Thoughts And Pains

Snow Rain Mythology


Hello, I'm back, everyone!! Thank you for reading and subcribing the last chapter. Let enjoy this chapter!! Sorry if you find this chap almost full of Yulsic, 'cause I'm trying to show more about couples' past and lives.

Ps: Tet is coming ^^


@chocomilk125: For your question, Yuri's an immortal, but with a twist, she's now neither an angel or a demon, her immortalness was optained accidentally. ^^ And the reason, it'll be revealed in next chapters.


@LegendaryShipper: Yeah, they'll meet soon =))



Soshi: thought


Soshi: Telepathy




“Where are we going, Taetae??” Tiffany asked in wonder. She was kind of surprised when Taeyeon came to her (fake) house minutes ago, saying that she would take her to some place.


“My friend’s bar.” The dorky girl gave her girlfriend a smile, eyes still looked ahead to drive her care safely.


“A bar??” This time, Taeyeon received a frown from her beloved “Why do you take me to a bar?? Did you plan something evil there??” Tiffany’s voice was full of amusement but Taeyeon didn’t notice that.


“Eh?? Miyoung ah~ Don’t talk like I’m a ert, I didn’t do anything evil at all!!!”


“Really?? Because I think there is a person always staring at my whenever she has the time~”




Suddenly, the car stopped right away, which make Tiffany let out a small scream. Looking at Taeyeon, she saw her head bowing down, as if the girl was angry at that very moment. Tiffany nervously shook her lover’s shoulder, but she didn’t respond at all. Worrying about something had happened; Hwang almost used her power to check Taeyeon before being hugged by a certain…..byuntae…




“Hwang Miyoung….” Was it her or Taetae sounded like a devil, a cute one actually. “You said I did something evil?? How dare you accuse me like that?? I’ll surely punish you hard this time….”


Realization reached Tiffany’s head in time “Eh!! Taetae, We’re in middle of the street for God’s-!!” Her words were cut down when a pair of lips crashed against hers in a hungry kiss.


“Well…what’s now??” Taeyeon smirked as Tiffany was trying to regain her breath after being assaulted, but she couldn’t say more when her girlfriend suddenly kissed her in the most passionate way.


It seems like I’ll arrive late.


“Muahaha~ Hwang Miyoung, you’re mine!!!”


Somewhere near to Taeny’s car, people could hear some….strange noises coming out from a certain dorky buyntae and her lover.




Chapter 3


Thoughts and Pains



People in SONE Bar, men and women alike, just had a sudden heart attack when three girls, if they didn’t want to say, goddess stepped inside the place. The first one was a gorgeous blonde, who wore an icy expression on her face while the second and third were holding hands, but people could easily recognize the two as Im Yoona the Actress and Seo Joohyun the Singer. Well, things could have gone better if they hadn’t walked like they were on a fashion show. Jessica and Yoona walked in confidence when Seohyun was a little shy with people staring at her. It wasn’t like she scared of the crowds but she never got close to this many of people before. To assure her, Yoona held her hand tightly and sent glares to the ones dared check out her wife. Jessica was……..Jessica. She also received many glances; however, her cold aura had scared them away.


“Don’t you think….this place is……..crowded??” Said Seohyun as she looked around.


“No need to worry, Hyunie. This bar doesn’t allow paparazzi.” Yoona replied with a smile.


The manager of the bar quickly ran to their direction and greeted in a cheerful voice while eyeing Yoona with admiration, much to Jessica’s annoyance and Seohyun’s discomfort.


“Ms Im, your room is ready now.”


“Thank you, Jonghyun.”


“This way~”


When they went away to the VIP room, the older brunette noticed that her wife was behaving unusual. Jonghyun still grinned happily, but Jessica could tell he was glaring at her youngest….well, ex-sister. The blonde sent back a frown, which promptly made him move his eyes away from Seohyun. The young singer bowed her head in appreciation, and Jessica just looked away with an embarrassing expression.


“You okay??”




Looking at Seohyun then Jonghyun, Yoona let out a chuckle and startled her lover.




“Don’t worry, Hyunie ah~ I only love you~” She pecked her cheek, and Seo’s face appeared some shades of red. The blonde angel beside them just shook her head.



“Just stop your PDA, babo.”


“Unnie is jealous of Hyunie and me~”


“Jealous?? Why do I need to be jealous of a deer like you!???” Jessica rolled her eyes.


“Because you’re lonely of course~” Yoona secretly looked at Jessica.






VIP room was a large room with a very big glass that allowed people to look outside and see whatever down there, on the dancing floor and the bar alike. Jessica chose for herself a seat near the glass and Yoonhyun sat on a love seat opposite of her. Yoona carefully selected their drink, practically trying not to upset her wife who cared very much for her heath. But honestly, Yoona and Jessica weren’t humans; they didn’t need to be afraid of getting drunk.


In a few minutes later, no one spoke anything. Sensing the atmosphere in the room suddenly became very awkward, Yoona opened first.


“So, Sica-unnie….When did you arrive here??”


“This morning….”


“Jinjja?? You came here and you didn’t even inform me first!!”


“Very funny, because there’s also a person who departed without telling me….” Jessica lazily said, leaving the poor Yoona jaw-dropped for a moment.


“Eh……. I’m sorry…” The younger angel rubbed her head.


“It’s okay, I understand.”


Yoona smiled, her hand lovingly caressed Seohyun’s hair, who was leaning onto her shoulder in a bashful manner, unknowingly revealing some thing on the latter’s left ear, something very …shiny~ Jessica’s attention moved to the blushing girl as she tried to hide away her face.


“That earring looks very beautiful...”


“Thank you, unnie. Yoong gave this to me as….” Seohyun smiled at Yoona “a wedding earring…”


“Wedding earring??” Jessica was sure that only Yoona could think of something like wedding earring “To replace wedding ring??” She received a nod and then the blonde and the youngest brunette started another conversation while the angels used telepathy to talk with each other.



“Wedding earring?? Is this one of your ideas??”


“Wedding ring is just so yesterday, unnie~” Yoona chuckled “Besides; I want to show my love to Hyunie in a special way, other than that old styled married way of….” She frowned “him…”


“You know….” The blonde angel eyed her “That earring looks familiar. Like those crosses symbolize for our respective stars.”


“You notice?? Well, it actually is one of those crosses. The Cross of Saturn, in case you don’t remember.” At this, the brunette’s smile saddened.


“The Saturn Cross huh~ You have it??”


“No, I stole it.” The two chuckled out loud at the same time, making Seohyun wonder what had made them laugh like that. “After all, that cross belongs to Hyunie I cant let him keep it, I just shrunk it into the right size of an earring.”


“Let me guess, you’re wearing Jupiter cross-shaped earring, aren’t you??”




“Cheesy~ But smart…” Said Jessica “But how did you meet Seohyun here?? Did you look up in the Book of Reincarnation??”


“I didn’t.” Yoona took a sip of her drink, eyeing Seohyun lovingly “2 years ago, Moon tried to bring me back, she and I had a fight….” She started to tell the blonde the story of how Seohyun and she first met.


“So he let her reborn…” Seraphim Venus calmly continued her talk with Seohyun although she was talking mentally with Yoona “And I thought he must have taken her soul forever… What could the reason be…to give her a second life…??”


“I don’t know, unnie… But I’m glad that she didn’t lose her soul… and that she’s alive again, I have no other wish than that…”


Looking at her younger sister, Jessica Jung suddenly had the feeling that Im Yoona had finally been herself once more and matured a lot. She was neither the same Yoona who always prank everyone nor the girl sank in her own pain and sorrow. She was a new Yoona, the one would protect and treasure her love forever. And Jessica believed she could do it. But the question was, how long would this happiness last?? Before The God interfered again. He was….what humans called a control freak. He always tried to keep everything under control, even if it was his daughter’s happiness.


“You’ve changed………I’m happy for you and Joohyun, Yoona…” Jessica smiled at Yoonhyun couple before her.


“Gomawo, unnie… But talking about changes…. You’ve also changed, too unnie…”


“I changed??”


“Yeah.” Im Yoona furrowed “You always smiled even if we were in a dangerous….You look….I don’t know…colder??”


Seraphim Venus’s eyes wandered around the room before meeting Jupiter’s brown ones again.


“I never noticed that…”


Yoona stared deeply into the now deeper blue orbs, feeling sympathetic to her sister. Staying too long in that place, even the calmest person could have gone crazy without knowing it. Just what had happened to Jessica that changed her into… this cold??



“Unnie…. Did something happen after I left??”


“Nothing much… Just Moon became a Seraphim….And his obsession of taking you back to Heaven…”


“Didn’t I tell him that I would never return??” Yoona rolled her eyes “Such a control freak…”



Jessica really wanted to laugh at the way her younger sister talked about the High Father, but her mind was occupied with something else… She felt that, somehow, there was a hole in her memories. She didn’t know what it was….but it felt kind of important to herself….in a private way….



“Jessica-unnie, do you have anyplace to stay??” Seohyun’s question snapped them out of their thought and the blonde Seraphim let out a small smile, replying the girl with a soft tone.


“No, I don’t.”


“How about coming to our place?? We have spare rooms after all!” The singer said while smiling at the older blonde, who was spacing out after hearing the word “our place”.


Jessica then imagined herself in a house, where was full of… Yoonhyun’s PDA. In the morning, Yoona would give Seohyun’s a peck on her forehead, and in the evening, they would sit together and cuddle. Aw~ Cute and ….Awkward at the same time!!!


“Why do I have the feeling that I’ll become the third wheel, Yoona??”




“Thank you, Seohyun, but I’ve already found an apartment…”


“Really?? You’re not lying, are you??” Seo asked skeptically and suddenly Jessica had the urge to get out of those “laser” eyes.


Jessica shook her head, putting on her normal icy expression when she felt someone staring at her for a very long time. A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a group of young boys, smirking at the three of them. Jessica raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, while Yoona pulled Seohyun closer, eyes were staring so intensely at the boys.


“I heard that there are some pretty girls booked this room today~” The first boy, looking like the leader of the group grinned.


“Wow, look at that!! It’s Im Yoona and Seohyun!!” The third boy widened his eyes.


“What are they doing here??” The fourth and also the last boy asked.


“Hey beauty, are you free?? Mind having a dinner with me??” The first boy said again in a teasing tone as he tried to get closer to Jessica, only to receive a deadly glare from her. “Easy there~ I wont harm you~”


“Fool.” Was her answer to him.


“What did you just say!??”


“I said you are a fool. Are you deaf??” She said in neutral voice “May be you’re both deaf and brainless…”


“Why you!??” He yelled.


“Stop it!!!” Another voice interrupted them. “You four, if you continue to bother my customers, I’ll make sure you guys’ butts end up on the hospital’s beds.”


“Eh!!! Who do you think you are!!?? Do you know who I am!??”


“A mad and childish loser who tries to woo a girl out of his league.”




“Get out.” As if he recognized her, the boy gritted his teeth in anger.


“I’ll remember that!! Let go!!” Then they went out of the room.


Jessica, whose eyesight was covered by the group, suddenly got a better glimpse of the newcomer. That was a good-looking girl, with tanned skin and. She was rather tall, about the same as Yoona and her face held a sense of kindness in it. But what made Jessica stun right on her spot was her eyes, a pair of….oddest black, as if they shouldn’t have been in that color. They brought Jessica a new kind of feeling…A feeling which she herself, didn’t understand. Her icy wall was suddenly melted by the girl’s smile. But why did they look so sad like that??


Seeing Jessica, the girl opened her eyes widely as her hands trembled in….happiness?? She looked like she had seen a ghost of her family or something like that. Was it Jessica or the girl was having teardrops in her eyes?? Even the blonde was surprised with herself when she had to control her hands not to reach for that beautiful face and clean away those tears... The moment their eyes met, the only emotion in her was….sorrow….



Why did it hurt so much??



“I-I apologize for letting….such thing like that happen….Please, enjoy your drink…..” The person’s voice was close to break; however, she managed to stop it and those acts seemed too painful….such acts that made Jessica’s heart shrunk in an unknown emotion, pulling her down.


“It’s okay…” Yoona answered….


The girl bowed deeply before going out as if she had been chasing by a monster. And the blonde let out a deep sigh that even herself didn’t realize how much stressed her body was. Rubbing her tempers, she suddenly felt tired….very very tired…. Just what had happened with her mind, her heart….and her soul….?? Those pains…. She shouldn’t have come here….It only clouded her with confusion and….weight??


“Sica unnie??”


She looked at Yoonhyun with an apologetical smile, saying with her normal tone, which had turned into something duller than ever.


“I’m sorry, but I feel kind of tired…”


“You should go home and rest, unnie..” Seohyun said with concern.


Joohyun ah~ You still are a very concerned person, aren’t you?? Memories or not…


“Okay…see you later….”


With that she stood up, reaching for her purse then bid farewell to them.



“Yoona, be careful… They’re here…”


“I understand, thank you, Sica unnie…”


“Babo, you’re my sister after all…”



After stepping outside, Jessica didn’t forget to give the place a glance. May be she just need time to take a vacation and relax; works and him obviously had gotten the better of her emotions…


But she didn’t see that there was a person hiding behind the highest story’s curtain, watching her leave slowly with pains in their black eyes.


“Sooyeon ah….”






Yuri sighed heavily while eyeing the Sooyeon look-alike. Why did that girl have to look so much like her lover?? Her presence only caused more pain to Yuri than anything she had endured for thousands of years. It made her go crazy over small things the blonde did. Her actions were the same as Sooyeon, even her voice… But it wasn’t like Yuri didn’t distinguish the differences between them. Her Sooyeon had brown hair, not blonde…Her Sooyeon would neither glare nor mock someone…Her Sooyeon would never give her such a cold aura… Her Sooyeon’s blue eyes….would never fill with those emotions… Emptiness and Sadness…. They always were full of happiness… And her Sooyeon would never face her with…. That blank and sorrowful look…


Was it a joke?? Was it his punishment for her?? Letting her seeing a girl who looked so much like her beloved??


If it really was true, then he had succeeded… Her body and mind were now tortured with that person’s images and figure… How did she appear here?? Because of what?? Fate?? Destiny?? Or just a cruel twist of life and the God??


Was her condition not enough?? He had taken away her lover, along with the most important part of her life… He left her here, impossible to die, to only feel the pains of parting from Sooyeon…


Curse the God!!!








Taeyeon was smiling from ear to ear while holding Tiffany’s hand. They had arrived late…about… 1 hour later?? Nah, never mind. Yuri might be very irritated with her now, but the short girl just shrugged off, after all, to be with her beautiful girlfriend was worth anything. Tiffany could only sigh in frustration, it seemed like she had allowed Taeyeon to do things out of her limit. Aigoo, just why did she do that!??


Pouting, she tried to squeeze Taeyeon’s hand, but failed easily as the girl let out a soft chuckle and an expression looked so cute for her own good!


“I hate you~”


“I love you, too, Miyoung ah~”


Tiffany faked her anger and turned away, leaving the child-like girlfriend gasping.


“Miyoung ah~” Taeyeon pulled Tiffany’s sleeve “Miyoung~ Baby~ Yeobo ah~”




“Are you angry??”


“No, I’m not.”


“Then why don’t you look at me??”


“I find something interesting there….”


“Miyoung finds someone interesting than her Taetae….” Taeyeon sobbed, making her red haired lover roll her eyes at the way she was acting “Miyoung doesn’t love Taeyeon anymore….Wa!!!” Suddenly, she cried out, even the music in the bar was drowned by her voice. At this, Tiffany sweated.


“She doesn’t love me anymore~”


People started to look at them in funny way, pointing at a “sobbing” Taeyeon and an embarrassed Tiffany.


“Look, that’s red head is too cruel…”


“How can she dump such a cute girl…”


“Girls these days, don’t know how much love is important to someone~”


Tiffany really wanted to shout out that she was the one who was being teased by her girlfriend, but it would only make them misunderstand more. So she decided to stop this by comforting Taeyeon.


“Taetae ah~ I just joked, of course I love you the most~”


“I love you, Miyoung!!” Tiffany didn’t expect this; however, Taeyeon had begun another make out session with her.


“Taetae!!! Cant you control yourself!??” She hit her arm.


“You’re the one to blame here, baby. ‘Cause you’re just too perfect for me to resist.”




Although, she looked displeased with Taeyeon, inside, her heart was warming with her love. Taeyeon was the one showing the wonders of this world, the Earth realm in her very own way. And as weird as it sounded, Tiffany really wanted to thank Jupiter. Without her, she wouldn’t have needed to come here and she wouldn’t have met her Taetae, her most precious person in her life. All her life of endless years, Tiffany finally found the meaning of her power, her strength and existence once more, ever since the last time the Seraphims were whole…


Thinking of what had happened, Tiffany couldn’t do anything but sigh at the fate of her, of Yoona, of all Seraphims… Would it be better if she hadn’t fallen for her?? That she would not have done such things to achieve her goals, only to be defeated by a human….


No!! She shouldn’t think like that!! Everything was past now… Tiffany had moved on, she had found a person who loved her with all their heart, she didn’t need anything more than that…


“Taetae ah~”




“I’m glad that you found me…”


Taeyeon gave Tiffany a confused frown, but she smiled again, caressing her beloved’s flawless face.


“I’m glad that I found you, too…”


“Let’s go, my friend is waiting for us!!” With that, the former pulled the latter’s hand, pointing at the direction where the owner’s office was.




“Hyo ah~” Sunny said, her eyes never left Tiffany and Taeyeon’s figure “Look~”


“What!??” Hyoyeon stopped dancing and glanced at what Sunny was trying to show her, her green orbs widened at the sight of Seraphim Moon, who was famous for her seriousness was smiling at another girl while holding hands “Is that….Moon!?? She’s smiling!??”


“There’s no different Moon in this world….unless, that person is her avatar…” Sunny frowned; Moon’s eye smile was something that the Heaven hadn’t witnessed for a long time. To see her like that, was a miracle to both of them.


“Who’s the person holding her hand??” Hyoyeon asked but then she let out a squeal when Taeyeon pecked Tiffany’s lips softly “Omona!! Did you see that!!!?? She just kissed her!!!”


Sunny suddenly had the feeling that the relationship between them was…. higher than best friends…. Lovers!?? There was no way that would happen… The only exception was….Moon decided to ignore the laws!??


“Love between humans and angels is forbidden.”


Why did it sound familiar?? If she remembered correctly, Moon also had said that one to Venus and her lover, and looked at her now, smiling and kissing a human girl!?? A sense of sarcasm hit Sunny’s head and her lips curved into a mocking smirk…


You disappoint and disgust me at the same time, Tiffany Hwang…


“What should we do?? Report??” The Seraphim of Neptune lazily asked.


“No, we won’t do anything….We just…wait….” Seraphim Sun giggled, showing her ageyo “Don’t you think so??”


Hyoyeon rolled her eyes in disgust, staring at anything but Sunny’s face “I guess, and stop your ageyo. It’s kind of disturb, you know~”






Heaven’s Realm


The God opened his eyes with fear written clearly in them. He dreamed again…That cursed dream, why didn’t it disappear?? Everytime he saw their faces, his heart filled with guilt, he couldn’t get them out of his mind. Especially…her….


“Did the Seraphims report??” He asked an angel nearby.


“Not yet, my lord…”


With this progress, he would never complete his plan.


“Contact Moon, tell her make it quick, I can not wait anymore…” His voice was low, full of control.

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Chapter 6: Yeah!!! Finally the past is revealed bit by abit! Thanks a lot author-nim!!!!:D
Well, now what did Yoona do that made the God angry and wanted to kill her...
Hweheehehe YoonHyun cuteness overload~! I can't wait for the Strong Heart, maybe Seohyun could do some action that proclaims Yoona is her seobang and hers only! Ha, eat that Geunsuk!
Hmm, YulSic now in the verge of remembering, now waiting for their progress...
Chapter 6: eeeepp!! can't wait for YoonHyun in Strong Heart...

i bet there will be some LSGxYoona moment...and maybe jealousHyun?? kekekekeke...;p
carebearfren #3
Chapter 5: happie birthday author =)
Just wish to say great story so far and i will continue to look forward to your updates =)
Chapter 5: Hehe, Seraphim Jupiter is still ByunYoong! But, the memories of Seohyun's death in the past really makes me curious most of all...
Hmm, the demons... I smell something fishy between them, the Devil, and the God himself. Maybe the demons' assault was a part of His plans? Seems like Sunny knows (or senses) this and its relation with Tiffany's current state...
Tehee... Now YulSic are neighbors! I hope this could make Jessica remembers Yuri again!
Chapter 5: aish that demon!!! ruin my YoonHyun moment!!!
chocomilk125 #6
Chapter 5: OMG!!. . .yulsic's meeting againnn. . .!! sigh. .when jess will be able to remember those memories againn. .??
Chapter 4: I sense that something bad is about to happen :O
LeeJuno #8
Ayo~ I just subscribed to your story~ I really like it! There are so many holes and secrets that need to be told before I lose my mind xD
P.s. I'm Viet too~