he said it, finally

Her Sister


It’s already morning when GD smelled somebody was cooking pancakes… it was Bom who was cooking pancakes for tall of them..Dara came out of the room when suddenly…..GD pulled her inside again..

Dara: what are you doing?

Dara said in a terrified voice..

GD: Dara I like you!..

Gd said in a nervous voice..

Dara: okay!

GD: can..you…go on a ….date with me?

Gd ask in a nervous voice

Dara: date? Date? Date? Uhmmm…ok when?

GD: really? Uhmm…tomorrow, are you free?

Dara: uhmm..yeah sure..

GD: YES!!!!!!!!!

GD: did TOP asked Minzy already?

GD said to himself while dara was walking out of the room. Then TOP approached GD and asked him something.

TOP: did you said it already?

GD: yes..and I asked her for a date..

TOP: did she agree?

GD: yes!! It's tomorrow already..don’t tell anybody ok?

TOP: uh..ok..

GD: how about you, did you tell Minzy already?

TOP: no, I didn’t had the opportunity to ask her..

Top said in a sad voice..

GD: then why don’t you tell her later..remember she asked you if you can come with her later to Dara’s house for the party?

GD said to TOP with a thinking face…

TOP: oh yeah I forgot about that….kangsamnida!

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