The official first day

Teacher ,Teacher why did we have to fall inlove?

Choo Hee's corner:

So after what happened with Jay Park and I I haven't heard of him since that day I wonder why. Suddenly someone knocks at my door and slightly open it peeking at me. "Just come in don't scare me." I said and it was Yonghwa "Annyeong. . ." he said and bow before me even though he is just like took 3 steps away from the door. I bow at him as well "Goodmorning teacher." I said and he smile at me "What teacher are you talking about huh? I heard you don't call Jay Park that even Taemin." it made me blush a bit and he chuckle at my reaction."Just call me Yonghwa." he said and sat on the edge of the bed "So should you eat first or shall we start the lesson right now?" He smile at me once again and I thought he really looks like a prince like that amonf my teachers he is the only one who posses this kind of charm. Before I could react someone barge in my room and hold my wrist dragging me outside my room "Yah! did you forget ? what day is it today huh?!!!! huh?!! HAAA?! " I blinks my eyes and examined the person whose yelling at me. "Excuse me but who are you?" that person suddenly place glasses on my eyes. "Now do you recognize this face?" "How come you're here today? this early ?! I still have class with Yonghwa." so it was the monster again. "I see , You really did forget I will make you remember 


" Yah ...... Choo hee... *flicks forehead* you should go home before I lost my one month pay." 


"I don't care you disgusting monster why don't you just quit this activity huh?!!! they should change you anyone else just not you!!!" 


"Yah! you don't know anything Student Han CHOO HEEE!!! Did you know that I lost HyunA because of the rumors that's spreading betweeen you and I huh? I honestly don't know there are a lot of times that I was being kick from this project but I always insist of staying here ...."


"What you're saying is that *squints and hics*" 


"HAN CHOO HEE Yes , I like you I will wait for your answer."


"*hics and collapses*"

-End of Flasback-

"That really happened? I don't remember that happening you're making it up." He suddenly pull me close to him and I gulp "I know you will probably hate what I'm going to do. *takes of her glasses* *kisses her*" I tried pushing him away but well he's a guy of course he would be more powerful than me. "If I made that up why would I kiss you huh?!"  I heard a glass drop on the floor and it was Taemin. I could hear footsteps coming near us and I heard a clashing sound I couldn't clearly see but I'm thinking he punched him before things could get worse Yonghwa stop Jay and Kai run up and stop Taemin "What do you think you're doing huh?! are you playing with Choo Hee? after what you did to her , the things you've said and the disgusted look you always give her? what is this huh?! stay away from her !!!" "You always like to play as her savior huh?! why ? can you predict what's going to happen in the future? You think I can't like her? what if I did? what if I kiss her again and hold her hands would you kill me?!!" Taemin could  not hold his grudges anymore and he slide out from Kai's arms "Hyung , hyung stop it stop it" "YOU STOP THIS NONE SENSE BEFORE ALL OF YOU GETS KICKED OUT FROM THIS PROJECT!!" a sudden yell echoed on the whole place. "Director." Everyone suddenly calm down and the maid hand my glasses to me and I put them on when I tilt my head to look at Taemin's face he doesn't have any bruise  and no signs of bleeding as well. When I look at the other side I saw Jay's lips has a cut and he sort of have a scrape on his face did Taemin tried to use the broken glasses on Jay's face?

"Miss Choo Hee please go back to your room. " the elder said and the maid lead me to my room. "You're next teacher will be here I apologize for the unprofessional acts of your teachers." he added and I was locked to my room.

 Jay's corner:

After the commotion she was trapped on her room and the director talk to us "How many times have you caused trouble huh?!! Do you really want to stay on this project?!" the old man is yelling in my ears again aisshh. "And you , you never caused trouble until this day." he said eyeing on Taemin "How could you even punch someone who is ahead of you?" Taemin raise his head slightly and glared at me. "He was going overboard to student han so I needed to do something about it." "What did he exactly do this must be valid or else..." "He kissed her." Taemin finally said "Is that true?!" the old man raise a brow on me "Are you nuts? what are you thinking huh? You already have an issue with Choo Hee and we already take care of that and now you're starting a fire again?!" he kept on nagging at me and I stand up and took my things. "Yah! you get back here I'm not yet finished Jaebeom Park!!" he said screaming his lungs out. I immediately speed up my car before he could further nag at me. It's true I like her what do I do? I suddenly felt it. 

Taemin's corner:

It was an early monday morning and I decided to visit Choo Hee we haven't met in awhile since my entertainment decided to give SHINee a sudden vacation. I always wonder how she was doing, is that Jay Park getting on her way again and if she is feeling well. I haven't even sleep since I was travelling going back here in Korea I know I should but I chose to rather see her than sleep. The maids said she isn't awake yet and that she is slightly sick so I told them that I will go up and bring her a glass of water before I could even do that I saw a very unexpected scene. Jay is kissing her right in front of me how could he? why is he acting this way? what is he thinking? is he doing this to stir up a headline so he could gather attention? I'm sick of this without even thinking twice I punch him across his face. Before I could even kill him director nim came and stop us. Good thing since there's no holding back when I'm mad I don't think about my image when it comes to these situations. Just like what I thought he would walk out from this discussion he drove out of the place and director told me to attend my schedules for this month as a compensation for what I did today. I almost wanted to throw everything I see but Kai would instantly stop me. "Hyung can you please calm down." he said and I turn around to look at him he almost had all the jars and other vases on his arms. So  I'm really this mad that I almost break those things. He place the vases and jars back to their place and sat on the sofa. "Hyung come to think of it , it is still good that you will only do your schedules as compensation. The director didn't ban you or kick you out from this project you know. So hyung calm down now..." I ran my fingers on my fair and punch the wall "What do I do? How would I know if she likes him too?" a sudden idea got into my head "Since you said that I should calm down and just follow the schedules then......" I take few steps and look at Kai closely and smile at him "Then what hyung?" he said and gulp "You will watch everything she does, who she talks to and if she is seeing Jay arasseo? if you don't do what I say forget that I'm your hyung." I know that Kai treats me like a sibling so much and that he couldn't reject whatever I ask him. "Fine so you're saying that I will be a stalker for one month huh?" "Whatever you call it." I said and text my manager and grab few of my stuffs and walk out of the house "Goodluck Kai hwaiting!~~" I wave at him before I fully disappeared.

Choo Hee's corner:

I couldn't here any voice from the living room anymore maybe the comotion had stopped finally. I decided to go downstairs but the maid immediately push me back to my room "No I'm sorry miss the director instructed us not to let you go down until your other teachers arrive." I sigh and went back to my room few hours passed and I'm still trap inside my room suddenly I heard my window sliding open "Yo!" GD hop in inside my room and close the window silently. "I heard what happened so are you doomed here the whole day?" he said chuckling he threw an apple at me and said "You must be hungry huh?" he said and took a bite on the other apple that he is holding. "Why did you enter on my window? You're not a ban teacher right?" "Well I figured that it will be more fun like this. You know just me as normal self and you as your normal self not a student and *points at himself* not a teacher." he smile again and sat on my bed. "Aren't you pressured? do you want to go home now?" "I'm somewhat pressured especially when it's Jay who is teaching me." I said stabbing a pencil on my sketchpad "Whoah you relax the sketchpad is not him you know. So Jay is your least favortite teacher huh?" "Least favorite? I didn't know that word exist he isn't my least favorite he is the most hated teacher." He laugh at me "You have that childish attitude and I find it adorable." he said and poke my cheek which made me blush since GD is my idol and I'm like his ultimate fan. I never thought this would happen before I only have alot of his posters in my wall but now he's really here."Hey are you okay? are you having fever again?" he said while waving his hand infront of me. Did I just spazz in my own  world again? "Ah I'm okay don't worry." he pat my head and stood up "You're really adorable now I know why he likes you. As much as I wanted to stay but I have alot of things to do so don't ever lock your window so I can come and creep at you when you're sleeping." he chuckle and hop out my window. -You're really adorable now I know why he likes you- how did he know about Jay? is it for real that , that disgusting monster really likes me. After he left the maid knock at my door and said "Ms. Han your teacher Mr. Kim Jaejoong had arrived." before I could answer he suddenly barge in. "Annyeong~" he smile and wave his hand why is he wearing a tux? "Excuse me but why are you wearing a tux?" I said looking at him "Well after seeing you today I still have to attend a formal gathering so yeah. Today I will be teaching you basics when it comes to Japanese." I nodded and continue to listen to him he gave me lectures here and there and I thought this was the complete opposite of the guy I met the other time. "Wait excuse me." he said and answered his phone call "What?! no that can't happen why now?" I can hear him exclaiming from a far. "Is there any problem Mr. Kim?" I ask pushing my glasses "Choo Hee I need your help ....." he said looking at me with his pitiful eyes. Choo Hee? this must be serious he doesn't really call me Choo Hee wait or does he? "What is it ?" "Can you please be my for tonight's gathering? the actress that I had invited couldn't make it." "But I don't have any dress......" "Then I'll send a dress over later." before I can even say anything else he made his way out of my room "That's all for today Ms. Han." his voice echoed from the stairs to my room. 

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Chapter 1: Sounds good! I think there r a few Grammar mistakes byt other than that it looks like it has a good plot! I hope she ends up with jaejoong. Update soon!