
The Flower Boy

''Are you sure?''the hairdresser asked for the nth time holding on to my ponytail.

''Yes, I'm very sure..''I said and so she took a deep breath before she chopped off my hair.I feel lighter, finally chopping off my hair that I grow out for the pass 21 years, all I did was just a 2 cm trim not more than that, ''Honestly, this is my first time chopping off such long hair..''the hairdresser said as he hold the hair and show it to me.

''Please make sure, that the wig is beautiful..and please finish it as soon as possible..''I said.

''No problem, now I'll go keep this, and then I'll finish with your hair cut alright?'' she asked and I nodded. I hope back onto my scooter feeling the fresh air running through my shoulder length hair, and put on my helmet, it was easy this time, and then I make my way to my college, and things like..

''Rapunzel isn't rapunzel anymore.., woah, she cut her hair!, I can't believe she chopped her hair'' Hearing those doesn't bothers me, and most of them wanted to know why I did that for, even Ahyeon ask me the same thing, all I did say was that I just feel like cutting it thats all, I didn't tell Ahyeon anything about my sister,  or my family not that I don't trust her, I just don't want people to get involve..I never told anyone about it, maybe some of my relatives know about it, about my dad leaving us after my mom’s dead because of brain cancer, she left us 5 years ago,  and guess what? the reason I have been growing my hair out for that long is because of her, my mom also have a very long hair, to help those who need it, and she encourage me to grow it out long too, I ask her why, and she told me that I should grow my hair out to help my sister who never had her hair long before, I didn’t know why..not until she told me that my very own twin sister have leukemia, and I was the lucky one.


Here I am again, making my way to flower shop, but not with a scooter but with a cab, why? because I prepared something special for her.

It had been few days since I went to the flower shop, because I was busy preparing and buying stuff for Yoomin unnie. I smile to myself as I check the nicely made black hair wig, and the white dress I bought her..I hope she like.

Today is the day, but I haven't ask him yet, I didn't have the courage maybe..''You are here miss..''the driver snapped me out from my thoughts.

''Ah..thank you..''I said and make my payment before I got off the cab.

This is it, I enter the flower shop with my new haircut, holding onto the few paper bags. The bell rang above me, leading me into the shop, but there is no sign of him, usually he will be standing by the table,  arranging the flowers or t them. I look around and there he is, taking his nap on the counter desk with his hand still holding onto the pen, he must have been doodling something..and I saw a piece of paper full of sunflower drawing on it..and a girl with long hair standing beside a scooter…that’s not me right?

‘’Excuse me..’’I tried to wake him up, but he didn’t move.

“Excuse me!” I called out louder, and he flinched a little and got up from the desk rubbing his eyes and face my direction. Maybe because of my new haircut, he jump a little. Do I really look that bad?

’’Er..sorry..’’he sound panic and quickly crumpled the paper he was doodling on just now.

‘’ cut your hair..’’he stuttered and I nodded.

’’Sunflower?’’he asked, and I nodded again.

Is for her, but this time, I don’t want to be the one that hand it to her.I should asked him now. I told myself seeing him walking back to the desk taking out a wrapper.

’’Can you come with me?’’I asked.

’’Yeh?’’he asked probably confused with my question.

’’I need you to follow me to a that alright?’’I asked, and he agreed immediately not asking me any question.

’’What about the shop?’’I asked.

’’Its okay, there aren’t any business today..’’he said and close the shop as he pull down the roller shutter after we exit the shop.

’’So, where are we going?’’he grinned which make me feel guilty for not telling him the reason.I smile and ask him to follow me, and soon we reached, the both of us stand before room 216B, I can see the confuse look of his.

’’Stay here..will you? and hold this..’’I said and pass him the sunflower, and he nodded his head hard.

I smile and enter the room, there she is again, sitting by the window looking at the bright sunshine.

’’Unnie, your present is ready!’’I said and reveal the black wig, and she smile, I miss that smile of hers.

’’..and ta-dah!’’I reveal the dress and the beige flats I bought for her.

’’What are these for?’’she asked,as I help her put on the wig.

’’ are going for a date of course!’’I said, and help her to get ready.

‘’Just sit here..I’ll go get him..’’I said, but she hold on to my wrist.’

’ don’t do..this…’’she said.

’’What are you talking about? anything for you unnie..’’I smile and told her I’ll be back in a sec.I step out from the room, seeing Flower boy walking back and forth holding on to the sunflower.

’’Are we going somewhere else?’’he asked as he blink his gorgeous eyes.

’’No..I need you to meet someone, I’ll introduce you to her..and please give this to her..’’I said as I point at the sunflower and he nodded his head hard again. I took a deep breath and signal him to follow me.

The both of us enter, ‘’Unnie..look who’s here..’’I said and she smile, while Flower boy eyes when as wide as he could.

’’Hi..I’m Yoomin..’’my sister greeted looking at Flower Boy’s direction. He didn’t answered but just stood there like a statue.

’’Unnie, look what he got you..’’I said and push Flower Boy forward a little.

’’Yea..I got this for you..’’he stuttered and rubbed the back of his nape.

’’Thank lovely..’’she answered.

’’Now, why don’t the two of you chat a little, I’ll go get permission from Doctor Lee for you to leave the hospital for 2 hours..’’I said and left the room, feeling happy seeing my sister face, but I was stopped, when Flower Boy came out.

‘’I don’t get what is going on..that girl..she look exactly like you..not exactly..she look sick, is she your sister??’’he asked as he hold my wrist.

’’My twin sister..she like you a lot, and so I need your help to make her day..’’I explained.

’’Make her day?’’he asked still looking confused.

’’I need you to go on a date with her..’’I said.

’’What? I mean I don’t know her..I ..I..’’he couldn’t find the right words to express what is he feeling right now..

’’I just can’t..’’he said.

’’Please..please..I need your help..’’I said.

’’But..I can’t..’’he said again.

’’Why..please!’’I begged, and start to tear up.

‘’Be..because, I like you..not her..’’he answered.I paused a little, confused of what I just heard.

’’If you like me..please do me this favour..please..she’s dying!’’I cried as I hold onto his hand and plead him.

I can’t believe that I just said that she is dying, never thought that word will come out from me, but I really had to.’’ her last spend a day with you..’’I said.

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great story!!!
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 3: No... The ending is good. Though I actually want the sequel but it's cute to end like that.

Good job,author'nim :)
DawnD2014 #3
Chapter 3: Awww thats sad but cute :)
Chapter 3: I was crying through the whole thing T.T
Chapter 3: Oh my this was so sad! But really well written!
Great job!
Mindstring #6
Chapter 3: please update