It's Chaerin Not Charlotte

I'm Your Cup of Coffee

"Dara is inside of this room." says Bom, pointing to the door then looking at Chaerin, "She would like to see you alone."

Chaerin nods and twists the knob but Bom places her hand over hers.
"I don't recognize you." says Bom with suspicion.
"Um, I go to the university with you." Chaerin says unsteadily, afraid that Bom would realize that she doesn't belong here.
"Hmm, but I don't remember giving you an invitation." says Bom, studying Chaerin's face.
"You know, I have to go see Dara now. . ." Chaerin replies quickly before slipping inside of the room and closing it before Bom can say another word.
"Gosh that was close. . ." Chaerin lets go of the knob and walks toward Dara whose shoulders are hunched and is sobbing into her hands.
"Are you okay Dara?" asks Chaerin as she places a hand on Dara's shoulder which shakes uncontrollably.
"Chaerin, is that you?" asks Dara, sniffling into her hands.
"Yes, it's me." replies Chaerin, rubbing Dara's back.
"Please don't leave me." sobs Dara, throwing her arms around Chaerin.
"I won't leave Dara." says Chaerin softly, hushing Dara, continuing to caress her back.
Dara lifts her head and looks into Chaerin's eyes. "Chaerin?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Does she love me?"
"Yeah, you can ask me anything Dara."
"Can you get my beer, it's on the table." says Dara, pointing to the beer bottle behind Chaerin.
"You're so stupid Chaerin of course she wants her beer not your love."
"Yeah, I'll get your beer." says Chaerin, passing the beer over to Dara, "Here you go."
Dara takes a swig and spills it on Chaerin's shirt. Chaerin looks at her, surprised that she did that and Dara spills some on herself as well.
"Why did you spill your-" Chaerin begins to ask but is interrupted when Dara's lips crash on hers. Chaerin is pushed against the bed and Dara continues to kiss her but doesn't move her lips.
"Chaerin, kiss me!" whines Dara, kissing Chaerin again yet Chaerin doesn't move her lips, "What, you don't like the taste of alcohol?"
"Dara, this is wrong. You're drunk." Chaerin says, struggling under Dara's body.
"Well, if you won't kiss me, can you at least help me get out of my wet shirt?" Dara says, emphasizing the word kiss and wet.
"Dara, I know where you're going with this-" Chaerin starts but Dara takes a hold of Chaerin's hands and places them on her s, making herself moan.
"D-Dara, no." Chaerin gulps, feeling Dara's soft mounds.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Dara lets go of Chaerin's hands just as Bom peeks through the opening. She eyes Chaerin before talking to Dara.
"Dara, are you okay?" Bom asks with concern.
"Yes Bom, thanks for asking." says Dara irritated.
"What's wrong? Why do seem irritated?" asks Bom, "What did you do Charlotte?"
"I did nothing and my name's actually Chaerin." replies Chaerin.
Bom ignores Chaerin and looks again at Dara. "Why are you both wet?" asks Bom suspiciously.
"Spilled some beer." says Chaerin quickly, picking up the beer bottle.
Bom shakes her head and before heading out says, "You'd better not get that on my floor."
"We won't." replies Chaerin, answered with the sound of the door being closed and footsteps fading down the stairs.
"Gosh, Dara!" says Chaerin, raking her fingers through her hair.
"Chae, chill." says Dara, taking another swig of beer and chipping her nail polish.
"Dara, Bom almost caught us." Chaerin says, frowning.
"Chaerin, I'm pretty sure Bom would've joined us." Dara says, crossing her arms.
"What? You're definitley drunk." Chaerin says, shaking her head.
"I'm not drunk Chaerin." Dara protests.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" asks Chaerin, holding up three fingers.
"Eleven, duh." laughs Dara.
"You're not even close, it's three and there's only ten fingers in all." Chaerin says, chuckling softly.
"Whatever Chaerin." mutters Dara, taking another sip of beer.
Chaerin snatches the beer bottle from Dara's hands. "Stay away from this bottle."
"Chaerin, give it back!" whines Dara, trying to grasp at her beer, which is high above her head.
"I have to leave Dara." says Chaerin, collecting her purse and the holding the bottle close.
"But Chae, we didn't get to the good part yet." whines Dara, grabbing onto Chaerin's sleeve.
"Let go Dara, I need to get home before my parents scold me." says Chaerin, a bit irritated, tugging her sleeve back.
"You listen to your parents? Sheesh." says Dara, rolling her eyes and going back to chipping her nail polish.
Chaerin closes the door, blocking out Dara's complaints about parents and her beer taken away as she walks down the stairs to find Seunghyun waiting for her.
"Sorry Seunghyun, I have to get home immediately." says Chaerin trying to swerve around him.
"Let me ride you home." says Seunghyun, stepping in front of her, jingling a pair of keys in front of her face. "I have my keys."
"Okay." sighs Chaerin, giving up.

Chaerin continues to work at the coffee shop everyday, expecting Dara to come strolling through the front door but she never does. Dara on the other hand, continues to study at the university, avoiding Jiyong. "I didn't even bother to ask for her number." mutters Chaerin to herself while she prepares a customer's mocha, "Here is your order ma'am." smiles Chaerin as she hands a mocha to the woman. The shop was silent as usual but it felt too silent. Chaerin was lonely and she yearned to see Dara again. What was Dara doing anyway?

"Jiyong, leave me alone." groans Dara in frustration, Jiyong was bothering her about their break up.
"Baby, please. I love you, you know I do right?" pleads Jiyong, his hands clasped together, begging.
"You love me huh? State five things you like about me." says Dara, crossing her arms.
"You-y-" stutters Jiyong, pausing to think.
"Thought so, Jiyong. You couldn't even say at least one thing." mutters Dara, rolling her eyes and turning back to her work.
"Oh yeah?" whispers Jiyong into Dara's ear making her shiver, "I can name one thing that you like about me."
"Yeah, sure." scoffs Dara.
Jiyong kisses Dara's neck lightly making Dara gulp at the contact. "You like it when I you."
"Jiyong, you're such an !" growls Dara, shoving Jiyong into a shelf, almost knocking it down.
Everyone in the library looks up from whatever they were working on and stares at them making Dara lower her voice.
"Jiyong, don't you dare touch me again." fumes Dara through gritted teeth.
"Dara, baby, you can't resist me. Can't resist my hard inside of your core." smirks Jiyong.
"Stay the away from me and keep your in your pants." mutters Dara, irritated.
"Suit yourself but I know you want me Dara." says Jiyong, pulling a book from one of the shelves, "If you need me I'll be reading this book."
Dara raises her eyebrows, amused that Jiyong is actually picking up a book but laughs when he drops the book on a desk and exits the library. 
"Dara, can I speak with you?" asks a female voice.
Dara looks up to see that the voice belongs to Bom. "Yeah, sure Bom."
Bom pulls out the chair across from Dara and takes a seat and clasps her hands together. "Do you know who is Charlotte?"
"Who's Charlotte, Bom?" laughs Dara softly, "I think you mean Chaerin."
"Whatever, Chaerin, Charlotte, I don't care. Do you know her?"
"Yes, I do. She goes to the university."
"She does you say?"
"Yes, but around this time she leaves campus."
"Do you know where she goes off campus?"
"No, I do not. Why are you asking all of these personal questions?"
"I have this weird feeling about her."
"What is this weird feeling?"
"I don't remember handing her an invitation."
"Hey, you didn't hand HyunA an invitation but she continued to crash your party and the other parties before that."
"So you're telling me that Chaerin crashed my party?"
"Didn't say that."
"Hey, I'm finished with my studies, wanna come with me to this coffee shop. Chaerin was the cashier last time I went."
"No, I am not interested in Chaerin or coffee."
"You sure? They serve good lattes."
"Fine, but you're treating me."
"Aish, Bom."

A/N: Please give me feedback! Don't be silent readers. . . >.< Comments motivate me to write and if I can get some more I might post the next chapter quicker. :)


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Yo people I am back! :D


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 12: Why...pls. continue this story pls.
Chapter 12: I was shocked when I saw this one updated O.O seriously. But I guess, your CHAERA FEELS are gone and it's kinda obvious in this chapter -_- I hope you'll get back that feels and FYI. This is not a trash! it's really good after all :)
Chapter 12: youu! I was really disappointed to see that you are going to stop, but then you post another one! PLEASE! No another trolling~ please update soon authornim!

CLoverAya #4
Chapter 11: if you're trolling.. better hide jk xD
chaerafeelsctm #5
Chapter 11: Oh, I really love your story but I know how difficult is try to write something so I understand you, I hope you finish this someday :}
lonelybluemonster #6
Chapter 11: =\
I don't agree with your decision, but I'll respect your reasons. I do hope you can finish it one day, even if in your other account.
2addicted2ne1 #7
Chapter 11: Will save this offline. I really do like this story. Anyway, I believe u tried hard.. More luck on your other account
alixliguori374 #8
Chapter 4: wow this is great!!! good job!
bigbanglover997 #9
Chapter 10: Yay cant wait for the update!