Chapter Thirteen- I'm Busy

We're Different But the Same

Dara’s POV

Dara couldn’t believe how much homework she had in her first week. Everyday and night was filled with school and homework. Dara didn’t get to see GD at all during the week. She finally found time to call him at the end of the week. She apologized to him for not being able to see him and hoped that he would forgive her. GD accepted the apology and they made plans to go out the following week. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up with GD if this is the homework!

Dara was right; GD and Dara went weeks without seeing each other. Each time Dara would call and apologize for not being able to go out and GD would forgive her and plan for the following week. I can’t keep this up, she thought holding her phone. She never had time for GD and she could tell that he was getting more and more impatient with her.

Dara dialed GD’s phone and he picked up, “Hello, GD?”

“What you can’t make it again,” he said bluntly.

“I’m sorry, it’s just…” she started to explain.

“It’s just… that you’re busy huh? I got it Dara, you don’t need to explain,” he said angrily.

Dara understood his anger and softly said, “You’re right I am busy. I’m sorry.”

“You know I’m busy, I’m sorry is what all of our conversations consist of! I’m BUSY TOO ya know! But I always MAKE time for you,” he started to shout on the phone.

Dara was hurt by what he said, but didn’t want to make things worse. “Umm… I don’t know what to say then,” was all she could think of saying.

“You know what, I don’t know either! I don’t know why I waste my time on someone that obviously doesn’t feel like I’m as important to them as they are to me,” he yelled. He then paused trying to calm down and said, “How about we take a break?”

Dara took every hit GD swung at her. But she was surprised that he would say something like that. Throughout her time she had been with him, he had never been this angry or said such hurtful things to her. It’s not like I’m doing it intentionally, she thought to herself. She didn’t know what to say to his last question because she still wanted to be with him.

“Hello Dara?! What do you think about taking a break,” he asked again.

She didn’t want to do what came next, “Umm, fine… let’s” Dara’s voice started to crack. She cleared and forced the words out of , “Fine let’s take a break!”

GD was surprised that she agreed to it, “Are you sure?”

No I don’t wanna take a break, but what else can I do, she thought to herself. “Yeah, let’s take a break.”

“No strings attached,” he added.

“What,” she asked. No strings attached? What does that mean?

“That means it’s as if we are not dating and we are free to date other,” he said.

Dara couldn’t believe what he was saying. Free to date others? What are you getting at she said to herself. “Free to date others huh,” she wanted to know why he would want to do or say such a thing.

“It’s so we can take a real break. How can we take a break from each other when we still have commitments to one another? That’s not really a break, don’t you think,” he asked.

What the hell! Dara wanted to cry and she panicked saying, “Alright, alright I see where you are going with this. Let me make it up to you tonight!”

GD was quiet for a moment, “Hmm, well I don’t know.”

“C’mon GD! You know how much I like you, just give me another chance,” Dara begged.

GD finally gave in saying, “Alright I’ll see you in a little bit. Bye,” he said before hanging up.


That night Dara made a special candle lite dinner. After their dinner they went to the ice cream parlor and had their vanilla ice cream.

“See I told you I would make it up to you,” she said as they finished their ice cream.

“Okay I forgive you. Just don’t do it again, I can’t take being ignored,” he said squeezing her hands.

“I won’t! I promise,” she said squeezing back.

Dara kept her promise to GD and made sure to never neglect him. Their relationship went back to how it used to be and they were happy with one another. But it affected her schooling. She fell behind in her homework and sometimes missed school from late night clubbing with GD.

Daesung noticed how behind she got in their class and stopped her out in the hall way before class started.“Hey Dara,” Daesung said catching up to her.

Dara turned saying, “Yeah, what’s up?”

“Umm, I noticed you’ve been behind in class and that you’ve been missing a lot of days. Is everything okay,” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

“Everything’s fine. Really,” she said pretending not to know what he was talking about.

Daesung frowned and looked her dead in the eye, “Dara, what’s going on, for as long as I’ve known you, you haven’t been like this especially when it comes to school?”

Dara couldn’t meet his gaze and looked away saying, “I’m fine! Please Daesung don’t worry!”

“Nope, I’m going to worry until you tell me why you have been like this lately,” he said blocking her way of escape.

“I just gotta keep a promise is all. Don’t worry, its nothing,” Dara said trying to reassure him that it was okay.

“What promise is that,” he asked looking at her suspiciously.

Dara just shook her head and tried to walk past him. Who do you think you are, CL, she thought to herself. “Hey we’re going to be late for class,” Dara said trying to get out of answering him.

Daesung held firm and blocked her exit. “Tell me Dara! What’s this PROMISE that’s ruining your future?”Dara gave him a surprised look and didn’t know what to say.


“What promise is ruining your future,” he asked again. “Dara your education here is different from high school! Coming here is serious business; it means you want a better future for yourself. But how can you get that if you are constantly behind or never here?”

Dara didn’t know what to say. Every word Daesung said was like a slap to her face. She had lost sight in her purpose for college trying to please GD. “Well… I…” she didn’t want to say her promise. She felt ashamed and looked away.

Daesung softly turned her face towards him and said, “Well what? I what Dara,” he said in a tender voice.

Dara looked into Daesung’s eyes and saw that he was truly concerned for her. “Well I promised my boyfriend that I would spend more time with him,” she said and looked away. She felt like a stupid love sick puppy. How did I end up this way? I’m smarter than this, she thought to herself.

“Dara, does he know that you are going to school now,” he asked.

“He’s known that I was going to be attending school since this summer,” she said.

He followed with another question, “Does he know that you value your education?”

Dara could only nod because she could imagine how stupid she looked. Wow Dara I thought you were stronger than this?! Dara wanted to break down and cry for how foolish she had been acting lately.

“Hmm, he sounds kind of selfish to me,” he said to Dara.

Dara looked at him in defense, “If I concentrate on school I won't have time for him, he'll leave me! Is that what you want to happen?!”

Daesung put his hands up and said, “Calm down Dara I’m talking to you as a friend out of concern. And from a guy to a lady, I would advise you that what he’s making you do is wrong. If he really was a good boyfriend he would support your dreams even if it meant spending less time with you.”

Daesung was right. Dara knew everything he said was true, but had a hard time accepting it. “You’re right,” she quietly said.

“If I were you I would seriously discuss your dreams with him. That way you and him can find out where each other stands. Stay strong Dara,” he said rubbing her arm and walking into class.

Dara followed him into class thinking about their conversation. She couldn’t seem to pay attention to what the professor was saying. All that ran through her mind was Daesung’s words and how she had been lately. She thought back to her promise she made to GD and noticed a change in herself.

Everything she did in the past weeks were all for GD. She focused all her time and energy pleasing GD. All these thoughts ran through her head when the professor was calling her.

“Miss Dara Park? Miss Dara Park,” the professor said trying to get her attention.

“Huh,” Dara finally said realizing he was talking to her. “

Please stay after class. I need to talk to you,” he said.

“Okay,” she said as all of her classmates looked at her.

“Daesung could you please stay after also,” the professor asked.

“Sure,” Daesung said.

After the class had cleared out Dae Sung and Dara walked up to the professor’s desk.“Yes professor,” they both said.

The professor looked over some papers and then looked to Dara saying, “I noticed you have been falling behind and you haven’t been attending classes that much lately. I know you can do better Miss Park!”

Dara nodded, “Yes sir.”

“Seeing as you and Daesung are friends, I’m assigning him to be your personal tutor,” he said looking to Daesung. “Can you please help her?”

“Yes professor, I won’t let you down,” Daesung smiled.

“Alright then, I hope to see improvement Miss Park. You two may go now,” the professor said excusing them.

“Thank you professor,” Dara said walking out of the classroom.

“You hear that Dara I’m YOUR personal tutor now,” Daesung smiled being proud of himself.

Dara grinned saying, “Don’t get big headed now.”

“Oh I’m not; it’s just funny how we switched roles. Let’s plan on when’s a good time to meet,” Daesung said pulling out his class schedule.They both had schedules that clashed the entire week. The only time they could meet was on the weekends and so they agreed to meet this Friday. Afterwards Dara headed to the cafeteria and ate her lunch. She ate her lunch thinking of what to do. She was at a crossroads and couldn’t make up her mind. Knowing GD, she had to choose schooling or him. No matter how much she debated, she always came to the same conclusion. She had to talk it out with GD. Tonight she would call him to see where they stood. 

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3