Chapter 26: More Caffeine and Rest

Love Dust


‘coz, girl you’re like a caffeine...’

What a perfect song to match my drowsiness and the large cup of extra strong coffee in my hand. The bus driver might have felt my ‘aura’ when I entered the bus seconds ago. I can say that these (caffeine by Yeoseob and extra strong coffee) ‘anti-knock downs’ are starting to make an effect.

“Gosh, why am I feeling so... ALIVE!” I hyperly told in my mind as I give my coffee a few sips.

From the very weak feeling hours ago, this extra strong coffee turned me into an energetic house keeper. Yes, you’re right. I’m now on my way to Mr. Kim’s condominium and I’m currently inside the elevator alone.

“4th floor, 6th floor...”

The elevator opened and like the scenes in most horror movies, no one was there... Out of nowhere, the elevator scene in the movie ‘The eye’ popped in my mind...

“3 more floors, Chin... I know you’re brave...” I convinced myself as the elevator start to close.

“I—I guess... I need to drain s--- some of my energy...” I nervously told myself and prevented the elevator to close.

Without any hesitations, I just used the stairs. It would just be three floors anyway.

“Exercise... Exercise...” I told to this middle-aged Korean man who gave me a confusing look after I went out from the door where the stair case is.

He looked me from head to toe and walked out without giving me any reply...

It’s lunchtime and still the production as well as the actors were not yet taking their breaks and continued to shoot a scene in a first class theatre in Seoul...

“I still got 27 minutes.”TOP as Shawn said to himself.

TOP grabbed Jade’s (co-actress) hand and accompany her to the first row at the center most part of the theatre.

“This will be my first time to perform privately for just a single person for free. So sit back, relax, enjoy and just listen…” TOP romantically told Jade.

“PERFECT!!! And CUT!!” the director announced.

“Alright, everybody very well done. And... Seung Hyun... are you ready to shoot? Do you need some time to practice your piece like before?” the director asked TOP.

“No, It’s alright. I think I’m ready.” TOP confidently replied.

“Okay, prepare the grand piano, everyone!!” the director shouted.

In no time a white grand piano slowly appeared on stage. TOP sat and started to play Chopin’s Nocturne. The venue dimmed as his music invades the entire theatre.

“And now, it’s open!” I told myself as I open the ‘mirror wall’.

“So weird...” I added and start to carry the laundry bin out.

It’s been two days since the last time I made the laundry. That’s why, it’s not so surprising to that the bin is full with used clothes of mostly suits and a set of beddings. I guess that my three-hour working time would be consumed for just finishing the laundry.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Kim. I’ll be back tomorrow to clean every corner of your condominium.” I told myself as I load the white clothes in the washing machine.

Although, I didn’t see Mr. Kim in person, from his clothes, I can say that he’s a six foot guy with a very lean body. The smell of his perfume proves that he’s not just an ordinary working person or any employee because, up to this time, I can still smell the manly not overpowering scent of his perfume. As I can remember during our Industrial Chemistry class way back in the Philippines, other than the unique scent that came from the essential oils, the fixative, a substance that makes the scent last, is the other factor that makes a certain fragrance expensive.

After hours of laundry, At last I’m done but I think all of my energy drained...

“Achoo!!” I sneezed.

I can say that the only ‘thing, a large cup of extra strong coffee, that went in my stomach was already used up. I checked my wrist watch and saw that I still got an hour left before 4pm.

“I still have much time to do the dishes...” I told myself with a weak voice.

This day would prove what I learned in Biology, a person’s body will still continue to work even if there’s nothing left to burn in your stomach. The system will just use the ‘stored energy’ or fat to carry on.

“Fat? I think I still have lots of it.” I told myself and started to wash the few dishes in the sink.

Few minutes passed and I survived washing the dishes but I now feel so much weak. My body is very much weakier compared the time I finished the laundry. I again checked the time and it would be half an hour before 4pm.

“I guess... Mr. Kim won’t mad, if I used the remaining time to rest for a while before leaving...” I sat down on the white sofa located in the living room while feeling the heaviness of my eyelids...

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ExoticBeaSehunnie #1
Chapter 50: I really like this! Sana may sequel po kung di kayo busy :)
theresia #2
i've read fanfic that pairing G-Hyun (GD and SeoHyun)
and i'm really glad i found fanfic pairing SeoTOP..
this piece is so so great..
i like how you bring the story..keep it up..Author

i really do need a sequel,,kkk~
Chapter 28: which part of this chapter that called rated M?
seohyunkyute #4
Chapter 50: i just read all of the chapter. and this is D-A-E-B-A-K!!!!!
Please make a sequel of this story author nim:)))
anitaichwana #5
Chapter 50: GIVE ME A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!
choineny #6
Chapter 50: actually I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account, and now i have account... yeaay!!
and now i wanna thankyou so much to you author-nim for made this beautiful FF!!!
Serenity_07 #7
Chapter 50: Yay! are they going to get married? of course TOP should settle down, he can't be forever an idol. kekeke.
Serenity_07 #8
Chapter 36: Yay! A SeoTop fanfic! Luv it! I am imagining them together in a drama. They would be a lovely couple. Bad boy, innocent girl. Thanks for wonderful story :)
I'll try to make a sequel after my next one shot fanfic on the 1st or 2nd week of July :) coz I'm so busy with school stuffs these days :) I hope you understand. Thanks!!!
sunset812 #10
Chapter 50: Hey! My heart isn't fully healed! And what about the feelings her friend has for her? And what if that girl at the end isn't Chin! Don't leave me hanging!PLEASE!!!!*laying prostrate on the ground sobbing*