Good To Be Back

Forgive and Forget

Jinhae groaned as she woke up. She looked at her window,it was still dark out. She reached over to her wooden night stand, and grabbed her phone. She squinted at the screen letting her eyes adjust to the brightness. Another groan escaped her lips as she saw that it was just two in the morning.

She still had a good six hours of sleep left before she had to wake up and go to school.

She tried going back to sleep, but couldn't. There was an uneasainess in depth her stomach. Like the feeling you get before the first day of school,or when you have to do a presentation in front of the class.

She rubbed her stomach, hoping it would go away. That didn't work, the shakiness and anxiety was still there. She tried laying face down, that didn't work either. She definatly felt like something horrible was going to happen.

Jinhae continued to toss and turn. She covered her body when she felt cold, only to kick the covers off because it suddenly got too hot.

After a few minutes, Jinhae heard strange sounds coming from outside her window. It sounded like cats crying.

Oh hell no!

she thought hopping out of bed before wrapping her self in a blanket. She really hated cats especially when they cried. It was just so freaky they sounded like demon babies. Jinhae shuddered and carefuly closed her door. She walked towards the end of the hallway, which lead to Eunji's bedroom. She knocked on her door.

"Eunji-ah~ open the door.." she whispered. Jinhae waited and knocked again.

Hearing her name, Eunji sat straight up, uncovering herself from the many layers of blankets she had burried her self in."Ugh what do you want?!" she asked shuffling over to her door.

Eunji opened it ,only to reveal her friend with a Hello Kitty blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Instead of answering Jinhae let herself in. She made herself comfortable on Eunji's bed."Hey what are you doing? Go back to your bed!" Eunji said still standing by the door.

Jinhae shook her head looking like a scared little girl. "I can't sleep! please let me stay here. I won't bother you, I promise!"

"Ughh..FINE!" Eunji threw her hands up in frustration. "Why can't you sleep anyway?" she asked snuggling back into her caccoon of warm blankets. Jinhae sighed "I have this wierd feeling in the pit of my stomach.I think it's a premonition, I feel like something bad is going to happen."

Eunji cracked up "PUHAHAH! Are you sure that this 'wierd feeling' in your stomach isn't just gas?!" Jinhae rolled her eyes before grabbing a pillow and smacking her friend square in the face. "I'm serious! What if I break my foot before the competition?!"

Eunji rolled her eyes "Jinhae-ah dont worry ok? you're nervous, which is wierd because, you never get like this.." Jinhae sighed."I know right? I'm telling you something is wrong with me!"

"Lets just go to sleep and see what happens tomorow alright?" Eunji yawned. Jinhae closed her eyes silently agreeing.

Jongin made his way through the airport full of people. Some where leaving, others, like him where coming home. He felt releived as he found the exit. The automatic doors opened before him, and he stepped out onto the Seoul ground.

He inhaled the city smell deeply. Its good to be back! he thought Jongin sat on a nearby bench and texted his aunt

To: AuntieK [sent: 2:01pm]

Hey Auntie :) Im waiting by the airport...where are you?

From:AuntieK [recived:2:04pm]

OMONA! Welcome, Jongieee! im soo sorry doll, I wont be able to pick you up... I have class today..

To:AuntieK[sent: 2:07pm]

You forgot about your only nephew? T___T


I didn't forget Jongin,don't be such a drama queen! I sent someone for you.


Arrasoo.. who did you send?


One of my co- workers, he should be arriving soon! Look for a red mercedes :D

Jongin sighed and locked his phone. He looked up and payed attention to the cars. Ten minutes later, a sleek red mercedes benz came into view. He stood up and waved at it. The car parked in front of him. A man that looked like he was in his thirties stepped out of the car.

Jongin walked over to him and the man smiled at him. "Im assuming you're Jongin?"the man asked. Jongin nodded."Yup that's me."

The short man offered his hand and Jongin shook it. "My name is Mr. Hwang nice to meet you." Jongin nodded once again.

"Alright I'll put these in the trunk you go ahead and get in." Mr.Hwang orederd taking Jongins luggage. Jongin made his way towards the passanger side and got in. This car had the sickest interior he had ever seen.The car had shiny black leather seats, and a new car smell too.

Mr.Hwang grunted as he sat down."Ok, lets roll!" He started the car and the engine purred to life. They made their way to Seoul U. It took about half an hour. Jongin didn't mind though. He enjoyed sight seeing even if it was just from inside the car.

Mr. Hwang stopped the car and Jongin gaped at his surroundings. He had seen some pretty big schools back in America but nothing compared to Seoul U.

"Welcome to Seoul U, Jongin" Mr. Hwang said chuckling at Jongins expresion.

They got out of the car and Jongin was about to get his luggage. He was stopped by Mr.Hwang. "You can leave that here. Just take your gym bag, you'll need it for dance." Jongin nodded and quickly took out his bag hanging it over his shoulder.

Mr Hwang gave Jongin directions on how to get to the Performance Art Departament.

Jongin looked at all the people there. Students where either studying by the garden or messing around during their free period.

He sighed how was he going to find the person he was looking for in all of Seoul?Its been four year's since I last saw her.. where could she be? He didnt even know if she wanted to see him.

Jongin smiled as he saw the Performing Arts building. He went up the stairs and pushed the doors open. He smiled when he heard music blast through different rooms. The dance room his aunt was in was 303. It wasnt that hard to find: third door to the left. He walked towards it and opened the door.

No one seemed to notice him as he walked in. All of the dancers where concentrating on the choreography. Some where extremely talented and others where a bit lacking but nevertheless, they where all amazing. Kai spotted his aunt in front of the room, he was about to run up to her , but somone caught his attention.

It was a girl.

She was leading the class in the choreography. Her moves where sharp and her body moved well with the rythym of the song. Jongin stared at her reflection in the mirror. His eyes widened as he immeadtialy recognized who she was.

It was his best friend dancing in front of him.


Yoo Jinhae..


Today Jongin had to break the news to Jinhae. He was leaving for the states tomorow morning and today was the last day they would be together.He drove up to her house and saw her sitting on her curb. She smiled at him and he got out of the car, opening the passenger door for her."Ok youre acting wierd." she said eyeing him."What?no I'm not!"

"Oh really? What happened to 'you have hands open the door yourself.'" Jinhae said doing her best imitation of Jongin's voice.He chuckled. He was going to miss this."Kai,where are we going?" Jinhae asked. Jongin looked at her it had been a while since she had called him by her special nickname for him.

Jinhae didn't know what was coming. She actually thought Kai was going to confess to her. She even got all dressed up so she was shocked when he parked the car by the dance studio.

"What are we doing here?" Jinhae asked.Jongin ,didnt answer and walked around the car opening the door for her. She stepped out as a cool breeze went by, sending goosbumps throughout her body. Jongin grabed her hand and led her towards the studio."Hey won't we get in trouble?" Jinhae wispered afraid of getting caught.

Jongin flashed her a playful smile "Are you scared? We can leave if you want?"

" No! but if we get in trouble Im blaming you!"Jinhae said.

Jongin led them to the door."Do you have a bobby pin?" Jinhae nodded. She handed him the pin and he smirked."Watch this!" he said as he expertly picked the lock.She rolled her eyes and muttered "Show off."

"Yah i heard that!" jongin said switching on the lights. "Ok we're in soo now what?" Jinhae asked turning to face Jongin. he was looking down at his feet not sure how he should tell her. He decided it was best to just be straightforward. "I'm leaving." Jinhae gave him a look "Why? didnt you wanna come here?"

"No, I mean I'm leaving Seoul..A dance scout contacted my parents and he wants me to go audition for some company!" Jongin was scared when he looked at Jinhaes reaction. Her face had gone pale and she wasn't speaking."Jinhae-ah? are you ok?"

Jinhae looked up at him "Why? What about our promise? We said we would always be dance parteners and now you're leaving?!"

"I know I'm sorry, Jinhae but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Can't you just be happy for me?" Jongin stared at her saddened face as a tear trickled down her cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb and grabbed her in a tight hug. Jinhae burried her face in his chest and sobbed "I don't want you to leave!"

"Please don't cry Jinhae-ah, dont make this harder than it already is.." Jongin gave her one last tight squeeze before letting her go. Jinhae wiped her tears away and sniffled. Jogin reached around his neck and unclasped his necklace.It was a silver triangle and inside of it was a cirlce.

Jinhae stared at it, this was the first time she saw it."This is my luck charm, whenever I dance and wear this I feel powerfull and it gives me confidence."

He grabbed JInhae by the shoulder's and she gasped before Jongin turned her around. He pulled her hair to the side, his hand gently grazed her neck. She got goosebumps from the touch."I want you to always wear this. Even if I leave, you have to keep dancing. If you ever doubt yourself just look at this and you'll feel better."


Jinhae nodded, she couldn't speak. Her best friend was leaving. She turned around and crushed Jongin with a hug. Her seventeen year old heart couldn't take it and she ended up crying again. She clutched onto Jongin while he ran his fingers through her hair."Im going to miss you."

END of Flashback~~


Jongin felt a pang in his heart. He wanted to run up to Jinhae and hold her. Leaving Seoul was the hardest thing he did. It wasn't just leaving his home it was leaving the person he cared about.The person who was his best friend.

The music came to a abrupt stop."OMO!!!! YOU'RE HEREE!COME GIMME A HUG!" Jinhae turned around and saw Mrs.Kim making her way towards the back of the room. She threw her arms around some guy and started attacking his cheeks with kisses.Jinhae chuckled "I'm guessing that's her nephew?" she said to Eunji who was right next to her."Yeah.. oooh and he is cute!" Jinhae rolled her eyes, "You can't even see his face!" Just as Jinhae said that, the guy turned around. She looked at his face and her eyes widened.



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lululovee #1
Chapter 1: Lol chanyeol :) update soon~
dimskiedims #2
seems interesting