
Snow Rain Mythology





2.AM, Seoul


Yoona's POV


Just how long is it?? How long it has been since my life began to become such a miserable mess?? All I know is the color of the sky before my eyes. A deep black color…And here I am again, standing on the rooftop of Seoul’s tower while gazing at the things below.


It has changed a lot…The life, the people… It is not what I used to remember. Where the land was covered with grass and trees, and the animals were everywhere. And they lived peacefully with the people. Such a good time…Still, it vanished…faded along with my memories of her, my most precious person.


To me, living through thousands of years without going crazy, is a miracle since I always think that everything had lost its color because of her departure.


“I love the life here…” She smiled beautifully.


What made she love this place, I wonder?? Was it the beauty of the lands, the flowers or the lives of the creatures here?? I honestly didn’t know and now, don’t know.




The clock on my wrist made tiny sounds as if it wanted to tell me, that it has been so long…That I should have given up on waiting for her since the day she disappeared in the sunlight. I should have done it…but I couldn’t. Giving up on her and moving on alone isn’t something I want to happen.


“The night is getting colder…”


“Why are you here??” I ask.


The newcomer gives me a cheeky grin. She leans against the balcony, not even caring to answer my question. Her long red hair blows in the fall night as her black eyes are full of brightness. She then takes a long breathe, pulling out an old-typed clock and watchs the time pass silently.


“You don’t even give me a welcome, Yoona-ssi.”


“Just get on with whatever made you come here, Tiffany-ssi.” My answer is harsh, still, she smiles.


“As cold as ever, huh??” Tiffany runs a hand through her hair  “Why don’t you guess the reason…”


“Tiffany-ssi..” A scowl escapes my lips.


“You’re no fun at all, just like Sica~” Tiffany pouts as I give out a sigh, feeling tired of her childish actions. “Do you know how long have you been staying in the Human realm?”


“About 5000 years??” I chuckle sadly and she looks at me as if I had grown a second head.


“Seriously, Yoona…You were one of the smartest angels and you said that you’ve stayed here for 5000 years??” She giggles “Not at all, babo~ It has been 10000 years already!”


That long??


“Our immortals always lose track of time after all.”


“Anyway…" She hesitates "The High Father had said that… he wanted you to return.”


That old man wants me to return?? What is this kind of joke!??


“Don’t make fun of me, Tiffany.” My voice is full of anger that makes she flinch a bit.


“You don’t believe??” Her tone is neutral, like she had expected me to react harshly. “Why don’t you just give it a try?? Everything is different now…”


“Different??” I laughed sarcastically “If I remember correctly, that was the same thing you told me before. And look at me, what have I become now!?? I lost everything, don’t you see!! I’m neither Angel nor Devil! I’m nothing!!!! I even…I even…”


“I even…let go of her hand that day….”




“Just….tell him that…I’ll never return…even in my death, I’ll never pray to him!!”




And with that, three pairs of white wings emerge from my back, scattering white feathers around the spot I just stood like raindrops falling from the night sky. I frown a little, knowing my “normal” eyes have turned into their true color, bright gold.


“Stop it, Yoona!!! You can’t run away forever! High Father will only get angrier when he knows you disobeyed him again!!” Her eyes also turn into a burgundy color of wine, 


“Disobeyed?? I’m no longer a daughter of him. So doesn’t he dare give me order!!” I shout while outstretching fully six wings under her very eyes, those eyes that make me think of my lover’s eyes, which also as round as Tiffany's ones, but with a color of amethyst.


“Because of her, isn’t it??” Tiffany asks with the coldest tone I’ve ever heard from her. “It has been thousands of years for Heaven’s sake, Yoona!! Why can’t you just give up!”


“If I told you to turn against Taeyeon, would you do it??” I reply with the same tone, may be a little mocking too.


Tiffany bites her lips in frustration. Her burgundy eyes are glaring so intensely at me as I send back a mocking grin. Her four wings also appear, with heavenly lights cover them from the tip to her back. I can see she starts summoning her weapon, Claiomh Solais, and pink light surrounds her body, creating a barrier around the rooftop and a white robe, along with her white armor, replaces her normal clothes. Under the weak light of the rooftop’s lamps, Tiffany shows her true form. An angel who has a pair of ruby eyes and two pairs of white wings. Such a unique image. Sadly, it doesn’t make me go easy on her.


“Dominion Tiffany Hwang. You think you really can defeat me??” I smirk, how can a Dominion like her hopes to overpower a Seraphim like me… What a stupid thought… “After all those years, you still don’t understand the real meaning of my power, huh??”


“Fallen Seraphim Im Yoona… A lot of time has passed, and of course, things also have changed. I’m not the same Tiffany Hwang you knew long time ago.” She smiles. Out of nowhere, another pair of wings outstretches from her back, leaving me surprised. “I, Seraphim Tiffany Hwang, will surely, bring you back to the Heaven today.”


“Really??” Titling my head, I lazily put my hands into my pants' pockets. “How about showing me what you can do??”


“Just see, Yoona…”


And then, in a frightening speed, we a "dead or alive" battle. Me and Her, there will only one person survive. 


. . . .


No One’s POV


3.30 AM.



Seohyun looked at her watch. Another day had passed. Another day that was full of work. She sighed heavily as she pulled out her iPhone 5 to check the missed calls and messages. Out of all day, there were only 2 missed calls from her parents and a message of her mother, saying that she needed to take a rest this time. Seohyun could only smile bitterly. This was her life, a life that was so boring, so plain, so……lonely…..


She suddenly had the urge to cry. Such a painful reality that haunted her everyday… Maybe when she disappeared out of blue, nobody would actually remember her except for her own parents. Even her very fans, they would forget her soon...


“Miss Seo??” Mr. Kim, her private driver asks with a worried voice. “Are you okay??”


Snapping out of her thought, the girl smiled forcefully at the older man, while trying her best not to burst into tears in front of him.


“I’m fine. Please..continue.”


“Of course Miss.”


Once again gazing at the night sky, Seohyun slowly remembered her schedule tomorrow. At the same time, she saw a shooting star falling from the sky above. It was weird, the star had the color of bright yellow, instead of the normal blue color you would see when a shooting star appeared, and Seohyun’s eyes was gluing to it all the time until it vanished, leaving a trail of golden dust behind..


Okay…that’s strange.


“Mr.Kim, please follow the star…” She said, not even knowing herself had spoken.


Her request sent Mr. Kim a surprise. But he, too, accomplished her wish with a simple turn, heading to the direction the shooting star had disappeared.


After a few minutes, they reached a grass field. Seohyun promptly opened the door before her driver could react properly, which made him furrow his eyebrows because of her sudden action.


Since when Miss started acting so recklessly like that??


Seohyun didn’t know why she ran so fast although she was wearing a dress, a long dress had to be exact. Still, something was telling her to get there quickly. And her legs was running so unsconciously that she didn’t even notice that she had left Mr. Kim behind.


When she arrived, she didn’t see the star. Instead, there was something else. Something that had shape of a….girl??? Seohyun decided to come closer, eventhough her mind was shouting “caution” at whatever or whoever she was looking at now. In the middle of the hole, with smokes surrounded, a person was kneeling. Seohyun could hear the pants and pain-filled cursings coming from that person. Their clothes, including a beautiful white coat, were stained with deep red liquid looking so familiar.




And their long, pretty brown hair with streaks of gold, was messy, completely covered their face. They were holding their left shoulder, which looked like it had been crushed by a wall of concrete. All of those things made Seohyun frown and concern at the same time. Her heart was suddenly numb.


Was it pains in her chest?? Why did it hurt so much seeing that stranger in pain??


The smokes finally faded away, giving Seohyun a good glimpe of what left of that person in front of her very eyes. And the singer’s eyes widened.


Behind the girl’s back (she believed that person was a girl), was three pair of blood-stained wings, white feathers mixed with dust and dirt on the ground. But they still appeared very majestic. One of them was in a strange angle, that made she believe its bones had broken.


“Aish, Tiffany Hwang, I’ll remember that!!” She heard the girl yelling.


And when she looked up. Seo Joohyun found herself staring at the most beautifull pair of eyes she had ever seen. A color of bright gold that held a surprised and loving gleam in them. 


Then, the stranger gave her a smile. A smile was so gorgeous that her heartbeats fastened at a dangerous rate. And a strange feeling enclosed her very confused mind. 


She looks........familiar.....




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Chapter 6: Yeah!!! Finally the past is revealed bit by abit! Thanks a lot author-nim!!!!:D
Well, now what did Yoona do that made the God angry and wanted to kill her...
Hweheehehe YoonHyun cuteness overload~! I can't wait for the Strong Heart, maybe Seohyun could do some action that proclaims Yoona is her seobang and hers only! Ha, eat that Geunsuk!
Hmm, YulSic now in the verge of remembering, now waiting for their progress...
Chapter 6: eeeepp!! can't wait for YoonHyun in Strong Heart...

i bet there will be some LSGxYoona moment...and maybe jealousHyun?? kekekekeke...;p
carebearfren #3
Chapter 5: happie birthday author =)
Just wish to say great story so far and i will continue to look forward to your updates =)
Chapter 5: Hehe, Seraphim Jupiter is still ByunYoong! But, the memories of Seohyun's death in the past really makes me curious most of all...
Hmm, the demons... I smell something fishy between them, the Devil, and the God himself. Maybe the demons' assault was a part of His plans? Seems like Sunny knows (or senses) this and its relation with Tiffany's current state...
Tehee... Now YulSic are neighbors! I hope this could make Jessica remembers Yuri again!
Chapter 5: aish that demon!!! ruin my YoonHyun moment!!!
chocomilk125 #6
Chapter 5: OMG!!. . .yulsic's meeting againnn. . .!! sigh. .when jess will be able to remember those memories againn. .??
Chapter 4: I sense that something bad is about to happen :O
LeeJuno #8
Ayo~ I just subscribed to your story~ I really like it! There are so many holes and secrets that need to be told before I lose my mind xD
P.s. I'm Viet too~