Chapter Thirty-three- The Call

We're Different But the Same



"Sir can you step on it? I need to be home NOW,” CL said with worry in her voice.

“What’s wrong,” Show Luo asked again.

Just then, CL got a call and she answered, “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you then. Bye.”

When CL hung up the phone Show Luo asked, “What’s wrong CL?”

CL looked at him and said, “I need to go home!”

Show Luo was confused, “We are taking you home, what’s the rush?”

CL was frustrated with him, “No I need to go back home to South Korea!”

They approached CL’s house and she jumped out before it could stop. He got out the limo and shouted after her, “But why?” CL just ran in her house and slammed the door shut not answering him. Show Luo stood there in amazement and shouted at the door, “How rude!”

He got back in the limo and said out loud to the driver, “Take me home!” He stared out the window to CL’s house and wanted to get to the bottom of it.


Dara’s POV

Dara ran into her house like a mad woman. How could this happen, how could this have happened, she thought to herself. Daesung followed her into the house, “Dara is everything alright?”

Dara picked up her phone and dialed someone’s number and kept walking from room to room. “Hey, I got the text. I’m getting ready to leave now. Okay bye,” she said and hung up.

Dara threw a suit case onto the sofa in the living room and continued to run around the house. Daesung noticed that she wasn’t paying attention to him and followed her around. She grabbed clothing and different items and threw them all in the bag.“Hello, Dara what’s going on,” he asked.

“I gotta go,” was all she said before she walked to another room.

Daesung gave up and sat down by her suit case. A couple of minutes later, Dara came to the suit case with a huge pile of various items and stuffed it into the bag. She tried to close the suit case, but it wouldn’t go. He finally got up and helped her close the suit case. She then grabbed the suit case and ran out the door to her car.

“Dara, Dara…” he said as she threw her suit case in the back seat.

“WHAT,” she shouted at him. “What do you want?!”

“Umm…what’s going on,” he asked.

“Daesung I don’t have time for this, I have to go,” she said and drove off.

He was left speechless on her drive way. He ran to his car and thought he should follow her, because didn’t seem like she was in the right state of mind.


Bom’s POV

Bom awoke to the sound of Bi Rain and Top’s voice.

“Bom,” Bi Rain said her hair. “Bom wake up.”

Bom slowly opened her eyes and saw Bi Rain and Top looking down at her. She got up feeling her head throbbing and said, “What happened?”

“You passed out when you read a text message on your phone,” Bi Rain said.

Bom suddenly remember what happened and jumped off the chair, “Where’s my phone?”

Top held it out to her, “Here you go.”Bom went to her text messages and reread what the last text message said.

Minzy is unconscious in the hospital. She’s been in a car accident!- CL

Bom dropped her phone and started to tremble. Bi Rain then picked up her phone and read the text message. He looked to Bom and said, “Who’s Minzy?”

Bom shook her head and snatched the phone out of his hands. She then looked at the shocked Top, “Book me the soonest flight out to South Korea right now!” Bi Rain and Top looked at her confused.

Top then said, “What?”

Bom was angry, “You heard what I said. Do what I said now!”

Bi Rain cut in, “Bom, why are you talking like that to him?”

Bom ignored Bi Rain and saw that Top still didn’t understand her. She looked Top dead in the eyes, “Call my daddy and tell him I’m coming home right now! Minzy is in the hospital and I need to be there!”

“What,” Top said again.

Bom then yelled at Top, “Top, don’t play stupid with me! Call my dad and tell him right now or I’ll fire you!”

Top was angry and he shouted back, “You can’t fire me, only your father can!”

Bom turned around and walked to the door, “Just do it and we can argue about this later!”

Bom then walked into her apartment and started to pack. Minutes later, Bi Rain knocked on her door and let himself in. “Bom, can you calm down. Let’s talk about this,” he said as she kept walking around and packing.

“Did he book my flight yet, or do I have to do it myself,” she asked as she kept packing.

“He’s still in shock,” he replied.

“So I guess I have to book it myself,” she said as she picked up her bags and started to walk out the door. She paused and said, “Lock the door before you leave,” and walked out. Bi Rain stood in place looking at the closed door. This Minzy must be important, Bi Rain thought to himself.


Author's Notes:

So I think I'm just going to post up the rest of the chapters. Hope you don't mind just getting one less thing to worry about out of my hair haha.

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3