awful murders.

Someone tapped on my window and I looked up.

"Key? What are you doing here?"

"Maki, You promised you wouldn't kill anyone else."


"I know....I know he was dangerous but....still...did you"

"Yes. Yes I did."


"I'm pregnant, Key. I can't just let him roam around."

"I told you of his whereabouts so you could avoid him and imprison him but...."

"This was the only way, Key."


"No Key. I did what I had to do."

"I know. I know."

A moment of silence went by.

"You need a ride to the party?"


"Alright. Let's go home."

"Home. This might be considered our home." Key said looking outside the window of my car. "This is where it all started."

"It started in a crazy girl's mind."

"It started in many places."

"Home is where the heart is, Key. Where is you heart?"

"In a grave, Maki. In a grave."

I stopped the car, and my forehead hit the steering wheel. I began bawling right then and there.

Key had been killed by the crazy stalker. I had killed the stalker just now.

I did it for Key, was what I thought before.

But really, I did it just to ease my pain.

Maybe I am no longer Baekhee, but really slowly turning into Yoona.

Either way, I'm still a murderer.

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Chapter 7: That was really good! But I didn't really get the ending...
wow. really good. i didn't absolutely expect it. but... in the end key died? the stalker killed him? then who was the one who was talking to maki? O.o i'm a bit confused XD<br />
anyway... i really liked it u.u
I absolutely loved this fanfic, It was thrilling!!! This may be one of the best horror fanfic I ever read :)
wow, the ending was so well written! I loved it! =)<br />
ohmyhades, iknew it was yoona!!<br />
mwahahaha i knew it!!!!!<br />
that murdered My Taemin and Onew cuz she was fcking jealous??<br />
ooh shes onna get it bad when she end up on the underword, i will send soo much demons on her that even persefone is gonna be scared of me....<br />
pleaseee update soon!!!<br />
i want to see if makis gonna be okay!!!!!!!!!<br />
Woah...that was surprising! You can never guess what's going to happen next with this story c:
wow....that surprised me....just wow. O.O
proximaC #8
curious...very started to like the story...<br />
though im not really a big fan of mystery since the curiosity might just kill me before everyone in the story dies...<br />
anyway, im looking forward to read more...<br />
update soon please...
omg i am so confused i dont even know O.O<br />
is yoona the killer? i really hope its not jonghyun- ughhh im soooo confused- please please please update soon!
oh my god O.O<br />
that was soo eerie- poor onew =(<br />
why did he have to die =(... hell i dont want anyone t die- but this is such a good story!!! imso curious as to who the killer is! please update soon!