it's been a long day


Hongbin had seen that she was going through a lot this semester. When school was finally ending, he was happy to finally spend some quality time with her. Coming home with the groceries in his hands, he slipped through the door to see her working on her final project. But she was restless.


Happy birthday, b2utyful. Thanks for being a friend these few years and I know that we don't talk at all anymore. And that's just because I've lost touch with k-pop and with the internet. But we're still friends and I'm blessed that I've met someone like you. You've really expanded my horizons and I hope that even if we don't like the same bands or even the same music that we're still friends.

Have a wonderful day, because it was the day you were born <3


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Thank you soooo much, girl!!
It was really well-written and very simple and definitely relatable.. haha..
I seriously cannot get enough of your stories! I've gone back and re-read your other
oneshots that you have written for me every once in a while.. It gives me life and can
make me smile any time.. ;) You are amazing and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.. ^^
And it's totally fine, girl. No need to feel sorry at all! I am so glad to have met you!
I will never regret it one bit! ^_^ We can always talk about each other's lives or any topic
that you want! It doesnt always have to be kpop.. hehe.. Even though of course, you know
how obsessed I am with it.. lolol.. XD We are more than friends! We are SISTERS!! <3 hehe.. ^_^
Again, thank you so much and I hope one day, the both of us will get a chance to meet! :D