she sang

At a Place called "Le Souhait"


this is for BelindaBBC from the international blockb forum^^ even though she doesn't go on a lot, i can tell she's super cool:D i hope you like this, Belinda~


It was Sunday night and as custom at “Le Souhait” young adults flocked to the seats at that café and waited for the open mic to commence. A purple haired young girl named Sena wearing her café uniform ran over to her best friend who also had purple and pink dyed hair. They were watching as their other friends were performing on stage, it was their thing every Sunday.

“Hey, Baejin. You should sing one day for open mic.” Sena said as she wrapped her arms around Baejin.

Her best friend shrugged. “I don’t know… I mean, I want to. I just don’t know if I want to at the same time.”

The performance on stage was finished and Baejin and Sena clapped for their friends. Minhyuk and Yukwon bowed down at their adoring fans. The two girls wildly shouted support for the act.

“Why don’t you just ask Yukwon to help you?” Sena inquired. “I mean—he usually performs every open mic night.”

“Maybe, I will.” Baejin replied with a faint blush.

Sena was just poking fun at her. Sena had always known that Baejin had a huge crush on Yukwon. Couldn’t really pinpoint when she did, one day she just said that she liked Yukwon. Baejin never really said anything about it though; there was really no point because she knew that Yukwon never saw her like that. But it didn’t lessen the feelings she got when she looked his way or when he spoke to her.


“Hey, Yukwon.”

The young boy was walking home from a boring day at school and he couldn’t wait to play video games against the other boys, but Baejin had delayed that for just a moment.

“Oh hey, Baejin-ah.” He replied as he turned around to face her.

“Yukwon-oppa, could you help me with something? I want to sing for the open mic and ‘Le Souhait,’ but I can’t really sing infront of people. Could you help me?” She asked earnestly.

The boy smiled brightly—the one that made Baejin giddy inside. “Really? That’s cool, Baejin-ah. Sure, I’ll help you.” Yukwon placed a finger on his chin. “How about tomorrow after school, we meet up in the music room?”

“Alright.” Baejin answered with a grin. “Thanks, Yukwon. Bye!”

“See you later, Baejin-ah!” Yukwon called out as she walked toward her home in the opposite direction. Just as she left all of Yukwon’s roommates pounced on him and began to about Baejin.


Class was dismissed the next day and you could see Baejin walking toward the music room. She felt kind of embarrassed that she was going to have lessons from her crush, especially since this would be the first time Yukwon had ever heard her sing. No one—expect her best friend—ever heard her sing. But Baejin understood that she had to get over that fear, it seemed silly. But what if Yukwon didn’t like the way she sung? What if it made her more unattractive to Yukwon? She tried not to think about those thoughts too much.

When Baejin made it into the room, it was filled with the notes that Yukwon plucked on his guitar. He was sitting on the ground in the middle of the room, tuning his instrument for his lessons with Baejin. Yukwon didn’t notice her and she stood in the entryway.

“Not even going to say hi to me?” She said, pretending to sound offended.

As she spoke, Yukwon looked up startled, forgetting that he wasn’t alone and that he was expecting someone to be with him after school. “Oh, sorry. I haven’t touched my guitar in such a long time. Hey, Baejin-ah. Sit down next to me, okay?” He patted the ground next to him, urging Baejin to sit there.

It was very close to Yukwon, where she was sitting. Being so close to him, made her voice a bit shaky and her body felt shivers of excitement, every time he moved and got even closer to her. But she composed herself mostly; it wasn’t the first time she sat next to him. Though it was the first time they’ve been alone. Yukwon’s friends were always with him when Baejin was with Yukwon. To finally be alone with this boy is what made Baejin anxious the most.

“Okay, before I can really tell you anything, I need you to sing for me.” Yukwon said with a smile.

“What do I sing?” The girl asked.

Yukwon shrugged. “Well, whatever you want, I guess.”

Baejin thought it over for a moment and decided to sing one of BlockB’s new songs on their new album. All of their friends liked BlockB a lot and seemed to relate to all of the members.

“Movie’s over, the movie has ended / The doors are opening and the curtains are falling just like that / Bye bye good bye bye.” She sang. As she did, Yukwon rocked his head to the left and right. When he did it, it looked so cute. Baejin smiled.

“Yay!” Yukwon clapped his hands after Baejin gave her small performance. “Very good, very good, Baejin-ah~ Let’s see. You have a very nice voice, Baejin-ah.” Yukwon commented with a big smile. “But you have to be louder! You’re so quiet!”

Baejin laughed at the way Yukwon bursted out his criticism. “I don’t want to be loud.”

“You have to be loud if you want people to hear you.” Yukwon said matter-of-factly.

“I know…”

Yukwon’s silly nature softened and he looked down at Baejin with a pleasant stare. “Baejin-ah, why don’t you sing infront of people?”

The young girl shrugged. “I don’t want to. I’m okay at singing.”

Yukwon’s voice became hardly above a whisper when he said, “You have a very nice voice though.”

The corners of Baejin’s lips grew into a smile as she heard Yukwon’s comment to her. Though it was simple, it was such a sweet thing to say. Especially since it came from Yukwon. “Thank you.”


Thus began the visits to the music room after every school day. Both of the students would rush from their classrooms and then to their special music room. For the first few days, it was mostly helping Baejin’s voice to be more confident and louder for people to hear. But as the days started to add, they became very close and comfortable with each other. Harsh, but playful, words were exchanged between the both of them. Sometimes they would hardly get through the session planned for that day, because they were having so much fun being in each other’s company. The two worked on Baejin’s voice for two weeks and as Sunday came around again, a tickling idea came to her heart and made itself home. Baejin thought she was crazy, but she thought that maybe, maybe, Yukwon liked her too. The idea first came to her, on Thursday. Baejin had started to play with Yukwon’s guitar and when he wanted it back, she didn’t give it to him.

“Don’t! Don’t drop it!” Yukwon shouted, when Baejin ran across the room.

Baejin laughed manically. “Come and get it, then!” She taunted waiting for Yukwon to come and save his precious guitar.

And so, Yukwon did. For three minutes, Yukwon wrestled with Baejin to get his instrument back, grabbing her from the behind in hopes to reclaim his prize. The act just made Baejin laughing, feeling Yukwon’s hands grappling for his guitar. Of course, Baejin couldn’t take the pain of laughing anymore and her grip on the guitar lessened. Yukwon struck and he repossessing his treasure.

Baejin was laying on the music room floor, still laughing at the scene she had just made with Yukwon and the boy couldn’t help but laugh with her. Even though, they were supposed to work on a song together, chasing each other was much for fun. Once the gasping and hurtful laughs subsided, Yukwon stared at Baejin and looked her over. There was a strange look in his eyes, when Baejin looked at them. Something, Baejin didn’t seem to understand. He looked happy. Incandescently happy that he was in that particular place at that particular moment. That was when the idea stuck Baejin’s heart and it didn’t leave.

Thursday turned into Friday and suddenly it was Saturday. Their old-fashioned school brought them up bright and early for school on a Saturday. But since it was Saturday, they had a half-day, meaning that the rest of the day went to lessons in a music room. Yukwon strummed on his guitar as Baejin sang the lyrics to a song she had learned for two weeks. They were going to sing it the next day and Yukwon was very excited. Baejin was finally going to sing for everyone to hear. It also meant that their times in the music room were done and there was no point in being with each other every day anymore. She tried making the most of that Saturday.

“I think you’re ready for tomorrow.” Yukwon stated as he set his guitar back into the case. “What do you think?”

Truthfully, Baejin felt like she wasn’t ready. Singing infront of crowd of faceless people was different than singing with Yukwon. With Yukwon she felt safe, like how she felt safe with Sena; but she couldn’t sing infront of people she didn’t know, who she’ll never meet again.

“Uh…” Baejin started. “I don’t know. Maybe? We’ll see tomorrow, okay?”

Yukwon wrapped the case around his chest and gave Baejin an encouraging smile. “Your voice is beautiful, Baejin-ah.” Yukwon was about to leave, but then he turned back to Baejin. “Hey. It’s pretty dark tonight. I’ll walk you home.”

It was dark every night Baejin walked home from their lessons. But that night wasn’t like every night; it was their last night together like that.


Sunday finally arrived and Baejin came into the café. Her work shirt was on as were her dark colored jeans. She was working the closing shift and went to the back of the café to put away her bag. Baejin saw a young girl putting on her jacket in the locker room and leaped onto her shoulders as a bright hello.

“Hey, Sena-yah!” Baejin shouted.

“Ah!” Her best friend yelled. She turned around and slapped Baejin playfully. “Freaking me out, Baejin. Don’t do that!”

Baejin only laughed at her friend as she put away her purse. “Yeah, no. I’m never gonna stop doing that.”

Sena scoffed at Baejin’s usual behavior. “Anyway, are you singing tonight with Yukwon?” Sena’s eyes wiggled with excitement, playing with Baejin’s feelings for said man.

Baejin grimaced as she thought about going on stage and facing all of these random people and it didn’t appeal to her. “Ehh…I don’t know? I guess I’ll have an answer later. I’m kind of thinking I’m not ready for it.”

Sena smiled, but with worrying eyes. “You have a nice voice, you know? But if you don’t feel up to it, then don’t.”

“Thanks.” Baejin replied softly. She really wasn’t feeling up to it, but maybe she’ll different once open mic started.


Open mic just confirmed that she didn’t want to do it. With every person going on stage and off and all the cheering, it made Baejin feel queasy in her stomach. It wasn’t her thing to sing infront of people. She watched from behind the counter, continually staring at the clock to see when the open mic was done, so she wouldn’t have to wonder if she was performing or not.

“So you’re not doing it?” Yukwon asked as he approached the young woman, hiding behind the café counter.

“No…” Baejin answered with a hint of sadness. She rested her elbows onto the countertop and placed her cheeks in her hands. “I’m sorry. You spent all the time with me and now I’m not even doing it. I wasted a lot of your time.”

Yukwon didn’t respond right away. With sad eyes, he pulled out a chair and sat infront of Baejin, so she would have to look at him. “Baejin-ah. I don’t have any regrets spending any of that time with you.”

Baejin looked up at Yukwon, one eyebrow cocked. “You’re just saying that.”

Yukwon leaned in closer to Baejin’s face; so close that their noses almost touched. “I don’t have a single regret being with you.”

A rush of emotions flooded her heart and made her fingers tingle. What did he just say? But before Baejin could ask any questions, Yukwon was called unto the stage. She watched with wide-eyes as Yukwon walked up to the stage and sang his song. Did he really, really say what she thought he said? Yukwon wasn’t the type to play with her feelings, making her read into what he said. He wouldn’t do that. So…did he really mean that?


Open mic night was over and it was Baejin’s job to close the café. She had closed all the lights except for the ones in the back and that made long and dark shadows on everything in the café. Baejin wanted to talk to Yukwon after his performance, but his friends got to him first and urged him to go eat out with them. And so he did. Yukwon was a nice person and Baejin understood. So she was alone when she was closing for the day, still with Yukwon’s words echoing in her mind. She was placing all the chairs on top of the tables when she heard the knock on the glass door. The knock cut through her heavy thoughts and her eyes shot over to the entrance. And Yukwon was standing there.

The strange tingle came back to her fingers as she reached over and opened the door for Yukwon.

“Hey.” He greeted as he came in from the cool outside.

“Hey.” She replied absentmindedly.

Yukwon sighed, leaning on the counter. “Sorry about that. The guys really wanted to eat out, now that we’re all busy, we never really hang out anymore.”

Baejin shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I understand.” She tried not to look at Yukwon when she began to put up chairs again.

The young boy could sense the tension building up in the room. He knew that Baejin didn’t understand and he needed her to. “You know, what I said to you? What I meant was that I liked spending time with you. You make me feel happy, Baejin-ah.”

He got up from his position at the counter and walked over to her. Baejin wanted to move, to keep the situation from getting more uncomfortable, but she wanted to know what Yukwon meant. So she stayed and she could feel his body against hers and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“And if you want…” He whispered, as if he were embarrassed. “I would like to make you happy. As happy as you make me when I’m with you.”

Baejin didn’t know what to do. But then—as if by itself—her hand reached over to Yukwon’s and she ran her thumb on the back of his hand. “You already make me happy, Yukwon.”

The young boy rested his head on top of her hair and he breathed in her sweet scent. Baejin felt so perfect, standing there as Yukwon held her. She just wrapped her hand around Yukwon’s and suddenly they could hear a faint voice and it sang.

“Very romantically, I’ll talk to you / If you’re like me, it’ll work out well / While closing your eyes, lean on me /You who I see every night in my dreams…”

The way she sang was hoarse as if she didn’t want to be heard, but in that soundless night, Yukwon could hear everything she was singing. He started to sing along. They sang until the end of the song. And the stayed in their positions not wanting to change their beautiful moment together. They knew without even telling each other, that they were meant to be.


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Chapter 4: Kyahhh!,
List-ah, I'm going crazy!
I'm sitting here in the library reading this..
I can't stop reading ur stories.
They're all jus soo cute!
Welps, ur story jus made my whole day better. ;)
Thank you! Heheh...^^

What happened to my birthday present?
Kekekeke.. Jkjk..
Jus being able to meet you online
Is the best gift I can receive from you!
Thanks soo much!
I love you!
More than Kyungsoo Oppa does!
List, ur oneshot was so adorable!!!
I couldnt stop smiling like an idiot~ >.<
Bummie Oppa is such a dork.
And i love how the rest of Block B
besides Bummie were fanboying over Hyo Oppa.. hahah.
Too funny..
And Kwonnie is such a dork..
But he's my dork (nointhisstorythough), so im okay.. XP
kekeke.. ^^
I love how you made him annoying in this story.
Apparently everyone sees him as the annoying type..
hahaha. Cause whenever i read fics with kwonnie as
a side character or main character, his personality
usually turns out to be annoying.. haha..
i didnt realize i did that in my story, too..
And i totally love the last paragraph you wrote.
Very well written! ;)

Oh btw, i think you made a typo??
"Um... Juni?" Minhyuk whispered. She turned her face toward his, though she didn't stare at his eyes. "Is it okay if I said I wanted you to be my boyfriend?" <<Isnt it supposed to be 'girlfriend' instead of boyfriend?? since he was the one that asked right?? or you can change the 'my' into 'your.' :D
Chapter 3: List-ah, ur torturing me with these stories.. T~T
Are you trying to tell my life-story? lolol.
It's like ur fics are telling me what
could've happened if i did those same exact things, too..
First Lilian's story and now Shena's.
I guess great minds just think alike..
kekeke.. ^^

But omg..
Shena's is so cute~
She was jealous of herself.
So funny.. heheh.. XD
Anyways, her oneshot is super cute!!
Chapter 2: Gahhh List~
Are you trying to kill
me with these stories?
I was smiling like an idiot
while reading this..
Yukwon OVERLOAD!! >.<
My Yukwon feels are all over
the place right now..
I fell in love with the ending~
Soo cute!!
Makes me wonder if
Belinda can sing?? O.o
kekekeke.. ^^
Anyways, love love
love love the oneshot!
Uber adorable!! <3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: List!!!
What did i just read?! O.o
This story could've been based on a
true story with a different situation instead!!
Cause you know how I've been telling you about
this guy that I liked and how if i should confess or not.
And if i did, THIS is wat I bet would happen..
I bet the ending would've different though..
hehehhehe.. ^^
But love Lilian's oneshot~
Cute!! ^_^
Chapter 4: Oh.Em.Geee~~
List, my oneshot was so freakin awesome!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! /fangirling
Too much adorableness!!
I cant handle it!!
Screaming my head off right now!
Cant stop smiling at all!! :D
It was like I was watching a
movie instead of reading it.. ;)
Gahhhh~ I'm freaking spazzing
like crazy over this..
Giving me so much butterflies right now.
Kwonnie is too cute!!
Making me fall for him all over again..

Forever loving Kwonnie Oppa.. <3<3<3
*kisses him back* ^3^

If onliie this was true~
It would totally be a dream come true..
One day when i have a boyfriend,
I want him to do this for me..
I'm going crazy right now girl..
Will forever remember this present!
You are such an ahh-mazingg writer!
Dont ever stop writing~ <3<3<3
I love you so much dongsaeng-ah!
You are too cute and full of awesomeness.

I think i will come back and
re-read this again tomorrow.
And maybe the next day and for eternity!!
kekek. ^^
I still have your other oneshots
that you wrote for me, too.
I re-read them whenever I have nothing to do.
Or whenever im not in a good mood..
It never fails to make me smile though.. :)

Again, thanks so much for this lovely present..
Imma read Belinda and theirs in a bit..
kekek.. <3<3<3<3<3