she planned her own date

At a Place called "Le Souhait"

this story is for ShineyStar!! she's sooo adorable! i hope to learn more about you^^ i hope you like this!


Pyo Jihoon pranced up to her and greeted with a warm and friendly—

“AH!” The boy shouted from behind her neck.

“AH!” Sena yelled, then she turned around and started to smack her friend. “Don’t do that! Jihoon, you’re such a jerk!”

Jihoon tried to shield himself from Sena’s wrath and all of Sena’s friends chuckled to themselves, commenting about their welcoming helloes. The boy and the girl had been friends ever since junior high, but nothing—not even time—could make Sena hate it when Jihoon was dumb. Just kidding. She thought his playfulness was charming and he was always there to make her smile. But he could be a gentleman when he wanted to though; when he wanted to.

Sena giggled when she was done harassing the poor boy. “Get out of here! Don’t you have a class to get to?”

Jihoon’s trickster gleam softened and he gave Sena his pleasant smile. “Yeah...but I have something to ask you.” The girl hummed a response. Jihoon didn’t say anything at first. It seemed like he was scared or worried. “Um…could you help me with something?”

The eyebrows on Sena’s face curled in worry and curiosity. “What is it, oppa?”

The boy sighed and said, “I really like this girl, and I’ve liked her for a while…could you…you know, help me confess to her?” He ended with a small plead in his voice and his smile turned into a grimace waiting for Sena’s answer.

“Oooo~ a crush? Who is it, oppa?” Sena’s eyebrow cocked up as an amused grin set on her white face.

With the grimace still on his face, Jihoon replied, “Eeeh… I don’t…I don’t want to tell anybody her name. I don’t want people to hear and then word gets around…”

“Okay…I understand.” She said with a nod. “Hmm…I’ll help you! But!” She could see her friend was going to say something, so she lifted her hand just inches from his face. “You’ll have to do everything I say, okay?”

“Fine!” Jihoon’s face was about to explode with glee. “Thank you, Sena! Thank you very much, Sena!”

He gave his friend a huge hug and a quick thumbs-up. He was about to explode with excitement; the first part of his plan was completed. After he ruffled Sena’s hair, he skipped away back to his homeroom. Just as Jihoon left, a low sigh escaped Sena’s mouth. She just accepted to help Jihoon get a girl. Her best friend, Baejin, grabbed her shoulder and asked her,

“Sena-yah, are you okay?”

“No…” She answered staring down at her desk, outlining invisible circles. “But, he looked so happy, so…”

Baejin grunted. “I’ll smash his face in.”

Her best friend forced a laugh.


At lunch, Jihoon had rushed toward Sena and specified that they should begin their planning at “Le Souhait;” it was their favorite café. Sena arrived in her casual sweater and comfy shoes and saw Jihoon sitting at a table. He held a gleeful smile and Sena had a fake one.

“Thanks for doing this.” Jihoon said as Sena sat down at one of the wooden tables.

She smiled at him and twirled her cup of coffee on the tabletop. “Hey, don’t worry. You really like this girl.”

The boy nodded and then smiled at Sena expectantly—waiting for her to say something.


“Do you have any ideas?” Jihoon asked still with his grin.

“You don’t have any?”

His smile fell into an innocent pout. “Oh, well, I thought that you had all the ideas. That’s why I asked you to help me.”

“Okay,” Sena said as she stirred the coffee with a thin stick. “What kind of stuff do you want to do, oppa?”

“I don’t know.”

Sena titled her head to the side. “Nothing? Really? Okay~~ Um, how about you bring her here?” She motioned around the café. “It’s pretty and good for a first date, I guess.” She shrugged, waiting for Jihoon’s approval.

The boy looked around the café as if judging its beauty. “Okay. What else?”

Sena gave Jihoon another shrug, but thought for her friend anyway. “Hmmm… I don’t know what do you want to do?”

Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows and questioned her. “What would you want a guy to do for your first date?”

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind coming here. Maybe walk around a park or something. Uh…just have a talk with him. Maybe we could buy ice cream and look at stars. You know. Cheesy stuff.” She nodded, thinking it was weird saying all of this in front of Jihoon.

“Thanks, Sena.”

And so, everyday after school Sena and Jihoon would come to “Le Souhait” and make the perfect date. Though it hurt Sena a bit that she was helping Jihoon confess to another girl, it felt good when Jihoon smiled gratefully at her. They would spend hours and hours each day, making ideas of what to say, what to do and what to wear. Jihoon even drew little cartoons to illustrate the date, which just made Sena laugh. It seemed for a while that they were on dates. But Sena didn’t want that feeling going to her head, after all Jihoon was into someone else. He got less and less nervous as the planning days went on. It was cute to see Jihoon get awkward about a girl, even if it wasn’t her. Sena tried not to get too sad when he would talk about his girl, but it couldn’t be helped. She liked him, a lot. She didn’t usually have crushes; she didn’t usually talk to guys. To know that Jihoon was going to be busy being someone’s boyfriend saddened her; and as the days ticked closer to Jihoon’s big date, it became harder for her to hold it in.


It was the eve of his date and Jihoon was bouncing off walls. Sena was so sad that she wasn’t the one that made Jihoon all giddy inside his heart, even though he made her like that all the time. But being a good friend, she didn’t want to sabotage Jihoon’s date; if he liked that girl, she’ll be happy for both of them.

“It’s so hard, Baejin-ah!” Sena squealed, wiping her eyes with thick tissues. Baejin came over to her house to see how she was; and she felt so depressed. Baejin had an am around Sena’s shaking shoulders.

“Hey, it’ll be alright.” Baejin gave her best friend another tissue and her arm. “It’s going to be okay.”

Sena sniffled as she dabbed around her eyes. Though her skin was feeling dry from all the tissues wiped against it, her eyes weren’t at all. “I know. I know. I know that I’m going to be all right. It’s just that, I like him a lot. I mean I really really like him. But obviously, he doesn’t like me.” A tissue was ripped out of the box and was used to pat her tears.

Sena sniffed again and she got a text from someone. The vibration startled to two and when she picked it up, she groaned.

“What?” Her friend asked.

Sena gave the phone to Baejin and got off the bed to get ready.

Baejin scoffed. “Sena-yah, why are you going?”

“Jihoon broke my heart. I know that, but Jihoon doesn’t. If I act cold to him, he won’t know why. He doesn’t deserve that, especially since I never said anything about it.” Though Sena didn’t want to go. It wasn’t fair to Jihoon. She put on her jacket but then Baejin stopped her.

“Hey…let’s put some makeup on your eyes first.” Baejin tried to smile to help Sena get into a happier mood. “Your eyes are puffy, and we want to see your beautiful eyes right?”

Sena gave her a small laugh. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”


When she got to the café, Jihoon was waiting for her at the door. As soon as he looked eyes with her, he waved a crazy hello. Even though, Sena felt a little bitter, to see him looking so happy softened her up. She didn’t even make it into the café and Jihoon went through the doors and held her cold hands.

“I’m so happy you could come. I’m sorry, it was really short notice.” Jihoon said with furrowed eyebrows. He looked so worried.

Sena seemed a little confused on why he looked so anxious again. “Um… no it’s okay.”

Jihoon let go of her hands and led her into “Le Souhait.” “You weren’t doing anything important, were you?”

“Uh… I was talking to Baejin, but it’s okay.”

Sena felt the warmth of the building when Jihoon opened the door for her. He led her to a table and sat her down to cups of ice cream, one for each of them. They both had their favorite flavors.

“Oppa, did you buy me this?” Sena asked looking down at the ice cream. She felt bad when people bought things for her—even though she really wanted that ice cream.

Jihoon confirmed as he slipped in the chair opposing Sena. He began eating his mint ice cream right away.

“Er, Sena-yah, could you run through the date with me before I go on it tomorrow?” The boy sheepishly asked.

“Oh, sure. Yeah.”

A bright grin crawled onto Jihoon’s face. “Great! So…I’m supposed to talk about your interests. That’s what you told me.”

Sena picked her spoon and dug into her ice cream. “Yes.”

“So, I heard you have a cool friend named Jihoon.”

And in response, the boy got a wad ice cream thrown at him. Sena chuckled. “You’re so dumb, oppa.”

Jihoon shrugged. “Well, I’m supposed to talk about interests. And only your friend seemed interesting.”

Pretending to have an offended face, Sena said through giggles. “You. You would make a bad boyfriend. This date is going by horribly.”

“Sorry, sorry. Let’s start again.” Jihoon answered with chuckles of his own. “Okay… soooo, I love what you did with your hair.”

Sena rolled her eyes. Jihoon always said that about her hair. She had dyed it purple and pink and when Jihoon first saw it; he was in love with her hair. He wanted to dye his hair those colors, but all of his roommates told him not to and they would’ve made fun of him if he did.

“Thanks, Jihoon-oppa.” She said with her amused low voice.

Jihoon only gave her a bright smile. The one that Sena fell for.

Then again, Sena remembered that she was not on a date. For a moment, Jihoon had made her feel like she really was the girl he liked, but she was only pretending to be for him. Everything she did was for him. And a small tug on her heart told her that he would never do anything for her. And that thought hurt, but she faked a smile to respond to Jihoon’s.

“You’re too weird, oppa.”

“Yeah, I know.”

The thought never left Sena’s mind, but the pain it caused lessened as the conversation went on. Jihoon again made her feel like the only person in the world. It was a thing that only he could do. When he stared at her, it felt like he was only staring at her and nothing else. And she wanted to believe that it was true, that Jihoon only looked at her. But of course she’s only doing a dry run with Jihoon for another girl. She wanted to go up to that girl—whoever she was—and tell her what a perfect man she got and that no one—not even Sena—deserved a man like him. She tried to think up the girl that Jihoon liked, but she never could picture her. Sena had tried ways to make Jihoon slip something from his thoughts, but all she ever got was “she was beautiful.” Throughout the whole talk, it felt like Jihoon was in love with her. But she couldn’t tell herself that lie.

The café had closed much sooner than either of them thought and so, Jihoon led the way as they walked around the darkened city of Seoul. Small stars had started to peak out from the black clouds.

“Do you think she’ll like the date?” Jihoon asked as they strolled under the lamplight in the park.

Sena looked down at her sneakers that looked dark grey in the light. “Hmm…maybe. If you’re nice for once.” She added with a laugh.

Jihoon chuckled with her. The date was going well, even if it wasn’t a real one. Beyond Sena’s face, Jihoon spotted a playground. “Look!” He said and before Sena could turn around, he was already running toward the slide.

He made his way down the slide and he ran up again to the painted tower. Sena chased after him up the stairs, where she saw Jihoon sitting on top of the blue tunnel connecting the two parts of the playground. His childish grin slipped onto his face as he asked Sena to sit next to him. When she got onto the tunnel, Jihoon was looking up to the sky and she did the same. A lampshade made the trees encircling the playground glow with an amber shine. Beyond those golden trees, Sena could see the a couple bright stars beaming through the cities bright lights.

Jihoon looked down from the sky and his easy-going nature went away and he became very serious. “Sena-yah.”

When she saw his stern face, she cocked an eyebrow. She hardly ever saw Jihoon like this. “Yeah, oppa?”

“I have to tell you something.” He faced her and looked into her eyes. It made her feel anxious looking at him like that. “Thank you. Thank you for doing this with me. But I had to trick you and I’m sorry.”

A confused look was plastered on Sena’s face. “No…it’s okay. I guess. I don’t really know what you’re talking about.”

“Well, I’m not going on a date tomorrow.”

An excited thought raced through her mind; but she didn’t want to assume anything and keep her hopes up. “Um. What are you talking about? What happened?”

“The girl that I like, she’s not going on a date with me tomorrow, because I’m going on a date with her tonight.”

Sena didn’t say anything. She looked at Jihoon; waiting for him to tell her that everything he just said was a joke. She was sure that Jihoon didn’t mean her.


Jihoon nodded. “Yes, you.”

Without knowing it, her lips curled up into a smile. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m not.” Jihoon’s eyes stared deeply into her’s with sincerity. “I. Like. You.” And he poked Sena on the shoulder, waiting for a response.

She smiled, but this time out of pure delight. Jihoon liked her. Jihoon liked her. Not anyone else. All that pain that she had before, at that moment all of it didn’t mean anything anymore.

“I…like you, too.”

She finally said it. Jihoon knows and no turning back. But why should that matter? They’re finally together. She felt a little silly, crying over Jihoon when it was her that was his secret crush. Of course Jihoon had to troll her for two weeks. But that’s okay; everything was okay.

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Chapter 4: Kyahhh!,
List-ah, I'm going crazy!
I'm sitting here in the library reading this..
I can't stop reading ur stories.
They're all jus soo cute!
Welps, ur story jus made my whole day better. ;)
Thank you! Heheh...^^

What happened to my birthday present?
Kekekeke.. Jkjk..
Jus being able to meet you online
Is the best gift I can receive from you!
Thanks soo much!
I love you!
More than Kyungsoo Oppa does!
List, ur oneshot was so adorable!!!
I couldnt stop smiling like an idiot~ >.<
Bummie Oppa is such a dork.
And i love how the rest of Block B
besides Bummie were fanboying over Hyo Oppa.. hahah.
Too funny..
And Kwonnie is such a dork..
But he's my dork (nointhisstorythough), so im okay.. XP
kekeke.. ^^
I love how you made him annoying in this story.
Apparently everyone sees him as the annoying type..
hahaha. Cause whenever i read fics with kwonnie as
a side character or main character, his personality
usually turns out to be annoying.. haha..
i didnt realize i did that in my story, too..
And i totally love the last paragraph you wrote.
Very well written! ;)

Oh btw, i think you made a typo??
"Um... Juni?" Minhyuk whispered. She turned her face toward his, though she didn't stare at his eyes. "Is it okay if I said I wanted you to be my boyfriend?" <<Isnt it supposed to be 'girlfriend' instead of boyfriend?? since he was the one that asked right?? or you can change the 'my' into 'your.' :D
Chapter 3: List-ah, ur torturing me with these stories.. T~T
Are you trying to tell my life-story? lolol.
It's like ur fics are telling me what
could've happened if i did those same exact things, too..
First Lilian's story and now Shena's.
I guess great minds just think alike..
kekeke.. ^^

But omg..
Shena's is so cute~
She was jealous of herself.
So funny.. heheh.. XD
Anyways, her oneshot is super cute!!
Chapter 2: Gahhh List~
Are you trying to kill
me with these stories?
I was smiling like an idiot
while reading this..
Yukwon OVERLOAD!! >.<
My Yukwon feels are all over
the place right now..
I fell in love with the ending~
Soo cute!!
Makes me wonder if
Belinda can sing?? O.o
kekekeke.. ^^
Anyways, love love
love love the oneshot!
Uber adorable!! <3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: List!!!
What did i just read?! O.o
This story could've been based on a
true story with a different situation instead!!
Cause you know how I've been telling you about
this guy that I liked and how if i should confess or not.
And if i did, THIS is wat I bet would happen..
I bet the ending would've different though..
hehehhehe.. ^^
But love Lilian's oneshot~
Cute!! ^_^
Chapter 4: Oh.Em.Geee~~
List, my oneshot was so freakin awesome!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! /fangirling
Too much adorableness!!
I cant handle it!!
Screaming my head off right now!
Cant stop smiling at all!! :D
It was like I was watching a
movie instead of reading it.. ;)
Gahhhh~ I'm freaking spazzing
like crazy over this..
Giving me so much butterflies right now.
Kwonnie is too cute!!
Making me fall for him all over again..

Forever loving Kwonnie Oppa.. <3<3<3
*kisses him back* ^3^

If onliie this was true~
It would totally be a dream come true..
One day when i have a boyfriend,
I want him to do this for me..
I'm going crazy right now girl..
Will forever remember this present!
You are such an ahh-mazingg writer!
Dont ever stop writing~ <3<3<3
I love you so much dongsaeng-ah!
You are too cute and full of awesomeness.

I think i will come back and
re-read this again tomorrow.
And maybe the next day and for eternity!!
kekek. ^^
I still have your other oneshots
that you wrote for me, too.
I re-read them whenever I have nothing to do.
Or whenever im not in a good mood..
It never fails to make me smile though.. :)

Again, thanks so much for this lovely present..
Imma read Belinda and theirs in a bit..
kekek.. <3<3<3<3<3