Chapter Twenty-five- The Second Chance

We're Different But the Same


The next day Show Luo came and picked up CL for school. When they arrived, he announced to his fan club that he was taken by the one and only CL. The group of girls cried, but stopped when they saw the new transfer student walk by. Show Luo and CL laughed at how fast their attention shifted to the next guy. But he didn’t mind, because he only wanted the attention from the goddess divine CL.

Show Luo apologized to both Seungri and So Hee and they accepted under one condition, that he not hurt CL like that again. He agreed to the condition and the two forgave him. Show Luo was surprised to see that Seungri and So Hee started to date.

On the way to back to CL’s house from school Show Luo, “How did that happen?

“How did what happen?”

“Seungri and So Hee,” he stated.

CL laughed, “Oh, that…well I hate to break it to you. But So Hee said that she pretended that you were Seungri on the double date to get through it.”

“Ouch! I guess no one really did like me,” he laughed.

“What, I did” CL said.

He smiled, “I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

“You’d still look like a dorky hippie,” CL said.

They both laughed, “Hippies are awesome, thank you very much!”

When they reached CL’s home he walked her to her door step.“You didn’t have to,” CL said as they approached the door step.

“But I wanted to,” he said smiling at CL. “CL…” he said.

“Yes,” she said smiling back at him.

He looked to the ground and shyly, “Do you…would you…”

“What, just say it already.”

He looked at her and blurted out, “Would you like to go out with me this Saturday?” He then quickly looked away as he blushed.

CL laughed and acted all cool, “Hmm, I don’t know. I’m a really busy girl.”

Show Luo then looked back at her and gave her a sad puppy dog look, “Please CL!”

She pulled out her phone and pretended to check her calendar, “Let me see. Saturday…”

Show Luo crossed his fingers, “Please be free!”

She closed her phone and looked to him, “Aww, I’m sorry. I’m busy that day.”

He frowned, “Oh, alright.”

“I’ll be out with you silly!”

His frown quickly turned to a big smile and he hugged her, “Thank you, thank you CL!”

She laughed and hugged him, “Hopefully it’s good because I’m really, really busy!”

“Don’t worry, I think it will be worth it!”


Saturday came and CL woke up to the beautiful sunshine. She looked out her window and was thankful for the beautiful morning. “Today is going to be a great day!” CL danced around her home as she got ready for her and Show Luo’s first date. She wondered how it was going to be and hoped that everything turned out great.

Later on, she heard the doorbell ring and she did a quick check in the mirror before opening the door. “Good luck hot stuff,” she told herself and opened the door.Show Luo had a teddy bear that was dressed like a hippie holding a chocolate heart with CL’s name on it. He handed it to her, “I hope you can accept this cool bear’s heart.”

CL smiled, “Of course, since it’s chocolate!"

He laughed and held out his arm, “If you will.”

She placed her arm onto his, “Thank you.” They walked outside and there was a black limousine in front of her home. “Umm, where’s Bessy,” she said to him.

“Bessy wanted to give me and you some alone time,” he said.

She laughed as he opened her door for her. “Thank you.”

He leaned in and whispered, “The pleasure’s all mines.”

“Where are we going,” CL asked as they left.“

To a place where angels look over the world,” was all he offered to say.

Okay,” CL laughed. Minutes later they arrived at Taipei 101 and CL laughed saying, “Oh, I see what you meant.” He smiled and helped her out of the limo. They walked in and it was all dark. “Why are all the lights off,” she asked then she saw a light over the elevator and said, “Oh there’s some light over there.”

“Let’s head over there then,” he said taking her hand and rushing to the light. Show Luo pressed the elevator button and the doors opened. He lightly tugged on her hand saying, “Let’s go!”

CL hesitated and looked around, “Are you sure we’re supposed to be here? I don’t want us to get in trouble or anything.”

He walked into the elevator. He then turned around and looked at her, “What, are you chicken?”

She laughed and walked into the elevator, “Nope, I just didn’t want you to cry if we get arrested.”

He laughed and pushed the top floor button. When the doors opened the room was all dark except for a light over a table. “C’mon,” he said pulling her towards the table. He helped her in her seat and then sat down. “Wait a minute,” he snapped his fingers and people stepped out from the dark and set up their dinner. When the dinner was set up and a guy with a violin appeared and started to play different love songs.

CL laughed, “You really didn’t have to,” she said nodding towards the violinist.

“What, you don’t like it,” he then snapped his fingers again and the violinist disappeared into the dark. Moments later, he reappeared with an electric guitar and a speaker.

“What is this,” CL laughed.

He then started to play the electric guitar and Show Luo came around and pulled her up on her feet. The floor was lite and they danced to the music played with the electric guitar. After a couple of songs CL gestured she need a break and Show Luo helped her back to the table.

“Wow, that was fun,” she said.

“I knew you weren’t really going to like the violin, so I had him bring the guitar too,” he smiled.

“You’re right, I liked that way better!”

The two then ate the dinner prepared and then shortly after ate the dessert. After they ate they took their drinks to the glass windows and overlooked the city lights.

“It’s still beautiful,” she said as she sighed with contentment.

“What’s with the sigh,” he laughed. “Is this not what you were hoping for?”

She then walked to him and smiled, “No, that was a happy sigh!”

“Oh, I see.” He looked back out the window, “CL, you don’t know how happy I am that out of all those people out there you could be with, you chose to be here with me.” He then walked up to her and took her hands so that she would face him.

CL smiled and squeezed his hands, “Where else would I be?”

He caressed her cheek and she giggled. He then said with a soft voice, “Can I give you something that is very dear to my heart?”

“Okay, what is it?” He then leaned in and gave her a deep, yet gentle kiss. When their lips met fireworks started going off outside and CL laughed, “Wow, is there a celebration going on outside.”

Show Luo laughed, “That was a celebration of my second first kiss!”

CL was shocked as the fireworks kept going off, “Did.. did you do that?”

He nodded, “Yes, I wanted you to see what I felt like inside,” he said placing her hands over his chest. “I’ve always planned to do that for my first kiss. But since that didn’t happen…”

CL laughed remembering their first kiss, “Oops! I’m sorry, to be honest that was my first kiss too!”

“It’s okay, I'll give you a second chance to make up for it,” and he kissed her again as the fireworks lite the night sky.

CL laid her head on Show Luo’s shoulder and let out another content sigh as they rode back to her home in the limo. Show Luo laughed and reached for hands, “I’m guessing I did a great job?”

She smiled and looked up at him, “Yeah you did!”

Just then Show Luo’s phone went off and he picked it up. He then handed the phone to CL and said, “It’s your dad, he said it’s an emergency.”

CL’s heart started to pound and she picked up the phone. “Hello daddy,” CL said. “Oh sorry, my phone is on silent. What’s wrong?”

CL went silent and Show Luo tried to listen in. Then out of nowhere CL shouted, “WHAT?! No, no, no!”

“What’s wrong,” Show Luo asked with concern.

CL ignored Show Luo and continued talking with her dad saying, “Okay daddy, I’ll text the rest of the girls. Okay bye.”

When CL hung up, she took out her phone and started to text someone.“What’s wrong CL,” Show Luo asked again.

“I can’t… I can’t…” CL’s voice cracked and she couldn’t finish what she was going to say.

“You can’t what CL,” he asked. She then turned to the driver and said, “Sir can you please step on it, I need to be home NOW!”


Author's Notes:

So guess who's next...MINZY!!! Yay, this fic is coming to an end soon. I hope you're enjoying it so far! Thanks for reading!!!

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3