Chapter Nine- It's Official!

We're Different But the Same

Bom's POV

The next two months went by in a blink of an eye. Bom and Top made up and went back to being best friends. Meanwhile Bom and Bi Rain became closer to one another. Bom saw the playful flirty side of him like never before. In fact, she started to feel something stronger than she felt when she liked Top.

Bom sat in the lunch room waiting for Bi Rain when someone covered her eyes.“Umm… Bi Rain is that you,” she asked.

“Nope it’s me,” Top said sitting down by her.

Bom was a little bummed, “Oh… hey Top.”

Top pouted, “Aww, not who you expected huh?”

Bom smiled, “No it’s not like that, I just thought you were someone else.”

Top laughed, “I know who you THOUGHT it was! Dang I feel like I’m being replaced.”

Bom laughed “Yup you sure are, now get outta here before he comes!”

Top was a little disappointed at what she said, but he did what she said. “Well I’ll see you later then? Don’t forget our plans this weekend okay,” Top said as he got up.

“Oh sorry Top I forgot to tell you, Bi Rain wants to take me out this weekend. Can we plan for another day? I’ll text you later okay, bye,” Bom waved and went back to her notes.

Top was sad that he really was getting replaced. Over the past two months Bom would ditch him for Bi Rain and when he was with her all she talked about was Bi Rain. Why am I getting jealous? I don’t like her like that…do I? Top brushed off the last thought and decided he would go and study for his upcoming exam.

Minutes after Top left, Bi Rain walked in, “Hey Bom,” Bi Rain said smiling to her.

Bom looked up smiling at the gorgeous guy walking towards her, “Hey!”

They went over the class project and couldn’t believe that they were almost done. Bi Rain looked at Bom and couldn’t believe how lucky he was. She’s so gorgeous, he thought when Bom was explaining some of her notes to him.

Bom laughed at Bi Rain noticing that he wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying, “Hello, Earth to Bi Rain?!” Bom wondered what he was thinking.

Bi Rain smiled and said, “Sorry I was just thinking about our basketball game this Friday. It’s the semi-finals, we see if we make it to the championship game,” he lied.

Bom was excited, “Oh cool!”“Yeah, you are coming right,” Bi Rain asked.

“Well I don’t know… I might have plans with Top,” Bom teased.

Bi Rain frowned playing along with her, “Aww, don’t be like that. I was planning on giving you something special if we win.”

Bom was curious, “Something special, and what’s that?”

Bi Rain shook his head, “Nope I can’t tell you it’s a secret. Come and find out on Friday,” he said giving her a mischievous smile.

Bom knew that look, “Hey! What are you up to mister,” Bom said scolding him. “I know that look. You’re up to no good!”

Bi Rain then let out an evil laugh saying, “BWAHAHA! You’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Fine I’ll come! So tell me what it is,” Bom said trying to get him to tell her the surprise.

“Nope… I can give you a clue though,” Bi Rain leaned to her and whispered. “It’s something you’ll never forget!”

Bom was ecstatic. She thought of many things, but her mind kept coming to the same conclusion. Is this it? He’s totally going to kiss me I know it! Throughout the entire week Bom couldn’t contain the excitement for the basketball game and talked nonstop about it with Top.


“Boy you sure are excited about the game today. Why is that,” Top asked out of curiosity.

Bom didn’t want to tell Top the truth because she would look like an idiot if she wasn’t right. “What! I can’t be excited for our men’s basketball team?”

Top knew there was something fishy going on, “Well I’m going to talk with Kahi for a little bit if you don’t mind,” he said trying to test her.

“Sure, sure, go ahead I’ll go find our seats,” Bom said not really listening to what he said.

Top was happy for a second, but realized what she had just said. What the… she didn’t even try to stop me! Since Bom said it was alright with her, he walked over to Kahi. The entire time he was talking with her he noticed that Bom didn’t look at them at all. She was busy looking towards the entrance for the men’s basketball team to come out.

“So how about we hang out after the game,” Kahi said. Noticing that he wasn’t paying attention she repeated herself, “Hello… I said how about we hang out after the game?”

Top wasn’t as excited as he thought he would be, “Umm, sure. Tonight sounds good. I’ll call you after the game,” he said before walking back to Bom.“Hey Bom I’m going out with Kahi tonight,” Top told Bom.

“Huh? Oh that’s nice, I hope you have fun,” she said not taking her eyes off the court.

Bom’s heart was pounding like crazy. Please let them win, please, please, please! Just then the announcer came on and everyone was on their feet. Bom watched as each player came out and then the announcer called Bi Rain’s name. Bom screamed and shouted for him as loud as she could. He smiled and winked at her and she winked back. He laughed and joined his team in the huddle.The game was really close the entire time that it kept everyone up on their feet cheering the whole game. Bom couldn’t believe that this game was tougher than the first game she went to. She started to doubt that the team could pull through this time. Will he still give me that surprise even if they lose?

There was a minute left on the clock and the opposing team had the ball. Everyone was on their toes yelling their lungs off. Just then, as the ball was being passed Bi Rain caught it and ran down the court. Everyone cheered as the last seconds of the clock went by. Bi Rain made a clean layup right before the buzzer went off. Bom was so happy that she left Top and ran with everyone else to the court. Bom tried to get to Bi Rain, but he was surrounded by a swarm of girls and fans. Bom didn’t want to ruin the celebration with her jealousy, so she just sat on the bleachers and told Top to leave without her. She wanted to wait for Bi Rain.

When Bi Rain saw Bom he rushed over to her.“Did you see that,” he said all excited.

Bom smiled saying, “Yeah I did, congrats.”

Before Bi Rain could say any more another group of girls surrounded him, they all were complimenting him and saying how cute he was. Bom couldn’t stand what she was seeing and decided to leave before her jealousy got the best of her.

“Hey where are you going,” he shouted after her.

“I’ll see you later, I’ll talk to you when you aren’t busy,” Bom tried to say without giving away any sign of jealousy.

Bi Rain left the crowd of girls and ran to Bom, “Hey now, didn’t I promise you something special if we win? Do you want it or not,” Bi Rain asked her.

Bom had forgotten all about the surprise, “Oh yeah, well where is it.” Bom’s heart started to pound ferociously.

Bi Rain grinned and said, “Wait here!” Bi Rain ran to the locker room.

Bom was a little bummed that it wasn’t a kiss, but was excited that she was getting a gift. OMG could it be a couple ring, Bom thought that had to be it. Bom tried to fix herself up the best she could before he came. She then saw him running back to her with one hand behind his back.

“Okay, thanks for waiting,” he breathed trying to catch his breath.

She smiled saying, “No worries, you didn’t take too long.”

Bi Rain then said, “Alright, now close your eyes and no peeking.”

Bom giggled saying, “Okay, okay I won’t peek promise!”Bi Rain brought his other arm forward and placed it in front of Bom, “Okay you can look now.”

Bom opened her eyes smiling, “Oh Bi Rain you…” Bom paused when she saw what it was. It was a notebook. Trying not to sound disappointed she said, “Aww, thanks.”

Bi Rain laughed, “I noticed that you were running out of paper and that your notes were all over the place, so I bought this cool organizer notebook!”

Bom tried to smile saying, “I like it!”

“I even took the time to write a couple of notes in there for you,” Bi Rain smiled as he handed her the notebook. Bom was so disappointed that she couldn’t help but frown. Bi Rain noticed and saying, “What? You don’t like my nifty gift; it took a lot of thought to think of what to get you.”

Bom smiled gratefully saying, “I do! Don’t worry I’ll treasure this notebook and make sure it is well used.” Bi Rain looked at the clock on the wall behind Bom, “Uh-oh, I gotta go. See you tonight,” he said running back to the locker room.

Bom nodded and walked off. Wait a minute… I don’t work tonight! Bom simply concluded that he must have forgotten her schedule. Bom called Top and asked if she could come over for a bit. He agreed and told her that he was out for a bit, but that the key was under the mat. Bom found the key and let herself into his apartment. Bom walked in admiring the hard work her and Top put into his apartment.


Top arrived minutes after her arrival.“Hey Bom, I just ran some errands really fast what’s up,” Top said as he walked in.

Bom pulled out the notebook she got from Bi Rain, “Look what I got.”

Top looked at the notebook and didn’t understand what was so special about it, “Okay that’s nice.”“This is the special surprise I was waiting for,” Bom then explained the reason she showed him the notebook.

“Oooh I see. That’s funny,” Top laughed.

Bom hit his arm, “Hey! “Top set his keys and phone down by Bom and picked up the notebook. “Let me take a look at this nifty notebook of yours. Hold on let me get a pen so I can draw hearts all over it,” he teased as he went to his room.Top’s cell phone went off then and it showed he had a new text message. Bom picked it up to check for him and was in disbelief to what she read.

Hey Top I wanna know how my baby girl is doing. Is she safe? Give me a full report asap! –Pres. Park

When she heard Top coming, she quickly put the phone back. Top returned reading something in the notebook, “Have you read the notebook yet?” Bom was trying to understand what she had just read and wasn’t paying attention to a word he said.“Bom? Hello Bom, have you read the notebook yet,” Top asked.

“Oh…umm, nope I haven’t. Bi Rain said that he just wrote a couple of notes down to get it started,” Bom said still thinking about the text.

Top laughed, “Well maybe you should read it!”

Bom was confused and she took the notebook from him and read the page Top was looking at.

Meet me tonight at 9pm at our meeting place! Don’t be late!

Bom laughed and couldn’t believe she didn’t think to open the notebook. “Wow, I should have checked the notebook!” Bom looked at the time and she was late.

“AHH! I’m late!”

“Good thing you got plans, because I’ve made plans of my own. Good luck,” Top waved as she ran out the door.

Bom sped through traffic and ran all the way to the cafeteria to see Bi Rain sitting at their table. “I’m so sorry! I just barely read the notebook,” Bom said trying to catch her breath.

Bi Rain gave her a big smile, “I was a little worried that you didn’t get the message. But I knew you would find it!”

Bom sat across from him and noticed that the table was decorated and silver ware was set out. “What’s going on,” Bom asked.

Bi Rain clapped his hands twice and in walked the basketball team with little bow ties on. Bom laughed as everyone played their roles so well. His butlers brought out their dinner, played some romantic music, set the lights on low, and left them to themselves.“Well what do you think,” Bi Rain asked.

Bom blushed, “How did you get all of them to do that for you?”

Bi Rain smiled, “I’m the team captain remember. They listen to everything their leader tells them to do.”

Bom shook her head and didn’t believe a word he said. Bi Rain laughed when he saw that she didn’t believe him, “Alright, alright. I begged everyone and told them this was the only way to get you to be my girlfriend.”

Bom was laughing with him as he talked, but then she froze on his last comment. His what, Bom couldn’t believe he was still joking with her.

Bi Rain then became serious and held her hands in his, “Bom I already see you as my girlfriend, but I want to make it official.”Bom was speechless and couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Bi Rain pulled her up out of her seat, “Tonight is our official firsts. This is our official first date.” He placed her arms around his neck and his around her hips saying, “And this is our official first dance.”

Bom felt like she was floating on a cloud. None of her past boyfriends had done something so romantic. “Is this a dream,” Bom said thinking out loud.

Bi Rain laughed as the song finished, and helped her to her seat saying, “Yeah and I’m going to make your dreams come true tonight.”

Bom and Bi Rain enjoyed each other’s company eating and talking. Bom and Bi Rain talked about the past week and the close basketball game. After they were done eating Bi Rain clapped his hands twice and the basketball team came out and cleaned off the table. Bom laughed and thanked the guys for all their hard work.

When the room was cleared and it was just Bi Rain and Bom, he pulled his chair over and sat right beside her. Bom leaned back a little asking nervously, “Umm, what are you doing?”

Bi Rain gave his mischievous smile saying, “Didn’t I say I was going to give you something special.”Bom was confused; she thought that the surprise dinner was what he wanted to give her. There’s more?

“Eh?! I thought you already did give me something special?”

Bi Rain smiled saying, “Nope that was the appetizer to the main course.”

“No thanks, I’m stuffed,” Bom said rubbing her stomach.

Bi Rain busted out laughing so hard that he fell off of his chair. “Oh Bom, you say the cutest things. That’s one of the many reasons to why I like you so much!” Bi Rain said as he continued to laugh on the ground.

Bom didn’t know why he was laughing, see as she only stated the truth. “Hey, why are you laughing? I really am full!”

Bi Rain started to laugh even harder. “Owe, owe my stomach hurts!” After a couple more laughs Bi Rain got back up and sat next to Bom again. “Wow Bom you’re a comedian and you don’t even know it.”

“Hmm… that’s what my friends say,” not really understanding him or friends for thinking such things.

Bi Rain smiled saying, “Well this special gift isn’t for free. I’m going to need something in return for it.”

Bom tried to think of what to give him, “Okay I’ll pay for it,” Bom thought he wanted to take her somewhere and didn’t have the funds to do so.

Bi Rain grinned at Bom saying, “Are you sure you wanna pay for it? All sales are final with me; I have a no return policy!”

Bom was a little worried, “Well it’s the least I can do for such a great night!”

Bi Rain gave her a huge smile saying, “Alright... one kiss please,” he said pointing to his left cheek.

Bom started to blush when she learned of his way of payments. “Umm, I don’t know…”

“Hey! Like I said all sales are final and it is the least you could do for all the hard work I put in to this night,” Bi Rain said pouting to her.

Bom did appreciate everything he had put together and decided that a kiss on the cheek wouldn’t be too bad. She looked around and could see that there were no witnesses. So she leaned in to kiss his cheek and in a split second he turned to face her. Before she knew it, she was kissing him on the lips. She quickly retreated and placed her hands on her lips. What just happened, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile Bi Rain sat there in the same position with his eyes closed reminiscing in the beautiful kiss.“Wow that was better than I imagined it,” Bi Rain said as he stared up at the ceiling.

Bom was as red as a tomato, “What was that!”

Bi Rain smiled and said, “What, I told you tonight is the night of our official firsts and that was our official first kiss! And it was worth it don’t you think?”

Bom tried to pretend that she was mad, but couldn’t. She just smiled and he knew she felt the same way.

“I believe that was well paid for,” he said as he stood behind her.

“What are you doing…” Bom tried to ask.

But then Bi Rain placed a necklace that had a ring attached to it around her neck.“There, it’s official now! You are officially MY lucky charm,” Bi Rain said as he sat back down by her side. Bom thought she had died and gone to heaven. The ring had a green stone that was in the shape of a four leaf clover. She was speechless and the only thing she could think to do was hug him. She gave him one of her suffocating hugs and didn’t want to let go.

“I’m glad you feel the same way,” he laughed as he tried to breathe.

It’s official! Bom thought that her life couldn’t get any better. He was hers and she was his. Nothing could ruin the night.

Later on that night Bi Rain escorted her home. As Bom and Bi Rain were talking at her door step she received a text message. When Bom read the message she turned pale.

“Bom?! Bom what’s wrong,” Bi Rain said trying to get her attention. Bom looked at him in a daze and couldn’t grasp what was in the text message, “I’m sorry, I’m just…” Bom said before she clasped and then passed out into Bi Rain’s arms.


Author's Notes:

Okay that's enough chapters for today don't you think haha. Alright the next update is a going to be Dara's POV. Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3