Baby, It's Cold Outside.

Surviving High School Got A LOT Harder

Jonghyun whipped around and punched him in the face.

"I'm no killer. I just sewed her up and saved her from bleeding to death."

"I still think you're here to kill us all. Slacker." Heechul said getting off the ground. He held his face as he stood. Hyo-yeon stepped to his side. When he was about to rest his hand on her, she backed away.

"No one come near me." She said in a deadly voice. "I don't want to die. At least by anyone's hand in here." She stood in the center of the room with her arms wrapped around her. She sat down in the center seat and kept her eyes on everyone. Heechul sat in the back away from us.

Yoona stared at Minho who was sobbing over the horrid death of Sunny with Taecyeon's shoulder. She was clearly angry and sat down next to him.

"Minho Oppa." She cooed. "It'll be alright...I'm still here.." He continued to sob and not talk.

Yoona sighed and continued to take advantage of touching him.

I glanced up at Onew. He hadn't moved for a while. He was staring at Sunny's body. He was sitting in his usual seat, the front center seat, staring into the dark corner with Sunny's corpses against the wall.

He finally took off his jacket and laid it over her head and upper torso. He pressed his hands together and prayed silently for her. We all stared at him and watched as he ended his prayer and go back to his seat.

"Thank you." Minho said.


The AC switched onto full blast. It slowly became colder and colder.

Hyo-Yeon had curled up in a little ball and closed her eyes. Minho and moved himself closer towards Taecyeon who hestitantly accepted his warmth while Yoseob put his jacket over Yoona who also hesistantly accepted it.

Heechul snuck up behind Hyo-Yeon and put his jacket over her shoulders. He then went back to his seat. I looked at Onew who was jacketless and saw that he had packed 2 jackets and was wearing the one in his backpack. Prepared, wasn't he...

Key slowly slid off his jacket, trying to avoid the pain of his cut.

Jonghyun stopped him.

"Don't strain yourself." He said taking off his jacket and throwing it on me. He held my hand with the stitches on it and helped me put on the jacket. His hand brushed my skin, sending shivers through my body.

After he finished, Key glared at him.

"Let me warm your hand." Key said taking my stitchless hand into his.

Jonghyun sniffed his nose and turned his head away.


"Poor little Sunny. Soooo....Any guesses!?"

"JONGHYUN!" Heechul yelled.

"WRONG!" The intercom yelled. The lights went out and we all heard a scream.

The lights flickered on and we saw Yoseob chained to a desk.

His leg was cut, but it was only a thin layer of skin, bleeding very little. Jonghyun handed him a piece of cloth to wipe some of it off.

"If it's not Jonghyun, then who is it!?" Heechul yelled. "WHO ELSE COULD IT BE?"

"What about you!?" Yoona yelled.

"What about ME!?"

"You're the one over there pointing fingers!"

"I'm TRYING to figure out who is killing us ALL!!" Heechul yelled at her.

"Uh...Have you....Never mind." I wanted to  say that the voice on the intercom sounded like a recorded message and went off at  certain times and said whatever it needed to say. It didn't focus on the details. It just did as it was told.

"WHAT?" Heechul asked moving towards me. "What were you going to say new girl!?"

"She has a name!"

"Well that's not gonna matter if she DEAD."

"Shut up, Femboy!" Yoona yelled. "I bet you're the killer! You're just pointing fingers! What made you think it was the slacker?"

"I don't need to explain my self to the Drama Queen of the school!"

"STOP ARGUING!" Taecyeon yelled at the both of them. "Both of you are going insane because of this guy! It's what he wants! Don't give him what he wants!"

"He wants everyone DEAD." Yoseob said.

"Well I'm not gonna kill myself, am I?" Taecyeon said glaring at the trapped boy.


"Prove that someone in here is a killer!" Yoona yelled.

"There's a corpse over there!"

"You know what I mean!"

"Well it's not like someone can sneak in here, kill someone, and then leave in seconds!"

"That doesn't point to Jonghyun!"

"He beats people up for fun? What makes you think he can't kill them for his own enjoyment?"

"I don't beat people for fun." Jonghyun said. "I protect my right to be who I am and where I want to be."

You basically said you're a gangster in a politically correct way....

"Why did he kill Sunny?" Onew asked. "What was his reasoning?"

"She's an easy target."

"On the contrary." Onew said. "Yoona would have been the easier target. She is weaker than all of us and was less likely to scream when frightened. Sunny had screamed at the sight of blood and panicked the most out of all 3 girls."

"Are you calculating who is dying next?" Taecyeon asked.

"No." He answered simply.

"Just calm down, everyone." Key said. "As along as we don't go crazy and start hurting each other, we'll somehow get through."

"Shut up Traitor." Yoona spat at him with a poisonous voice.


"Oh just be quiet diva." Taecyeon said. "At least Key chose a girl who is actually talented. Face it, dullard. Your time is UP." He spun around in his chair and closed his eyes. "Don't deny it, Diva. Maki is going to make it."

"What are you talking about!?" I yelled at him.

"Oh? You didn't audition?" Taecyeon asked. "Who would have thought?"

"Audition for what?"

"You didn't hear? One entertainment company plans to take in 4 people to train and debut in less than 1 year." Yoseob said.


"It's the biggest thing since...EVER."


"If they like you, you go through 2 rounds immediately and get recruited within days. It's one of the most quick paced searches."

"Do you know why it's so quick paced?" Yoona asked me. I shook my head. "One person out of the four will be in a movie while they train. Some famous director wanted someone who isn't that famous to appear in this movie. They want someone original with natural talent. I don't know why, but they do."

I opened my mouth to speak, but I got interrupted again.

"And the other 3 people are supposedly going to be sent to debut almost immediately and tour different countries to spread K-pop."

"But don't companies recruit all the time?" I asked.

"Yeah but this one...This one is special." Hyoyeon said scooting closer. "You might even be as famous as..."

"As who?" I asked.

"Taemin." She whispered. Everyone around her gasped.

"How could you! Don't say his name around here!" Yoona yelled at her.

"...What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "What's wrong with saying some idol's name?"

"You don't know?" Key gasped at me.

"Know what?"

"The curse! The Taemin curse!"

"What's that?"

Hyoyeon spun me around to face her. She pulled out a picture from her wallet. It was of Taemin. 

"You know how he died right?" She asked.

"Car crash."

"Off a bridge." Minho added.

"Yeah. It was written off as an accident."

"Yeah. Accident." Key snorted. "They also said he might have been drunk and just drove off the road. I knew that guy. We all did. And he would never drink and drive. He hated driving!"


"Before he died, he was in SM. SM had this role all set up for him in the new horror film, Are You BaekHee? and he was so excited."

"Are You Baekhee is based on a true story. A girl in some rural place was murdered by some pyscho and haunted that village for decades looking for the pyscho. Anyways, Taemin was going to play the role of the pyscho killer. Of course it was one of things you had to figure out because they didn't tell you he was the killer obviously."

"Looks like Baekhee thought Taemin was really the killer."

"Why don't they call it the Baekhee curse?"

"She wasn't the one who was cursed. Taemin was the cursed one. Ever since he debuted, he has had bad luck. He broke a vase at his first live performance. Cut himself on a variety showing cutting an apple, and in an interview, the reporter got sick on him."

"Running into Baekhee was just the last bad luck he could take."

"Legend says Taemin was killed by Baekhee and the film had to be put on hold."

"I hear the new horror film is  Are you Baekhee?" Taecyeon said.

"They wouldn't do that. Not after the response Taemin's death recieved." Hyoyeon said. "The movie is going to be a horror but they haven't even decided on the plot or anything yet." 

"So then why can't you talk about him?"

"It just brings bad luck. Some girl talked about Taemin before she auditioned and got in, but was hit by a train the next day." Yoseob said. Onew turned around.

"That's why no wants to talk about him. Especially at this time. We all want to get in." Onew said.

I think everyone was thinking what I was thinking. Who in here wanted to get in the most?

I looked at the clock 4:56

"Stay close to me." Key said pulling me closer. Jonghyun didn't say anything, just moving closer to me. I think he was cold since he had given up his jacket. Hyoyeon stared at Heechul's jacket around her and pulled it to warm herself. I think she caught me looking at her. Yoseob was still chained to the desk. I could see it in his eyes. He was petrified.

Minho and Taecyeon were sitting in their desks, staring at the clock. Yoona closed her eyes and hid under a desk. Heechul sat in a corner by himself away from everyone.

I looked up at Key who just looked scared.

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Chapter 7: That was really good! But I didn't really get the ending...
wow. really good. i didn't absolutely expect it. but... in the end key died? the stalker killed him? then who was the one who was talking to maki? O.o i'm a bit confused XD<br />
anyway... i really liked it u.u
I absolutely loved this fanfic, It was thrilling!!! This may be one of the best horror fanfic I ever read :)
wow, the ending was so well written! I loved it! =)<br />
ohmyhades, iknew it was yoona!!<br />
mwahahaha i knew it!!!!!<br />
that murdered My Taemin and Onew cuz she was fcking jealous??<br />
ooh shes onna get it bad when she end up on the underword, i will send soo much demons on her that even persefone is gonna be scared of me....<br />
pleaseee update soon!!!<br />
i want to see if makis gonna be okay!!!!!!!!!<br />
Woah...that was surprising! You can never guess what's going to happen next with this story c:
wow....that surprised me....just wow. O.O
proximaC #8
curious...very started to like the story...<br />
though im not really a big fan of mystery since the curiosity might just kill me before everyone in the story dies...<br />
anyway, im looking forward to read more...<br />
update soon please...
omg i am so confused i dont even know O.O<br />
is yoona the killer? i really hope its not jonghyun- ughhh im soooo confused- please please please update soon!
oh my god O.O<br />
that was soo eerie- poor onew =(<br />
why did he have to die =(... hell i dont want anyone t die- but this is such a good story!!! imso curious as to who the killer is! please update soon!