Memories: Create Them, Remember Them, Or Wish To Forget Them

It Came Back To Hunt
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BigBang’s House


Silence….no not an awkward silence, but a heavy thick silence filled with an array of emotions enveloped the room. No one dared to speak, move…or do anything. T.O.P eyes were glued to the floor, memories of him and his brothers ran through his mind. He couldn’t believe the events that had unfolded days ago. He had been sitting in that same spot for minutes, hours, days… he couldn’t believe he killed one of his very own bestfriends…brothers. Seungri was laying down on the couch with his eyes closed while Daesung was splayed on the floor consumed with grief. Daesung took in a huge breath and broke the unbearable silence surrounding the room. Seungri opened his eyes releasing the tears he had been holding onto. T.O.P continued to stare off into the distance. “This is so fcked up” Seungri said, his voice barely above a whisper. Daesung turned his head, “where do we go from here?” posing his question to no one in particular. T.O.P shook his head, “I’m sorry guys I’m so sorry.”



Jon closed his eyes for the very last time as T.O.P let out a scream. Seungri and Daesung just watched on in silence as their leader cried heavy tears over Jon’s body. After what seemed like an eternity, T.O.P finally stood up. Daesung walked over to Guy and picked him up closing his eyes that had remained opened after being shot. BIGBANG carried Jon and Guy deeper into the island and placed them on giant leaves. They then went around seeing if there were any tools they could use to dig holes for their dead brothers bodies. With some luck they managed to find an abandoned old house. It was equipped with everything needed to survive on an island.  Returning to their spot T.O.P began digging holes. Daesung and Seungri went off back to the abandoned house to gather items to create tombstones for their now dead brothers. Hours passed and still no one spoke. Tears were streaming down each of their faces as they looked at the freshly dug graves of their friends they killed. The wind was picking up and night was rolling around. It was a unanimous decision that they would spend their last night as a complete BIGBANG. Daesung grabbed the fishing net he had taken from the abandoned house earlier and decided he would fish so they could have dinner. Seugri begin setting up the tent he grabbed from the house. With heavy steps T.O.P made a fire. Within an hour or so everyone was crowded around the fire, silently eating what Daesung had caught.

“Ehem…” Seungri cleared his throat raising his fish in the air. “Today is the day we have lost two brothers… these two men I shall never forget and love with all my heart.” Seungri choked out a sob and couldn’t finish his speech. Words couldn’t explain what they were currently feeling or what they felt for their brothers. T.O.P grabbed Seungri and held him trying to console a pain that was inconsolable. After awhile Seungri cried his self to sleep and was carried to the tent. Daesung and T.O.P also laid down…


POW… A gunshot sounded off. T.O.P immediately sat up. He put his hand over his face. “It was just a dream” he thought to himself. He looked over to Seungri who was tossing and turning. He appeared to be having a nightmare. Daesung was laying still with his eyes closed and breaths coming out even. T.O.P still feeling guilty exited the tent and walked over to the graves his friends were now buried in. He sat down and stared out at the water. He wanted to speak but instead tears came out. They just wouldn’t stop flowing.  Hands touched his shoulder and he looked up to find the only brothers he had left. They all sat there and just stared out into the distance for the remainder of the morning.

Seungri opened his eyes to a sound of a helicopter landing. A few moments later he heard voices. “they’re over here” a familiar voice said. Seungri turned over to find some of the 2pm kings standing over them with food and flowers. T.O.P and Daesung woke up as well. “we’ve come to bring you back” Taecyeon said. Chansung handed the three boys clothes, “Change into these, then come back and we will say our farewells together.” BIGBANG did as they were told. BIGBANG, Taecyeon, Junsu, and Chansung crowded around Jon and Guys graves. They each said their short speeches and rested the flowers there before exiting the island…

End of flashback


Seungri’s phone began to ring he just let it ring because it was too far away to reach. T.O.P then too received a phone call, it rung and rung and rung. The caller seemed to become impatient and continued to call him. He looked at the caller ID to reveal the name of the man who was responsible for everything bad in their lives, JYP. “Hello” T.O.P answered with a tired voice. “ You’ve had a few days to  grieve now I expect you back in my office in two days time, do not fail Seunghyun or your fates shall be the same.” JYP stated coldly before he disconnected the call.


Jay’s P.O.V.

I walked into my apartment after coming from a strenuous workout. Working out was the only thing that could get my mind off the traumatic experiences that took place a few days ago. I heaved a heavy sigh as I laid down on the bed with my eyes closed. “I never thought I’d be back here”. Moments later Jay was fast asleep….

“Jay shoot her now” Taecyeon yelled. Jay shook his head. “This isn’t right, I can’t do it.” “What do you mean you can’t do it, you heard what he said no survivors” Junsu said. Jay picked up the gun again and pointed it at her head.

“Noooo” Jay moaned and groaned in his sleep. “It’s wrong”… he continued to toss and turn. Beads of sweat were now rolling down his face.

“Please I promise I won’t say anything” the girl said with tears rolling down her face. “You’re pathetic” Wooyoung spat…. POW POW POW… The girl now laid lifeless on the ground.

Jay jumped in his sleep remembering the sound of the gunshots. He was now breathing heavily… the scene in the dream switched to the inside of JYP’s office.

“ The mission was a success” Junho reported. JYP smiled, “Good, you may leave until. I’ll call you when I have your next mission.” The boys exited the office Jay was the last to leave. “Jay you know you can never escape me right? I have eyes everywhere” JYP spoke. Jay turned around with a confused expression on his face. “ What do you mean” Jay asked. “Nothing, but remember your life belongs to me”…

Jay jumped up from his sleep… “It was just a dream”. I took off my clothes and proceeded to take a shower. “Damn I’m hungry”. Frowning I walked to the kitchen. I didn’t feel like cooking anything so I just made me a bowl of cereal. I walked to the living room and the TV. “Ain’t sh!t on TV to watch.” I turned off the TV and laid back down. That day played over and over in my head. “I really need something to take my mind off things and I know just the thing.” The image of a girl popped into his head. Without realizing he had drifted off to sleep again.

End of Jay P.O.V


Gem & Lili P.O.V

It’s chance chance chance. Let’s begin.
Trans.somebody with this. One wish.
Makin’sound with beats. Shakin’Dancin’UVERworld.
Start! Just keep! Last wa rakushou de PIISU
Peace! Attack! Everybody! 
Rock time! Big show time!

“No turn it off” Lili complained half asleep putting the pillow over her head. “why the hell is she up so early?” Uverworlds ‘Chance’ kept on playing. Lili rolled over, it was 7:45am in the morning. Lili stormed out of the room. “Come on bro, I’m trying to sleep.” Lili puffed her cheeks in frustration. “Now you understand what it feels like, I’m always trying to sleep and you wanna bother me.” Gem simply replied sipping her tea. She continued to flip through her newspaper, while jotting down a few notes in her notebook. “What are you doing anyway?” Lili asked. “I couldn’t sleep.” To be honest she was feeling a little sick…“well now that makes two of us” Lili said sarcastically rolling her head. “How about I make you an omelet?” Lili’s ears perked up at the word omelet. “Make it two and you’re forgiven.” Gem smiled, it’ll be ready in a few. After making them breakfast Gem headed to Café’ Kiss. 

At Café kiss…

Gem was making coffee when her phone rang. She signaled to Kevin she was going to the back to take a call. “Hello” … “Yes thank you for returning my call. Is tomorrow a good time?” she asked. The other person on the line remained quiet before answering yes. “Great, I will be there.” Gem hung up the phone. That is the 6th one that has called today. “Is everything okay?” Eli asked poking his head out the back door. Gem nodded and went back inside. Gem’s shift ended for the day.

“Oppa’s” Gem called. “Tomorrow I need the day off I have something important that I need to take care of.” “It can’t be another day? Tomorrow is the Café opening anniversary” Alexander whined. “Yea tomorrow is going to be busy and after we were all going to celebrate together.” Kevin chimed in. “Miahne Oppa’s it’s really important.”  “Kai take the day off, we can handle it. Just take care of whatever it is. We will celebrate with you another time.” Gem smiled. “Thanks guys, it means a lot.” “Just promise us one thing, you can’t miss any more important events, that includes birthdays as well.” Kevin held out his pinky. Gem smiled… “I promise”.

Gem left the Café’ and caught the bus to a nearby city. For about 15 minutes she scoped out the area. “Not bad” she thought to herself. By this time she was panting heavily.  Not paying heed to her fatigue she continued on until she arrived at her destination. “It looks decent. Just then her phone began to ring. 


To: Unnie


From: Meatball n.n <3


Unnie what time are you coming home? You’re late missy


To: Meatball n.n <3


From: Unnie


Sorry dear, I’m gonna be late!!!!


 To: Unnie

From: Meatball n.n <3


You >.


To: Meatball n.n <3


From: Unnie


In other words you wanted me to cook you dinner!!!!!You’re a big girl eat by yourself! Unnie is not hungry….                                                                       


Just then a faint voice caught Gem’s attention. “We have been expecting you! Welcome.” Gem did her greetings and proceeded inside.


With Lili…


“Damn she caught me” Lili said to herself after reading her sisters reply. “I really wanted stir fry tonight too” Lili sighed. “I guess I’ll eat bacon wrapped Hot Dogs and chips then.”  She proceeded to the kitchen to cook.


With Gem…


“Thank You” Gem bowed. “I’ll be calling to check in” she turned and left. Flipping through her notebook… “hmmm it should be somewhere around here” she continued to walk. Her phone rang again.


 To: Kai Noona <3

From: Spaghetti <3


Noona help we’re in trouble!


“Trouble” Gems heart stopped.  “nooo” she took off running. She didn’t care how far it was. She ran her heart out. “I hope I’m not too late.” All these different scenarios ran through her mind. She would never forgive herself if something happened to them. She ran for what seemed like forever, bumping into people on the street. She finally arrived at the IT club sweating bullets and on the verge of collapsing. She entered the club. “It’s dark inside”. She withdrew her knife, advancing slowly. She heard wails coming from the back. She quickly ran there, peeking around the corner. “Kai what are you doing?” Gem caught wind of the familiar voice. “L you’re okay” Gem slipped her knife in her bag. She entered the office where the wailing was heard. The maknae’s were all yelling, whining, and complaining. “Noona” they perked up at the sight of Kai. “the hyung’s are making us do paperwork.” Gem let out a sigh as she placed her hand over her heart.  “That’s a relief.” She said before collapsing on the floor.


2 hours later…


I woke up in a dim-lit room. “You’re up, how are you feeling” L’s said.  I tried to sit up and immediately pain shot through my arm. I winced. “You shouldn’t try and sit up, you fell pretty hard.” L said moving over to my side. It was quiet for a bit until he broke the silence. “mind telling me what’s going on?” I gave him a confused look. “well earlier you were shocked I was okay for starters.” He looked at me expectantly. “The text message” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “Text message?” “Yea, I received a text from Sungjong saying there was trouble. I panicked and ran all the way here.” “Sungjongie” L sighed. “ anyway if we were in trouble what could you have done. Silly girl, the hyungs and maknae’s would have rather ourselves get hurt before we put you in danger.” L looked at me. “I guess you’re right” I said. Just then Seungyeol and L.Joe popped their heads into the room. “How is she?” “Tired but okay” L said. “what happened?” “Apparently, she got a text message saying we were in trouble and she ran here to save us, isn’t that cute.” L chuckled. Yeolie and L.joe chuckled as well. “we’ll go get the others”


“NOOONNA” Sungjong, Ricky, Niel, Changjo ran in piling on top of Gem trying to give her hugs. “Off now” Sungkyu barked. L reiterated the whole story of what happened. Everybody looked at Sungjong accusingly. “It’s not just his fault… me, changjo, and Niel told him to text Kai noona.” Ricky said. “Apologize now” Woohyun said. “You’ve caused Kai a great deal of trouble.” They all looked me apologetically, “Sorry Noona” they said in unison. Sungjong began to tear. “we didn’t mean to make you sick or to worry.” The boys hung their heads in shame. “Let’s leave Kai to rest, Kai come out when you’re feeling a lot better.” Dongwoo said as everyone left the room. About an hour later I woke up. I exited the room and went straight to the office. There Dongwoo was with the maknae’s of the club doing paperwork. It was silent unlike their usual rambunctious selves. I could tell they were still feeling bad about earlier. “ehem” I broke the silence. They looked up, “Need help?” I asked. They nodded, “Noona should rest more” Niel said. “Yea, rest more and when the hyung’s come back with the food we’ll bring it to you” Changjo said. They went back to doing what they were doing quietly. “Boys” I called. They looked at me. “I forgive you all, I was never mad nor did I ever blame you. Now come and hug your noona.” Niel, Ricky, and Changjo ran towards me, “Spaghetti” I smiled, “that means you to.” Sungjong slowly walked over and we shared a big group hug. “Go help the hyung’s they’re back already.” Dongwoo ordered. The boys ran off, “you’re not entirely off the hook. You’re sick, losing weight, and more tired than usual. Is everything okay?” Dongwoo gave me a concerned expression. I smiled, “Ofcourse oppa” I smiled. Hoya entered the room with Chunji and L behind him. “we didn’t know what you preferred so we got you a burger, fries, and chicken nuggets.” I smiled, “That’s fine.”



The night ended with me helping the boys with paperwork before heading home. I was leaving the club when I saw a shadow following me, “spaghetti, what are you doing?” “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay going home.” I turned around too face Sungjong. “Noona is fine, go back before oppa’s realize you’re gone.” I looked over his head. The person following us was gone. I wasn’t sure who it was. “Spaghetti let’s go, I’ll walk you back.” We walked back happily chatting away. “Noona you seem distracted”, Sungjong said looking around. “Ani, I’m listening continue,” I knew I couldn’t let my guard down. When we arrived inside I kissed him goodnight and pushed him inside. “Go on little one, Noona loves you.” “I love you too.” He said and ran inside.

I continued home, and this time two figures were tailing me.

End of Gem P.

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Chapter 18: Where's The Rest Of My Taemin Time!?O.O OMG Teen finite <3 They're So Precious! I Love Them! Im Happy They're TRAINEES Now! Can't Wait For The Next Update!<3 Better Have More Of Taemin, Kai(EXO), & Kikwang Time Like Teen finiteTime! UPDATE SOON ^^
Chapter 15: You Made My Heart Burst You Meaniee ):
Better Updatee Soon! I Wanna Know What Happens Next :DD
OMG SISSY ! UPDATE AGAIN SOON ! Dont Keep Me Waiting Or Ill Not Updatee Anymoree xP
HeyTeekay #5
Thanks Yummilove dear! I liked this chapter alot too I can see the change in my writing!Don't worry another chappie is coming soon, I started typing one! :)<br />
<br />
@Chewy6 Thank You sister it means alot to me! I figured you would like tht part, I heard you laugh while reading it! I doubt it's the better! Sherbert <3
yummiliciouslove #6
OH MY GAWT. LOVE THIS CHAPTER. so much action!!! Wonder what Big Bang's thinking now... (:
OMO ! You've Finally Updated Unnie ! Im Sooo Happy For You ! <3<br />
I Completly Loved This Update !<br />
It Was Truly Great CookieDough ! <3 (:<br />
I Reallly Love The Part When LiLi Was Like 'I Almost Cut Her With My Steak Knife' It Actually made Mee Laugh :D ! <br />
Your Storyy Is Sooo Much Better Then Mine ! (x I Promise Too Updatee Soon Unnie <3<br />
I Hope You Will Continue Your Storyy ! && Hop It Get More Subbers Because People , This Is A TRULY AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING STORY ! Ive Heard It Already , && Its Not Like Any Story I Have Seen Or Read Beforee ! Pleasee Doo Subscribe (:<br />
I Believee In Youu Unnie !<br />
Unttil The Next Upatee <3<br />
Hwaiting<3<br />
yummiliciouslove #8
Yay! An update! (:
OMO ! Lovee The Updatee Unnie ! <3<br />
You Better Keep Your Promise ! ^^<br />
Update Soon ! :D<br />
Next Update Is GONNA BE SOO EXCITING ! XD<br />
Hwaiting<3<br />
HeyTeekay #10
Sorry for breaking your Daragon heart but i will heal it for you! though I didnt plan on having those interactions but because i love you i will bring those to my story!