
Employer Jung/ Employee Jaejoong


As I walk home, I pass by a newspaper stand. I see on the cover a picture of me. Me?! I quickly pick up the paper and scan the article. It says 'New Jung Enployee, Jaejoong' it talks about how I got a job at Jung Corps and how I must be a very good sarami/person. I'm so happy! I buy the paper and when I get to my house, I pin it to the wall. I smile and then my phone rings. Yoochun~ I pick it up. ' Oh Yoochun! What's up?' I ask. 'YOU, YOU GOT A JOB AT JUNG CORPS?!' He screams. 'Aishh!' I cry. ' Not so loud! Yeah I did! So?' I reply smirking. 'How is Mr. Evil Jung? Is he mean?' He asked. 'Bwa? What?! He is sooo nice! He's my hyung. See how close we are. He said we could be brothers. I like him.' I reply seriously. 'Eyshh, alright alright, you don't have to defend your boyfriend so much!' He replies playfully. I felt my face turn warm. 'Y-yah! When did I say he was my boyfriend hunh???! Tell me!' I defend my self. 'Alright alright , calm your pretty self!' We both laugh. ' Ayy! Stop saying stuff like that! What is Junsu gunna do if he finds out you flirt with anyone like that!' 'Y-YAH! Are you threatening me?! He won't do anything! I only like him!' He yells. 'Whatre you talking about you idiot?' I heard a muffled voice in the background. Probably Junsu, Yoochuns boyfriend.'Nothing!'   Replied Yoochun. 'Haha!' I laugh. 'You idiot' he says to me. 'Anyways, about your boss...'


He continues. 'Do you like him?' ' I don't know, I'm a little confused about my feelings. He's like a hyung but the way we act with each other, I guess it's not a hyung and dongsaeng relationship. Our relationship is at a point where we can hold hands?' I reply sincerely with a hint of questioning and doubt. 'Ehrmagerd! Chincha?? You guys developed so fast! Call me if anything else happens ok? Also Junsu said Hi' he replies. 'Eyy he's only my hyung. I'm only gunna keep it that way! Haha tell Junsu I said hi too.' I reply. 'Gosh. Fine do what you want' he replies in defeat. 'Bye Hero' he says. 'Bye Micky' I reply as I hang up. I sigh. 'What do I do?' I asked myself. I think about my relationship with Yunho. We are too close. He touches my face in a lovingly way. I sigh. Ill confirm my feelings tomorrow I say to myself. I fall in to a deep sleep thinking of Yunho.



Alright guys. I haven't uploaded in like ASDFGHJKL 1000 years.! This is kind of a filler and I'm doing this on my phone so ignore any mistakes! Thank you and I hope you guys like it! I might update soon! 

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foodiemin #1
Chapter 5: they CONFESS!!!*throws confetti*
update palli!!!
meechan35 #2
Chapter 5: Aww. They finally confess to each other.
foodiemin #3
Chapter 4: oooohh!!!Yun falling fr Jae!!
update palli!
ItsReallyMe #4
Chapter 2: Yunho is starting to fall in love with Jaejoong ^^
Update soon please
ItsReallyMe #5
i'm going to love this story update soon ^^
apsj4ever #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^