Getting Closer

사랑은 저주입니다 (Love is a Curse)

Sorry for not updating a lot now ><. I was thinking up of more stuff to add later. I think I need to start drafting my chapters so I can just type it without making it up on the spot like all the other chaps so far.

But here you go. Chapter 38 ^^ Tried to make it extra long


"So wanna go on that coster now?" Chanyeol asked, rocking back and forth on his heels. Kris left and the two of you stood there thinking what you were going to do now for the rest of the day.

"It's a start" you shrugged your shoulders. Unfolding the map Kris gave you, you found the entrance to the roller coaster ride and began walking. 

It took 10 minutes longer to arrive at the entrance because you couldn't help looking at everything that you passed by and walking towards them, wanting to see and try it out. Chanyeol had to literally pull away from the cotton candy machine when you saw it and jogged over.

"But-but" you pouted looking back over your shoulder at the pink clouds on a stick. 

"Not buts" Chanyeol said sternly, pulling you by the arm. "We can get cotton candy later, after the roller coaster."

"Really??" you smiled. "You said it, right after were coming back here kay?"

"Yeah yeah" he chuckled. He's never seen anyone excite over something as small as cotton candy and found your excitement kind of cute.

You walked faster now, wanting to get on the ride so you can get the cotton candy quicker. Swerving through the crowds of people, you finally arrived at the entrance only to find a long line outside,

"We're never gonna get on" Chanyeol stated watching the long line of people waiting to get on the coaster.

"It's fine!" you chirped happily, getting on the line. "We'll wait"

"But.." Chanyeol said, scratching the back of his head. "It's gonna take like an hour to get on that thing"

"Don't worry" you patted his shoulder. "If you're that scared you can wait outside...scaredy-cat" you grinned.

"I'm not scared!" he cried, lightly pushing your hand away.

"Sureeee you aren't" you continued to tease. It was fun being the one to make him embaressed as you saw his ears turn a pinkish color.

So for the next 30 minutes you and Chanyeol waited on line, moving slowly forward until you were 3/4 of the way there. Some people left the line, mostly the parents with their kids who began whining and crying because they got tired of waiting.

"See ,look" you happily pointed. "Were gonna be on the next one"

You turned to look at Chanyeol and saw his face had turned a very pale shade of green. 

"Are you okay?" you asked worriedly peering at his face, which was bowed down.

"I'm fine" he said. He sounded calm but his quiet voice told you he wasn't.

"Look, if you really don't want to do it you don't have to" you said feeling a tad guilty.

"I said I'm fine okay!" he said a little louder, lifting his head and taking a deep breath. 

You felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see a young woman looking at Chanyeol and then at you.

"Hey miss..I think you're boyfriend's about to get sick" she leaned in and whispered.

The heat rose up and your cheeks grew warm. -Do we really look like that much of a couple?-

"Uhh..actually-" you wanted to explain to her but Chanyeol cut in and grabbed your wrist.

"Yun Hee" he pulled at your wrist. "I changed my mind, let's go get that cotton candy"

"But what about the ride?" you asked as he pulled you out of the line.

"What a pretty couple" the lady commented. "But the boyfriend must really hate costers"


"Here you go miss" the man handed you your pink cloud on a stick and you happily took it.

"Thank you ahjussi" Chanyeol took out his wallet and paid for the little treat. 

You already had your face buried in the sweet and soft cotton candy. It was the first time you ate something so sweet and delicious. You loved how it just melted in your mouth and you finished half of it by the time you and Chanyeol found a place to sit while you eat.

"Slow down you have sugar all around your mouth" Chanyeol laughed as he watched you eat the little pink fluff of sugar.

"I'll wash my face later" you mumbled and went back to eating.

"No" he said taking something out from his back pocket. You were to busy eating to notice until a white handkerchief touched the side of your mouth.

"Here" he softly wiped the sugar off and you froze in place. You did not move an inch as he proceeded to clean off all the pink stuff that had gotten it's way around your mouth. You could feel his closeness and smell the light cologne he sprayed on this morning. There was a weird hammering sound coming from somewhere, you realized it was your heart beating like a mile a minute.

Chanyeol was wearing a denim shirt and it was unbottoned at the top so your eyes were at the collar bone protruding from his slightly exposed chest. You in your breath and let it out slowly as discreetly as you could as he backed away, folding his handkerchief and putting it back in his pocket.

"S-sorry" you're voice a little shakey. "Your handkerchief got dirty"

"Nahh" he said paying no mind to it. "I'll get it washed later" 

You were still trying to calm your heart beat when a chunk of  the cotton candy was snatched from you.

"Hey!" you cried as Chanyeol stuffed his mouth.

"I paid for it" he smiled, making a move of taking more. You stepped back covering the remaining treat with your arm.

"Just finish eating" he chuckled, shaking his head.


After having your fill of the cotton candy the two of you decided to go on more rides.  Since it was pretty nice outside you went on the outdoor rides. There were lines of course but Chanyeol showed you games on his phone that you played until he had to snatch it back because you were next on line. The Gyro Drop and Gyro Swing were definitely your favorite ones. It was amazing how you felt like you were flying and falling in the air and the gush of wind made it that much more exciting. But for Chanyeol...not so much. 

You noticed how he was fine with all the other rides but whenever you got on any high and fast rides he would get this uncomfortable look on his face. Then when you actually got on the ride he wouldn't scream, you found out after when the ride came to a stop that he had his eyes closed the entire time. You burst out laughing at him as he opened one eye to see if it was over.

"Y-you're hair hahaha!" you pointed, his hair was askew and all messed up because of the wind.

Chanyeol wasn't the only one because he started laughing too when he saw the sorry state your hair was in.

"Yours is waayyy worse" he laughed as you two got up and exited to the back. 

Without thinking, your hand flew up to fix his hair, your fingers brushing his fringe back in place.

"You're hair is fluffier than I thought" you commented.

"I use conditioner" he patted his hair lightly. You chuckled at his honesty, it was cute how even though he looked strong in all aspects he actually had his own flaws. Like not being able to take fast ride for example.


"Let's go get something to eat" he said glancing at his phone for the time. "It's already 3:50"

At the mention of food you're stomach made a low grumbling noise, Chanyeol looked at you before smiling.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"I think my stomach just answered that question" you replied.

You weren't bothered by things like this anymore since this wasn't the first time he's heard your stomach grumble. Your mind flashed back to one of the times you went to his house and you hadn't eaten much except about 1/3 of your lunch. So when you smelled the food cooking in the kitchen your stomach grumbled like some baby monster. Chanyeol laughed so hard that the only thing that kept him from rolling  like a buffalo was you hitting him to stop laughing.

"Here" you handed him the crumpled map and looked for the nearest eating place.  

You found a nearby pizza place and decided to eat there. 


It was a small place and there were some people, friends, families, and couples that were filling the table and eating all kinds of pizza. The two of you walked at the counter and looked at the menu.

"What do you want to eat?" Chanyeol asked, taking out his wallet.

"Wait" you said, looking at the menu. "Isn't this kind of expensive, can we just eat after we leave?"

"Don't worry about it, besides I'm hungry too and I am not waiting until after we leave to eat" Chanyeol said taking out a 50,000 won bill.

"Then..." you mumbled, looking for the cheapest one you could find.

"Stop trying to find the cheap one and just pick one" he said impatiently, as if reading your mind.

"Fine" you sighed and pointed at your favorite toppping. "Pepperoni"

"You like pepperoni?" he asked sounding a little surprised.

"Wae?" you asked back, not really answering his question.

"I like pepperoni too" he explained. "This is good, I thought you were gonna pick some weird pizza that I wasn't going to like"

"Am I that weird?" you frowned.

"Well you like red bean rice cakes don't you?" he smirked, remembering the time he saw you but them at his favorite bakery.

"Next customer please" the lady behin the counter called. You adn Chanyeol stepped up and the lady took your order.

"One pepperoni pizza please with cheese crust" Chanyeol ordered and gave her the bill.

"What drinks would you like" she asked pressing buttons on the cash register.

Chanyeol turned his head towards you waiting for an answer.

You looked at the drink section on the menu and picked strawberry milkshake.

"Two medium strawberry milkshake please" he finished ordering.

"Would you like to make that a couple's order?" the lady asked looking up from the cash register.

"Couple's what?" you asked not sure if you heard it right.

"The whole park is having a couple's special today" the lady explained. "I'll make your drinks into one large one and your total will be 10% off"

"No thanks we're-" you started but Chanyeol stepped up to cut you off.

"We'd  like that, thank you very much" he smiled. The cashier lady printed out the receipt and he took it. 

The two of you found a table and waited for your number to be called.

"Yah" you whispered as you sat down. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" he asked innocently sitting across from you.

"Why did you accept the couple's special, we're not even a couple" you whispered harshly.

"Because we get the discount" he shrugged. "Isn't that better?"

"But..isn't that lying?" you frowned feeling like a conman.

"It's not lying cause we never said that we were a couple, she assumed that herself, offered us their special and all we did was accept it" he explained logically.

-You still have that messed up logic- you thought going along with him.

"Number 22, your oder is ready, number 22" they announced and Chanyeol got up to get the food.

You sat up straighter and brushed your pants, feeling like you needed to do something with your hands. 

Chanyeol came back with your order and you your lips looking at the pizza. The cotton candy and ice cream you had was nowhere near enough to satisfy your hunger.

"Mhmm" you smelled the delicious aroma rising from the pizza.

"Here hold this" he handed you a paper plate and he picked a slice out for you. 

You could see the cheese in the crust coming out on the side and you held up your plate like a little kid waiting for her food.


"Thank You" you smiled and blew at your slice to coold it down a bit before taking a hearty bite.

Chanyeol got his own slice and the two of you ate in silence for a few minutes. You were thirsty after your first slice and grabbed the straw from the milkshake. Leaning forward you took a sip and tasted the sweetness of the strawberry milkshake. 

"It's delicious" you complimented, taking another slice form the pizza pie.

"Really?" Chanyeol asked leaning forward to taste it for himself. You found yourself staring at his lips as he drank the milkshake, you noticed he puckered a little when he sipped from the straw and you wondered if his were as soft as yours.

"Oh it's good" he nodded, agreeing with your opinion.

You snapped out of your thoughts. -What the hell was I thinking!- you mentally facepalmed yourself.

You bit off the cheese crust and chewed carefully, while trying to get that thought out of your head. 

-Get yourself together Yun Hee, it's not like that!- you bit off more of the crust and swallowed.

"Do you always eat the crust first?" Chanyeol asked, eyeing your crustless pizza.

"Yeah" you nodded, you switched your pizza around so that you were eating from the point now. "I like eating it while it's all hot and soft"

"Weird habit" he half mumbled. But he said it loud enough that you heard it clearly.

"Excuse me, my habits ar enot weird" you said. 

"Oh you heard that?" he smirked, clearly being sarcastic.

You didn't reply, knowing he was going to tease you if you did and just ate your pizza. 

Even though you were starving the two of you couldn't finish all 8 slices and ended up wrapping them to go.

"Why did we buy a whole pie again?" you asked, rubbing your tummy as the two of you walked out of the pizza shop. 

"Because we thought we could eat it all" he said, a small smile making it's way onto his lips.

"So what now?" you dug in your pockets to take out your phone when you realized you didn't bring anything with you because you hadn't planned on going anywhere other than Chanyeol's house.

-Crap, I got no phone- you thought and slumped your shoulders.

"Let's go do one more thing before we leave" Chanyeol suggested. "It's 3:55 now, so where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know..." you tried thinking of something, but the food coma was starting to take its effect on you.

"Oppa!" a girl cried. "Let's go check out the event"

"Arraso, slow down or else you might pull my arm off" a guy chuckled.

You watched as a couple walked passed you, the girl was pulling her boyfriend with both of her arms wrapped around his right arm.

"They're having an event" you turned to Chanyeol who also saw the couple walk by.

"Wanna go check it out?" you asked.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt" Chanyeol nodded and the two of you followed the direction the couple went. It wasn't far before you heard loud chatter and a huge crowd gathered in front of a stage. It was where the ice rink was during the winter but for the event the stage was there and the floor was solid instead of ice.

"I wonder what they're doing.." you tip toed, trying to see over people's head.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE STILL SHORT ONE COUPLE" the host bellowed through his mic.


You looked on curiously, wondering which couple would be chosen.

Suddenly, you were blinded by a bright light and you covered your eyes with the back of your hand. You saw Chanyeol doing the same, he looked annoyed at the sudden light being directed to his face.

"AND WE'VE GOT A COUPLE" the host announced. The crowd clapped as you were pushed up the stage.

"Anyeonghaseyo" the host smiled, bowing slightly. "Ah..what a pretty couple you two make. Can you please introduce yourselves?"

You tried to comprehend what was happening and looked at Chanyeol for help. But he looked just as lost as you did.

"Ahhahaa...seems like we have a shy one here" the host laughed, lightening the mood. "Then let's start witht the boyfriend, what's your name?"

The host directed his mic to Chanyeol and you felt your cheeks grow hot. 

"My name's Chanyeol, nice to meet you" he answered. The crowd cheered and you saw some girls staring at him all love-struck.

"Neh, thank you" the host smiled. "How about the girlfriend mhm?"

This time the mic was pointed at you and you let out a sigh before you answered:

"My name's Yun Hee, nice to meet you" you bowed. 

-What the heck- you thought. -Another crazy memory to add to my list-


Thank you, thank you, thank you  guys for continuing with reading my fic. Even though I got some major grammar problems ^^

Will try to update sooner and sorry for not replying to your guys' comments and posts, but I do read them so please know that. Lol not sure if I said this before already.


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lemonnez #1
Wuahh I'm waiting for your update :)
Kyungsoo1231 #2
Chapter 64: Please update soon author-nim! Jebal!:))))
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: New reader here! nice story update soon! :))
TotalExotic #5
Waah this is so interesting pls update author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooohh...the chip!! I feel sorry for Yun Hee and Chanyeol...

Thanks for updating!!
Chapter 64: chanyeol and yunhee must maintain their relationship....찬열앟....화이팅!!!
hey author nim where are you...* pouts* plz update already.. * buing buing*....화이팅!!!!!
beyond_infinity93 #9
Chapter 63: OH MY GOSH. What's the chip going to mean.....kajdfvsjkv
fatimaxamer94 #10
Chapter 63: And Yeah I felt Sorry for DO:'(