Children's Park

Real One



It is now weekend, no class so it means more time for me to sleep. I got up from my bed really late. When I went downstairs, Halmoni is in the living room watching some show in the television. I greeted her with a good morning kiss on her cheek, I always do. After I eat my brunch, I joined her in the living room.


"Amber, who do you like in the Jung girls?"Halmoni suddenly asked me. She looked at me with a smile on her face.


"I like them all, Halmoni."I answered to her, she laugh at me.


"I mean, romantically like, silly."she cleared.


"Oh.I just consider them as my friends, Halmoni. Besides, Donghae likes Krystal and Yuri like Jessica." I answered to her.


"Am, I will be happy if you end up with one of them. Nicole is a nice girl, so why don't you try to get to know her more?"she said. I knew that meeting have another purpose. I laugh awkwardly at her.


"I'm not attracted to Korean girls, I'm more attracted to chinese or taiwanese, just like us."I said to her.


"Maybe not now, but sooner or later you will get attracted to one of them."Halmoni answered and I just smile at her.


Since Yuri and Donghae both went outside, I decided to take a stroll. I walk and walk to the place where my feet leads me. Then, I end up in the children's park. I have a lot of memories in here when I was still a kid. I roam around the place to see if there is something had change.




I an ice cream in the convenience store, then I happen to pass by in the children's park. I decided to stay there for a while and eat my ice cream. I sit on one of the where the shade of the big tree gives it cool. Then, I got surprise to see Amber, he tried the slide and he landed his on the ground. He just laugh on what happened to him. Then, the image of that boy flashed on my mind.My eyes was glued on him. I didn't know that he already spotted me too.


"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here."he said to me when he approach me.


"Me neither." I answered. He take a sit on the bench but not close to me.


"Do you often come here?"he asked me.


"Just sometimes." I answered. I really want to know if he is really that boy and not Donghae. "How about you?"


"I just came here now. But before, me, my brother and Vic sometimes play here when we were still kids."he answered and flash his dorky smile.


"Really? I often come here when I was still a kid, but other kids always pick on me."I answered. Hoping that he will say something that will help me find   clear my mind. He turn to look at me with his eyes widened. I think he remembered something, then he looked away.


"Just by any chance, there is a boy who defend you against those bullies?"he asked.


"Yeah." I answered attentively. "But I didn't know his name."I added. He keep quiet for a while, then he turn to face me with a dorky smile plastered on her face.


"You know, I think you are the girl who Donghae is searching. He defended a girl here before. He got beaten up by them."he said to me.


So I was right, Donghae is really the one who defended me and not Amber. I let out a deep sigh, the doubts in my mind had already gone. I already found my first love.


"I still clearly remember what happened that day." I said with a smile.


"Donghae felt very happy at that day. He didn't know why but he said he just feel happy."Amber said to me  and grin. 


"I felt very happy on that day too." I answered.


"I'm glad to hear that."he mumbled. Then he stand up. "Do you want to try the swing?"he asked me.


"Sure!" I answered.


Me and Amber played in the park like a little children. I don't know why but I feel very happy with him, different happiness when I am with Donghae. I admit, there is a part of me that hopes that Amber was that boy, but it is impossible anymore, because it is clearly, Donghae now.

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ztcm7137 #1
Chapter 36: It would be nice to have more Jessber story author 🙂
Chapter 36: That was a great story author-nim.. Kekeke..
Ilike2read #3
Chapter 36: Aw, I wanted more Jessber.
15lehna #4
is amber a guy in this story ?
Chapter 36: Aww I would've really loved if Jessber was the main pairing but this was a really good story.
heesica10 #6
Chapter 23: I want more jessber from you author haha
More power to you^•^
heesica10 #7
Chapter 23: I want more jessber from you author haha
More power to you^•±
Chapter 36: wow!!! I like the ending!! thank you for making this fanfic..looking forward to your other stories!! :DDD
moonhaji #9
Chapter 36: That story was AWESOME . It made me cry,laugh,excited,curious,and it kept me thingking the whole time what will happen to the next chapter. That was great story . Now I'll start reading REAL ONE 2 all night long,yap that's right all night long I don't care if I will be late for my class tom. SOME ONE GIVE KEIMAGOD AN AWARD!!!!!. Scale to 1-10 to me its 100!!! :) ;))
Cihaeci #10
Chapter 36: ;;____;;
Such a beautiful story :')

Thanks for ur hardwork to wrote this *bows*
I'll wait for ur anothers story :D