


Eh? New neighbors? Surely will omma will ask me to give them house warming present. 
As if on cue, my mother shouted "Soojin-ah Darling! Give this to our new neighbors. Darling! Soojin-ah"

I hate it when she uses endearments. She knows that there's something I need to do. Can't she do it by herself? Or just make the house cleaners do it. 
I'll just ignore her. I'm sure she'll make the house cleaners do it.


Here I am scrolling, tweeting, daydreaming. 
Until some tweets captured my attention.


@EXO_OT12 EXO will be visiting Gangnam for a mini concert


@EXO_OT12 There will be raffles for backstage passes and press-con passes


@EXO_OT12 They (EXO) will be performing Mama, Two moons, what is love, Baby don't cry and Open arms.


KYAAA! FudgethiscrapIdon'tcare. I. WILL. GO. TO. THIS. CONCERT. NO. MATTER. WHAT. Should tell this to omma.
Even though I've been in so many concerts of EXO, I'm still excited and I don't know why. 
The fan girl feels, you know. Hihi

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" *TURNBACK!* I giggled while running down the stairs. "Omma!" I called out for the last time. I was about to call her again but...

"OOFFFF!" I tripped on the floor because of my freaking-life-ruiner-dear-freaking-deer Lu Han poster for Pete’s sake.

"What are you doing Soojin-ah? It's not normal to have with the floor. I don't want my grandchildren to be hard-faced." she joked. 
"Ha. Ha.... Ha. You're so funny omma." I said with sarcasm while getting up and dusting the invisible dust off me. 
"Anyways, I want to go to *the concert*" I said bluntly. "Aaaand, EXO will be there! Kyaaa." I squealed.

"Okay. Okay. In one condition, you need a chaperone. Hmm. Your cousin would do."

Okay... Wait what?! OMG what did she say? My one and only cousin?! As chaperone? Gahd noooo! *ANIYAAAA!* She's my living hell!!*

"Okay. I think I have no choice either." 
"Good." she beamed showing two thumbs up.

Gahd. I can't take this. Kim Hae Min? My cousin? Gosh. She's a freakin' fake fan. Of all people why her? ... Oops I forgot I have no friends to drag.




"Soojin-ah!" Hae Min's wailing and whining like a 5-year-old kid and I can't take it. She wants me to talk about Lu Han, Lu Han, Lu Han and Lu Han.

"Let's start first with the leaders, Suho and Kris." I said. 
"No." she said sternly. 
"Okay but if you want to know EXO, let's talk about all of them not just Lu Han." I explained with a calm voice even though my insides want to slap her right in the face. 
"I said NO! N-O. My bias is Luhan so let's talk about him." okay she's getting creepy and all that . She looks a sasaeng fan. 
"What if I said no and I wanna talk about Sehun?" 
"EEWW! I hate Sehun. He keeps on clinging to MY Lulu." she said in disgust. 
"I'm a fan of EXO. But I hate Sehun, Xiumin, Lay and Kai."

What the is she thinking? She's a fan of EXO but she hates some of the members? To think that those members have OTPs with Luhan. I think she's insane. I wanna slap this kid hard. 


*End of flashback*


Gosh. What a nightmare. Okay. I don't want to waste my time on thinking about that bish. I need to buy my ticket already. And pack my things for that concert.
I called the butler "Ready the car in 15 mins." I wore my converse sweatshirt, a high-cut and shorts.

After I got into the car, I quickly dialed Hae Min's number. 
"Yah! Buy your freakin ticket for the EXO mini concert. We two are going there." I shouted and hang-up already.
I didn't ever bother to wait for her answer.

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avisdawn #1
Chapter 6: Please update :)) of course if you have time ^^
Chapter 6: Update soon
kumadeer #3
Chapter 6: update soon!
hyunskie4ever #4
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!! omo! i love it <3 PLEASE DO UPDATE :) i love this story xD
Chapter 6: I'm excited for the update~ And don't worry, take your time^^
Chapter 6: I don't mind waiting.. studies come first.. update the storywhen your mind is clear and your wonderful brain is full of genius ideas.. ^-^
Chapter 5: I love you idea was of making this kind of story. I really like it. Hmmm update soon
Chapter 5: I can't wait for Soojin and EXO to meet.. Her mom is so awesome!! BTW, I think Luhan's gonna kinda bully her in a playful manner.. =D Please update soon!! ^-^