Love? Hate?

Employer Jung/ Employee Jaejoong


I wake up and head to work. As I settle down in my office I write in my journal. Every morning it's usually the same routine. I wake up, go to the bathroom, get dressed, eat a luxurious kind of breakfast and I have my driver drive me to the Jung Corps building. Then I go to the office and write in my journal about my everyday boring life. But I sometimes write about Jaejoong too. If anyone read it, it would be so embarrassing. 

Excerpt from my journal-

I hired a new employee, Jaejoong. He is so adorable! I just want him to be all mine. I don't want him to find out about my feelings because he's gunna think I'm disgusting and quit. I can't ever let him do that. The closest I can get to him is by being his hyung I guess. It doesn't matter, as long as he is by my side I'm happy with just that. 

I frown at how embarrassing this is. Aish whatever.

i close my journal and my eyes begin to droop. Did I wake up too early? There is still an hour till everybody start to come in. Ill just sleep for a while. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


'' I ~30 min later~



I head to the office and I realized I was half an hour early. I head to the office and knock on the door but there was no answer. I open the door and see Yunho sleeping. I chuckle. I touch his short eyelashes. He still looks handsome asleep. I see a book in his hand. I slowly take it out and turn to the first page. Oh it's a journal. Should I read it? I don't think I should. As I was about to close the book Yunho woke up. His eyes widened. ' Oh Yunho, you're awake?' I ask. 'Did you read it?' He asked angrily. 'What?' I ask while he stands. 'Did you read it?!' He yells. 'No! I didn't!' I cry. He grabs the collar of my shirt clenching it tightly. I'm scared. Why can't I look in it? Is it a really big secret? So many questions are going throug my mind.


I was mad and scared. Did he read it and find out about my feelings. It doesn't look like he read it. What should I do? I though while holding on to his collar tightly. I shove him hard. He grabs my arm as I was about to turn away. 'H-hyung! Yunho!' He mutters hoarsely. 'Do you hate me?' He asks. My throat feels dry. 'No' I sigh. He tries to smile but he couldn't. I'm so stupid for reacting so quickly. My heart was beating like crazy! I was so worried that he would find out about my secret. I close my eyes and slowly he let go. I sigh and open my eyes. Jaejoong was looking down at the floor so I wouldn't see his face.' I'm sorry Jaejoong' I say. He didn't say anything. I pull his chin up so that I could see his face. His eyes were a little reset and I felt a pang of guilt. 'I seriously didn't look in it' he says. 'Alright, I believe you' I said and I hugged him. I felt so bad for accusing him. He probably hates me.


He hugs me and I wipe my eyes. My heart was beating really fast as I felt his hands on my back. We were pressed together so tightly. He smells really good too. A sweet minty smell. I was happy. This means that I like him. But I can't tell him. He pulls away. ' Ahh, this is awkward'  he says embarrassed. 'You can take today off, I'm sorry about what I did. I didn't mean it. I was just scared that you read my journal an would hate me.' He confessed. 'But what's inside?' I asked curiously. 'Ill tell you soon' he replied smiling. I felt better. After what happened, ill just take today off and take a break from Yunho and the job. I leave and head home.


Jaejoong left and I stare at the stupid journal. I throw it on the shelf. Stupid journal. I'm never writing in it again! This whole day I didn't see Jaejoong and I was really aggravated with myself for being a freaking idiot. I call Jaejoong to tell him the truth. 


I'm at my house and was thinking about what happened and then my phone rang. It was Yunho! I quickly picked up. 'Hello?' I say. 'Ah Jaejoong' he says. 'Yes?' I ask. 'I want led to tell you the truth about the journal.' He said. My heart jumps. What's his big secret? He's going to tell me! I'm so curious! 'Im listening' I reply. 'I just write about-' he was hesitating. 'Someone I like' he continues ' I have someone I like and I write embarrassing things in there. That's why I didn't want you to read it. I don't want a scandal and any problems. I'm sorry' he says. 'I understand' I replied. My throat and chest hurt. I see, he has someone he likes already. 'W-Who is it?' I asked. He hesitated again. 'I-'  'it's ok, you don't have to tell me' I quickly cut him off. 'Jae-' he was about to say but I hung up. 'AISH!' I scream. 'Why do I have to like you! You stupid idiot' my tears traveled down my cheeks and I couldn't stop the pain in my heart. My brain says 'Don't like Yunho' but my heart is stupid and says the exact opposite. I sigh. Well there is nothing I can do. I say to myself. I cry a little more and I fall asleep. 


he hung up on me?! Is he upset? What do I do?! Ill try talking to him tomorrow. I sigh. I'm so stupid. I said the wrong thing! I have to find out if he likes me and if I can confirm it I will confess. Why is this so hard? I pack my things and go home. The office was now empty and all the food plans and merchandise have been scheduled and items have been shipped. It was a busy day and I stupidly gave my assistant the day off. Tomorrow better he a good day I think to my self angrily.


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What do you guys think? I know it's not that good. :/ comment what you think about it. What should I add? Message me if you have a great idea I could add in the story! Thank you!

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foodiemin #1
Chapter 5: they CONFESS!!!*throws confetti*
update palli!!!
meechan35 #2
Chapter 5: Aww. They finally confess to each other.
foodiemin #3
Chapter 4: oooohh!!!Yun falling fr Jae!!
update palli!
ItsReallyMe #4
Chapter 2: Yunho is starting to fall in love with Jaejoong ^^
Update soon please
ItsReallyMe #5
i'm going to love this story update soon ^^
apsj4ever #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^