To Lotte World

사랑은 저주입니다 (Love is a Curse)

Short chap ><. But the next one will try to make it longer ^^


After talking things over you kinda sat there in silence until Chanyeol asked you another question. "So did you come all the way here just to tell me what you just told me?"

"Well..yeah...I guess" you replied, shrugging your shoulders. Now that you thought about it, you weren't sure why you came all the way to his house.

"You know you could've just called me or texted me right?" he asked.

"I-I know" you mumbled. "But I just thought it was important to talk about it face-to-face"

Chanyeol just nodded. 

"And there's something else I was curious about" you added.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Uh.." you fought to form the right words. "That time..when you told me that you had a reason why you said those stuff.."

"Oh that..." he chuckled nervously, averting his eyes.

"It's not funny!" you cried. "I wanna know the reason, you never told me what it was"

"Just forget about that" Chanyeol said avoiding it. "The important thing is you know that I didn't mean any of those things"

"But I want to know" you presisted stubbornly. "I have the right to know since I was the one you insulted"

Chanyeol knew he was cornered and there was no getting out of this one. You were anticipating his answer when you suddenly heard the phone ringing. 

"I'll get it!" Chanyeol stood up and picked up the phone that was on the small table next to the couch across from the one you were sitting.

"Yeoboseyo?" he asnwered.


"YAH CHANYEOL!" Kris shouted on the other end. 

Chanyeol cringed and pulled the phone back from his ear.

"Hyung" he whispered. "Are you trying to blow my ear off or something?"

"Open the door. Right now" Kris said, his voice demanding.

"What?!" Chanyeol exclaimed. "You're outside?"

"Chanyeol, who is it?" Yun Hee asked behind him.

Chanyeol turned around, trying to keep a straight face. "It's Kris hyung" he covered the phone so as to keep Kris from hearing.

"Really?" Yun Hee stood up.

"Yeah..he's outside" he grumbled.

"I'll go open the door" Yun Hee smiled and went to the front door.

"W-wait!" Chanyeol called. 

He put the phone back to his ear. "Hyung, I'm coming so just wait a sec"

"You better-" Kris said but Chanyeol slammed the phone down without listening to the rest and rushed towards the door.

"Yun Hee!" he saw Kris with his phone still against his ear. 

"Hi Kris!" Yun Hee greeted cheerfully. "What brings you here?"

"Well.." Kris was still kind of suprised to see Yun Hee standing in front of him. But he found his composure when he saw Chanyeol coming from behind. 

"You!" he pointed angrily.

"Hyung.." Chanyeol grimaced a smile.

Kris stomped in walking past Yun Hee and shook his dongsaeng by the shoulders

"Do you know how worried I've been?!" he said harshly. "Not picking up any of my calls and not replying to any texts, the only message I got from you was one 'sorry' and that's it!"

"I can explain" Chanyeol said, grabbing Kris's wrist, making him let go of his shoulders.

"And Yun Hee is here? I thought she was mad at you. Is this why you didn't reply to me at all? Too busy with a girl huh" Kris continued not hearing Chanyeol.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you!" Chanyeol raised his voice. Kris stopped talking and put on a confused face.

"Yun Hee and I were talking, were good now" he explained.

"Oh.." Kris relaxed his shoulders and turned to Yun Hee.

"Are you guys okay?" she asked, she watched the whole thing and was afraid to interrupt so she waited for the two to finish whatever it was they were doing.

Kris flashed a smile. "Were fine, actually were great!"

"But just a moment ago you were shaking Chanyeol like a maraca" she said.

"That was...a thing between us" Kri laughed, quickly covering it up.

"So umm..are you guys really good now?" he asked.

"Yeah" Yun Hee replied. "He explained why he did what he did...kind of"

"Then..." Kris turned back to Chanyeol. "It's my turn"

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol frowned. "Look hyung, I'm really sorry and I'll make it up you so just-"

"Oh you're gonna make it up to me" Kris cut him off. "Right now"

"Now?" Chanyeol asked. "How am I suppose to-"

"Do the thing you used to do when we were kids" Kris grinned, crossing his arms.

"What thing.." Chanyeol grew more confused by the second.

"You know...that greeting we used to do to each other when we were kids" Kris's grin grew wider.

Chanyeol thought for a moment with furrowed brows, then it hit him. He shook his head vigorously and looked at his hyung with pleading eyes.

"No, anything but that" he begged. "Can't I do something else? Anything will do just..not that"

Yun Hee was looking over curiously at the two guys, it was the first time she's seen Chanyeol so..panicked.

"Nope" Kris shook his head. "Nothing else, just that."

"But.." Chanyeol grimaced. "not in front of her"

Kris turned to Yun Hee and chuckled. "It's fine, she should hear it too"

"What?!" Chanyeol cried.

"Were waiting" Kris said. 

Chanyeol huffed and breathed out a big sigh.

"You better not record this" he warned.


You looked intently at Chanyeol, waiting for what he was going to do.  The way Kris grinned made it that much more interesting.

You watched as Chanyeol opened his mouth and bellowed "AYO WADDUP KREASE!" he made some kind of gesture with his hand, trying to look all swag.

A silence followed, before you found yourself laughing out loud. You clutched your stomach as you laughed until you couldn't breathe. 

"Hahahahaha...oh my god" you gasped, taking in a big breath. "What was that?"

"That" Kris laughed. "Used to be our own 'greeting' to each other when we were kids" he put air quotes on the word greeting.

"There, happy?" Chanyeol said. You saw his ears turning pink and you chuckled.

"Don't laugh" he glared at you. 

"Well" Kris clapped. "Since were all good now, what do you guys want to do today?"

"There's no school, so want to go somewhere?" you suggested.

"Sure" Kris agreed. "Mhmm....It's been a while since I went to lotte world, wanna go?"

"Lotte World?" you asked excitedly. "The one in Songpa-gu? I've never been there before"

"It's gonna be fun" Kris smiled. "The indoors is amazing and the rides are great"

"Wait.." you said frowning. "How much is the admission, I didn't bring any money with me"

"Don't worry about that" Chanyeol chimed in. "We could get in for free since my family owns a share of the place"

"Mwo?!" you turned to him. "Chincha?'re family's really...something"

"I'll go tell Mr. Lee to prepare the car" he said, going back into the house.

"Then to Lotte World it is!" Kris announced, as the three of you went back inside.


Hehehehe ^^, I couldn't get -byKynes- comment out of my head so I inserted that in this chapter. 



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lemonnez #1
Wuahh I'm waiting for your update :)
Kyungsoo1231 #2
Chapter 64: Please update soon author-nim! Jebal!:))))
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: New reader here! nice story update soon! :))
TotalExotic #5
Waah this is so interesting pls update author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooohh...the chip!! I feel sorry for Yun Hee and Chanyeol...

Thanks for updating!!
Chapter 64: chanyeol and yunhee must maintain their relationship....찬열앟....화이팅!!!
hey author nim where are you...* pouts* plz update already.. * buing buing*....화이팅!!!!!
beyond_infinity93 #9
Chapter 63: OH MY GOSH. What's the chip going to mean.....kajdfvsjkv
fatimaxamer94 #10
Chapter 63: And Yeah I felt Sorry for DO:'(