
The Flower Boy

‘’Enjoy your day unnie..’’I said.’’Please bring her back by 6..’’I said to Flower Boy. He look at me, and nodded, as he help her into the cab, and then they left.

For that 2 hours, I didn’t know what to do, and what did I do..he like me, no..he shouldn’t, unnie like him..I shouldn’t, No..


Author POV

Yoomin returned to her room, as Luhan helped her to get on her bed, and then she removed the wig, without even caring whether Luhan was watching or not. Luhan on the other hand was taken a back a bit, and now he know what you were saying about your sister.

’’Thanks for the day, Luhan..I enjoy it very much..’’ she said softly feeling a bit tired.

’’Er..I’m glad you’’ he said.

’’Don’t be mad at her okay..I’m the one that..told..her to…help me..’’Yoomin said and Luhan understand.

’’ You like Yoojin a lot don’t you?’’ Yoomin asked Luhan.

’’Who?’’ he asked.

’’My sister..’’ she answered.

’’I..I..’’Luhan don’t know what to reply.

’’I saw the at her….she like you..too..Luhan..’’ Yoomin answer as she smile, and right then you enter the room after meeting Doctor Lee, and you were surprise that your sister removed her wig infront of Luhan. She had always told you how much she want to look pretty with a long black hair to meet him.

Luhan starts turning red a little when he saw you come in, because a girl, that he just met about 2 hours ago, could see clearly his feelings for you, where else, you who would visit his shop everyday don’t know so..or maybe don’t feel so, he thought.

’’ Come here..’’Yoomin raise her hand and signal the two of you to her. You and Luhan look at each other and did what she told, Yoomin hold your hand and Luhan’s and placed it on hers, as she smile weakly.


Your POV

‘’Unnie..’’ I called out looking at her smiling weakly, as she hold on to my hand and Flower Boy’s.

’’I’m two of you..’’her voice faded a little when she said that sentence.

’’ need to rest..I’ll get you water okay..’’I said, but she hold on to me.

’’No..let me say this..I might not have time to said it anymore…’’she smile again.

’’I’m sorry for having you to go out with a girl you just met..’’she said it to Luhan then she face me, and she start tearing up.

’’..and you kiddo….I’m sorry for everything…sorry that you have to take care of me, when appa left us, sorry that….’’she paused and inhale some air before she continue.

’’sorry have to chop off your precious hair just to make a wig for me…and sorry for…liking the person you love…’’she said.

The last few words hit me, ‘’Unnie, stop talking now, you need to rest..’’I said, and help her to adjust the bed, back to the normal position for her to rest.

’’Thank you..Luhan..’’she said, to Flower Boy standing behind me,’’No..don’t say well…’’he said to my sister, and after positioning my sister, I pull him out with me,’’Thank you so much..’’I said bowing 90 degree towards him.

’’No, no…I’m the one that should say sorry for not wanting to help you earlier..’’he said and make me stand back straight.

’’No..really, thank you for making this come true for her..’’I said, and he just rubbed the back of his nape,and everything turns awkward, as I remember this is right at the position, where he confesed to me earlier.

’’So’’ the both of us said the same time.

’’You first..’’he said.

’’I’ going back take care of my sister..’’I stuttered feeling myself heating up.

’’I’ll..should get going too..’’he said and look at his wrist watch, and right then my stomach grumble for not eating when I was busy worrying about my sis when she went out, I hope he didn’t hear that.

’’Ok then..goodbye, and again thank you..’’I said and went back in, leaning myself against the door feeling my heart beating at its fastest rate. I walk back to my sister looking at her soundly asleep with a small smile on her face.It was a fun and a memorable day for her, I thought as I help her to put on her beanie, and look at the stalk of sunflower at the side table looking towards the evening sun.

After I helped her to keep her stuff and all, I heard a small knock at the door, and no one enter, ‘’Who is it?’’I called out softly but no one response and I walk to the exit and open the door looking at a paper bag, with a piece of receipt which at the back there are some words on it.

’’I know you want to take care of her, but please eat…:D..LH’’, It’s from him…


The next morning

I woke up, and sit back up straight as I stretch and rubbed my eyes, looking at the morning sky. I must have fallen asleep here yesterday. I took a deep breath before I look at my sister. Her smile is still on, and with that a smile appear on my face.

‘’Oh, Yoojin you are still here'' Miss Kim, the nurse in-charged said.

’’Yea, morning..’’I said.’’Morning to you too..’’I said and notice her holding a tray of breakfast for my sis.

’’Ah, I’ll wake her up..’’ I give the nurse a smile and nudge my sister a little.

’’Unnie..’’my voice faded off when I call out her name, she is cold, freaking cold.

’’Unnie!!’’I called out, even the nurse were stunned.

’’I’ll call the doctor..’’she said and ran out from the room.

’’Unnie..unnie..’’I shake her but no

’’Unnie, don’t leave me..’’I cried out loud, as I hugged her. I lost her, my one and only family.

’’Yoojin..’’I heard Doctor Lee enter, and I immediately move aside for him to examine my sister. I observe the way Doctor Lee examine my sister, still hoping he could do something..but, ‘’I’m sorry...’’he said facing me, an right then I kneel down,  looking at the nurse, pulling up the white sheet and cover my sister, and right then I saw the sunflower that was standing up straight yesterday had already withered…


Luhan’s POV

I flipped the signed hanging on the door to Close, since I’ll be going to visit Yoomin, and maybe I get to meet her too, I hope Yoomin love this..I thought as I look at the fresh sunflower that just arrive earlier..and I make my way into the hospital heading towards the room Yoomin stay in, as I smile brightly, but I stop my pace when I saw Yoojin squatting down with her back against the wall, with her face buried in her hands.Did something bad happen? I walk into the room, and there isn’t Yoomin, the room was empty..I step back out looking at the other one crying her heart out.


Your POV

‘’I’m here..’’I heard a voice, a soothing voice, and I lift up my head looking at the guy squatting down before me, its him.He pull me in for a hug, and I didn’t push him away, it was comforting, I cried as hard as I could as he patted my back to comfort me...


t had been exactly  36 days, since my sister left me, and the last day I saw him. I was busy handling my sister’s funeral, and somehow, I didn’t want to the flower shop to meet him, I just don’t know why, but yesterday, after staring blankly at the ceiling, I decided to pay him a visit, and maybe ask him to follow me to a place. It wasn’t random, its because tomorrow its her birthday..our birthday.

I miss the fresh air, probably I’ve been locking myself in my house, packing and cleaning stuff, since I decided to move out from the apartment, its too big for me, I actually thought that I can actually bring back my sister, and we can spend our time together in this cosy apartment, but since I’m all alone now, I’ve rent a small house near my university.

There, I stopped my scooter, at the usual place I’ll stop, and my eyes shifted to the close sign hanging on the door after I removed my helmet. Its close, I got out from my scooter and walk towards the shop as I tried to look into the glasses trying to spot for him, but theres no one, and I pouted a little, as I look on the ground.

’’ are finally here..’’that voice.I remember it, and with that I smile to his direction, realizing that he was actually sitting on a black scooter.

’’I didn’t  know you have a scooter..’’I said.

’’I just got one recently..’’he answered with a smile.

’’Mind following me to somewhere again?’’I asked, and he replied with a smile, and so then, he follow me with his scooter while I hop onto mine to a place, its not really far from the city, but not many know that the place exist, we ride our scooter into the alley, and park it there.

’’You ready?’’I asked, before I push the rustic gate, which will lead us to a field, he nodded holding on to a few stalks of sunflowers that I ask him to bring along, and there we are walking towards my sister grave, I’m not trying to scare him, that place isn’t a cemetery, its just a sunflower field, which belongs to this old couple I know when my sister and I first came her, we used to play here with my parents, and this is where, my sister told me that if she die, she want to be buried here.

’’Unnie..look who I brought to see you..’’I speaked.

’’Anyeong, Yoomin..’’ Flower Boy said awkwardly as he placed the  sunflowers on the soil.

’’It must be a special day right? since you decided to show up..’’he said as he sit beside me facing the sunset.

’’Yea..its her birthday..’’I said.

’’Was it tiring?’’he asked.

’’Hmm?’’I questioned.

’’Having to keep all your emotions inside, and have no one to express it to..’’he asked.

’’To be was..but I’m used to it..’’I said and hugged my knees.

’’Oh, wait..we never did a proper introduction before..’’he said.Yea, maybe I’m used to calling him Flower Boy.

’’I’m Luhan..’’he said and took out his hand.’’I’m Kwon Yoojin’’I said, and I shook his.

’’Luhan..luhan..’’I mumbled his name as I enjoy the view and stretch a little, and right then he hold my hand, intertwined with his, and I just had my blank face on staring at him.

’’Happy Birthday to you too Yoojin..’’he said and plant a kiss on my forehead.I didn’t flinch, and I have to say I enjoy the moment, the two of us lying down on the sunflower field, looking at the gorgeous sunset…

’’Thank you, Luhan..for being here with me…’’I said to him, and he return with a smile.


A/N: Ok..sorry if the ending is a little too...err..I dunno, so there is only 3 chaps..I hope you like it :D

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great story!!!
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 3: No... The ending is good. Though I actually want the sequel but it's cute to end like that.

Good job,author'nim :)
DawnD2014 #3
Chapter 3: Awww thats sad but cute :)
Chapter 3: I was crying through the whole thing T.T
Chapter 3: Oh my this was so sad! But really well written!
Great job!
Mindstring #6
Chapter 3: please update