the girl!

Her Sister


After so many hours they already finished their preparations for the party the food were so delicious and the design, it’s very unique.. a few minutes later all the guests has arrived the came in with a beautiful pop music.. they are enjoying the party it was 2 am when the party was over the girls stayed and the two oppas went home already because they have a conference later… the girl helped in cleaning up the house  and arranging everything and putting other stuff in order… after finishing the house cleaning the others went to shower and the others were arranging the bedroom. After everyone’s done taking a shower they slept together in one room be cause they have no rooms for the other members so they slept in one room. It was 8 in the morning when Dara woke up and the other girls were sleeping. And again she saw that lady in white and now it was really close to Dara that she slightly saw the face of that girl and she was shocked of what she saw, Dara shouted really loud that made everybody fall off their bed and run quick to her.

GD: Dara unnie, what happened are you hurt?

Gd said in a sleepy and scared voice.

Dara: no.

Dara said in a crying-like voice.

Minzy: Dara unnie, don’t tell me you saw that girl again..

Minzy said in scared voice..

Dara: yes, I saw her again and she was really close to me so I shouted really loud…and there’s one thing I have to tell you…

Minzy: what is it Dara unnie?

Dara: Minzy, I think it’s your sister..

Minzy: what?!!!

Minzy said in a terrified and loud voice..

Dara: yes, it is your sister..i saw a name at the bottom of the dress of that girl and it was your sister’s name.. but what happened to her? Why does she keep on appearing infront of us?

Minzy: well, I’ve been keeping this for a long time.. this happened many years ago me and my sister were really close to each other, every time we go out she always buy me my favorite food and always hang out together…when one day I saw her lying on the ground with her lifeless body, there was a note on the floor and I read it says “minzy I’m sorry if sometimes I disappoint you..always  remember that I love you  and mom and dad.. read this carefully ok?, I had a boyfriend secretly nobody knew about it, one time my boyfriend got a knife and and told me that he will kill me because he saw me with another boy but it was all a lie, Minzy, this time he will come back for me to kill me because I broke up with him and got another boyfriend. Minzy, please take care of mom and dad and take care of yourself too. Just remember that I will always love you and mom and dad. And please don’t tell mom what happened and don’t tell her that I had a boyfriend.. and minzy,” this is what it said on the letter and there’s a missing message maybe that’s why my sister is always showing to us because she still have something to say to me. Will you help me to know what that message is?

Minzy told the story while crying, nobody knew that she had a sister. After she told the story to everyone, everybody comforted her and let her rest and eat for a while.

Bom: so, it reakky was her sister..

Cl: yeah, what a sad story

TOP: she’s been keeping it for a very long time and I think she’s relieved, now that she let out that story inside of her for a long time..


After evebody had eaten, Dara took shower to get ready for her date with gd.

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