Sehun like Jisun too?

Don't leave me

It had been one month since Jisun moved to Seoul.

Mr Kim stepped in to the class and immediately shouted,"class! we are having a camp at jeju island. It will be a three day and two night camp. They camp is compulsary and is on next week."

After that lessons started. But Jisun whole mind was about the camp

what kind o camp is that? thought Jisun.

Soon, It was break time and Yejin, Jisun, sehun and Luhan were seating at their usual place and were chatting about the camp

"The camp was so cool last year!!!! The last day will be the camp fire dance and there will be lots of hot guys from other clases too!!" exclaimed Yejin

"Campfire and dance?" asked Jisun

"It means dancing with a partner around the camp fire, soo cool!!! The most popular guy will also have to show his abs!!! Ahhh!!" screamed Yejin while she is in her own world.

"Jisun-shi, you don't seem to be interested in guys?" asked Sehun suddenly

"Huh!! I..." Jisun stammered.

"Stop pressuring her." Luhan in

Sehun's face suddenly turned a bit upset when he saw Luhan protecting Jisun.

"I need to use the toilet." he said all of a sudden.

Everyone was puzzled by his behaviour. Luhan followed him to see what is wrong with him.

in the toilet.....

"Sehun, what's wrong?" asked Luhan

"Nothing." Sehun gave a straight answer

" I know something is wrong. Are you upset because Ji sun is spending most of the time with me?" asked Luhan

Sehun just turned away

"I knew you like Jisun!" shouted Luhan

"Stop saying that. You like her too!" exclaimed Sehun

Upon hearing that, Luhan admitted,"Yes I like her but I won't let you have her. Let's see who will touch her heart first!"

"Fine!" smirked Sehun


whoa!!! a love triangle? maybe not hehe. plz comment and suscribe :) thks a lot

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inyourtshirt #1
Chapter 8: this is just so nice
greenlove #2
Chapter 8: thanks for updating
lanternofhair #3
Chapter 7: update more.. :))
megabytes #4
Chapter 5: been loving this fic..
@mickeywithouttears: thks a lot... it was a great help
rockettoyou #6
Chapter 3: update soon. thanks
luhanhoney #7
Chapter 3: please update soon.. ^^
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