Hate That I Love You

Seohyun - Songfic Collection


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Rihanna ft. Neyo - Hate That I Love You 

That's how much I love you
That's how much I need you
And I can't stand you
Must everything you do make me wanna smile
Can I not like you for awhile?


"Don't you think you're taking this a little too personally?" she asks, her hands firmly planted on the table.

He sizes her up and mirrors her stance on the opposite side. "Well, I'm not the only one then."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think, Ms. President. You marched down here yourself just to tell me about the budget cuts to my club. How does that really look?'

He is close enough to notice her nostrils flaring at his retort. "Ah, I've awakened the beast." he thinks to himself.

"If you are insinuating that my personal opinions were somehow a factor in this decision, then you are mistaken. Furthermore, it is my plan to visit every student club at this school to deliver the budgets this year, so while your Starcraft Gaming club is certaintly unique, it is not receiving any special treatment." she replies icily. 

The other members of said Starcraft Gaming club stare at their student council president, Seo Joo Hyun, in awe; some of them fanboying so hard they are almost drooling. Her untouchable beauty and reputation as the school's brightest student had gained her the affections of many, and gaming nerds were no exception. Cho Kyuhyun, their club leader, rolls his eyes at his hopeless classmates.

"So what are these personal opinions then? Care to share?" he goads her.

She raises an unamused eyebrow. "I really don't think it's relevant."

Kyuhyun smirks, "They must be very revealing then. I always thought you were more upfront and honest Seoyhun-ssi."

"But that does not make me tactless." she counters. Turning, she moves to leave the computer lab, or as Kyuhyun had dubbed it, "the gaming lair" when he suddenly grabs her arm. 

"Come on Seo, don't be like that. I was just having some fun," he says, his puppy eyes pleading for her to stay. 

She stares at his hand on her arm, slightly taken aback. 

"What do you really want then?" she asks, her eyes daring him to keep his hand there for another second.

He smirks and lets her go. "I just want to get to know what's going on up here." he says, pointing to her head.

He can tell he's trying her patience but surprisingly, she gives him a real answer.

"Ok then Cho, since you seem to insist on using last names, here's my opinion on this. While it is unfortunate that the Starcraft Gaming club will have $500 less dollars to spend this year, the effects of this could be seen in a positive light. For instance, the lack of funding will mean less trips to gaming tournaments, leaving more time for studies and final exams." 

Kyuhyun nods slowly while his chin thoughtfully like an old professor.

"But you have to acknowledge, Seo, that many of these gaming tournaments have brought our school great acclaim. Only last year, we were the winners at three different conventions, generating media interest and actually earning over $1,000 in prize money. Shouldn't that success be awarded?" 

Seohyun's eyes narrow, "I don't think that anywhere in Hansung High's school charter does it mention the need for student-run activities to be financially successful. These clubs were created with the intent of enriching students' education and should be a supplement to their regular studies. Many would agree that missing school for three weeks a year in the pursuit of a Starcraft title is highly detrimental."

"Would they include the coaches of the sport clubs, whose students miss school quite regularly in the pursuit of athletic titles?" he responds, always ready with another argument.

The other members of the Starcraft Gaming club swivel their heads from side to side, as if watching a ping-pong match. Some of them have even started taking bets on who would come out the victor. Debates between Seo Joohyun and Cho Kyuhyun after all, were legendary at the school as the two have always butted heads. If she was the model student with perfect attendance, always going above and beyond what teachers asked for, then he was the one with the devil-may-care attitude, too naturally smart for his own good, to the point where he did not have to try at school to succeed.  

To put it simply, they were diametrically opposed and this was most likely not going to change.

 "You always seem to think, Cho, that you should be the exception to the rule. Really, it's amazing that this school even has a Starcraft Gaming club!" she retorts angrily.

"Maybe there should be exceptions to the rule. Maybe, you shouldn't always play by the book and expect everyone to be exactly like you!" he answers with equal heat. 

She gapes at him. "Why you! .... Ugh!" 

With that, she storms out, shaking her head and clutching her budgets to her chest.

Silence reigns over the computer lab as Kyuhyun watches her go with an ambiguous half smile. 

"Put me down for one." he finally says to one of the freshmen.

"Huh? One what sunbae?" the confused boy asks.

"It's the start of a new school year. I figure it's only fair to wipe the scoreboards clean and round one just ended - Cho 1, Seo nil." he says with a grin.  


You completely know the power that you have

The only one makes me laugh

Said it's not fair
How you take advantage of the fact
That I... love you beyond the reason why
And it just ain't right


Kyuhyun resists the urge to gag once again as he surveys the scene in front of him. His two best friends, Donghae and Eunhyuk, are currently demonstrating their weakness to something that has plagued men since the beginning of history: women.

"Oppa! Let's buy some candy first!"

"Of course Sumin-ah, Oppa will buy you all the candy you want!"

"Eunhyuk Oppa, you shouldn't eat so much popcorn, you'll get sick silly!"

"B- but Mi Hyun-ah, Oppa is really hungry -"

"No Oppa! You don't want me to get mad do you?"

Eunhyuk gulps, eyeing his popcorn forlornly and finally sets it down, taking the hand of the girl in front of him.

"I would never think of making you mad Mi Hyun-ah. You're right, I really need to eat less."

Kyuhyun's jaw drops. Never did he think he'd see the day when their anchovy forsakes food - and for a girl!  Well, he's never letting him live this one down.  

The three boys had plans that weekend to see Zombie Apocalypse: Rise of the Deadlord, and were already at the theater, ready to purchase their tickets. But somehow, and Kyuhyun strongly suspected a certain too-honest-for-his-own-good fishy friend, their whereabouts were leaked and they were joined by Donghae's and Enhyunk's respective girlfriends: Sumin and Mi Hyun.

With their addition, Zombie Apocalypse: Rise of the Deadlord was quickly scratched in favor of some romantic comedy Kyuhyun's never heard of and now the party of five are "eagerly" waiting in the concession area.

Kyuhyun's really not against being a fifth wheel. Seriously. He's just confused as to why Su Min and Mi Hyun need to giggle so much. Do they really have to go to the bathroom every five minutes? And since when did Donghae and Eunhyuk not like zombies? Who doesn't like zombies?!

They finally get to their seats and Kyuhyun resigns himself to probably falling asleep in five minutes. That is, until Eunhyuk and Mi Hyun begin snuggling to his left. And Donghae and Sumin begin locking lips to his right. Ew.

"Hey guys, I gotta run to the restroom." he whispers as he inches by them. Eunhyuk nods and waves him on. Donghae ... is a little preoccupied and doesn't notice.

Kyuhyun finally makes it out and immediately heads two theaters down to Zombie Apcolapyse. He slides into the first seat he sees available, apologizing to his neighbor quietly.

"That's alright," a feminine voice responds.

Kyuhyun turns his head, surprised that a girl was actually watching this movie. He almost falls out of his chair when he sees who it is. Seohyun stares back at him, equally astonished.

"You!" they both exclaim at the same time.

The person behind them shushes them so after a few more wary looks are exchanged, both decide to call it a truce - at least for the duration of the movie.

Kyuhyun doesn't know why but after the initial shock has worn off, it's easy to get comfortable and just enjoy the movie. Seohyun is surprisingly a big girl and doesn't squeal every time a limb pops off or a human gets eaten. He swears he even hears her laugh a few times.

The movie ends and the two walk out together, unconscious of the fitting couple they make.

"You like zombies?" Kyuhyun asks without preamble as they enter the lobby.

Seohyun shrugs, "Sure, who doesn't?"

Kyuhyun chuckles, "Well said."

They fall into a silence and for the first time, he feels awkward around her. He stares at her hands for a moment, which are lying innocently by her sides, before abruptly stuffing his own in his pockets.

Seohyun seems unaffected though and starts looking around. 

"Sumin said they'd be right here, could they be lost? I wouldn't put it past them..." she murmurs to herself.

"Sumin? You don't mean Donghae's girlfriend do you? Cuz last I saw he was busy eating off her face." Kyuhyun answers.

Seohyun scrunches her nose delicately in distaste.

"Thanks for letting me know," she says dryly.

"Hey I just call 'em like I see 'em. So I guess you didn't know about the change in plans either?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Kyuhyun nods sympathetically. "Figures, right. I mean girlfirends are all like that it seems."

She shoots him a confused look, "Like what?"

"You know, clingy. Once a guy makes a commitment to a girl it's like she wants to take over your life. Calling you all the time, always needing to know where you are, who you're with. Pretty soon, there's not even enough time to play Starcraft. Its tragic, really." he replies, completely serious.

Seohyun rolls her eyes at the last comment. "I would think it's a mutual decision. Your friends, Donghae and Eunhyuk for example, don't seem to mind."

"That's the thing!' Kyuhyun exclaims. "It's like they're under some sort of spell. I don't know what's gotten into them. Is a girlfriend really that great?"

"... I really don't think I"m the right person to ask." she says, giving him a weird look. "I'll see you at school, Cho."

Seohyun walks off, not interested in enlightening Kyuhyun about the ways of girlfriends and wondering how she managed to spend two uninterrupted hours with him alone.

He watches her go and decides that maybe he needs to find out for himself.


And I hate how much I love you girl
I can't stand how much I need you 
And I hate how much I love you girl
But I just can't let you go
But I hate that I love you so


"Go out with me."

She slams her locker closed and stares at the boy in front of her with disbelief.

"... Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Let's go out sometime." he says, nonchalantly leaning against a locker, eyes gleaming mischeviously. 

It is right before lunch time and usually, the student body is a massive, chaotic horde of hungry teenagers rampaging through the hallways. But Cho Kyuhyun's impromptu confession to Seo Joo Hyun has caused the commotion to die down almost instantly. Whispers then begin circulating, and the news quickly spreads in a domino effect. A few teachers even poke their heads out of their classrooms, curious as to what has their students behaving like this.

"Oh my gosh, did he just ask her out?"    

"But I thought they hate each other?"      

"There's no way, those two? Dating?"

Seohyun is used to receiving confessions but none quite so blunt. Kyuhyun's casual declaration has certainly caught her off guard. She glares suspiciously back at him, very much aware of the attention they are receiving. 

"Go out? As in .... a date?" she asks slowly.

He sighs dramatically. "And here I thought you were the smartest girl in our year. Yes, I am asking you out for a date. I was thinking you, me, and some nice and thick textbooks, a few zombies - "

"Is this your idea of a joke?" she cuts him off, incensed. "Because I have the punch line for you: No."

With that, she walks off angrily, thinking that he has really gone too far this time.

"Am I that intimidating? Should I have gotten you flowers? I heard girls like that kind of thing, but I figured you're more the pragmatic type." he asks her loudly.

She spins around, incredulous. "The answer will always be no, Cho Kyuhyun. Why would I ever date you?" 

Her instant rejection doesn't seem to faze him and he approaches her slowly until he is looming over her, invading her personal space.

"I think we'd be good together - Hansung High's power couple, doesn't that have a nice ring? Plus, no one else here is interesting enough - I need someone who can keep up." he says to her, ignoring the stares of the crowd around them.

"Interesting enough? What, does that make me your plaything?"  she questions, furious and ready to tear him apart verbally.

"Don't be so touchy, Seo, it was just an observation."




"I mean it's really quite cute, but yeah, you seem a little tense today honey."


"HONEY? Why you arrogant -"


"It's all that stress from studying too much right? Tsk tsk such a teacher's pet."


"slacking, - "


"Good thing you're so pretty,"


"shallow, - "




"bullying, -"




"obnoxious, -"


"and downright adorable."


"-faced moron!"


Somehow, without her realizing it, they've closed the distance between them during this heated exchange to the point that their noses are almost touching.

He smirks at her, "-faced moron? That's just uncalled for Seo."

She blinks and backs away. "Why does he have this effect on me," she wonders.

He looks her up and down and finds her flushed skin and breathless state ridicuously alluring. "Is this why I've always liked provoking her?" he thinks. "She's y without even trying."

"So is that a yes?" he asks again, deciding to risk her wrath.

Seohyun just stares at him, speechless.

Without a word, she walks off and turns the corner before he can follow.

The crowd gradually begins dispersing, the students realizing that the show was over. Some are confused, not sure who has won this round, but most are just hungry and quickly forget about the battle of wits they had just witnessed in favor of lunch. The hallway soon becomes deserted.

A hand grasps Kyuhyun on the shoulder. "Was that really necessary, Kyu? I think you just shortened both of your lifetimes by ten years." 

Kyuhyun turns and sees Donghae giving him a bemused look. Next to him is Eunhyuk, who laughs and says, "Yeah, you really are a lady killer Kyu."

Kyuhyun grins and shakes his head. "Take notes you two, she'll be mine before the end of the week."

His friends just laugh and drag him off to the cafeteria.


And I hate that I love you so
And I hate how much I love you boy
I can't stand how much I need you 


Seohyun escapes to the library, her place of solace whenever the world around her becomes too much. Cho Kyuhyun is usually the culprit and today is no different. She breathes in deeply and tries to clear her head as she quietly wanders down the aisles. Stopping, she takes a random book off the shelf and looks at the cover. 

" 'Angels and Demons', how fitting" she murmurs. "Why is it that I can't get away from him even here?"

That's the thing about Kyuhyun she supposes. Stubborn, impish, reckless - ugh! He was so irritating! Always arguing with her for no reason whatsoever. Taunting her with that smirk, those impudent eyes, the artfully tousled hair that she wanted to pull out with her bare hands sometimes  .... wait, has she lost her mind? Artfully tousled hair? 

"I've been reading too much Jane Austen." she sighs, trying to ignore the fact that she just admitted to thinking about running her hands through his hair. 

Today had been .... weird. Was he being sincere or was this just his newest way to drive her crazy? She simply doesn't know what to think and decides it may be better for her mental health to not think about him any longer.

A bell chimes and she realizes that lunch is over. Quickly grabbing her bag, she rushes out of the library to get to her history class on time. The hallways are still half full with loitering students, so she decides to take a shortcut through the music department. It's less hectic in this area, as the student orchestra only practices in the afternoon.

Seohyun walks briskly pass the empty classrooms, not expecting to see anyone else when suddenly, she hears the sweet, clear notes of a young boy singing. Intrigued, she stops and changes her path, unconciously moving towards the sound. It is coming from a classroom at the end of the hallway with its door slightly ajar. She peeks in and is surprised to see Kyung Soo, a freshman she recognized from student council who is usually very reserved and serious.    

He is singing his heart out, oblivious to the fact that she is watching. She listens quitely and notes that he is actually quite good. 

"That's good, Kyung Soo, but your voice still needs to resonate more. It's not enough to just hit the note." a familiar voice says from inside the classroom. 

Seohyun gasps and thinks to herself, "Kyuhyun? What is he doing here..."

The older boy comes into her view as he shows Kyung Soo something on a sheet of music.

"Right here for instance, is where the song hasn't ed yet, but you want to build that feeling up. Listen."

"How did we at such a young age

Meet each other, I don't even remember how

Difficult for us to handle the maps of our changing selves.

They said saying goodbyes are painful

But I didn't even have time to feel that"

Kyuhyun's singing stuns Seohyun, his deep, husky voice melting her on the spot. His voice wraps around her, like a warm sweater on a cold winter day and she wants to stand there and just soak it in. Her heart is soaring but her brain cannot reconcile this boy with the lovely voice to the smirking, teasing one from only twenty minutes ago.

"Sunbae, your voice is too good. I don't think I can ever sing like that." Kyung Soo murmurs, equally in awe.

Kyuhyun shakes his head and pats the boy on the shoulder. "That's not something you have to worry about Kyung Soo."

"Really? Do you really think I can sing like you someday sunbae?"


Kyung Soo looks abashed and Seohyun is a second away from marching in there and giving Kyuhyun a piece of her mind when he surprises her once again.

"You should never want to be anyone else but yourself Kyung Soo. Your voice should be unique - make the song your own and you'll be an unforgettable performer. Trust me, it will be more meaningful this way."   

The boy nods, with determination written on his face now.

Kyuhyun smiles. "I think, and I'm being completely honest now, that you have the potential to be a better singer than me Kyung Soo, and that you are already on your way."

Seohyun thinks she sees Kyung Soo blush a little before the two go back to practicing. Feeling as if she's almost intruded on a special moment, she backs away quitely and makes her way to class, a small smile gracing her face.

Her history teacher doesn't really question her tardiness, as Seohyun has a spotless record and only inspires trust in her instructors. Seohyun sits through the rest of class slightly in a daze and answers questions on auto-pilot (for once, her notebook stays blank and she forgets to write her meticulous notes on topics she's already familiar with).

Somehow, despite her long-standing resilience, Cho Kyuhyun has wormed his way into Seo Joo Hyun's heart.


And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go 
And I hate that I love you so


It's after school and almost 5 pm. Club activities have already wrapped up so most students have left for the day, but the sounds of frantic clicking can still be heard in the computer lab.

"No! , he has an expansion over here?" Kyuhyun mutters to himself.

His eyes riveted to the computer, he doesn't notice when someone else enters the room.

"Kyuhyun-ssi? Do you know what time it is?"

 He chances a brief glance at the intruder and almost loses his focus. "Seohyun?! What are you doing here? I mean - uh, wait, just one second." he stutters, desperately trying to save his units on the screen and keep her standing there at the same time.

She decides to walk over and see for herself. Peering over his shoulder, all she can make out are colorful explosions and little robots walking around in groups. 

"I don't get how this can be so interesting." she comments, cocking her head to the side as if it would help her understand.

Kyuhyun is intensely aware of her long hair, which is brushing his shoulder right now. He can feel her warm breath on his neck and he's never been so distracted from a Starcraft game in his life.

"Well,  you see, the real draw is ..." he begins, clicking even faster now.  

"... the sweet taste of victory at the end!" he says, finishing the game with a flourish. Spinning around, he grins widely, basking in the glow of triumph and hoping to have impressed her with his skill.

She can only stare back at him. He reminds her of a puppy wagging his tail and wanting to be patted on the head. It's almost kind of ... cute.  

Just thinking the word has her blushing and she chokes out a "Congratulations", hoping he hasn't noticed.

Kyuhyun can't help but be surprised though. She's never been this supportive of well, anything he's done before.

"Huh, you really mean that don't you?" he asks, amazed.

She nods quickly and says, "Of course. Why wouldn't I? After all, it is human nature to enjoy winning and I wouldn't argue that what you did just now didn't demonstrate a level of expertise surpassing your opponent's."

His only response is to look at her blankly and she realizes she's rambling like an idiot right now. Deciding to leave before she can make an even bigger fool of herself, she backs away and starts to flee to the door. But before she can take another step, two arms catch her around the waist and her back comes into contact with a hard chest.

Kyuhyun turns her in his arms so she's facing him, a grin forming on his face.  

"Seo Joo Hyun, are you saying you actually tolerate me as a human being?" he asks with genuine excitement.

"I... I wouldn't go that far." she answers, blushing harder now.

He chuckles. "I know I'm not Ban Ki Moon status yet Seo, but I'll work on it."

Leaning down, he touches his forehead to hers and gently tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I'll be good to you Seohyun, I promise." he says quietly, meaning every word.

She looks into his chocolate brown eyes and believes him without question. Because for all of his childish antics and irresponsible ways, Kyuhyun has never lied to her.

"I'll hold you to that Cho." she whispers back and wraps her arms around his neck.

"The name's Kyuhyun sweetheart. Or master and commander, whichever you prefer." he smirks, back to his usual self.  

Seohyun sighs, "We're going to have to educate you on girlfriend etiquette I see."

"Can the first lesson be this?" he asks, before brushing his lips gently against hers.

She has half a mind to tell him off but decides to let it go. Just this once.



Author's Note: I always thought it would be interesting, seeing as how Seohyun and Kyuhyun are so opposite in some ways, for them to have a love-hate relationship.  

Changseo is up next.... get excited ;)


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seokhun47 #1
Chapter 6: I just hope u won't stop writing cause i love ur stories >.<
Chapter 6: hi ! it' been a loooong time not seeing ur update ^^ tq
Chapter 4: wow your writing style is just daebak :') im in lovee seohan hehe
Chapter 1: update soon please
Randomnezz #5
Chapter 5: this chapter is soo good! really really good! the ending's really sweet xD great story!
Chapter 5: read this twice. the more i get amused every time. you are really awesome!!!

sincerely, your reader
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 5: Eh I thought I had comment on this one shot? Nevermind, kyaaaaaaa I'm sooooooo in love your seokris story...its different from the other ! Salute ! Keep updating ! Fighting !!
Chapter 4: Seohannnnnnnnnn ;______; <3 ty for the wonderful story
Chapter 5: This is gold. Totally love it! Kris' attitude is so gentle and manly in here. Would love to read another SeoKris with silly Kris :D
Chapter 5: the way you used baby don't cry is definitely different from the rest. plus, it's not a tragedy for the first time (this is the only story that hasn't ended sadly while using baby don't cry, puhaha!) And you're so flexible! You can write romcom, angst or even action welll. There are particular languages for each genre and I admire you for that! Actually, I admire you in a lot of ways!