Child's Play

Surviving High School Got A LOT Harder

I followed Hyo yeon around for about another ten minutes until she broke down the air vent doors. She jumped down to the floor and signaled for me to. I jumped down and landed perfectly.

"Ha." She said said looking at me with a smirk. "What are you? A stunt professional?"

"Just someone who practices." I said looking around. I found a clock across that hall. 7:12PM.

"It's already 7." I said.

"What about it?"

"It's been about 2 hours since we were in the room and we've missed 4 intercom calls." I said.

"Maybe he's just killing us all now."

"It's a game..." I said. "In the beginning, it was a game. Now...Now I don't know."

"A game? How was it a game?"

"They wanted us to guess who was the killer. Now they've completely stopped."

"Maybe someone messed up the speakers."

She reminded me that someone before Jonghyun messed with the speakers. But I was the first to turn on the lights.

"I know who it is. I know who is the killer."

"Oh really?" Taecyeon came in and looked at us with his crossed arms.

"Taecyeon!" Hyoyeon yelled. "How did you find us?"

"lucky guess." He made a move towards us. "You. You're the killer." He stared down at me. "You killed Yoseob and Minho."


"You stabbed both of them."

"She was with me the whole time! She couldn't have killed them!"

Taecyeon...How was he still alive...

"Then it was the both of you!" He yelled at us.

"What about you? I don't see you having an alibi for..."

"Where's the rest of them?" I asked Taecyeon.

"Who...They were right behind me..." Taecyeon said. "Wait...If I'm with the killers..."

"We're not the killers!"

"We have to find them!" I yelled running out the door.

"Oh no you don't! You won't get away from me!" I heard Taecyeon and Hyo-yeon follow me. I saw a blood trail leading down the stairs. I followed it, hoping they were still OK.

I hear a groan and someone wincing at the pain.

It was Jonghyun, on the floor, bleeding from his side. He tried to stop it by using his hand but it was working out.

I rushed to his side.

"What happened?" I asked taking his jacket off and folding it to cover his wound.

"Key..." He said covering my hand with his, pressing down hard, He winced in extreme pain.

"He stabbed you?"


"I looked up and saw Hyo-yeon and Taecyeon staring at me.

"Who did this to him!?" Taecyeon yelled.

"Hyo-yeon. Stay with him, Stop the bleeding if you can." I got up and ran down the hall after hearing some clattering.

"No. I'm coming with you." Taecyeon followed me down the hall. 

We heard more noises coming from a closet.

"Open the door." Taecyeon slammed his huge body against the door. It fell off the hinges and revealed Key and Yoona.

I saw Key holding a knife with two hands as Yoona slammed herself against the wall.

"Help! He's trying to kill me!"

I took a step towards Key.

"Just put the knife down, Key." I said calmly. "I know you didn't kill everyone." He put on the ground almost immediately and grabbed me. 

"She..She made me do it!" He cried on ym shoulder.

"Oh you little wuss." Yoona said. She pulled out a gun from her back. "I was saving these bullets for the new girl, but I guess I'll just use my extras for the rest of you."

"Wait...What?" Taecyeon yelled. "She has a GUN!?"

"No! You're not going to hurt anyone anymore, Yoona!" Key stood in front of me.

"Oh shut up. Don't start acting all high and mighty now. Just when I thought I was going to let you live, you it your last chance by choosing HER over ME!"

"If you're going to kill us, just explain to me WHY.: Taecyeon said.

"Well to be frank, I want to win."

"Win what?"

"The AUDITION." She said like it was supposed to be the most important thing of all.

"You auditioned?" Key looked at Taecyeon.

"Everyone here auditioned!" Yoona yelled. "Everyone was keeping it a secret, hoping they would be part of the lucky 4."

"I mean I knew most of the school auditioned but..."

"Everyone made it to the final round." I said. "All 10 of us had made it to the final round."

"But you're one step ahead of the game, aren't you, NEW GIRL?" Yoona pointed the gun at me.


You pretended not to know about the audition and Taemin, But you knew about Taemin all along didn't you?"

"Taemin and I were just friends." I said.

"Just friends!?" Yoona screamed. "He dumped me FOR YOU! You ruined my life!"

"I didn't..."

"You were all that he talked about. Maki this. Maki that. Have you heard Maki sing? Have you seen Maki act?" She waved her arms around like a mad woman.

"You know Taemin?" Key looked down at me. "Why didn't..."

"I didn't think it was important."

"And you're the reason he had to go! Just like now!"

"You killed Taemin?!" Key growled at her. "You killed the most promising star of the decade!"

"I saved him from the demon hands of that evil little over there!"

"What did she ever do to you?"

"She stole everything from me! Taemin! The audition! Key!"

"I didn't steal anything from you on purpose, Yoona."

"Don't ever say my name! Your dirty mouth ruins it!" She continued to wave the gun around. "And now, I'm going to take back my role and star in Are You Baekhee when this is all over!"

"Do you're going to kill us all for some stupid film role?" Taecyeon said.

"I HAVE TO.I have to make Taemin PROUD."

"You killed him!" Key yelled at her.

"Shut up!" She pointed the gun at Key. I couln't let him die. Not like this. I moved toward her and blocked the gun from shooting Key.


Yoona just screamed in anger before we both hit the ground.

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Chapter 7: That was really good! But I didn't really get the ending...
wow. really good. i didn't absolutely expect it. but... in the end key died? the stalker killed him? then who was the one who was talking to maki? O.o i'm a bit confused XD<br />
anyway... i really liked it u.u
I absolutely loved this fanfic, It was thrilling!!! This may be one of the best horror fanfic I ever read :)
wow, the ending was so well written! I loved it! =)<br />
ohmyhades, iknew it was yoona!!<br />
mwahahaha i knew it!!!!!<br />
that murdered My Taemin and Onew cuz she was fcking jealous??<br />
ooh shes onna get it bad when she end up on the underword, i will send soo much demons on her that even persefone is gonna be scared of me....<br />
pleaseee update soon!!!<br />
i want to see if makis gonna be okay!!!!!!!!!<br />
Woah...that was surprising! You can never guess what's going to happen next with this story c:
wow....that surprised me....just wow. O.O
proximaC #8
curious...very started to like the story...<br />
though im not really a big fan of mystery since the curiosity might just kill me before everyone in the story dies...<br />
anyway, im looking forward to read more...<br />
update soon please...
omg i am so confused i dont even know O.O<br />
is yoona the killer? i really hope its not jonghyun- ughhh im soooo confused- please please please update soon!
oh my god O.O<br />
that was soo eerie- poor onew =(<br />
why did he have to die =(... hell i dont want anyone t die- but this is such a good story!!! imso curious as to who the killer is! please update soon!