

Flashback still continued…


Right after Jonghyun let the definite phrase (or so he thought) leave his lips; he then received in return a good old punch to the head, courtesy of his best friend, Key.


“Yah Jonghyun-pabo! We’re all pretty sure you either ate too much of Jinki’s fried chicken, or you devoured Minho’s cooking! And we’re also pretty sure we know how Henry looks like Jonghyun! Aigoo, what’s gotten into your head today?” nagged Key, who was  pacing around the room.


Jonghyun rubbed the spot painfully where the injury had now become a bruising purple . "Mianhe guys. I think I drank too much coffee this morning," he apologized, a cheeky grin forming.


"Ah, it's okay Jjong," Jinki said, returning the smile.


The rest of  the long hour was spent by trying to decipher the identity of the stranger, but to no avail, no one could figure it out. Well that is, I mean, until another idea spark thing clicked in Jonghyun's mind. Once again.


"Ah-hah! I think I remember something," he mused, reaching into his pocket.


"What is it Jonghyun?" his friends asked  in curiousity.


The dino pulled out a small photo, no bigger than a passport, and showed it to the rest of the group. It displayed two young men at a park, sharing what seems like, their first kiss, on the cheek of course. It was still clear and fresh in his mind of when he took it.


Flashback within a flashback. INCEPTION.


The said boy was taking a stroll in one of New York City's smaller parks. He had a pretty decent job of being a photographer, and his assignment that day was to find something romantic, so what better way to do that than walk in one of the romantic yet small landscapes of the city?


Continuing on, the man slowly breathed in the cool night air, exhaling a small stream of smoke from his lips. He then took notice  of what seems to be llke 2 males, seemingly older than him, running up to Jonghyun while holding hands. He couldn't see their faces very well, as almost everything except for the eyes were covered by a scarf. By the time they got to the shorter male, they started blurting out random spews of sentences.


"Woah, slow down guys, what do you want?" He questioned, wondering why were they attacking him with so many questions. After a few minutes of calming them down, he finally got them to speak clearly again.


"Can you take a photo of us please?" The taller of the two asked nearly incoherently in a polite tone.


"Um, sure, if you say so," Jonghyun replied back, pulling out his camera from his bag. He asked the two to pose in some sort of way, so the two males hugged each other, one placing his lips on the cheek on the latter. Jonghyun could hear some murmurs from them while turning on the small device, something about lovers and embarrassment, so he assumed they were dating.After everything was prepared and such, he could finally take the picture.


"Say cheese,"  he simply commanded, before he pressed on a small red button that caused a brief white flash of light and a click. The camera then produced 2 small black photos. The men that had just gotten their picture taken were currently around the the photographer, staring in awe like 2 curious 7 year olds at the film.


"Why is it black?" The brunette asked, waiting a bit impatiently for an answer.


"That's because I took it with one of my antique cameras. After I take a picture, i programmed it to produce 2 of these black photos. You just have to wait a bit, and the picture will show. See?" Jonghyun explained, handing them one of the photos, which had now shown to the two the picture. They stared at the photo, intrigued for a while until the blond one suddenly jolted, as if he had remembered something.


"Wow, that's amazing. Thank you very much for taking the picture! We're late for a movie, and we have to go before our taxi leaves us, so bye and thank you once again!" The blonde one yelled out hurriedly, grabbing the brunette's hand and running off while waving goodbye at Jonghyun. 


Jonghyun stared at the picture, proud of the intricate detail he had captured on the photo. He grinned a bit at it before slipping it into his pocket and resuming to walking around the park, whistling a random tune he heard earlier.


Suddenly, the gears in his mind turned, and the lightbulb went off in his head, causing him to stop abruptly in his tracks. He knew that the brunette guy looked seemingly familiar, however, before, he couldn't quite put his finger on who it was. "Donghae hyung?" He asked to himself in realization, finger on his lips.


Ever since that incident, he had a strange and unknown bond to the picture that had caused him to carry it wherever he went, as if he was unconciously waiting for an answer to this unusual habit of his, and indeed it was to be proven useful.


~Hello! Really short chapter update. I'm sorry. I'm a procastinator. .__. Moving on, I actually planned this to be a twoshot, but it looks like it should end in the next chapter or so because of my laziness.

Is this story boring you guys with its flashbacks all the time? If so, then I apologize for the boringness. This is basically what I call a "flashback fic" which is named after what it has, which is just flashbacks.

By the way, this chapter is dedicated to MyeolchiHyuk for being an awesome subscriber and friend! :3

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Working on the last chapter guys! :) It should be up soon.


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LeeMinhyun #1
Chapter 3: -Raises hand and looks around- Was I the only one who screamed uncontrollably at the mention of Yongguk and Daehyun as well as Sunggyu and Woohyun? Anyone?
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Chapter 3: Haha.. eunhae so sweet..
Phwaaa.. the ending was funny.. hehhe..!!
Chapter 3: WOOOH! They adopted my Infinite bias! :))
EunHae! So sweet!! *jumps up and down* WITH B.A.P.! OH GOD! *dies*
Sunggyu and Woohyun ♥
The ending killed me! XD AWESOMENESS!!
Daebak author-ssi!
Chapter 2: Awwww this chapters so.sweet! Thanks for the update!!!
jibraillajane #5
Chapter 1: buhhh ... I thought it was Hyukkie o_o this troll is a daebak .
have a happy writing, author-nim !
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 1: why was henry instead of hyukkie????
hyukkie euu r alive..!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg!!!! What are you saying Jonghyun???????
Hyukkie was found alive!!! >□<
Poor hae......
Even so this was amazing author-nim! Can't wait for the next bit where Jonghyun will find out its hyukkie not henry......
LittleMissMoony #9
Chapter 1: Wae????? Author-ssi, u're trolling me~~~!!! Woaaaaaa~~ TT__TT
Can't wait for this author-nim!!!
The ending of the first bit is so cliff-hanger-y (if that's even a word....)