
Surviving High School Got A LOT Harder

"Hi. My name is..."

"Sit down." The teacher said. He had finished writing my name on the board in chalk and sat down. He picked up a romance novel and continued reading it.

"Maki." I said taking a seat  in the back. I sat next to a guy with his uniform all mess up and he was leaning back, sleeping, On the other side of me was a girl in her uniform, her hair was a nice ashy honey color but her eyes had heavy black makeup and she wore black tights under her skirt. I noticed that the both of them were in my homeroom eariler this morning.

Class wasn't really taking place. The teacher wasn't teaching and the students were all talking and fooling around. Suddenly a tall guy with dyed styled hair came over.

"I'm gonna give a tour." He said.

"I've already seen..."

"No. I mean the people tour." He made me get up and follow him. "Let's start with this class."

He pointed at the guy that was sleeping next to me.

"He's Jonghyun, a slacker in school and he's apart of the Dragon's Eye gang. Stay away from him and don't wake him up. That girl with the black tights is Hyo-yeon. She's said to eat frogs and spit out curses. She cursed Yoona one time and forced her to miss a step in a dance that led to her t sprain her ankle. Of course she pulled though and saved the show."

Woah....Kiss up much?

"With my help of course. She couldn't have done it without me. I had refused to join the show because it lacked part built for me. Plus the scenery was actrocius. I wasn't going to sing and dance on an unfit platform."

Never mind....

"I'll show you the rest of the cool people. My name is Key by the way." He flashed me his student ID, bedazzled with rhinestones and sequins. "Yoona had someone do it for me. I just think it's FABULOUS!"

Sure...For a gay 12 year old.

This Key guy introduced me to his friends and I could barely keep up with their names, they all sounded the same. Hopefully I wouldn't have to talk to them directly since Key did ALL the talking. They just nodded their little pretty heads and smiled.

And then I met Yoona.

Well, more like caught a glimpse of her.

She pranced her way towards Key, where they immediately had a swift conversation about costumes and then he said

"This is Maki. She's in our homeroom and my first period."

"Huh." was all she said to me. She left and Key turned to me.

"She likes you!" He squealed.


I spent the rest of the week following Key. He took me to his favorite eating spot, inside the auditorium and only ate with his favorite people out of the people he introduced me too.

On Friday however, we were trapped.

I'm not sure exactly how this school did its activities but they all occurred in homeroom. They told you announcements everymorning and every Friday, they ade you go to homeroom for the last 15 minutes of school to hand out forms or just to count heads.

On Friday, I sat in the back, hoping Key wouldn't sit next to me. Jonghyun did though and this little kid looking guy. I think his name is Yoseob...

There were two guys sitting on the side, in the dark corner. One was really pretty. I thought he was a girl on my first day of school. But when I bumped into him, he started yelling at me in a really manly and scary voice. It's safe to say that I will be avoiding him a lot. The other guy was Minho. I only know his name because Key and Yoona adored him and forced me to attend one of his soccer games. Very good looking I must say, but he's really quiet. 

Our homeroom teacher said to sit tight until the bell rang as he left our classroom to go to a meeting. Of course, half the kids left. I stayed put since mom wouldn't be home anytime soon. Key, Yoona, Jonghyun Yoseob?, Hyo-yeon, Minho, Sunny, and some other people I didn't get to know yet.

One of them, a tall muscular cute faced guy came up to me.

"Hey there cutie you got a few seconds for a survey? I have to get some data for a class." I didn't move. "What color do you wear?"

"Excuse me?" I said, offended.

"Oh...Do you not wear ? What about thongs? Or are the type to wear..."

"Go away !" Key yelled at him. Maybe Key's not all bad...

"What do you want Diva?"

"Hey! That's my name!" Yoona yelled.

"Goddamn. not again." Jonghyun said.

"Some of us want peace, children." the kid sitting in the front turned around. He was handsome and wore round black glasses. He had a book in his hand and about 12 on his desk.

"Shut it smarty pants." the ert said. "I was just getting some information for my py..."

"What lies!" Sunny said. "You're just a ert Taecyeon. Don't listen to him, Maki. I've gone down that road before." Sunny was a rumor mill. She was the of the school and rumors seemed to just pass through her. If they were good enough, then everyone knew them. If they weren't, then they stopped and never heard again. You would think if there were nasty rumours about you, you would stop them, but she spread them around like it was butter on toast.

"Go away! No girl wants you! not even Sunny!" Yoona yelled.

"And you're just a stuck up brat who can sing a few lines and dance a few steps." Taecyeon sneered. He turned away from her. "You're just another backup to the real star."

She slapped him across the face.

"I'm no backup. the drama director said I was the lead. "

"She's not gonna think that anymore." Taecyeon said. "You know...K"

"BE QUIET." Hyo-yeon yelled. "I'm trying to sleep here! I'm a light sleeper unlike that guy!" She was talking about Jonghyun.

That made them quiet for a minute.

"Hey Onew!" the baby faced guy yelled.


"I heard you got SECOND place on the last test!"

"Who did he lose to?" Taecyeon asked. Hyo-yeon looked up. Even the guys in the back turned their heads.

"HER." The baby faced boy said pointing at me.

Everyone turned to me.

"Onew got one wrong and she got a perfect score."

"WOAH! You're super smart." Key said turning to me.

"Fluke." Yoseob said.

"Who gets a perfect score when it's a FLUKE?" A girly looking guy snarled at him . "You're so dumb, Yoseob!"

"Perfect score..." Onew said facing the front. I turned away, embarrassed.

The bell rang for the end of class and we all tried to leave, but the door was locked.

"Open the door!"

"I can't!" I looked out the window. No one was leaving.

"No one's leaving! I pointed out the window. The athletic looking guy and girly guy ran towards the window, pushing me away. Yoseob caught me.

"Hello there cute fluke."

"Get off her!" jonghyun yelled pulling me away. "don't just touch girls without permission! You're just like Taecyeon!"

Says the guy who is holding my hand....

Yoona dialed a number on her phone.

"Are you leaving class now?" Pause. "What? What do you mean you left already. I can't see anyone leaving the school." Pause. "YOU WERE LET OUT EARLY?" Pause. "THERE WAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT?" Pause. "HELLO? H,,,: My phone!" She yelled. We all saw...It turned off and had a black screen.

"What happened?" Key asked.

"My phone just turned off..."

We all checked our own and saw they were black too.

"What the hell...."

The intercom started beeping.

"Hello there!" It was a recorded voice.

"If you're wondering who I am, then start guessing because I'm someone in the classroom. If you're confused, then good. You should be. By the way, this is a recording. And if you can't figure who is doing this, then every hour, someone dies." It turned off and the beeping began again.

What is going on....?

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Chapter 7: That was really good! But I didn't really get the ending...
wow. really good. i didn't absolutely expect it. but... in the end key died? the stalker killed him? then who was the one who was talking to maki? O.o i'm a bit confused XD<br />
anyway... i really liked it u.u
I absolutely loved this fanfic, It was thrilling!!! This may be one of the best horror fanfic I ever read :)
wow, the ending was so well written! I loved it! =)<br />
ohmyhades, iknew it was yoona!!<br />
mwahahaha i knew it!!!!!<br />
that murdered My Taemin and Onew cuz she was fcking jealous??<br />
ooh shes onna get it bad when she end up on the underword, i will send soo much demons on her that even persefone is gonna be scared of me....<br />
pleaseee update soon!!!<br />
i want to see if makis gonna be okay!!!!!!!!!<br />
Woah...that was surprising! You can never guess what's going to happen next with this story c:
wow....that surprised me....just wow. O.O
proximaC #8
curious...very started to like the story...<br />
though im not really a big fan of mystery since the curiosity might just kill me before everyone in the story dies...<br />
anyway, im looking forward to read more...<br />
update soon please...
omg i am so confused i dont even know O.O<br />
is yoona the killer? i really hope its not jonghyun- ughhh im soooo confused- please please please update soon!
oh my god O.O<br />
that was soo eerie- poor onew =(<br />
why did he have to die =(... hell i dont want anyone t die- but this is such a good story!!! imso curious as to who the killer is! please update soon!