Chapter Twenty-three- Helplessly in Love

We're Different But the Same


CL agreed to give Show Luo a makeover under one condition, that he would not change his personality. She loved Show Luo the way he was and hoped that with his transformation that his personality wouldn’t transform him into a monster. He agreed and they made plans to meet the coming weekend to do his makeover.

As she awoke she felt uneasy about doing the makeover today. She sat up in her bed feeling the pain of heart break. She basically agreed to help give Show Luo’s heart to another woman. Her mind told her what she was about to do was foolish, but her heart only wanted Show Luo’s happiness. She forced herself out of bed and begrudgingly got ready to go out with Show Luo to give him a makeover.

“Are you ready to go,” Show Luo asked as CL opened the door.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said with a straight face.

“What’s wrong, are you getting sick,” he said reaching out to feel her forehead.

She dodged his hand and walked past him, “I’m fine, let’s go, we got a lot of work to do!”

She knew that if Show Luo had touched her face she would break down and cry in front of him. But she kept telling herself to stay strong for his happiness.

“Okay. Let’s go,” he said excited.

CL had a list of places she wanted to take Show Luo to. She had spent the week thinking of different styles she could do for Show Luo, but every style just didn’t feel right to her. She would always end up with the conclusion that he was fine the way he was. CL finally came up with a look that she thought would complement his face and bring out his beautiful soft lips.

Before the two walked into the store, she quickly turned around and was flesh to flesh with Show Luo. “Whoa there,” he said.

CL backed away and fixed her hair, ”Umm…sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“You’re fine, what were you going to do or say?”

“Oh yeah, I just wanted to say, before we start I want to make sure that you do everything I tell you to. If I’m going to give you this makeover, I need you to trust me on everything okay,” she asked.

He nodded with a smile, “Of course! I trust you with all my heart!”

CL hated how he would say things to make her like him more. “Oh…okay thanks,” she said and turned to enter the store.

She took him to various clothing stores to try to match the vision she had. The two had so much fun in the process together she had forgotten about the pain she was in. He would play a different character to each outfit he wore and CL would just laugh at his bad acting skills.

“Wow, if I need to work on my people skills then you have to work on your acting skills,” she laughed.

“Hey, I think I’m a pretty good actor,” he said acting all cool.

“Okay sure. Well this outfit fits perfect to what I was thinking. Now let’s go get you some contact lenses and pierce those ears of yours.”

“WHAT?! Did you say contacts and…and piercing my ears,” he asked in disbelief.

She nodded, “Yup, that’s exactly what I said.”

He gave her a worried look, “I’m scared to put things in my eyes and I’m not so sure I’d look good with pierced ears.”

“Show Luo, remember what we agreed on? You were going to trust me on this,” she said to him

.He frowned, “I do! It’s just…it’s just”

“It’s just what,” CL asked.

“Okay, I guess I’m going to have to do it. But I have contacts at home already. I just never wear them,” he said giving in.

“Good, well we’ll need to go to pick up your contacts and then we’ll go pierce your ears.”

“Okay, whatever you say,” he said nervously.

CL laughed at him, “Yeah, it’s whatever I say!

They picked up his contacts and went to get his ears pierced. As he watched the girl prepping the things to pierce his ears he looked to CL, “I don’t think I can do this!”

CL gave him an encouraging smile, “Beauty is pain Show Luo. Don’t worry you’ll live.”

He reached out for her hand and held it, “Could I please hold your hand then?”

CL felt a rush of excitement run through her veins at his touch. “Umm… sure,” she said.

“Thanks CL. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he said as he squeezed her hand.

He held CL’s hand tight and kept his eyes shut saying to the girl, “Do it already! It hurts just waiting for it.” The girl quickly pierced Show Luo’s ears and he screamed like a little girl.“AHH,” he cried.

The girl that pierced Show Luo’s ears then turned to CL, “Wow, he’s the first grown guy to ever scream like that.”

They both laughed, “I’m sitting right here you know!”

Before Show Luo got his hair cut, CL had him put on his new clothing and contacts. When he was done dressing, he sat in the barber chair and CL told the hair stylist how she wanted his hair cut. The stylist nodded and turned Show Luo away from the mirror. After all the cutting and styling, his makeover was complete. The hair stylist took off the covering, CL stood there amazed with wide open.

“What? Do I look bad,” he asked not knowing what CL saw.

CL shook her head and walked over to him, “You look better than what I envisioned.”

She then turned his chair to face the mirror so he could see himself.He was shocked at what he was looking at, “Who…who is that?!”

CL laughed, “It’s the new and improved Show Luo!”

He then jumped up and swept CL off her feet hugging her. He swung her around, “Thank you CL! Thank you!”

CL embraced him back and giggled, “You’re welcome!”

He put her down and looked back at the mirror, “We should go out and celebrate!”

“Great idea!”

He turned back around, “How about me and you go on a date?!”

CL’s heart started to beat faster. “Umm…”

“Let’s go on a double date,” he said with a huge smile.

CL thought her heart had stopped. “WHAT?!”

He nodded his head, “Yeah, a double date! I’ve noticed that you have started to become really close with Seungri,” nudging her on the shoulder.

“What?! No, it’s not like that,” she said trying to clarify the misunderstanding.

“You can’t fool me,” he said waving his finger at her. “I know there’s something going on between the two of you!”


Show Luo then cut in, “And I think there’s a lot of chemistry between me and So Hee!” He looked back at the mirror and said, “I know she’s going to love my new look!”

She gave a half smile, “I bet.”

“So how about it,” he said as he turned back to face her.

“How about we call So Hee and Seungri up and do a double date tomorrow?”

“I guess, if it makes you happy,” she said in a monotone voice.

“It would make me very happy! Thanks CL! I’m going to call So Hee right now to ask her out for our double date,” he then turned and walked outside.

CL plopped herself onto the barber chair Show Luo had sat on. She then took out her phone and texted Seungri if he was available to go on the double date. He replied within seconds saying that he was more than happy to go with her. As she watched Show Luo talk on the phone with So Hee she wished that she didn’t have such strong feelings for Show Luo. Why can’t I just go back to liking Seungri, she asked herself.

The next day the four of them met at the school parking lot.“Wow Show Luo you look good,” Seungri said when he got out his car.

“Yeah you do,” So Hee said blushing.

Show Luo blushed after what So Hee said, “Thanks.”

CL rolled her eyes and changed the subject, “Alright, so what are we going to do?”

"We should all go in one car. How about we take mine,” Seungri offered.

“Sounds good to me,” Show Luo said.

“Sounds good to me too,” So Hee said still looking at Show Luo.

CL felt disgusted and said, “Well it’s settled then, let’s go already!”

On the way to the movie theaters, So Hee and Show Luo kept looking at each other blushing, looking away, and then repeating the process. Gross, CL thought and asked Seungri to turn up the music. When they were watching their movie So Hee and Show Luo just stared at each other as they shared their popcorn.

“Calm down CL, save some popcorn for me,” Seungri said to CL as she kept stuffing handfuls of popcorn in .

“That’s disgusting,” she kept saying with a mouth full of popcorn as she watched So Hee and Show Luo.

After the movie, the four of them went out to eat dinner. As they ate dinner, Show Luo would tell his not so funny jokes and So Hee would laugh at all of them.

“That wasn’t funny,” CL said after Show Luo had said another joke.

“I thought it was funny,” So Hee said looking at Show Luo and then blushing.

Seungri shook his head, “CL’s right, that wasn’t funny. But that doesn’t matter much to So Hee right,” he said looking at So Hee.

So Hee just blushed and continued to laugh. CL rolled her eyes and stuffed with food.

“Wow CL you must be really hungry today,” Seungri laughed as he watched CL stuff with big spoonfuls.

“Yeah, I guess I am,” was all she said before she stuffed her face with more food.

After the four had finished eating they went to the cash register to pay four ways.

“Here’s my part. I need to go the restroom really quick,” So Hee said giving Seungri her money and walking towards the restrooms.

Both CL and Show Luo gave their share to Seungri, “What, do I look like the cashier here? Fine, I’ll pay and wait for So Hee, you two can go wait in the car,” he said handing the keys to CL.

They both nodded and started to walk to the car in silence. But then Show Luo broke the silence, “Today was a great double date don’t you think?” CL just shrugged her shoulders and kept walking. “Man So Hee is just…” he started to say.

CL was sick of this living night mare and turned to him, “Can we talk about something else?!”

“What, it’s just that So Hee is…” he started to say again.

“Damn it Show Luo, I don’t wanna hear it okay,” she shouted at him.

“WHY,” he shouted back.

CL spat back at him, “You know, all I hear about now a days is So Hee this, So Hee that. I’m sick of talking about her!”

“Well sorry! I just really like her okay,” he shouted back. She just shook her head and walked towards the car. “Don’t walk away from me,” he shouted after her.

“I can do whatever the hell I want,” she shouted back to him and kept walking.

He ran in front of her, “Hey! Why are you acting like this?!”

She just shook her head and tried to walk past him. But Show Luo kept blocking her way. “Can you move,” she said frustrated.

“Not until you tell me what’s bothering you,” he said with his arms crossed.

CL couldn’t take it anymore and she shouted, “YOU! You bother me okay, now move!”

“How am I bothering you CL,” he asked.

“You and So Hee acting all lovey dovey just kills me,” she said.“


CL started to cry and pushed Show Luo, “MOVE! I said MOVE!”

He grabbed her hand that was pushing him and said, “Not until you tell me why.”

CL pushed his hand away and cried, “It kills me because she’s with you and not me!”

He was shocked and didn’t know what to say. Just then Seungri and So Hee came walking out of the restaurant. Seungri noticed CL was crying and ran up to her saying, “What happened?” He looked at Show Luo who just stood there and shouted, “What did you do to her huh? I’m going to beat you up for this,” Seungri said walking towards him.

CL grabbed Seungri’s arm, “NO! Don’t, please Seungri!”

So Hee then asked, “What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing, let’s just go,” CL said holding onto Seungri’s arm and walking to the car. Seungri stopped and looked back at Show Luo and So Hee saying, “So Hee you’re welcome to come, but he can’t! If he tries to get in my car I’d probably kick his…”

CL tugged on his arm and shook her head, “Please Seungri, take me home already.”

Seungri clenched his fist and turned around wrapping his arm around CL. He helped CL into the car and shouted back at So Hee saying, “Well? Are you coming or not So Hee?”

So Hee shook her head, “No thanks, go ahead.”

He nodded his head and zoomed off. After he had calmed down a bit he softly said, “CL are you okay?”

CL sniffled, “I took your advice.”

“And what was that,” he asked.

“I finally told him how I feel,” she admitted and sobbed in her hands.

Seungri went quiet for a second, “And how did you feel saying it out loud to him?”

“It hurts like hell,” CL said as she kept crying.

Seungri nodded his head and said, “It hurts like hell.” He knew all too well what that meant and pushed hard on the gas petal.

Seungri walked CL to her door step, “CL?” She just kept crying. “CL,” he said with a tender voice. “CL look at me.”

CL looked at him with tear stained and red eyes, “Yeah?”

“As much as it hurts me to hear you say that you really do have feelings for that guy, it hurts me more to see you in pain and cry,” he said wiping away a tear drop.

“I’m sorry Seungri, I’ve tried to make myself not like him. But it keeps getting worse as I do,” she said sniffling.

He hugged her, “Don’t push it away. If you do, it will get hard as time passes.”

CL hugged him tight, “Okay. I’m sorry.”

Seungri her hair, “Don’t apologize, just accept it and push through it. Be the tough CL I know that’s in you!”

She laughed, “I know huh? Where’s that girl?”

Seungri and CL said their goodbyes and she went into the house. She snuck past her dad and ran into her room before he saw her. When she was safely in her room she locked her door.

Just then her dad knocked on the door, “Sweetie how was the double date?”

“It was fun. I’m going to sleep now because I’m really tired okay dad,” she said calling past the door.

“Okay sweetie. Good night, I love you,” he said back to her before walking away.

“I love you too,” CL said before dropping onto the bed.

CL quietly sobbed and cried the entire night in her bed. Admitting her feelings to Show Luo didn’t turn out the way she was hoping for. He just stood there and said nothing after she had confessed all her feelings. After she had said that she did indeed liked Show Luo, the feelings for him became stronger. She hated herself for falling deeper for someone that obviously was in love with someone else. But what could she do? Her heart and mind were in raging war. In her mind she thought she was a fool for telling him the truth. But in her heart she felt glad that the truth was out in the open.

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3