The Mistery kiss

Teacher ,Teacher why did we have to fall inlove?

Choo Hee 's pov


I arrived at the house they told me I will be living alone except the fact that I have maids and assistant or some sort of those people. However I remembered they mention that these people will be coming by tomorrow "Agh" I said as I hit someone 

Someone? but I'm alone how could that happen after bumping this unknown person my glasses fell on the floor. I am trying to find it but then I felt a quick peck on my forehead. Before I can even ask who it was he already ran away so that's creepy. 


Taemin's pov

Did she noticed that it was me? If she did then what am I gonna do? I can't face her I'm that type of person who can be really shy but then again if she didn't know it was me then she will think I'm being a weird fellow. "Hyung?" I look at Kai and he stare at me with a derp face "What?" he raised a brow and talk "I was telling you a story were you even listening all along?". I lean closer to him and stare at him as well  "Yes I was and is listening just before you mentioned Hyung." "Oh really? Then what did I just said?" I hope I can guess it right "You were talking about your group's tour right?" "No wrong I was telling you about Choo Hee and JiYong seonbae-nim." "Hugh? what do you mean?" I lean back on the sofa and raise my arm placing it on the side part of the sofa. "I said I saw his phone awhile ago then the wallpaper is Choo Hee." I went blank for 3 seconds "What?! do they have any relationship?" Kai chuckles and hold his stomach "Hyung why are you even raising your voice? are you scared? feeling a threat to your future love aww it hasn't bloom yet and it might end soon." I stand up and went infront of him and grab him by his collar " WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID?! YOU'RE TELLING ME IT'S OVER?! HOW CAN YOU EVEN SAY THAT CHOO HEE WILL LIKE GD SEONBAE?!! HUGH?! HUGH!!!!!?!!!" I can tell that he's already choking. *coughs* "Hyung put me down relax I'm just joking but well I'm thinking Ji Yong seonbae-nim is fast when it comes to getting the girls that he likes as well as those that he doesn't." I let go of his collar and he sat down on the sofa "Hyung so I was right? You like Han Choo Hee? that's why you defended her when Jay seonbae was cussing the hell out of her. It's like you're Choo Hee's protector so romantic.*flails* " "You go to bed right now KIM JONG IN!!!!!" I raise a finger and point upstairs where the guess room is located. Without any words or complains coming from Kai he immediately went up. 







The Next Day ......

Choo Hee's pov

I am not yet fully awake I'm just rolling around the bed and feeling how comfty it was to be sleeping here I just wish I have my friends here with me. I felt someone cuddling me at first it was just someone crawling and I thought I might be dreaming but this time I'm sure this isn't a dream anymore I uncover the blanket on my head and blink few times to clear my blurry vision. "Morning" the boy grin and before I can do anything else he pinned me on the bed "I'm your Japanese instructor and gym instructor." he paused and lean closer to my ear "Kim Jaejoong." a smirk formed on his lips. I tried reaching for my glasses to see him clearly but his grip was so tight that I feel like if I try to move my wrist my bones will be crush. "Stop squirming I'm not even doing anything to you ........yet" I can tell that he's really creeping me out he place all the weight of his body against mine to prevent me from moving he released my wrist and his hands hold my face and he peck my lips "You're gonna be mine." After those words he suddenly stood up and pulled me to get up from bed. As soon as I stood he went behind me and took of my top. I screamed " GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! BYUNGTAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." my sight was too poor without glasses I can still see but not really clear as I am finding for my top he was holding it all along. "Come and get it Choo Hee."  I kept on jumping like a kid and he is just chuckling I trip on something and accidentally push him down I quickly take the opportunity to get my top and I was gonna get up till he pulled me back on top of him "I didn't know you were pretty up close." it sent my whole body  to shiver. I just met him today and he is saying this kind of things? what is this? I suddenly remembered what happened last night I touch my forehead and got my glasses and wear my top "By any chance were you here last night?"

"I'm Kim JaeJoong and I'm always busy during the night so it can't be me." he came closer to me again "But I can be busy with you every night if you wish for it." "Stop it you're making me feel really uneasy towards you." I push him away and went downstairs he followed me chuckling I sat on the sofa and hug a pillow.  "Let's be serious now shall we?" he said and sat infront of me on the other sofa. "Today let's start by walking outside for at least 1 hour I'm strict about working out you're lucky today will be easy but tomorrow it won't be easy anymore." He is indeed serious right now he stood up and drag me outside the  neighborhood. "Aren't you scared? fan girls will soon swarm you if you don't disguise." I said walking with him slowly "This is an exclusive village meant for artist and their apprentices that means the neighborhood is not surrounded by any kind of fan girl/s ." I nod my head and thought to myself so this is how the idol life is I wonder who is the other teacher that I will be meeting today I hope it would be Ji Yong "What made you decide that you want to be an artist?" Jaejoong tilt his head and look at me while we are walking " I just like to sing because whenever I'm singing I feel that I Choo Hee the free girl not trying to hold in anything just giving my very best to the performance." he smiled and we just continued walking "Can I see your hand?" he ask "Hand?" I said as I was slowly raising it he hold it and place it inside his pocket. He grin as we continued walking he is holding my hand inside his pocket and I don't even know why it makes him smile. "Why are you so happy?" I gain all the courage to ask him "This is the hand of the girl that I will grow old with." We stop walking as I realized we are back on the gate of my house he then took it off his pocket . He waved at me before he left the place I feel like he is nice just sort of a byungtae? 


I push the gate and went inside only to see a lady waiting for me she bow before me and she said she will be my assistant from this day on. "Miss Han you should be preparing to go meet your teacher right now he will be here in an hour or so." I rush going to my room and I'm really hoping that it's GD and I took a bath and wear my contacts since they said I look good without glasses. I hurried downstairs and sat on the sofa and cross my legs waiting patiently. The door opened and my smile is already prepared to welcome him and as I turn around to look who it was . It's 


I want to go nuts right now he's also my teacher the reason why I almost died because he humilated me? After what happened I never want to see him ever again. "YOU!!!!" I said pointing at him "Yes it's me and my rules will be the one that you will follow for as long as I'm around." He came to me and look at me from head to toe "Why are you dress like that? are you going on a date?" he said with his face really close to mine. " WHAT IS IT TO YOU HUHHH!!" pushing him away. "Don't you know how to respect your teacher?" I breathed on my nose angrily it's like I'm some toro who wants to attack. "WHY WOULD I RESPECT SOMEONE WHO ALMOST KILLED ME AND DIDN'T EVEN SAY SORRY?!!! YOU THINK HIGHLY OF YOUR SELF YOU ROTTEN EGG!!!" he raised his fist and it almost hit my face. When a hand grab his wrist and stop it when I turn around it was Taemin he always come in the most perfect timing. "Hyung she's right she deserves and apology after all it's really you who caused the seizure." "TSK!" he said and went somewhere else on the house. I turn around and thank Taemin "My face would have been deform if you didn't came." he pat my head and smiled. "I just don't like girls being beat up by guys." he's so caring and kind "Is he really like that? he thinks that he is the king of the world." "Well hyung has a bad temper." he said with a straight face. "By the ways last night did something happened to you when you came here in the house?" I am going to say no but then I remembered about someone who kissed my forehead. "Well they said I'll be all alone last night but then someone kissed my forehead." "Someone? do you recognized his face?" I shake my head "No because my glasses fell on the floor things were blurry but then what I remember is that he has a brown or wavy hair but it can't be exact since my eyes has poor vision." He suddenly became quiet and just stood there after few seconds he came back to his senses "Well you should probably lock all of the doors so you wouldn't get ." I felt that maybe it's him or maybe I'm just thinking this because he became my protector ever since that day am I starting to like 3 guys right now?


Hey guys for people who likes Jaejoong fics

try reading the other story that I wrote and it's already completed 

it's called Is it wrong falling for a teenager <- Click it

basically the title tells the whole idea of the story and if you ever drop by and read that please leave a comment there


Also I'm working on another Jaejoong fic 

the title is 

Trying to win her back  <- Click it 

It's about you (reader)   who broke up with him since you're fed up with him being a playboy and taking you for granted

one day he realized everything and that was the day when you told yourself I'm gonna break up with him 

Will he win you back or will he be heartbroken for the rest of his life?

Watch him struggle , cry and become some lust monster just because he is doing everything to win you back 

And for this fic would you want to kill a character so far?


And for more other fics from me just visit the stories bar then you can go and check the other on going stories

I also have an Exo fic featuring Kai and Suho and you 

That's all bai bai~~~ ^^V


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Chapter 1: Sounds good! I think there r a few Grammar mistakes byt other than that it looks like it has a good plot! I hope she ends up with jaejoong. Update soon!