My Savior is Lee Taemin?

Teacher ,Teacher why did we have to fall inlove?

listen to me-> ~

Choo Hee's corner:

I opened my eyes and my vision was still unclear then a guy sat next to my bed. "Are you feeling okay now Student Han." I blink few times to clear my vision "I'm Lee Taemin you're instructor." He was just there sitting as his fans swarm the whole place. I put on my glasses and sat up "'re..." "Lee Taemin SHINee's maknae." in my head I'm already screaming why would a guy like him bring me to the hospital. "Why am I on the hospital anyways?" he chuckled and look at me "You fell down and have some seizure on the restaurant based on what I saw Jay seonbae-nim was yelling at you." I remember now yes him he was trying to embarrass me infront of his girlfriend. I stood up and bowed infront of him "Neomu Kamshamida Mr. Lee." "Ugh where are you going?" he said holding my wrist." Going back to the restaurant I need my salary." "Mwoh? are you for real? you're not yet fine I can tell and as you're teacher I'm ordering you to go home and rest." I thought to myself he's different when he's on stage I never imagine he can be like this. "Ah wait no, I'll send someone with you and you should be on the new house that the agency gave you."I'm not yet ready to move I didn't say goodbye to my friends yet. "Hello is there any problem?" "ah no no nothing." "Then see you tonight." he left first and his bodyguard swept the fans away from him. "see you tonight?! didn't they say I'll be moving tomorrow?" A body guard then approached me "Are you ready to go now Ms. Han? Mr.Kwon is waiting on his limo he wants to meet you." "Mr. Kwon?" "Kwon Ji Yong" "Kwon Ji Yong?!! KWON JI YONG?!!! YOU MEAN BIG BANG'S GD?! HE'S MY ULTIMATE CRUSH" I fan girl hearing those and realized that it was embarrassing to do "Ah well let's go then." we walked to the basement and went to the limo as I entered and sat next to him I was so starstruck who wouldn't be if you're just a commoner right? "Han Choo Hee wassup?!~" he said taking off his sun glasses I bowed my head to him "I've heard what happened but don't worry he's just having a bad day today Choo Hee-ah~ well I'll be one of your instructor starting tomorrow nice to meet you~" he gave me his killer smile and it seriously blew me off outer space my ultimate crush with me right now after that bad luck "What's wrong? aren't you happy that you met me today?" I suddenly hic he laugh "Ah you're adorable Choo Hee-ah you're not that talkative are you? well then I'll influence you I'm quite talkative so I've heard that you're living by yourself must be hard huh?" "Well it's quite hard I need to earn money for myself each month~" he patted my shoulder "You must be a strong girl then." it's quite a long ride going home and I was just staring at the window "Oh you'll also have the most good looking teacher tomorrow maybe you can't even concetrate when you meet him." is he giving me courage to study or trying to shoo me out fast? The car then stopped outside the apartment "Sir we already pack all of her stuffs." A bodyguard said "Good job so what about we go to my apartment and should you show me what you got? or if you're not yet well I'll be sending you to your new house." "I think I still need to rest Mr. Kwon." "No need to call me Mr. Kwon just call me GD okay?" after few minutes they drop me off the house and some maids were infront of the gate and they all carried my stuffs inside "Ah it's okay I'll carry that." "Nonono madam this isn't your work." the maid said getting mt bag from me. 

GD's corner:

"Han Choo Hee hmm interesting she looks like she can't do anything but we'll see what she gots just a make over and bam she'll surely blow people's mind." The limo headed to the basement of a hospital "Oh I thought we're going to meet Choo Hee?" I asked my manager curiously "Yes indeed we're gonna meet her." "Oh is she a sickling? why did they even accept her then?" "Shhh something happened to her that's why she was brought here." My phone light up and it was Taemin "Hyung Student Han Choo Hee had a seizure awhile ago and I saw that Jay seonbae-nim was yelling over her and then she fell on the floor I'm currently taking care of the situation." he then hung up as I heard crowd yelling his name. That fellow can't control his temper huh? I decided to text Jay 

To: Jay 

Ayo! Man I've heard what happened how come

you did that to one of our student?

From: Jay

I don't even know why maybe I was too pissed well what did you say? she's our student? no way that girl?!

To : Jay

Yes she's student Han Choo Hee maybe you 

didn't know because you were too busy with you're phone

earlier so how was the proposal?

From: Jay

Man this is a mess because of what happened I wasn't able to propose to HyunA today 

Maybe some other time

Infact she got mad with what I did to the girl 

To: Jay

Better luck next time then bro 

HyunA has a good heart 

Let's just hope no paparazzi saw what happened

to you at the restaurant

I already sent the girl to her new house

she's already fine

From: Jay

What a relief

HyunA will be happy to hear this

So I guess we'll see each other tomorrow?

thanks for the info man

Huh I never imagine meeting this kind of person ever in my life. I was listening to T.O.P. and I's High high and it just struck my head "Han Choo Hee."  I don't know what so interesting about her but maybe I need to know more about her personally since she'll be my student. I closed the gallery and set her picture as a wallpaper I'm just so random.




Taemin's POV

I couldn't help it I'm worried about a student? I mean why? "Hyung" Kai suddenly tapped my shoulder "You seem to be thinking about something." he looked at me and snapped his fingers "I get it now is it about Choo Hee I heard what happened hyung you're such a hero but why to her? could it be? you're falling to easily?"  Before I can even talk Choo Hee arrived to her house. I sneak through the back door I want to know if she's really well she bumped on to me and her glasses fell. I help her with her glasses but before I gave it to her I realized how attractive she is without them I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. 

YAH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! I came back to my sense and gave the glasses and ran off back to my apartment near her house. I hold my chest and it was a sign indeed Kai is right 


So I was rushing to update this today I hoped you like it 

I was thinking of making this chapter longer but well I need to do something 

I don't want to keep you hanging 

So I'll compensate on the next chapter bai bai~~

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Chapter 1: Sounds good! I think there r a few Grammar mistakes byt other than that it looks like it has a good plot! I hope she ends up with jaejoong. Update soon!