

Soojin's P.O.V



It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. Omo. It's Sunday! That means no going to that hell of a place called school. 

Hmm. What to do? Ah! I know, I'll update my fanfic. 

*grumble* I sure am hungry. Well, I’ll eat first then update.


"Omma! I'm hungryyyy." I whined a little bit. Just a little bit.

"What do you want to eat, honey?" she asked smiling. 

"Bacon and Eggs." *hihi. Baekyeol.* I chuckled at the thought.

"Why are you laughing? Ahh. Ohh. I know. Okay." she muttered some incoherent words. "Baekhyun and chanyeol isn't it?"

I nodded and beamed like a kid. *she knows me too well. 

"Where's dad anyways?" you asked while looking around the house. 

"Oh. He left early. There's an emergency in the hospital."

you're mother is a nurse and you're father is a doctor.



"Ahh. *burp* oops. Hihi. Mianhe." My mother laughed. 
"I'm just gonna go upstairs.”


Hmm. What to write? What to write. Mental block eh?


After several minutes of brain storming, you came up with an epic idea. 




Yay! Add chapter! ^^ kyaa.


New wall post!


PandasBamboo: Kyaaa! I love your stories author-nim! Please update your stories!


I'm touched when my readers comment such things.


you: Aww. Thank you. Of course I will. Are you an EXOtic? Who's your bias? What OTP do you ship?


I think I bombarded him with many questions....


PandasBamboo: Yay! Thanks. My bias is Kris gege. And I ship Taoris. Hihi. 
You? Who's your Bias?


you: My bias is Lulu gege. ^^


Tao's POV




I was about to reply but...


"Yah! PANDA! We tracked her IP address already. Let's go." Sehun shouted.


Omg. Already? That fast? Okay.


After some minutes, we're already in front of her house.
It's jaw dropping. It's so big. Rich kid eh? Gosh. I see it as a playground for a panda like me.


We're about to press the doorbell but Luhan gege said that the house beside you author-nim's house is for sale. It's as big as our current dorm.
I see it as a playground too.


We, except for Kris gege and Kai hyung, agreed that we'll live there.


All of us went back to our dorm and packed our stuffs. We informed Soo Man that we'll move to another place.


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avisdawn #1
Chapter 6: Please update :)) of course if you have time ^^
Chapter 6: Update soon
kumadeer #3
Chapter 6: update soon!
hyunskie4ever #4
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!! omo! i love it <3 PLEASE DO UPDATE :) i love this story xD
Chapter 6: I'm excited for the update~ And don't worry, take your time^^
Chapter 6: I don't mind waiting.. studies come first.. update the storywhen your mind is clear and your wonderful brain is full of genius ideas.. ^-^
Chapter 5: I love you idea was of making this kind of story. I really like it. Hmmm update soon
Chapter 5: I can't wait for Soojin and EXO to meet.. Her mom is so awesome!! BTW, I think Luhan's gonna kinda bully her in a playful manner.. =D Please update soon!! ^-^