Two Lattes Please

I'm Your Cup of Coffee

Dara's POV:

"Are you going to buy anything?" asks the cashier at the front counter.
"Oh, yes. May I get two lattes?" I ask.
The cashier nods at me before working on my lattes. I'm at the coffee shop, waiting for Jiyong to come. I sigh, looking at my watch. It's been over twenty minutes and Jiyong still hasn't appeared.
"Hey babe." says a male voice who I soon find out belongs to Jiyong.
"Hello Jiyong." I say.
"Your lattes ma'am?" says the cashier.
I go up to the front counter, dropping a couple of bills and return to the table, watching Jiyong pick at his fingernails.
"Here's your latte Jiyong." I say, passing one of the lattes towards him.
"So, what do we need to discuss here?" asks Jiyong, taking the latte from me.
"I've received an invitation to my friend Bom's party." I say, fishing inside my purse for the invitation, "Would you like to come? Oh, and here's the invitation if you want to take a look." I say, pushing the invitation forward.
Jiyong studies the card before looking back at me. "Yeah, sure I'll come babe." says Jiyong, a small smile across his face but it disappears as he looks at his watch, "Oh, I have to go Dara." rushes Jiyong, getting up from his seat.
"B-But Jiyong-" I start, interrupted by a pair of lips on mine.
"I'll see you later." says Jiyong, pulling away before leaving, the door clicking closed behind him.
I frown. As much as I love Jiyong, he doesn't treat me right sometimes. He shows up late and leaves so quickly. I find it irritating. I collect my purse and drop the empty coffee cups into a trash bin before leaving.
Chaerin's POV:
This girl has been here for quite some time and hasn't ordered anything yet. "Are you going to buy anything?" I ask from the front counter.
"Oh, yes. May I get two lattes?" the girl asks.
I nod to the girl before working on her lattes. "Wow, that girl is hot." I think to myself, imagining my lips against hers, "What are you thinking Chaerin? She's probably not interested in you." I mutter to myself as I clean a coffee pot. I've been working at my parent's coffee shop for about a year but because I'm attending the university, I don't work here as often unless I'm free.
"Hey babe." says a male voice.
"Hello Jiyong." says the girl.
"Crap, this guy must be her boyfriend." I think to myself, disappointed as I walk up to the counter, "Your lattes ma'am?" I call out, bringing the two lattes.
The girl goes up to the front counter, her sweet scent intoxicating, making me forget about the bills that she dropped on the counter. I shake my head and watch her return to her table, watching Jiyong pick at his fingernails.
"Here's your latte Jiyong." she says, passing one of the lattes towards him.
"So, what do we need to discuss here?" asks Jiyong, taking the latte from her.
"I've received an invitation to my friend Bom's party." she says, fishing inside her purse, "Would you like to come? Oh, and here's the invitation if you want to take a look." she says, pushing the invitation forward.
"A party huh?" I mutter under my breath.
Jiyong studies the card before looking back at her. "Yeah, sure I'll come babe." says Jiyong, a small smile across his face but it disappears as he looks at his watch, "Oh, I have to go Dara." rushes Jiyong, getting up from his seat.
"B-But Jiyong-" she starts, interrupted by a kiss from Jiyong.
"I'll see you later." says Jiyong, pulling away before leaving, the door clicking closed behind him.
Wow, what a jerk. She waits for him, buys him a latte, and he leaves after three minutes? I shake my head looking at her. She looks disappointed as she collects her purse and coffee cups. She drops the cups into the trash bin and walks out the door leaving the small shop silent. I pick up the spray bottle and rag to clean her table when I see the invitation. "She must have forgotten it." I say to myself, opening it. I look at the address, surprised it's nearby the university. I fold it and place it inside my back jeans pocket before proceeding to cleaning the table.

A/N: So how did I do? Sorry, for the switching between POV's, I'll make sure next time to not do that. Is this chapter too short? Comments are a must! ^^


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 12: Why...pls. continue this story pls.
Chapter 12: I was shocked when I saw this one updated O.O seriously. But I guess, your CHAERA FEELS are gone and it's kinda obvious in this chapter -_- I hope you'll get back that feels and FYI. This is not a trash! it's really good after all :)
Chapter 12: youu! I was really disappointed to see that you are going to stop, but then you post another one! PLEASE! No another trolling~ please update soon authornim!

CLoverAya #4
Chapter 11: if you're trolling.. better hide jk xD
chaerafeelsctm #5
Chapter 11: Oh, I really love your story but I know how difficult is try to write something so I understand you, I hope you finish this someday :}
lonelybluemonster #6
Chapter 11: =\
I don't agree with your decision, but I'll respect your reasons. I do hope you can finish it one day, even if in your other account.
2addicted2ne1 #7
Chapter 11: Will save this offline. I really do like this story. Anyway, I believe u tried hard.. More luck on your other account
alixliguori374 #8
Chapter 4: wow this is great!!! good job!
bigbanglover997 #9
Chapter 10: Yay cant wait for the update!