Lunch Together

Real One



Thanks to Krystal, she made me realize that I am indeed in love with her. I can't fall asleep because her image keeps popping on my head knowing that she is just sitting at a distance close to me. I look at the direction where I can't meet her eyes. I didn't expect that I fall on the same girl my twin brother did. I can feel her eyes are still on me so I turn my head to her.I think she is waiting for my answer.


"Yeah, maybe I am in love with this person." I answered and force a smile.


"You sounded like you are not sure."she said with a faint smile and looked away. "She's a one lucky girl."she added.


"You think so?" I replied and scoffed. She slighty nod her head. "Honestly, it's the other way around. I will be lucky to have her" I added and chuckled.


"Why don't you confess to her?"she asked me. I notice that there is a slight changes on the tone of her voice. It sounds like she is sad or something.


"Even if I wanted to, I prefer not to do it." I answered weakly. She then looked at me with furrowed brows.


"Why? What's stopping you? Are you afraid of being rejected?"she asked curiously.


"No, I am not afraid of being rejected." I replied and chuckled.  "I can't tell you anything anymore." I added to stop her from asking more questions.


"If it is my Unnie, I can help you with her."she mumbled.


Hearing what she said made me laugh out loud. I didn't expect that she's thinking that I am referring to Sica. She looked at with widened eye. Maybe she got surprised of my reaction. I stop myself from laughing, wiping the tears at the side of my eyes. It is really funny for me that the girl I am in love with is thinking that I am in love with her sister. Why did she think of it,anyway?


"Nah, Sica is for Yuri and the girl that I am in love with is for the guy that she's inlove with too." I said to her. "Anyway, why did you think that I am referring to your sister?"




Hearing what he said made me more curious. I felt relieved that it is not my sister and that girl is already in love with someone else. So it means that Amber can't have her. I began to think what to answer on his question. He is looking at me, waiting for my answer.


"Uhm, because it seems to me that you two get along together and you liked her." I said to him.


"I only see her the way I see Vic. They are like Noona's for me."he answered with a grin.


"Oh." I replied with raised brows as I nod my head with a smile. He stand up and stretch his body.


"Talking too much made me feel hungry."he mumbled after he stretch his body. "Do you want to eat lunch with me?"he asked me.


"Sure!" I answered cheerfully. Amber flashed his dorky smile upon hearing my answer.


We headed to the cafeteria. I notice that Amber texted someone on our way here.There are only few students there since lunch break is almost over. Amber ordered our food then came back to the table with a tray of food with him. We seated across each other.  We eat our lunch together and this is the first time for us to eat alone and I feel happy about it. My happiness was cut when Hae suddenly appeared and joined us in our table. He sat down next to me. I kinda feel disappointed about it. He greeted us with his dorky smile and we returned a smile to him.


"I thought you will really going to skip lunch."Hae said to me.


"I was planning to but I got hungry." I answered to him.


"Hae, if Krystal is fasting, you should fast too so that if by chance she decided to change her mind, you can always eat with her." Amber said to him jokingly and chuckled.


"I will bear that in mind."Hae answered and laugh.


My attention was shifted to Donghae since he is talking many things to me. Amber just focus eating his food and didn't bother to join us in our conversation at all. I took a glance at him, our eyes met, he smiled at me but I notice something in his eyes. It looks to me that he is really sad inside.

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ztcm7137 #1
Chapter 36: It would be nice to have more Jessber story author 🙂
Chapter 36: That was a great story author-nim.. Kekeke..
Ilike2read #3
Chapter 36: Aw, I wanted more Jessber.
15lehna #4
is amber a guy in this story ?
Chapter 36: Aww I would've really loved if Jessber was the main pairing but this was a really good story.
heesica10 #6
Chapter 23: I want more jessber from you author haha
More power to you^•^
heesica10 #7
Chapter 23: I want more jessber from you author haha
More power to you^•±
Chapter 36: wow!!! I like the ending!! thank you for making this fanfic..looking forward to your other stories!! :DDD
moonhaji #9
Chapter 36: That story was AWESOME . It made me cry,laugh,excited,curious,and it kept me thingking the whole time what will happen to the next chapter. That was great story . Now I'll start reading REAL ONE 2 all night long,yap that's right all night long I don't care if I will be late for my class tom. SOME ONE GIVE KEIMAGOD AN AWARD!!!!!. Scale to 1-10 to me its 100!!! :) ;))
Cihaeci #10
Chapter 36: ;;____;;
Such a beautiful story :')

Thanks for ur hardwork to wrote this *bows*
I'll wait for ur anothers story :D