This is Our Love

But This is Love

-- Anyway, let me explain first how do you read this. The date is of course the change of time and if you see the red four-stars sign (****) on the right side, the story has changed to the present.

Hope it's not confusing too much, Enjoy! ^^



Do Kyungsoo, 16 years old. A petite boy with cute face, big doe eyes, and pink thick plump lips, never showed his affection towards his boyfriend, Kim Jongin. No one ever knows how he feels towards the younger, thou. Why did he accept him? When? And why did Kim Jongin confess to him when he knows the chance of being his boyfriend was only 30%. And that was so sudden.


Because no one ever known that Jongin likes Kyungsoo.


It happens 4 years ago. When they're still attending the same Junior High School.


Kyungsoo was a boy who always went to library to read. Even thou it was an unimportant book to read, but he'll read it. Anything that he thought it was good, he'll read.


Jongin was a boy who got 'that-kind-of-friends' in the second week of his freshmen year. He barely attends the class, and he likes to play with his friends. But not playing in a good way. Let's say they're the bad-asses.




- 11 July 2010 -


One day in the afternoon, it's time to go praying. Jongin was walking in front of the library, scanning through the window, to the inside of the library. Suddenly his eyes caught something.


No, someone.


Someone's so beautiful is reading calmly on one of the library's table.


He couldn't get himself to breath when he saw that beautiful boy. His feet moved by themselves and brought him inside the library. Few minutes later, he realized that he was standing right besides the petite and beautiful boy.


He coughed once


The boy looked at him, confused.


"Err-- hi! You're not going to pray?"


The boy shrugged before returning to his book,


"I'm atheist. You?"


Jongin gulped, thinking for an answer,


"T-that's good! Well me too -- no, I'm a christian. Err but..."


The boy stared at him like he's a dumb, making him gulped one more time in a nervous state,


"...Can I just...sit here besides you?" Jongin pointed at the chair besides the boy, hoping sitting will throw away the awkward atmosphere


"Sure. Just, don't disturb me," the boy answered without looking at him


So then, Jongin took a seat beside him.


Then, it's an awkward.


Hating the super awkward atmosphere, Jongin made the first move to break it,


"I'm Kim Jongin, and I'm in 7B. What 'bout you?"


The boy stayed still. He bookmark his book with a pen before closing it, then gave his full attention to Jongin. Now Jongin could see the perfect view even more clearly. Those black hair, beautiful brown orbs in that doe eyes. Everything's perfect for him,


"Do Kyungsoo, 7A. Shouldn't you go to pray?"


Jongin blinked. He laughed awkwardly before standing and walked to the door direction,


"You're right! It's nice meeting you, Kyungsoo"


When Jongin was out from the library, Kyungsoo can't help but to stare at the figure running to the school's church from the window. He chuckled quietly, admiring the boy's handsome face,


"Kim Jongin... 7B Class, huh?"





They are now sitting on a starbucks coffee at a mall near their Junior High School. This was the time Jongin would love the most. Even though Senior High School life is cruel, Jongin will not give up to keep in a contact with Kyungsoo. Yep, they’re attending two different Senior High Schools. This made Jongin ‘depressed’ at first. Not seeing his petite boyfriend is a special torture for him. But then, he shouldn’t feel depressed too


Because it was his fault too they’re attending different schools.





- 12 February 2012 -


From the very first time, even far before the graduation, Kyungsoo already told Jongin about the Senior High School he would like to attend. Being a silly boy, Jongin said he’ll go to that school too because then, he remembered about his father who was a student there. Kyungsoo, being a calm boy he was, only nodded and told Jongin to start studying hard. But we wouldn’t called him Jongin if he’s not a lazy boy.


And then after the graduation, when it was the Senior High School tests season, Jongin forgot to fill up the school application. Until one day, he remembered about the school. He actually didn’t remember about it until a friend named Park Chanyeol called him,


“Hey, wish me luck on the test today!”


“What test?” Jongin doesn’t like to care about stuffs related to school. He’s a carefree boy


“Umm... 8 Senior High School test? What else?” and this deep voice’s answer can made our Jongin remember about the school


Right after that calling session with Chanyeol, he rides his motorcycle fastly to the said school. Hoping he could meet Kyungsoo there and says sorry for forgetting to fill up the school application. Panting, he ran from the field to the school, only to found the test has ended. Then a petite figure walked to his direction with another cute petite boy besides him,


“Kyungsoo!” he ran to his boyfriend and hugged him


Kyungsoo pushed him hurriedly and glared at his giggling friend,


“What?” he asked shortly


Jongin sighed. Is Kyungsoo mad at him because he forgot about the school’s test?


“I’m here to pick you up. Let’s go home together yeah?”


“I’m going home with Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo hugged his petite friend who giggled and shrugged him off of him


“It’s okay, Kyungie. I’ll go with Chanyeol,” Baekhyun winked at Jongin who smiled in excitement


And a few minutes later, they’re sitting on a park bench, sipping on each other iced coffee from the shop near the school. Kyungsoo’s small hand was in Jongin’s hand, squeezing it slowly to gain an attention from the older but shorter male besides him,






Jongin inhaled slowly, “I’m sorry,”


Kyungsoo stopped drinking his coffee. He looked at Jongin’s face and give him a smile,


“It’s okay. I know you don’t want to go to that school in the very first time. You want to attend the same school as Luhan, right?”


“Nooo… I wanna be with you, Kyungsoo! Believe me I do!”


Kyungsoo chuckled. No one knows this is one of many sides of Jongin’s personality that he loves. Even though sometimes it’s annoying and…disgusting? But still, it makes Kyungsoo knows, that he have someone who love him, who tried his best to be on his side, to protect him forever, and to hold him tight.





Kyungsoo’s daze broke by a loud voice of his boyfriend, calling for his name. He chuckled at the sight of his pouting boyfriend. Jongin’s pout turned into a smile seeing his cute laughing boyfriend,


“Were you listening to me?”


“Nope… Was it important thing so I should hear it?” Kyungsoo tilted his head, sipping his mocca


Jongin whined. He mumbled something about ‘I’ve always listened to your story thou’ etc etc that makes Kyungsoo laugh,


“We should hang out like this more often,”


Kyungsoo winked at his boyfriend who’s now blushing a bit,


“Yeah. Who’s the one who always saying that he’s busy, hm?” Jongin teased


Kyungsoo glared at him,


“No teasing!”


And this is one of Kyungsoo’s personalities that Jongin loves. Stubborn Kyungsoo. Always wants to win and never let Jongin wins. Well, except for some condition he’ll let Jongin wins.







- 13 December 2011 -


There was a letter under his desk.


Kyungsoo had finished his test and went to the canteen for a while before finding a letter under his desk. He opened the letter and read it carefully,



Dear Kyungsoo-hyung,


Ok this is silly, I’ve always called you hyung although our birthday are just 2 days different. But then, I’ll always call you hyung, because I think it was cute.


Hyung, have you seen yourself in the mirror? Did you realize how perfect you are? I love your big doe eyes, your small nose, pink plump lips, your petite body, your long neck, and your short body height. Some people say they’re ugly but I’m not. Maybe you hate those parts of yourself but I love them endlessly.


Hyung, I know I’m not perfect in your eyes. I’m not a genius, I don’t have fair white skin just like you, my face isn’t that handsome, my voice isn’t good, and my attitude is bad. I’m a bad . I’m a smoker who always risked my life with 5 packs of smokes. I’m a fighter who always made many people went to the hospitals and having many injuries. I have a religion, but I’m not the one who rely everything to God.


But then, Kyungsoo hyung. I want you to know that I love you. Even from the very first time we met in the library. The laughs we shared together. The sadness we endure together. I want you to know that there’s some loves between those moments. You are my everything


So, yeah… Would you be my boyfriend? If yes, give the blue button inside the envelope to Luhan, but if you say no, give the red button instead


I’ll be waiting :)



Your dearest Kkamjong



Kyungsoo blinked once.




Then he smiled. He showed that letter first to Baekhyun, receiving a squeal from the eyeliner-boy. He asked the answer to Kyungsoo which he only got a smile as a reply from him. Kyungsoo opened the envelope wider and picked the buttons. He stared at them for a while before picking one of them and putting the other to the envelope back. 





- 20 March 2012 -



Kyungsoo panted as he ran through the hospital long corridor. He checked the last message from Luhan again before quicken his pace. The smells of medicine, the smells of patients, the smells of sickness, he hates them. He hates them badly that he can scream if he smells them any longer. But then, the time feel like it was stopped when he stopped in front of a certain room. The room he was searching for.


There’s Luhan, crying on Sehun’s chest, and of course his parents. The mom who’s now crying loudly while wipping her face with tissues every single second, and the dad who’s now tapping his foot on the floor impatiently, waiting for the doctor to come out from the room and just tell them the ing result of his son’s sickness.


Jongin is in there


He was sick


“Doctor! How is my son?!” Mr. Kim asked as he shook the doctor’s shoulder roughly


The doctor said he was okay, which makes Kyungsoo happy. Mrs. Kim asked if they could meet him now and the doctor said yes,


“But don’t barge into the room with all of you being together. Two person first, and then the two person next. The last one can go by himself,” as he stared at Kyungsoo and gave him an encouragement stare


So then, Jongin’s parent went in first because of course, they’re blood-related to Jongin and the closest people to him. Although Jongin never admitted that he was close to his parents. Then Luhan and Sehun got the second turn. Because Luhan is his brother – twins, and Sehun is his best friend since forever. Kyungsoo waited in front of the room all by himself. Jongin’s parent has left first because they have some important things to do. Of course they were related to their jobs.


After a few minutes holding the urge to scream – thanks to the medicine smell, Luhan and Sehun got out from the room and smiled softly towards Kyungsoo. They went home first. Luhan said he was tired and Sehun decided he’ll go on a sleepover at Luhan’s house.


Kyungsoo stepped into Jongin’s room slowly. He inhaled before sitting besides his boyfriend’s bed,




Kyungsoo held Jongin’s hand tightly and Jongin’s hair. He smiled sadly. Seeing Jongin in this statement is the worst feeling to him. Jongin has always been strong. He’s the one who always protect Kyungsoo from any harm. His image was a brutal one too, not a weak boy like this. He felt like this is not the usual Jongin he hugged. The usual Jongin he kissed.


All because of some packs of smokes.


And since that day, Kyungsoo swore he hates smokes for making his boyfriend almost gone.


“I hate you,” the older mumbled softly, “for hurting yourself,”


Jongin blinked sadly. He squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand gently and tried his best to the older one’s soft cheek.


“I’m so sorry,”


“Promise me you won’t smoke again after this? And no more drugs. Yeah, especially those damn ing drugs!” Kyungsoo yelled. He hated this side of Jongin. The Jongin who loved to smoke, to consume drugs, to drank wines and beers, and went drunk every single night, calling for Kyungsoo’s name.


“You’re just a Junior High School Student! Okay, almost a Senior High School student! Yet you acted like a dumb old man!”


Jongin Kyungsoo’s smooth palm with his thumb,


“Kyungsoo, I’m so sorry…”


“I’ll break up with you… If you still continue to smoke, drink, and consume drugs after this, got it?”


The younger couldn’t help it anymore. He loves Kyungsoo so much that he feels like throwing his favorite dark world, only for him. But he can’t. It’s not like he’s a pessimistic. But he knew he can’t and will never can. He was sure Kyungsoo will forgive him sooner or later for still staying at the dark world


“Arasseo. I love you,”







Do Kyungsoo, 16 years old. A petite boy with cute face, big doe eyes, and pink thick plump lips, never showed his affection towards his boyfriend, Kim Jongin. No one ever knows how he feels towards the younger, thou. Did Kyungsoo really love Jongin? Or he accepted Jongin’s confession just because Jongin’s popular and a nice kingka. No one ever knew, except for Jongin and Kyungsoo itself.


Jongin always loved a cute boy who loves to do aegyo. Just like Baekhyun or his own brother – Luhan. But then, Kyungsoo hates aegyo. Let me repeat – he hates aegyo. He never thought that he has the right face to do a cute aegyo just like Baekhyun or Luhan. Or his super cute-intimidating junior, Tao. Even though Jongin always said that he’s perfect, he’s cute, etc, Kyungsoo still doesn’t want to do any aegyo.


“Please, just this time, yeah~?” Jongin begged Kyungsoo for the nth time that day






“Tell me to do aegyo again or no romantic acts again between us,”


Jongin pouted but then nodded his head slowly,


“Fine. Whatever, hyung,”



Kyungsoo never wanted to hug Jongin for a long time. He’ll feel strange too if he held Jongin’s hand for a long time – except in some occasions. And he doesn’t like skinship too much. Jongin knew how much Kyungsoo disliked skinship. That’s why he never resisted to kiss him, or hug him, or held his hand for a long time. He loves Kyungsoo too much that he doesn’t want the older want to get uncomfortable. Especially if it was because of him.


“Can I hold your hand…only for this time?”


Kyungsoo nodded his head weakly, still sobbing in front of his rabbit’s grave. Mr. Wook was Kyungsoo’s beloved rabbit. The rabbit was died because of food poisoning – thanks to Kyungsoo’s little brother. Jongin knew how much Kyungsoo loved his rabbit. But he couldn’t do anything,


Besides of holding his hand





- Brother's Conversation -



“We’re a couple but we don’t act lovey-dovey to each other,”


“Hmm… Then?”


“Is he really loves me?”


“Of course he loves you!”


“But he often acted cold towards me,”


“That’s his way to show his love, Jonginnie~”


Jongin sighed before sipping his soda and leaned his head on Luhan’s lap,


“I envy you and Sehun”


Luhan smiled softly,


“Don’t be…”





- 23 December 2012 -



From: Princess Kyungsoo

To: Prince Kkamjong


Jonginnie~ the day after tomorrow is Christmas! Could you buy some gifts for my brothers? I’m still busy with school so I can’t buy them TT

I think Minwoo would like something related to K-Pop again just like last year, Remember when we gave him Super Junior T-Shirt? Kkk…

I’ve sent the money to your bank account. Please use it wisely. Oh! You can use it to buy some gifts for me and you too! It’s up to you. I don’t have any special things that I wanted.

I’m sorry if I bothered you in your important night. Remember: No smoke for today!


Love you~ ^^


Jongin chuckled softly. Well, even if his boyfriend’s an atheist, he’s still celebrating Christmas. And he loves to buy Christmas presents for Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo’s family. Of course he won’t forget to buy some gifts for Luhan and Sehun, but Kyungsoo is his priority.


With the last sip of his hot tea, he grabbed his jacket, wallet, and his motorcycle key before heading to the nearest mall to buy Christmas presents for Kyungsoo and his family.


From: Luluhan

To: Kkamjong


How dare you go to the mall all by yourself?! PICK ME UP FIRST FROM THIS STUPID STORE! TTTT





- 25 December 2012 -



It’s Christmas! Kyungsoo has made a mini party at his house, inviting all of his friends, Jongin, Luhan, and Sehun. His parents are in another town, that’s why he could make a party. But of course, with their permission. The party’s great! The house has a Christmas aura around it, and it makes all the guests feel warm and safe. Kyungsoo has cooked some chickens and fishes. He made some soups too, and he won’t forget the desserts – Melting Chocolate Cake.


“This is perfect…” Jongin mumbled to Kyungsoo’s ear, making him shivered


“Come with me,” Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin’s hand and lead him to the front gate, “Jongup, please take care of the party. I’ll go somewhere with Jongin for a while,”


Kyungsoo’s brother – Jongup smiled warmly before nodded his head and heading towards the house.


Kyungsoo hopped onto Jongin’s motorcycle and motioned his boyfriend to turn on the motorcycle,


“Are we going somewhere?”


“Duh, of course, dummy…” Kyungsoo groaned.


Jongin smiled before hopping onto his motorcycle and the machine. He putted on his helmet and gives one to Kyungsoo. After a few minutes warming up the machine, Jongin started to go with Kyungsoo to the ‘special place’. Jongin knew Kyungsoo would never circle his arms around Jongin’s waist. Jongin knew Kyungsoo would never lean his head on Jongin’s back. Jongin knew all of that. But then…


He was wrong


Kyungsoo was circling his arms around Jongin’s waist and he leaned his head on Jongin’s back, giving warmth to the younger’s body,






Jongin afraid, if he asked what’s wrong with the older one’s sudden change of attitude, he’ll let him go. This is the very first time Jongin could feel the warmth given by his boyfriend,


“Nevermind. Should we go the left side, or right side?”


Kyungsoo blinked. He stared at the T-Junction in front of them. After staring at it for a few seconds, he pointed his fingers to the left direction,


“Are we going to 19 Junior High School?” Jongin asked curiously


“See by yourself~” Kyungsoo sang before leaning his head to the younger’s back again and closed his eyes.


After riding for a while, they arrived at the café near their Junior High School. It was full of people, celebrating Christmas night with their lovers, or by themselves. Kyungsoo hopped off the motorcycle and grabbed Jongin’s hand, leading him into the café, and to the second floor of the café,


“Seriously, Kyungsoo?”


“Ssh… Don't you miss this place?”


Jongin laughed when he realized that they are on the café table near the window. It was the table they used to eat and drink on their very first date. He was about to walk to the table when suddenly…


Kyungsoo kissed him on the cheek


Jongin blinked. He could feel his face getting warm by each second,


“I’m so sorry I don’t like doing any skinships. Now that I realize you feel insecure about my love towards you because of my cold attitude towards you. No, actually Luhan told me about it. I’m sorry if you hate it but that’s the way I express my love to you. To show you that I love you, I’m sorry I’m not a sweet person like Baekhyun or Luhan, and I’m sorry for being a naggy boyfriend every time you smoked or doing bad stuffs. That’s because I love you so much,”


“No. It’s okay,” Jongin smiled, Kyungsoo’s cheek gently, “Love is not about the affection you give, but it’s about the feelings you have, right?”


Kyungsoo tried his best not to shed any tears. Who knows a bad- like Jongin could say words like that?


“B-but… I acted cold towards you. And I rare do skinships to you, and-”


“But those are love,” Jongin cutted, “This is our love, Kyungsoo,”


Kyungsoo couldn’t help but to shed his tears. He hugged Jongin tightly for the very first time since they started dating




“Merry Christmas, I love you”



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