Chapter 26

Kris is My Vampire Husband
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Kris' POV

Our dishes arrived and we still waiting for Sera to comeback. It has been 20 minutes she didn't comeback, so I decide to check her and let them eat first. I went to search for her at the toilet hallway, *how should I search her? Enter the ladies restroom? NO! They will thought I'm flirting.*

I was heading to the toilet and surprisingly I saw a guy started to get closer to Sera and her earlobe. I could see her trembled face plastered on her face.

"TAEYONG!" a punch was throw on his face.

"YOU BASTARD! How could you do this?! What do you think you were doing huh?!" I yelled and almost everyone around there could here it. Again i punched his face. I can hear Sera was crying because what did he do to her. I can't bear with those crying and sobbing came from her.

I want to punch his face again but someone stopped me, "Hyung stop this. People were looking at you" Chen requested. "Let them know that this guy act such an to someone's wife." Again i want to punch before Chen stopped me, "at least stop punching him. See the blood were coming out from his mouth."

"You are a dead meat if I see you again" this time I let him go.

I approached  to Sera who was crying and sobbing hard. I couldn't stand seeing my girl happened like this. My heart feel like stabbing into a pieces. I hugged her and kissed on the temple. She buried her face into my chest and hugged me tightly.

*Seems like she already scared with that guy. Damn you Taeyong!*

"Hyung I think you better bring Sera noona back to the hotel let her rest, we will take away the food for you and her" Luhan said knowing the situation.  I nodded as understand, this situation may not good not good for her. She probably will not the food. I could feel her legs was trembling, so I decide to piggy back her and heading to the hotel. She don't even protested. 

"Are you okay?" she didn't respond. I turned to see either she was okay or nor but she was sleeping already. I sighed and continued walking.


Arrived at our room, I put and laid her down on the bed and tucked her in the blanket. "Good night, i'll be here around you" I kissed her temple. I was about to stand up but she held my hand, "Kris, I'm so scared he will do anything bad towards me again. Please always be around my side no matter what. Please protect me from that guy. He always scaring me." she said almost cry. *Did she just said it or it was her nightmare?"

I couldn't stand with it; her pleading voice made me feels sad. Of course i'll protect my wife no matter what. My angel. My sunshine. My everything. "Just sleep okay, I'll make this things not happen to you again, I swear."

"Stupid Taeyong, why you choose her as your fulfil lust? There were many more chicks you can choose instead of her.* I tightened  my fist. He knows right that she is my wife. Or maybe this is one of his tactic to get her as his lust? Who knows right. That guy really needs attention.


Just about 15 minutes later, Luhan calls me, "Hyung, do you need us there? I bought the food like I said just now."

"Oh yeah, I have something to talk with you guys. Come here over" I requested.

"Kris hyung sounds so serious" Luhan ends the call and said it to others. Luhan and others was heading to Kris' room.

"What's happened Kris? You sounds serious" Luhan asked. "You guys know Taeyong?" they all nodded at the same time. 

"Oh,  you mean Taeyong your enemy?" I nodded.

"Okay, let me start. He really needs attention from us as you can see, Sera was like that all because of him. He choose her as to fulfil his lust. Now, he's target on Sera. So if you guys go out with her, please protect her from anything happen. And maybe he plan something using someone that we don't even know to get her? We still don't know about it." Kris said firmly. He was very caring toward her.

"But what if she want to go to the ladies restroom, should we follow her too?" Tao asked. What are stupid question ever.

"Pft! Of course not. Think positively panda duh" Chen flicked his ear. Tao made a how dare you looks. I sighed and shaking my head.

"Got it? Okay then go back to your room. Sleep early we will going back to Korea in the morning" they nodded and heading back to their own room. I sighed and all at Sera's sleeping figure, *I'll do anything just for you. I love you.*


Taeyong's POV

I think that only a teaser for her. Not fully yet babe. Just wait for my full lust. Revenge for Kris and target on Sera. I smirked and thinking how will my second plans works after this.

Suddenly a vibrate sounds on my phone, "Still not done with me huh?" I sarcastically laughed.

"Yes im not done yet with you ! Just stay away from her or you are dead!" Kris yelled on the phone.

"Wow man you sounds serious. What the hell are talking about? You think I'll easily let you and her go disappear from me like that? Hell no!" I smirked.

"Go search someone else for your next target but not her. Please don't search for her anymore" like said, he was begging to me now. I just ended the call. Too lazy to talk someone like that.  I ended the call. I can felt the scene he was angry and frustrated.


Sera's POV

I woke up from the sun rise on my face. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked at the figure sleep on the couch. *how I ending up here?* I thought. I still can remember the  scent of yesterday. How did I survi

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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 13: How did this story got so many upvotes??
Chapter 28: I just read this one. ahhhh it better if sera with fannie~ I mean fanfan hehehe.
I really like the story, authornim! jjang!
kwonfany #3
Chapter 29: Kris x Sera ^^
Chapter 29: Kris x sera pleaseee i don't know but it feels a little weird if suho just came out from somewhere and sera loves him again but she already love kris
SO... Kris x sera pleaseee
Palli update juseyooo
Chapter 28: I dont understand her she love kris rightt?
apinkcrcr #7
Chapter 1: happy birthday ~~
Ayeell #8
Chapter 3: Congrats for your story authornim, but then I'm wondering if u ever read Suamiku Vampire... hihi... Btw, greattttt !
Princess_Flora_Exo12 #9
Chapter 27: Well me too.... I feel hurt and sad when I heard that news anyway happy birthday to you :D
1003dumz #10
Chapter 27: Happy bday! Wish you all the best dear..I really love your stories, so keep on good work! ^_^)//