they wished

At a Place called "Le Souhait"


heehee~~ this is the end! yay~ this one is for me >< i have been keeping this for a while, kind of just puked out some stuff... hope you like it:)

“Hey, you know that new café that just opened up?” Juni nonchalantly asked as she walked home with her friend from school.

Minhyuk thought for a moment but gave up in the end. “Uh, no. What café?”

“You know, ‘Le Souhait.’ That one place by the park we always go to.” Juni tried to explain.

The boy shrugged. “I seriously do not remember what you’re talking about…”

Juni rolled her eyes. Minhyuk didn’t even try to visualize it in his head. “Whatever. Anyway, I got a job there! My first job; I’m so excited!” She childishly squealed as she clapped her hands to congratulate herself.

“Awesome, you should give me free stuff at this café.” Minhyuk commented, pretending to not be thrilled for her.

“Yeah, right. Well, at least you can’t come to my work because you don’t even know it exists.” Juni scoffed.

The two friends made their way to the corner of the block and everyday Minhyuk would keep going and cross the street while, Juni turned to the left and walk until the end of the sidewalk where her house was.

“Bye, oppa!” She shouted as she waved a good-bye.

Minhyuk returned the motion and shouted back. “Yeah, see ya!”

It was something they always did, and just them. Minhyuk liked doing it, because he didn’t have to think about being cool and manly, he could just be himself. Most of the stuff he said with her, he couldn’t say it to any other girl, because he didn’t have to think about how it sounded. Sometimes she would call him gross, because she’s a girl and she’ll never understand men and what they do. But the conversations they had were just theirs and Minhyuk looked forward to having them. Except after Juni got her job, at first it was just once a week that she couldn’t walk home with him, but after a couple months it became much more frequent than that. Minhyuk became the most regular customer there, because Juni was always working shifts.

“Hey, oppa!” She said when Minhyuk walked into the shop.

Minhyuk sat at his normal seat and before he could order anything on the menu, Juni placed a wrapped up Churro infront of her friend. He smiled up at her and put the won he paid into her hands.

“Pleasure doing business with you, sir.” Juni grinned as she placed the money into the cashier.

The café soon became the hangout for all of their friends. After Kangbae got a job at the café, everyone started to go there. But of course many responsibilities and circumstances made it difficult for all of them to meet there on a daily basis, which took away time with each other. Minhyuk and Juni saw each other less and less.

On one rare day at the café, Minhyuk made a surprise visit. Juni was working that day and she was talking to someone. It was a guy. She seemed very into the conversation, so she didn’t see it when Minhyuk walked over to her and the other man—he wore the work uniform. He was pretty handsome, which for some reason made Minhyuk a little mad.

“Oh hey, Minhyuk-oppa!” Juni said with a bright shine in her eyes. “Jaehyo, this is Lee Minhyuk. He’s my friend. Oppa, this is my Ahn Jaehyo. He’s our new employee.”

Minhyuk tried not to glare at this “Jaehyo” and bowed to him. Jaehyo did the same except he seemed completely bored when he did it. It seemed like Jaehyo didn’t even want to be there at the moment. But Juni was completely oblivious of Jaehyo’s behavior.

“He’s from Busan! Isn’t that cool?” She said, trying to make Minhyuk compliment Jaehyo.

“Yeah…cool…” He answered as he looked over Jaehyo.

The young girl rolled her eyes and turned back her co-worker. “Okay, Jaehyo-ssi, you’ll be at the cashier over there.” She pointed toward the cashier all the way at the end.

“Okay.” Jaehyo shrugged and walked away, leaving Minhyuk and Juni alone.

Juni snapped her head back at her friend and eyed him. “What was that, oppa?” She hissed. “Why were you so mean to him?”

Minhyuk scoffed. “I don’t know. I don’t like the way he looked at me.”

“That’s it?” Juni spat. “That’s just the way he looks.”

“I still don’t like him.”

“He just got here, be nice.” Juni commanded. She looked behind her to see if her boss was going to scold her for taking too long for one customer. She turned back to Minhyuk. “What would you like, oppa?”


Minhyuk didn’t know why, but after that day, he had decided to come to the café more often. It couldn’t have been because of that Jaehyo guy. Everyday, Minhyuk would just order his Churro and coffee and sit down until some outside force made him get out of his chair. He’d sit and wait because he had nothing better to do. It was a Saturday evening and Jaehyo had finished his shift. Usually, Jaehyo would just leave right after, but that day he sat across Minhyuk and wrapped his hands together. Staring at Minhyuk.

“I’m not interested in guys…” Minhyuk irritably remarked.

Jaehyo shrugged. “I know. You like Juni-ssi.”

“How did you come up with such a dumb idea?” He asked, slight amused that Jaehyo would say such a bold surmise.

A smirk climbed up the man’s face. “Because I’m not as stupid as you.” He whispered.

“HEY, MINHYUK-HYUNG!” A loud young boy shouted as he and a group of other young boys walked over to them.

Both Jaehyo and Minhyuk covered their ears at the greeting and Minhyuk wished that he had other friends other than obnoxious “Zico.”

“Thought we’d find you here, hyung!” The boy exclaimed as he went to the table. “You’re always here for some reason.”

“Proves my point.” Jaehyo smugly commented.

At this, the attention was pulled away from Jiho and all the friends turned their eyes toward the very handsome and one and only Ahn Jaehyo. Before Kyung could say, “who the heck is that,” Jihoon and Taeil jumped from their pants and gasped loudly, grasping each other to stabilize themselves.

“IT’S AHN JAEHYO!” The two said at the same time.

“Who the heck is that?” Kyung asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“I’m an ulzzang from Busan.” Jaehyo answered like he was the most important person in the world. Just then, Minhyuk finally saw the sparkles that surrounded Jaehyo’s face. He really was an ulzzang.

Yukwon’s eyes widened as he gasped. “Dude! You’re famous! Do you wanna go out and eat with us?”

“What?” Minhyuk shrieked.

Jiho slapped Yukwon on the shoulder. “That is an AWESOME IDEA!” He turned toward Jaehyo. “Yeah! Do you?”

“Well…” Jaehyo began. “I might as well, just to keep my adoring fans happy.”

A mess of well-receiving yells emerged for the boys’ mouths, forgetting that they were in public and needed to be quiet. Before Minhyuk could object to either not go with them or make Jaehyo not come, they quickly grabbed and dragged Minhyuk along with them. Two of the witnesses to that event were two co-workers, giggling at each other for the show their friends made.

“How embarrassing.” Kangbae squealed, holding her red cheeks.

“I know, right?” Juni answered with her hands covering .

Kangbae’s eyebrows furrowed into an amused look, “You know, it’s weird that Jaehyo would be trapped into the group.”

Her friend nodded. “Maybe, they’ll become friends.”

“That’d be weird.”

Their manager caught them not doing their work and demanded that they do get back to it before he fires them. Stray chuckles left their mouth but work went on as usual.


Minhyuk’s friends had insisted that Jaehyo officially become one of their friends and over the next few weeks, that very idea became to be. All the while, Jaehyo would tease Minhyuk about a certain girl and give him suggestive looks whenever Juni was around. It sickened the elder (by a couple days) to be with Jaehyo, but he would live through it because he was only one out of all the other friends he could talk to. One of those friends was Kim Yukwon and Minhyuk had dragged the poor boy to “Le Souhait” after they had their dance practice.

Yukwon scratched the side of his head as he awkwardly looked around the café. “Hyung, do we always have to come here?” He whined. “I know you like Juni and all but there are other places with…greasy tasty food…”

The man turned around and cocked an eyebrow Yukwon’s way. “What? No, I don’t like Juni. She’s just my friend like; you’re my friend. I don’t like you like that, do I?”


“Can we just drop it?” Minhyuk hissed at Yukwon.

A confused expression swept onto the boy’s face. But he said nothing, obviously something was getting to him and Yukwon didn’t really care to find out.

Before Minhyuk could fester in his angriness, he heard a group of people laughing. When he turned, he saw Juni along with other employees laughing; she was patting one of the boy’s on the back, because he was embarrassed. Seeing the action made him angrier or something. But he didn’t want to think he liked her or anything, that’s just too weird. But then Minhyuk realized that boy was the boy Juni was talking to earlier that week at school.

“Hyung. This is earth speaking. Can you hear me, over?” Yukwon asked with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

Minhyuk swatted Yukwon’s face away, once he returned back to consciousness. The line had moved up and Minhyuk had not followed suit. He turned back to Juni and just as he did, she looked over at him. She gave him a bright smile and a big wave to both him and Yukwon. He returned the action, but couldn’t dote on her any longer because his best friend in the whole wide world pushed him forward on the moving line.


Minhyuk ran toward the café, waiting for Juni to come out and out she did. But she wasn’t alone. That boy from before was with her again. They stopped infront of the building and Juni firmly placed her hands onto the boy’s tiny shoulders.

“Now remember, sunbae, the next time you decide to visit your parents, find out if they moved first.” Minhyuk could hear her say with a slight chuckle.

The boy earnestly nodded with laughter. “Yes. I should really do that next time.”

Their laughs and goodbyes were exchanged as Minhyuk made his way closer to Juni. She quietly giggled to herself, not looking where she was going, until she was standing in Minhyuk’s shadow. Juni looked up and greeted the man.

“Hey, oppa.”

“Hey. Who was that?”

Juni pointed behind her, to where her co-worker had left. “Him? Just another guy who works at the café.”

“He seems nice.”

“He is.” She replied, finally getting at Minhyuk’s tone. Juni looked up at him with a curious stare with a hint of irritability. “Are you okay, Minhyuk?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”


Juni shrugged. “Fine, if you don’t want to talk about it then don’t act like you’ve got something to tell me and then not say it.”

“Well, what do you want me to say?” He said a little louder than he wanted to.

“What’s bothering you?” She asked.

Minhyuk groaned as he rolled his eyes. “Nothing. Can we just go somewhere and actually do something now?”

Juni shook her head as she slowly answered. “No. What’s wrong?”

He started to imitate a little kid, who swayed back and forth because they didn’t want to do what their mother wanted them to. He whined, “It’s nothing…”

“Tell me.”


“Because I’m your friend, I want to know if you’re okay.” She answered, like she was offended that he would even ask that question.

A slight pout set on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. “It’s nothing…I just don’t like you… Why do you have to be friends with other people?” He quickly snapped.


“Why do you have to talk to other people? Don’t you like talking to me?”

“Yes? What are you getting at—“

“Then talk to me! You never talk to me anymore, because you ‘don’t have time.’ But you have all the time in the world to talk to what’s-his-face and Jaehyo!”

“Hey! You leave them out of this! Why are you being so stupid, Minhyuk!”

“I’m being stupid?” Minhyuk said mixed in with a laugh.

“Yes! You can’t tell me who I can’t hang out with! It’s not like you own me or anything!” Juni shouted back increasingly growing louder.

“I’m just trying to be a good friend!”

“Then let me chose my friends!”


“You’re right! I became friends with you!” Juni crossed her arms. “Why are you so protective? You’re not my parents or my boyfriend.”

“Well, maybe I should be!”










“Excuse me?” Juni answered with a cocked eyebrow. “It’s a little late if you want to be my legal guardian, Minhyuk…” A slight blush rising on her cheeks, wishing he didn’t mean the other thing.

Minhyuk was reviewing in his mind what the in heck he just said. “Oh… That did not come out right.” A red hint started to flood into his cheeks as well.

Juni faced her confused eyes awkwardly toward the street watching all the cars go by. “Minhyuk?” She croaked out.

No response.

“Are you jealous?”



Minhyuk sighed.


There was a pause.


Minhyuk looked down at the sidewalk next to Juni’s feet. Anything. Anything besides her face. In two seconds, he became the dumbest person in the world. What does one say in this situation to make it better? Do they say anything at all?

The lingering tension started to build exponentially.

It was definitely better to say something.

“Um…Juni?” Minhyuk whispered. She turned her face toward his, though she didn’t stare at his eyes. “Is it okay if I said I wanted to be your boyfriend?”

turned into a thin grimace. “Yes.” She said unsure of herself.

“Then…” He began to say. “I want to be your boyfriend.”

He finally looked up at her face, but she was staring wide-eyed down at the pavement. Trying to comprehend Minhyuk’s confession. The blush hadn’t left her face and it started to get redder the more she thought.

Juni closed her eyes and a wide smile slowly grew onto her face. She furrowed her eyebrows as she answered. “Um…” She opened her eyes and held out her arms as if she were remembering to say something. “I want to be your girlfriend.” She looked up at Minhyuk with worried eyes, thinking perhaps he had suddenly changed his mind.

“What?” He shouted.



“Yes!” Juni yelled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Minhyuk could feel her breathe against his chest as she laughed. He slowly placed his hands onto Juni’s thin black hair and pulled her closer to his body. He breathed in her scent, which sent a tingle although out his body, tickling his fingers. He closed his eyes and felt their heartbeats intertwine with each other.


The boy moaned. “I hate being the third-wheel. I’m gonna go to the bathroom…again.” He got up from the seat and walked toward the bathroom.

“Have fun, Yukwon!” Minhyuk called out with his arm wrapped tightly around a certain girl named Juni.

“Sorry, Yukwon! I’m starting work soon, so don’t worry!” She added, but even Yukwon’s sour atmosphere couldn’t make her guilty enough to leave Minhyuk’s side.

Minhyuk’s head fell onto Juni’s hair. “Do you have to work?” He whined.

“Yes…” Juni answered for the nth time as she stole a piece of their Churro. “Hey, do you know what ‘Le Souhait’ means, oppa?”

“No…is it Italian?” He asked absentmindedly as he started to play with her hair.

Juni rolled her eyes. “It’s French. Anyway, it means ‘the wish.’”

“Well,” Minhyuk said as he dropped her hair and pressed his nose up to hers. “I wish we would stay together forever.”

Juni smiled. “I wish for that too…”

“And another Churro, because you ate it all.” Minhyuk whispered, their lips getting closer together.

Just as Yukwon made his way back to the seat, he moaned again. “Ew…they’re kissing… I’m going back to the bathroom and never coming out.”


And there you have it. The last story I have to tell you. Perhaps one day when you’re in Seoul, you’ll be walking around and you’ll see a small café with a familiar title. You’ll buy a cup of coffee from the cashier, who seemed to resemble someone, but you don’t know whom. Then you’ll sit down in a worn leather seat and look around. Then your eyes will set on a smile, it’s far away from you, but you can feel the warmth from that smile enter your body and it’ll never leave. You won’t even notice it, but you’ll make a wish, because everyone makes wishes. 


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Chapter 4: Kyahhh!,
List-ah, I'm going crazy!
I'm sitting here in the library reading this..
I can't stop reading ur stories.
They're all jus soo cute!
Welps, ur story jus made my whole day better. ;)
Thank you! Heheh...^^

What happened to my birthday present?
Kekekeke.. Jkjk..
Jus being able to meet you online
Is the best gift I can receive from you!
Thanks soo much!
I love you!
More than Kyungsoo Oppa does!
List, ur oneshot was so adorable!!!
I couldnt stop smiling like an idiot~ >.<
Bummie Oppa is such a dork.
And i love how the rest of Block B
besides Bummie were fanboying over Hyo Oppa.. hahah.
Too funny..
And Kwonnie is such a dork..
But he's my dork (nointhisstorythough), so im okay.. XP
kekeke.. ^^
I love how you made him annoying in this story.
Apparently everyone sees him as the annoying type..
hahaha. Cause whenever i read fics with kwonnie as
a side character or main character, his personality
usually turns out to be annoying.. haha..
i didnt realize i did that in my story, too..
And i totally love the last paragraph you wrote.
Very well written! ;)

Oh btw, i think you made a typo??
"Um... Juni?" Minhyuk whispered. She turned her face toward his, though she didn't stare at his eyes. "Is it okay if I said I wanted you to be my boyfriend?" <<Isnt it supposed to be 'girlfriend' instead of boyfriend?? since he was the one that asked right?? or you can change the 'my' into 'your.' :D
Chapter 3: List-ah, ur torturing me with these stories.. T~T
Are you trying to tell my life-story? lolol.
It's like ur fics are telling me what
could've happened if i did those same exact things, too..
First Lilian's story and now Shena's.
I guess great minds just think alike..
kekeke.. ^^

But omg..
Shena's is so cute~
She was jealous of herself.
So funny.. heheh.. XD
Anyways, her oneshot is super cute!!
Chapter 2: Gahhh List~
Are you trying to kill
me with these stories?
I was smiling like an idiot
while reading this..
Yukwon OVERLOAD!! >.<
My Yukwon feels are all over
the place right now..
I fell in love with the ending~
Soo cute!!
Makes me wonder if
Belinda can sing?? O.o
kekekeke.. ^^
Anyways, love love
love love the oneshot!
Uber adorable!! <3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: List!!!
What did i just read?! O.o
This story could've been based on a
true story with a different situation instead!!
Cause you know how I've been telling you about
this guy that I liked and how if i should confess or not.
And if i did, THIS is wat I bet would happen..
I bet the ending would've different though..
hehehhehe.. ^^
But love Lilian's oneshot~
Cute!! ^_^
Chapter 4: Oh.Em.Geee~~
List, my oneshot was so freakin awesome!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! /fangirling
Too much adorableness!!
I cant handle it!!
Screaming my head off right now!
Cant stop smiling at all!! :D
It was like I was watching a
movie instead of reading it.. ;)
Gahhhh~ I'm freaking spazzing
like crazy over this..
Giving me so much butterflies right now.
Kwonnie is too cute!!
Making me fall for him all over again..

Forever loving Kwonnie Oppa.. <3<3<3
*kisses him back* ^3^

If onliie this was true~
It would totally be a dream come true..
One day when i have a boyfriend,
I want him to do this for me..
I'm going crazy right now girl..
Will forever remember this present!
You are such an ahh-mazingg writer!
Dont ever stop writing~ <3<3<3
I love you so much dongsaeng-ah!
You are too cute and full of awesomeness.

I think i will come back and
re-read this again tomorrow.
And maybe the next day and for eternity!!
kekek. ^^
I still have your other oneshots
that you wrote for me, too.
I re-read them whenever I have nothing to do.
Or whenever im not in a good mood..
It never fails to make me smile though.. :)

Again, thanks so much for this lovely present..
Imma read Belinda and theirs in a bit..
kekek.. <3<3<3<3<3