she's here again!

Her Sister


Minzy got inside the bathroom and start taking a bath while the girls and the two oppa were still at the living room telling stories about their childhood living..when Minzy shouted really loud and then the girls and the two oppa  ran to the infront of the bathroom and knocked on the door.

TOP: Minzy, are you ok?

He asked in a shouting voice

Minzy: she’s here, isaw her again!!!!!!!!!

Minzy said in a terrified voice.

GD: can you come out now and tell us what happened?..

GD asked in a relaxed voice.


Minzy came out of the bathroom and change into her pajamas. After she had changed GD pulled her and let her sit on the floor together with the other girls and the two oppas..

GD: can you tell us now what happened?

Minzy: yeah, sure, well I opened the shower that time and I already put some soap on my body when I saw her, she was standing infront of me and she was covered with blood all over her face and she came closer and closer to me and that’s the time I already shouted really loud.. it was like Dara unnie’s face in the story of Bom unnie..

Bom: Oh no ,what is happening to us? And why does she kept appearing infront of minzy? What is her problem?

TOP: maybe you have to do something with her death or she’s your relative…

TOP asked with his normal voice and make the other girls scared.

Minzy: but why to me?

MInzy asked with a frightening voice.

GD: maybe you 2 are very close to each other and….

Then Dara interrupted…

Dara: sh’s trying to tell you something about what happened to her or what will happen to you..

With what Dara said it make Minzy even more scared..


After what happened to Minzy, the girls went to their room and sleep. The two oppas were in the living room discussing something…

GD: so are you going to tell her that you like her?

Gd said to TOP in a romantic voice..

TOP: to who? to Minzy?

GD: yes! I’m going to tell Dara tomorrow,maybe

TOP: ok lets do it together..

GD: no,no,no,no you do it your own way, I’ll do it my own way.

TOP: but…

TOP was to ask a question when GD already fall asleep at the couch..TOP was thingking of a way how to make Minzy happy..


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