Dance and Dukbokki

Forgive and Forget

        " Alright, lets repeat it once more ! a 5,6,7,8," The dance teacher, Mrs. Kim, instructed.

    This was Jinhae's fifth time dancing to Junsu's Tarantallegra. Even though she was exhausted ,her body moved with the choreography, hitting each step with precise rhythym. This was one of her personal favorite dances, and the beat of the song was just amazing. The lyrics where stuck in Jinhae's head, what music will you listen to? hey what music will you listen to? She felt little beads of sweat drip from her forehead and roll down her neck.

        When the song finally came to an end everyone collapsed on the floor, panting. " Alright good job guys!" Mrs Kim complimented, clapping her hands.

    The students bowed and made their way towards the locker rooms."Oh! wait, before you go I have an anouncment to make!" Jinhae turned to look at the teacher. "Next week there will be a dance competiton held in, Seoul Performing Art's Center. Unfortuneately, I can only send some of you to compete. I have already decided who is going! I'm sorry if its not you. I have to make sure we beat all of the other schools! So I have picked the three best dancer's here , Hyoyeon, Taemin, and Jinhae!'' The three of them looked at each other with wide eyes. This was an amazing opportunity, and Jinhae felt grateful that she was one of the chosen.


        The other dancers congratulated her by clapping and cheering."Yes! If Jinhae is dancing, I'm sure we'll win!" her best friend, Eunji said flashing Jinhae a smile.

           "Yes of course! ,but there's another thing I have to say...You'll be dancing with a partner .Hyoyeon and Taemin on one team and..." Mrs Kim said looking at Jinhae. She gave her teacher a confused look before asking, "Who will I be dancing with Mrs?" Mrs.Kim sighed, "I hope you guys don't mind..umm I want Jinhae to dance with my nephew." Every one around gasped, How could she let another person they didn't even know compete for their school? "I-I think they'll be great together! Please don't be angry with me .I just want to win an award for the school!" Jinhae wanted to know more about this guy, if he was going to dance with her he had to be the best."Is he a good dancer?" Jinhae asked Mrs.Kim. She nodded "Oh honey good doesn't even describe him. He is just amazing! Whenever he dances I become speechless!"

    Jinhae raised an eyebrow, he's that great huh? she thought."So what do you say, huh? Will you dance with my nephew?" Mrs.Kim asked, looking at her, waiting for a reply."Sure,why not?"  Jinhae said. The teacher squealed and hugged her."Thank you Jinhae-ah you won't regret it !~~" " I guess we need to start practicing now, if we want to win, where is he?" Jinhae asked.

   "Oh! he'll be here tomorow, he's coming straight from the airport!" Mrs. Kim informed her."Airport?" Yuri, another one of the dancer's asked."Yes he will be coming home from the states after four years!" She replied, by the tone of her voice Jinhae could tell she was excited to see her nephew."Alright people, you're dismissed.Make sure to come prepared tomorow and have a good day!"

      The dancers made their way to the locker rooms.

    "Wow, I wonder who this guy is.." Eunji looked at Jinhae "Do you think he's as good as she says?"

"He better be, because I'm not letting some stranger ruin our chances to win!" She told her as she changed out of her sweaty clothes.

      Eunji nodded before saying "Hey you wanna go eat some dukbokki?" Jinhae nodded grabbing her bag " Yes! I'm starving,lets go!"


   Jinhae and Eunji arrived at their favorite dukbokki stand. Eunji went to order their food, while Jinhae picked a table to sit at. She one towards the back. In front of her was a guy with glasses looking intently at a newspaper. She eyed him who reads the newspaper now a days?

          Before Jinhae could avert her gaze, the guy caught her staring at him.Surprisingly,he smiled at her.

   Something about the way he smiled made him so familiar. She gasped "Chanyeol?" Jinhae couldn't believe her old classmate was here. He walked over to her table "Hey! Jinhae its been a while huh?" he asked pulling her into a bear hug. She nodded "Yah where the hell have you been!?." Jinhae asked slapping his shoulder.Well, more like his chest, since he was so freaking tall.

     Eunji heard Jinhae's voice and turned around. She saw her talking to some guy and raised her eyebrows.

      "What would you like miss?" the ahjumma asked. Eunji turned around "Oh! two orders of dukbokki please! she said smiling at the lady."Alright, wait here." Eunji nodded.

    Meanwhile, Jinhae and Chanyeol where catching up."So yeah after we graduated my father was suffering from heart problems, so I had to find a job and help my mom with the bills."

     "Is he fine now?" she asked feeling bad for Chanyeol."Oh yea he's healthier now." he said with a smile."How long have you been back?"

   "Its been a week,I'm staying with a friend, but he naggs way too much! so I've been trying to look for an apartament." He sighed, pointing at the newspaper."Have you found anything?" Jinhae, asked looking at the newspaper with red markings all over it. He shook his head."Nope, its harder than I thought."

    "Anyway, whats going on with you?" he asked Jinhae.She shrugged "Well you know, Im still pursuing the whole dance thing."

 Chanyeol grinned, remembering how bad Jinhae was when it came to dancing.

  "Hey you remember Eunji?" Chanyeol asked,

 At the mention of her best friends name, Jinhae couldn't help but laugh."Yeah why?" she asked giving him a look.It was no secret that this giant had a huge crush on her friend.

    "I wonder where she is? Do you still talk to her?" Jinhae nodded."Actually,she's here! look.. over there!" Jinhae said pointing at her best friend. Eunji was impatientally tapping her foot, waiting for their food. When Chanyeol spotted Eunji, his eyes grew ten times there size.His face lit up, making him look like a kid on christmas morning."Wahh, she is still so beautiful!"

   "Omo do you still like her?" Chanyeol nodded. Jinhae sighed, remebering how he would ask her best friend out on dates, and Eunji would always end up rejecting him.

   Chanyeol got up and walked towards Eunji.What is he gonna do? Jinhae thought as he stood behind Eunji.

The ahjumma saw Chanyeol and was about to ask him what he wanted.Chanyeol, not wanting to get caught, put a finger to his lips signaling the lady to 'shush'.


        She gave him a slight nod getting the hint. He looked at Eunji's back and stepped closer. He poked both sides of her waist, making her jump.This is not gonna end well,Jinhae thought, as she saw Eunji turn around and ram her knee up Chanyeol's groin. Jinhae cringed at the sight. Ouch poor Channie!

      "AHH!" Chanyeol grabbed his crotch as he fell on the ground. Jinhae ran towards him trying to help him up. Which was a total fail because he weighed a ton. "Why are you helping this ert?!"  Eunji yelled,pulling her friend away from the 'ert'.

      "Its Chanyeol!" Jinhae exclaimed. Eunji looked at the ert, her eyes grew wide as she recognized who he was. She smirked ,"Then I should kick him again!"

    Chanyeol tried standing up, using a chair for support."Yah! Why do you have to be so mean?huh? I just wanted to surprise you! Didn't you miss me!"

      Jinhae noticed he still had his hands on his crotch. She felt bad for him and went to ask the ahjumma for some ice.

   "Actually I didn't even notice you where gone!" Eunji said sticking her tounge out. Jinhae went over to Chanyeol and led him to their table handing him the ice."Here, sit down." she said, helping him on to the chair beside her.

     Eunji rolled her eyes feeling a bit bad for what she did.Everyone knew better than to sneak up on her. Apparently, Chanyeol never got the memo. 

       The ahjumma called out their order and she went to go get it. She payed the lady and carefully took the dokbokki back to their table. Eunji came back with the food placing it on the table.She sat across from Jinhae."Mmm" Jinhae said taking a bite of dukbokki. She turned to Chanyeol "Want some?"

       He shook his head "No thanks, I just ate." She nodded. Eunji looked at Chanyeol. The last time she saw him they where still in high school. He would always follow her around with his creepy smile. She shuddered remebering the time he asked her to the prom. Somehow he managed to convince the principal to use the inter comp. He rapped about how he wanted to go to the prom with her.Everyone made fun of her, it was so emberassing. Of course she ended up rejecting him.

   "Chanyeol what school do you go to?" Jinhae asked."Actually today I got accepted to Seoul U.What about you guys?" before she could answer, Eunji choked on her food. Jinhae handed her some water.Eunji quickly drank it before spouting,"Seoul University!?" Chanyeol nodded flashing her his signature smile.

      Eunji couldn't believe it.

"We go there too!" Jinhae exclaimed.


       After the reunion with Chanyeol, the two girls walked home. He offered them a ride ,but Eunji refused to get in his car. So know both of them had to walk in the cold."Why don't you like him?" Jinhae asked as she opened the apartament door. Eunji sighed slipping out of her shoes before entering their two bedroom apartament."He's just annoying!"

         Jinhae rolled your eyes "No he isn't! he's a nice guy. He's still into you! Why dont you give him a chance?"

   "Pfft ,just because he likes me does not mean I have to like him!" Eunji rolled her eyes.

     "Whatever then, but dont you think he got a bit cuter?" Eunji shook her head, "Hell no!" but that was a lie."Ayye, you're blushing!" Jinhae said pointing at her friends face."What? no I'm not! You're crazy!" with that Eunji ran to her room slamming the door."GOODNIGHT!" Jinhae yelled laughing at her.

    Ha! She totaly likes him~~ . Jinhae thought, as she entered her room . As Jinhae climbed into her comfy bed, she sighed remebering that tomorow she would have to meet Mrs.Kim's nephew. It had been four years since Jinhae had a dance partner.

   She yawned and before she knew it her eye lids became heavy, sending her into a deep sleep.



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lululovee #1
Chapter 1: Lol chanyeol :) update soon~
dimskiedims #2
seems interesting