Chapter 3: Im Lost!

One Last Trip


Dongho's vision:

*opens the door*

"mwo?(what?) what is this? a hand? a girl? giggling by herself while her eyes close. hahahahah this girl is insane, but she's cute", i said to myself.

"yah! YAH!", i said to this myterious girl.

then she opened her eyes. God what is air? she's so cute and she have this big cute eyes like a puppy.


"what can i do for you? but can you please remove your hands on my face.", i said.

she immedietly remove her hands from my face. my god, damn! she's pretty! 

"dongho who's that?", soohyun said.

"i dont know. anyone knows her?", i said and look back so my hyungs can see her.

they immedietly stands up and came closer to her.

"annyeonghaeseyo! who are you? are you looking for someone?", said Kevin hyung.

"annyeong!", said kiseop and hoon.

"omo ! are you a fan of ours?", said soohyun hyung.

"she's a tourist", said eli and aj.

damn. why do i have to let them look at her? i want her for myself only, what am i saying? love at first sight? that's not true, i just got attracted to her that's all nothing intimate and she looks like a fan.

"are you mute?", i said to her.

she opened and said:

"aniyo! annyeonghaeseyo! minyahe! minyahe ! miyanhe(no! hi ! sorry! sorry! sorry!) ",she waved her hand and  bowed and run away, like she's running away from some monsters. i can acually smell her smell so good. she's already far away when she looked back and my hyungs wave at her and she waved back. 

omo! she's going to bump hee chul hyung !


"boom!" omo ! i should help her ! hee chul hyung is a pedobear!(e).

but i can't people might misunderstood me.

"omo! she bump hee chul hyung! should we help her?", hoon hyung said.

"why should we help her?",i said.

"she's a fan of ours, but people my misunderstood us", soohyun hyung is right.

"come on let's go in where next", said kevin hyung.

they came in and i was still looking at them, hee chul hyung looking closer at her, i bet he's interested in her, now she's running away again, but i know he's running away from a pedomonster(hee chul). hehehe.

"what happened? why are you outside?", said JC, he went to the CR of our room.

"someones outside our door, i thinks its a fan of ours, we're famous y'know", eli said.

"i bet she's a middle grade student ahahahah", JC said.

"she's pretty", i said unconciously.

"mwo?(what)", everyone said.

"is this a miracle? dongho calling a mysterious girl pretty?", said kiseop.

"your standards are very high that no girl can achieve it", JC said.

and everyone laughs.

"whatever", i said and added ,"its been a long time since you came back here in korea, what makes you comeback?"

"nothing, i just miss you. ahahahha", JC said.

"you said you're going to bring you're girlfriend when you comeback", Kevin said.

"yes. she's with me when i came back here, but she's not with me right now, she's roaming around KBS", jc said.

"you need to introduce her to us", eli said.

"i dont want to. you're going to scare her", jc said.



Alice's vision:


i stood up and runaway as if someone is chasing me. omo ! that's so embarassing ! everything is not going right according to what im expecting ! omo ! dongho thinks im some kind of a psycho!


i stop from running, where am i? am i lost? omygosh ! whats happening with me??!!! i opened my bag and looked for my phone.

"my phone?my phone? where is it?", i said to myself.

*flashed back*

i forgot to get it before heading here? i charge it because my phone is already out of battery! omo!!!

"what am i going to do now?", i said to myself and added ," and i dont have a watch! what time is it?aaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!"

so i walked and walked, im tired, sssooooo tired ! im looking for a telephone booth inside KBS, am i insane? is this a subway station? 

*hours and hours had passed and im just sitting in a bench inside KBS*

"im so hungry! i cant find a telephone booth near KBS, i cant go far away from here, i might get lost. and its already getting dark, JC where are you? you dumb idiot !", i said to myself. and i started walking again and went outside.

"i need to find a away to contact JC !", i said to myself with big determination to look for a telephone booth.


while walking i notice a van following me.

"omo ! are they going to kidnapp me? me? and kill me? then sell my organs?", i said to myself, half panicking.

i went near the side rails of the street, so that if they're going to kidnapp me, i can hold on to this rails.

the van is coming closer and closer.

"should i run?", said by my instict and look around in my surroundings and get some help if ever they're going to kidnapp me.

the van is now closer to me , then the door opened.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", i scream out loud.



Dongho's vision:


at last ! we're going home ! im so tired ! i just want to go home and rest my body. after i change my clothes i immedietly went outside to rest in our van, i didn't wait for my hyungs to finish because im really tired. so after 10 minutes they already came, they're so annoying, they are still playing inspite of our whole day schedule, we just went back from Malaysia for our UKISS asia tour and went immedietly to KBS to perform our new album.

"our maknae is already sleeping should we wake him up? ahahahha", said aj hyung.

"hyung dont, im so tired, i cant play with you right now", i said half asleep.

"omo. what happened to our dongsaeng? are you hungry? do you want to eat first? before we go home?" , as usual said by kevin hyung.

"are you guys going to treat me for chicken?", i said immedietly and sit stand staright.

"ahahahahah. our maknae is craving for chicken again ! you already ate chicken earlier, now you want chicken again?", said kiseop hyung.

"ok. ok. we'll eat chicken as a celebration for you're successful comeback", said manager hyung.

"wooohhhoo ! chicken ! chicken! chicken ! chicken!", said soohyun hyung.

"omo ! im going to be fat again!", said eli hyung.

and manager hyung drove our van outside KBS.

while our van is heading outside i saw someone who is familiar. i saw her earlier. 

"hyung do you remember that girl?", pointing the girl walking in the streets.

"is that the girl who is outside our door earlier?", said kevin hyung.

"she is ! she's alone. should we give her a ride?", said aj hyung.

"its already dark, some bad guys might harm her, i think we should help her this time(referring to what happen to her and hee chul hyung)", i said.

"ok ! we're now super heroes and we're going to give her a ride, so no one can harm her! manager hyung follower her!", said aj hyung, imitating the voice of super man(manly voice).

so as we go closer to her, she looks at her back(looking at our van), and looks like she's a bit nervous, she even walk away from the street and got closer to the side rails, i cant blame her, the color of our van is totally black, maybe she thinks we're going to kidnapp her and her. hahahaha 

now our van is really close to her.

"im going to open i now ok?" , i said.

i opened the door.

"WWWWAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!", she screams ! omo she's so loud people might notice us ! 

"ssshhhhh!!! sshhhh!!! shhh!!! keep quite you'll attract passerbys!", i said to her.

"omo ! your scream is so loud!", said soohyun hyung.

"you need to get in now, people are looking at us", hoon hyung said to her while looking outside.

"are you lost? hop in! come on!", i said.

"ok! ok!", she just said and hopped inside our van.


Alice's vision:


omo! i thought they were kidnappers ! good thing its UKISS ! and they're actually inviting me to hopped in. but why? im star struck again ! i dont know what to say!

"ok! ok!", i just said and went inside their van.

"are you lost?", said kevin.

"what's your name?", said eli.

"are you a fan of ours?", said soohyun.

"you ask to much, she cant answer all of your questions at the same time", said kiseop.

"im lost", i said.

"my name's Alice", i said.

"im not a fan", i said. WHAT? i said that? im not a fan? but why did i said that?

"omo. i thought you're a fan of ours", said soohyun with a disappointed face.

"its ok, we have alot of fans, alot ! lot lot lot !", said eli and making a big circle with his arms.

"where are you from? where do you live?what is your house address?", said dongho.

"im from america. i live in... i live in...", i said. *omygosh! how stupid of me ! i didnt know the address of JC's house!*

"you dont know your address? ahahhahaha", said aj and laugh.

"ssshhhh! stop laughing aj", said kevin.

"im sorry, you must be new here, when did you arrive?", said aj.

"i arrive yesterday, and im living in my friend's house and it happens that i ididnt know the address of their house", i said.

"you came here by yourself?", said dongho.

"no, im with my friend when i came to KBS, but we seperate ways when we arrive at KBS", i said.

"where are they now?", eli said.

"i dont know,i havent called they, my phone was left", i said with a sad face.

"do you want to call her?", dongho said.

*her?maybe they thought my friend is a SHE, but thats good, they might misinterpret that im living with a guy*

"can i?", i said.

"sure", dongho said, handing his phone to me.

"thankyou!", i said and dialed the number of JC.


JC's vision:


where is that girl? she's not answering her phone ! she's not calling me ! she might be lost ! she doesnt know my address.


my phone is ringing, it might be Alice!

*looks immedietly at my phone.*


"why is he calling me?", i said to myself.

"i dont want to answer it, i dont care", i said to myself.

its been a long time, but i can still remember it. its been 12 years ago.

*flashed back*

"dongho why dont you just sit down and behave?" i said to dongho.

"why dont you just take care of your own business?", said dongho who is playing.

"do you think im going to order you to sit down if i dont take care of my own business?",i said to dongho.

"people are looking at us, we should behave, we are respectful people of Korea, we should act like one." , i added.

"you know you're like your father, you just look at yourself for what you are, you dont look at yourself for who you are, thats why ahjumma commited suicide, because she cant take ahjussi's attitude, always acting like a respectful person and doesnt know who he really is.", said dongho.

yes, my real mother commited suicide because of my father's strictness, dongho is my cousin in my mother's side and they are really close to each other.

"ops! im sorry. i didnt meant to say that", dongho said.

i didnt mind what dongho, i stood up and went outside.

back to the present:

and now he's calling and i dont what to answer it.

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premiummilk #1
keep on writing such fics!
love_eighteen18 #2
wow , very nice .... keep going ^^^
@kristine: wow ! thankyou ! i appreciate your comment! im so happy thankyou! <3
Kristine_iBored #4
I love U-kiss too. <br />
Your fic is very nice, keep up the good work. ^^