
In the Wind

(Chapter one)


Their first meeting was in October. Actually it was late September but Sehun stubbornly believed that their first meeting was on a chill October instead of an autumn September. Sehun thought to have remembered the strong soothing scent of rain lingering over the earth, and that it could only be an October rain. Luhan never bothered proving him wrong, although he was certain their lives intertwined on a late September day. The way Sehun would childishly reason that his memory was more accurate than his – he was, as Sehun liked to say, twenty-two already – was endearing in Luhan’s eyes, so there really was no need for him to correct the younger male. And maybe October really was a better day to see as the start of their crossing roads. Grey October.

“Luhan, take this box.” Yixing said as he handed Luhan the filled cardboard box, “Watch out, it’s heavy.”

Luhan grinned playfully, “You’re looking down on me. I could easily carry this.”

“Of course, of course,” Yixing’s eyes turned into little crescent moons, “just be careful. Our tableware is in it, and I don’t want my grandmother’s expensive chinaware to break because of you.”

“Then why would you give me this important box in the first place?” Luhan remarked with a childish frown.

Yixing sighed, “I don’t know. I like to make myself believe that you’re to be trusted with everything I hold dear.”

Luhan nodded confidently, “I’m a very good boyfriend! No need to doubt that!”

“Just… Just bring the box inside the house, Luhan.”

Luhan threw the other an unsatisfied look before adjusting the box in his arms, trying his best to hold onto it as tightly as he could. A deep inhale of breath and he was ready to go. The walk from the car to the house was really only a few meters, so Luhan was utmost confident that nothing could go wrong. A soft, cold breeze caused him to shiver in excitement, because finally they were going to move in their new house. Not exactly a house – it was too small for that definition – but it was a home for them.

“Yixing, is it okay if I place the box-” Luhan yelled, but stopped instantly when the door next to theirs opened and a tall male stepped outside, “”

The tall, thin male turned his head to the side to look at Luhan, before a little smile crept on his lips, “H-Hello, you must be are new neighbor.”

“Sehun, we’re going to be late!” Someone yelled from inside the house the stranger came from, and seconds later, another male appeared in front of Luhan, “Ah, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you two,” Luhan spoke out politely, “we’re moving in here today.”

“Luhan, what did you ask?” Yixing asked, suddenly standing behind him.

“We’ve to go, but nice meeting you two,” The somewhat dark skinned boy said nicely before pushing the other to hurry up.

“Nice meeting you!” Yixing yelled as they watched them rush down the street, a smile lingering on his lips, “They look like nice neighbors.”

Luhan’s eyes were focused on the two. More precisely, his gaze was glued to their intertwined hands, before noticing the carefree smiles on both their lips.

It was late September, an autumn day, and the first time they met.

The moment Sehun remembered as their first meeting was on a chill October. It had rained the night before, causing the roads and paths to glister and a pleasant scent to surround the neighborhood. Luhan watched red colored leaves falling down, coated with a thin layer of water. The little stones of the road he was walking on were washed clean thanks to nature, and Luhan could not help but enjoy the scenery in front of him. It was cold, unpleasantly cold, but the sight was warm, pleasantly warm.

It was a pleasant day, he concluded, because it was so wonderful and he just could not think of anything that could possibly ruin his day. Nothing, really nothing. Then his eyes landed on the figure crouched down a few meters away from him, and Luhan recognized the person immediately. The young male was patting the head of a little white dog, expression utterly brilliant as he smiled. It was him, unmistakably him.

“Hello there,” Luhan spoke out when he stood in front of the other, “your dog?”

The other looked up, eyes shining with purity while he nodded innocently, “Yes, his name is milky.”

Luhan chuckled, “Milky?”

This made the other laugh shyly, “Y-Yeah, milky…”

Upon noticing the change of expression, Luhan quickly waved his hand, “It’s cute! Really!”

The brightness had been replaced by shyness, bright smiles by little unnoticeable ones. It was a true pity, Luhan thought, but it was alright. He had seen it, and that was enough. More than enough for they were only strangers.

“A nice day, isn’t it?” Luhan asked, trying to start a conversation.

The other nodded a little, “Y-Yes, indeed.”

“You’re our neighbor, right?” Luhan extended his hand as he smiled, “Nice meeting you, my name is Luhan.”

His shy neighbor reached out for it slowly, his cold red hand feeling like ice compared to Luhan’s own slightly warm hand.


Luhan smiled, “Nice to meet you, Sehun-sshi.”

This was the moment Sehun had remembered as their first meeting, and maybe this really would have been a better day to see as the start of the two of them. Maybe, because that would make the whole picture a lot more beautiful, a lot more innocent, and a lot less wrong.

Inspired by a conversation between my mother and me, and I hope to finish it soon :) As always, see the Foreword for all the general information regarding the stories :)

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Eyyyyyyy why all so sad. you and your angst obsession.
Chapter 12: wHY LUHAN WHY WAE ;A;
piece of is on #hunhanangstspree
i KN O w U R.
piece of you updated \ o /
/throws rainbows and colors aatw
y u y i miaaas this wingsss!
Chapter 12: OMG U UPDATED.
/makes a virtual heart
Chapter 11: where do you even get ideas to write the stories?!!!!!!!! >.< !!!
Chapter 10: SO SHORT NO.
Chapter 5: I figured it out!!! HAHA it was easy, but should I say it out loud?
Chapter 5: what is the messajii? idk.
awwww i think iknow
but its wrong maybe
Chapter 5: i think i might have an idea as to what the secret message is but i doubt it is right....
what is the secret message?!! >.< !!!