Chapter 18: Guardian Angels

It Came Back To Hunt
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Author P.O.V.

Taemin fists shook as he held his cellphone in his hand. The screen read “call end” and he was beyond pissed. “Taemin what did you do? Is she that mad at me?” he thought to himself. Taemin blew out air and looked toward the city, “Where are you” he said outloud. He ruffled his hair and climbed off the top of the roof.

With IT Club…

Woohyun stared at his phone, “I called her a million times and more”. Lili had ignored his call for the umpteenth time. “Aish pick up already” Sungkyu said walking through the door. Woohyun looked over to him, “No Luck?” Sungkyu shook his head, “I didn’t think either of them would have answered after we just let them leave like that.” “Do you think they really are walking out of our lives forever hyung?” Woohyun looked at Sungkyu hopeful. Sungkyu didn’t have an answer he was just as confused as the younger boy. He didn’t know how to assess the situation or his feelings. Was he mad? Mad at them? Mad at his self? Assassins? Lies? Danger? Teenfinite? He let out a long sigh, “What have we gotten ourselves into?”

A week later…

Dongwoo arrived at the hospital. Today is the day Sungjong and Ricky would be released from the hospital. It had been a week and a few days since they were first admitted and they recovered quite quickly. Dongwoo was walking out of the hospital in his own little world while the boys chatted happily. “I am so happy to be out of the hospital” Sungjong said to Ricky. “Yea me too, I am super excited to eat a decent meal.” “Hey hyung, how about we all go out to eat.” Ricky glanced back at Dongwoo who wasn’t paying attention to anything he said. “That’s a great idea” Sungjong began, “And we can even invite Kai and Sai noona’s” Sungjong continued not even noticing Ricky and Dongwoo had stopped walking. At the sound of the girls name Dongwoo snapped back into reality, “What did you say?” now Sungjong had stopped, “I want to invite our noonas,” Sungjong gave Dongwoo a confused look. “Hyung, are you okay?” Ricky asked Dongwoo. “Oh yea I am ok, lets hurry and get back the hyungs are waiting for you.” They continued their happy journey to the IT Club.

Upon arrival Sungjong and Ricky were greeted with hugs and food. Woohyun had cooked the two’s favorite meals, “So much better than hospital food.” Ricky said with food all over his face. Sungjong glanced at the clock, “3 more hours before noona gets here, I wonder if she knew we were discharged today.”  He continued to eat. Ricky and Sungjong lazed around the club, “I almost forgot” Ricky said rushing to his bag in the back. Hoya and Niel walked in. “What are you doing?” Hoya asked. Ricky pulled out a picture of him and Lili, “Hyung can you help me hang this picture on the wall.” Ricky asked Hoya. Niel silently walked out of the room he couldn’t stand to see Lili’s face. He missed her terribly and a picture was no substitute for the real thing. Before Hoya could respond L snatched the frame out of his hand and smashed it to the floor. “Don’t you ever mention them again” L screamed. At this Sungkyu ran to the back, “What’s going on?” he said looking at the broken picture on the ground. “Myungsoo” C.A.P roughly pushed him against the wall. Ricky couldn’t comprehend what was going on. “Hyungs why are you fighting?” Ricky shouted. Hoya took him out of the room. CAP was still holding L against the wall, “We get it you’re pissed but how do you think we all feel?” CAP let him go Seungyeol spoke. CAP released L, L gave CAP a punch, CAP landed on the hard ground, “don’t even try to pretend you understand how I feel.” L said before storming off. Sungkyu walked to CAPs side, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

It was 12:30 and Sungjong was waiting by the door for Gem. Suddenly, Sungjong was forcefully pushed out of the way by L. “Hyung, Where are you going” Sungjong yelled after him. L didn’t answer and just kept walking.  After about an hour Sungjong sat on a chair near the entrance, “Where could she be?” he thought to himself. Woohyun’s heart was breaking as he watched Sungjong from the bar. Woohyun left his place and approached him, “Hey buddy what’s going on?” “Where is Kai noona” he asked. Woohyun didn’t have the heart to to tell him the truth, “I’m sorry Pal, I forgot to tell you she wasn’t coming tonight.” “Why” Sungjong looked at his hyung, “just because…” he said…

Days passed and everyday Sungjong waited for Kai to walk through the door. The younger boys had noticed the tension and changes in their hyungs. CAP and L still weren’t on speaking terms, Sungkyu looked stressed everyday, Dongwoo lost his laughter, L.Joe came home late every other night with brusies on his body, Woohyun avoided the Sai/Kai topic, Chunji went out with a different girl evebry night, Hoya didn’t feel like doing anything, and Niel was participating in bad things like drinking and smoking. No matter how hard the older boys tried to stop Niel and L.Joe from their distructive behavior they just couldn’t. Sungjong and Ricky turned to the only the sane person they could find, Seungyeol. Sungjong and Ricky found Seungyeol out in the back gazing up at the stars. “They are never coming back are they?” Seungyeol looked back towards the voice, “I don’t think so mate” he stared at the younger ones. “Tell us what happened” Ricky urged. “Are you sure you can handle it?” He asked them. They both nodded their heads, “I sure hope so…” he said.

Author P.O.V end

Lili P.O.V

A week or two had passed and just like unnie said they would never see us again. We had been working like dogs training harder then ever and trying to find leads on who could have surprised attacked us. There were numerous possibilities on who could be after us, Unnie and I have had to do things we weren’t too proud of in the past. What I know there was a possibility of nine top assassins out there tryng to harm us and the ones we loved. Who they were and the things they were capable of were unknown. Gem unnie closed her laptop. “Ready?” she asked me. It was early in the day still and it was time to play Guardian Angel again. It was a thing we started a few days ago, we first stopped by Café Kiss, and the oppa’s looked well. They had hired another boy to help the rush in the afternoon and they seemed to be getting along fine without unnie. I could tell she missed her job and them especially but she was happy to know that our leave didn’t have that much of an affect on them.  After assuring ourselves the Café Kiss boys were okay we went our separate ways to watch the other boys.

I ended up on the roof next to their dance studio and everyday I hoped to catch a glimpse of him. Kikwang Oppa had lost some weight and he had a sad look in his eyes. He and Kai were always together leaving and going to the studio but where was Taemin? All of a sudden Taemin came storming out on his cellphone. My heart did flip floppy motions inside my chest; I was elated to see him. A few minutes later and a car rolled up and Taemin froze. I watched Taemins face sink, and I prepared myself, “Was this car a threat to him?” if it was I ready for battle. Instead a short girl with wavy black hair and a mini skirt stepped out of the driver seat,”Bleh!!! A girly girl” I stuck my finger in my mouth pretending to gag. She yelled, “Taemin” as she walked up and touched his hand. “Who the F*** does she think she is touching my man?” “omo” I covered my hands over my mouth. “Did I just say that?” They were now having a conversation and I couldn’t hear but the tramp was getting closer and closer to him. I pulled out my binoculars, his face looked… I don’t know I couldn’t read it. She leaned in close for a hug and then the stupid girl began to cry. And then Taemin did the dumbest thing a boy could do, hug her back. I mean who does that? What guy would wanna hug a girl in a tight skirt and heels. I used my binoculars to get a good look at her. “Eww she need not wear heels with those crow feet of hers.”  My heart sunk, without thinking I yelled, “OKAYYYY you can let go of her now!!!” the “couple” broke apart and looked my way.  “Damnit” I cursed under my breath. I had to get out of there, my throat was tremendously dry and my saliva was beginning to taste like salt. It was the worst scene I had seen in the world. “What did she have that I didn’t have.”

Lili P.O.V End

Author P.O.V

Sulli was hugging Taemin as they rode on his motorcycle towards the restaurant that Kai and Kikwang were waiting at. Upon arrival Taemin and Sulli walked in hand in hand. “Hey” Kikwang greeted Taemin with a glare. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Taemin looked at the two. Kai nodded his head to Sulli, “What is she doing here?” Taemin glanced back and smirked, “Just chill we are figuring things out.” He looked towards his bestfriends. “Taemin can I see you outside?” Kikwang asked Taemin, “Sure” Taemin followed him outside, “What are you doing with her, I know you think you are still in love with her but you have to realize she’s playing you.” Kikwang yelled. “I am letting go of the past and forgiving her, we are going to start over.” “Are you crazy? Have you forgotten she’s the reason for your change? You are really going to easily give her your heart again.” Kikwang was furious. “And what about Sai?”  The mention of Sai struck a nerve in Taemin. “What about her?” Taemin began to front again. “Don’t play with me, I know that you were beginning to fall for her, my favorite dongsaeng?” Taemin smirked, “If you were her favorite oppa, why did she abandon you? Better yet if she was your favorite dongsaeng why did you let her walk off without fighting for her to stay?” Taemin yelled. “If she cared about me why did she apologize to me before hanging up in my face.” He yelled. Kikwang could see right through him he was very affected by Sai’s departure. “I don’t like her, I love Sulli and that’s final.” ‘Wow, I know you have feelings for Sai, and I am willing to bet our friendship on it.” Kikwang challenged. Taemin gave him a look, “I will talk to you later, I am leaving.” He went inside and grabbed sulli and left.

On the other side of town…

Lili was wiping her brow, “That was close” It was night time and she was on her way to the IT Club to meet Gem. They always did IT Club duty together. Lili Hopped on the roof, “Hey” she greeted. Gem was too focused on the scene unraveling before her. “CHUNJIIIII!!!!” Sungkyu yelled at the boy. Chunji continued to walk off sort of staggering. “Just let him go” CAP said. “He’s a big boy he can take care of himself. Chunji walked down the alley singing sad songs at the top of his lungs disappearing out of sight.

Author P.O.V End

Gem P.O.V

My heart broke a little more, the IT Club was slowly but surely falling apart. “Unnie what do we do?” Lili looked at me. I wasn’t sure but at the moment all I wanted to do was follow Chunji and make sure he wasn’t doing anything stupid. “Stay here” I told Lili as I climbed off the roof. I walked down the alley Chunji walked down, I was going to beat the crap out of him for stressing out Sungkyu Oppa and being a bad example for the younger ones. I walked and walked in search of him and couldn’t find him. I heard music playing really loud nearby and decided to follow it. I arrived at an adult club and walked inside, “Chunji you better not be in here.” I descended the steps of the club and walked onto the dance floor. The bass was pumping and everyone was beyond drunk. I scanned the bar, “Nope not there” I looked around and saw him at a table surrounded by women. Why am I not surprised he had always been a womanizer since the moment I met him. I made my way to the table bumping into people on my way. I could see him tossing back alcohol. The girls were rubbing all over

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Chapter 18: Where's The Rest Of My Taemin Time!?O.O OMG Teen finite <3 They're So Precious! I Love Them! Im Happy They're TRAINEES Now! Can't Wait For The Next Update!<3 Better Have More Of Taemin, Kai(EXO), & Kikwang Time Like Teen finiteTime! UPDATE SOON ^^
Chapter 15: You Made My Heart Burst You Meaniee ):
Better Updatee Soon! I Wanna Know What Happens Next :DD
OMG SISSY ! UPDATE AGAIN SOON ! Dont Keep Me Waiting Or Ill Not Updatee Anymoree xP
HeyTeekay #5
Thanks Yummilove dear! I liked this chapter alot too I can see the change in my writing!Don't worry another chappie is coming soon, I started typing one! :)<br />
<br />
@Chewy6 Thank You sister it means alot to me! I figured you would like tht part, I heard you laugh while reading it! I doubt it's the better! Sherbert <3
yummiliciouslove #6
OH MY GAWT. LOVE THIS CHAPTER. so much action!!! Wonder what Big Bang's thinking now... (:
OMO ! You've Finally Updated Unnie ! Im Sooo Happy For You ! <3<br />
I Completly Loved This Update !<br />
It Was Truly Great CookieDough ! <3 (:<br />
I Reallly Love The Part When LiLi Was Like 'I Almost Cut Her With My Steak Knife' It Actually made Mee Laugh :D ! <br />
Your Storyy Is Sooo Much Better Then Mine ! (x I Promise Too Updatee Soon Unnie <3<br />
I Hope You Will Continue Your Storyy ! && Hop It Get More Subbers Because People , This Is A TRULY AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING STORY ! Ive Heard It Already , && Its Not Like Any Story I Have Seen Or Read Beforee ! Pleasee Doo Subscribe (:<br />
I Believee In Youu Unnie !<br />
Unttil The Next Upatee <3<br />
Hwaiting<3<br />
yummiliciouslove #8
Yay! An update! (:
OMO ! Lovee The Updatee Unnie ! <3<br />
You Better Keep Your Promise ! ^^<br />
Update Soon ! :D<br />
Next Update Is GONNA BE SOO EXCITING ! XD<br />
Hwaiting<3<br />
HeyTeekay #10
Sorry for breaking your Daragon heart but i will heal it for you! though I didnt plan on having those interactions but because i love you i will bring those to my story!