1:20 AM

Into the Night: Cinderella's Lie

By the time the boys got to HQ, most of the others had also arrived. "What do you think is going on?" Zelo whispered into his hyung's ear. Yongguk shook his head, "Just relax until we find out."

Finding a quiet place amongst the group, Yongguk tried to stay calm but this worried him.

In all the time he's worked here, this had never happened before.

Suddenly someone burst through the door shouting. "The boss is here!" Hearing the warning, everyone scrambled into line. Straightening his jacket, Yongguk took his place by the door as his leader walked in.

"Welcome back boss!" everyone shouted as their leader walked through the lines flanking the entrance.

Yongguk walked closely behind his friend, "Welcome back Kongji-yah."

Holding back her relieved smile, she whispered back, "Glad to see you arrived safely."

Taking the head seat at the table, she motioned for the others to stop bowing. The group leaders took their seat at the table with their juniors standing behind them.

Inhwa sat to the right of her sister while Yongguk and his group were to Kongji's left. The two exchanged a quick glance. "What's going on?" Yongguk mouthed. Inhwa shook her head, he would have to wait.

He looked over to Kongji. Her hands rested on her lap under the table, trembling. Yet the look on her face seemed stoic as ever. She always did her best to look strong, even when she was close to her breaking point.

Her eyes closed for a brief second; then, Kongji gathered her courage and stood up.

"Shinhyo's dead."

Shocked gasps and mumbles echoed throughout the room; even Yongguk had trouble maintaining his composure.

Taking a second to gather herself once again, Kongji continued. "He was murdered just minutes before I got there."

Angry voices rose from the crowd. Why would anyone want to kill him? Shinhyo had nothing to do with them!

"Let's find who did this!" "They can't get away with something like this!"

Kongji slammed her fist on the table, silencing everyone. "Of course we will! When we find this S.O.B I'll--!!!"

Yongguk coughed, signaling Kongji to calm down.

Taking a breath, Kongji continued "You know how important Shinhyo was to m-- to this organization. We will find who did this. But!" she eyed the leaders at the table, "All activities are suspended until further notice. Disobey and you and your team will have no place at this table. Any objections?

No one even dared to breath.

"Good." Kongji turned to Inhwa. "Did you get any footage?"

Inhwa nodded, "Yup, but it seemed like this person knew what they were doing. All I have is some footage from a few CCTVs."

"Play them on the screen." Kongji asked.

All eyes turned to the projector screen behind her.

Inhwa played the little footage of the murder she had, but she was right. It wasn't much.

The only thing Kongji was able to see was Shinhyo talking on the phone with her just minutes before his death.

"Play it again."

"Unnie, I don't know if you should be watching it again..." Inhwa was clearly worried for her sister's well being, but Kongji had to watch it again.

Yongguk spoke up, "Play it again."

This time Kongji wasn't as distracted. Her eyes scrambled across the screen, trying to find anything that might be of use.

Finally, she did.

Maybe it was nothing, after all people bump into each all the time. Maybe she just wanted to blame someone. But there was something different about this guy...

Familiar with that look on her face, Yongguk spoke up, "That's the guy huh? The one who killed Shinhyo?"

Kongji nodded. "Inhwa can you-?"

"Already on it." Within seconds, Inhwa pulled every visible second of that person in the video and complied the images together. Still, it wasn't much. Most of the person's face was covered by the shawdow of their hoodie and all the baggy clothes made it hard to know if it was a man or a woman who did it. "Sorry Unnie but this person did a really good job hiding their face."

"This is fine... We've worked with less than this before..." her voice trailed off. 

Yongguk yawned, another one of their signals. It was time for her to dismiss everyone.

Blinking back into focus, Kongji waved her hand. "Meetings are canceled until further notice. Dismissed."

Soon the only ones in the room were the sisters and Yongguks's crew.

Falling back into her chair, Kongji sighed. "Aish, finally! They're all gone!" Standing back up, she walked to the fridge in the corner "Do you guys want something to drink? I just bought this thing called Mogu Mogu and it's supposed to be really good!"

Everyone looked at each other.

"No one? Oh well, more for me I guess..." she poured herself a cup. "Hey Youngjae, how are you holding up? Heard you had a close call with some detectives yesterday." Kongji then looked over to Zelo. "Seems like you got into trouble again. How'd you get that nasty cut? Well, you're pretty young so it should heal up pretty well!" She poured herself another cup of juice. "Are you guys sure you don't want any?"

Yongguk knew what to do about this, "Okay, everyone out! These ladies and I need to discuss some things!"


With the door shut, Yongguk grabbed the bottle of Mogu Mogu and threw it in the fridge. "Screw the juice. Let's get some soju!"

Hey everyone! It's been awhile! I'm on vacation so... yeah~ (^w^)

Sorry if this chapter was a little... boring.

It took a long time to write for some reason. I had to re-write it 5 times on paper and then after typing it, I still had a lot to change.......

Anyway thanks for waiting this long!

Bye for now!

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First chapter's finally up!


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rion_01 #1
Chapter 3: BAP's involved. Yay~ I wonder what are their roles in this fic. Some kind of gangsters that Eli and Kevin mentioned? They seem like they are at the end of the chapter~ Oh well, I guess I just have to wait for the next update^^ Thanks~ <3
rion_01 #2
Chapter 2: Awh, that's too bad >.< I wonder what happened to that guy. Nice chapter. Update whenever you can~! <3
Chapter 2: Really a big mystery. As I read the chapter, I began to wonder and be curious of who did it to Shinhyo... And I'm starting to have a guess. LOL. But I know that it's wrong HAHA.

Anyways, hope you update the fic soon. This is a nice fic that one should read...

P.S. I really like Kevin and his smile. Keke~ XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh. I forgot that i subscribed to this story. Im so happy i did though^^ love it already. Please update soon, ill still be here :3
This is sooooooo interesting ._.
Updaaate sooonnnn!
Interesting...update soon~^^