Where it all began

Teacher ,Teacher why did we have to fall inlove?

listen to me~

Choo Hee's corner:

"Ah Han Choo Hee?" one of the jury called my name "Congratulations welcome to the industry tomorrow you'll be moving in to your new house and only you should be living there and oh you'll meet your mentors by tomorrow." I moved out the room and someone immediately grab my wrist "You're Choo Hee?" the voice said I spun around to look who it was CN Blue's Yong Hwa ? I gulped I almost drooled seeing a celeb. "You'll be under me tomorrow I'll be one of your mentors/instructors." he smiled at me and patted my back and left. I shook my head thinking that this must be a dream "But well ... this is for real ." for some reasons I walked backwards I'm just so random. I hit someone and he cussed out loud at me "JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE MESSING WITH YOU IDIOT?!!!" that guys voice is like fireworks very loud and annoying you can't tell that I didn't mean it right? I bowed at him before looking to who he was "Sorry , Sorry Mr. Jay Park." one of the jury even ran outside just to wipe his suit. "Don't you know that this is a  designer's suit?!!!" I pushed the frames of my glasses and just look down at my feet. I was already unconsciously shivering later on it looked like I'm having some seizures. When I was younger I was diagnosed to be an epileptic when I'm scared , frightened or someone yells at me the seizures occur on me. They believe that I don't have the syndrome but I don't think so "Seonbae-nim please don't yell here it might damage your image." a guy stood behind me and whispered "I'll take care of this you should quietly go." upon hearing that I made my way out of the building 

Taemin's corner:

"Han Choo Hee" I was looking to the files on the table "Hyung she's the one who sang IU-ssi's you and I awhile ago right?" Kai asked me I nodded "You know this girl if only she fixes herself she's quite a hottie don't you think?" Kai just gave me a smirk suddenly we heard someone cussing out the door it sounds like Jay park seonbae-nim judging from his looks I can tell that the girl accidentally hit his hand causing him to spill his drink over his suit. I looked at the girl who seem to be frozen at the moment I think she's about to cry. I stood behind her and told her to leave before things get any worse she then left after I told Jay hyung to calm down. "If wasn't because of you that girl wouldn't have took the chance of getting away." Jay hyung said I just used my innocent side and stuck my tongue out "I'm very very sorry hyung." he just gave me his face and walk away. I just think that he's arrogant and heartless he's pride is as high as the heavens. "Hyung it's good you save that girl's life or else she'll be bowing till tomorrow or maybe kissing Jay seonbae-nim's foot." Kai whispered. Our manager came and told us that we should leave as well since EXO has a schedule and I also have plans for today. 


Jay Park's corner:

I was busy the whole day today so stressful "Ah neh neh I'll be there HyunA " "Nado Saranghae" today's my monthsary with the love of my life the y and hot Kim HyunA. I was just busy talking to her and all till a girl bumped me and made me spill my drink on my suit. It really made me very irritated you gotta be kidding me? today is the day that I will propose to HyunA and you dare ruin my outfit? I dont' have anymore excess time to change my clothes. Without second thoughts I cussed at her yelling my lungs out. I look miserable what should I do now? I wouldn't let this go so easily that girl she will pay for this I don't care how poor she is she needs to pay for this. "Seonbae-nim please don't yell here it might damage your image." Taemin popped out of nowhere behind the girl's back. He let the girl ran away great just what a great day. I had no other choice but to meet with HyunA looking like this before I even smell like market I decided to drop by the dressing room first "Ayo! Wassup?!" GD immediately spotted me and made a bro fist with me "Aww man you look wasted there totally not cool were you the one who was yelling earlier?" GD looked at me from head to toe and chuckled "Ahaha" I laugh sarcastically before telling him the whole thing. "Well there was this ugly duckling who was walking backwards and hit my arm accidentally and -boom- my drink was spilled on my suit and what more is that today I'll be proposing to HyunA and I look like this ugh how can destiny joke like this? tell me." GD was laughing hard "What's so funny? isn't this a serious matter to you?" "Well it's just that before you never cared about being bumped or what but now well it's kind of a big deal to you. Fame issues I must say well you can borrow a suit from me and it's also fine if you don't return it. Ciao~ I gotta leave now man I still have some schedules and oh goodluck badluck doesn't only come once." he waved his hand and left the dressing room. 


Choo Hee's corner:

I'm glad someone saved me I sighed I glance at my watch "Omo I'll be late if I don't hurry" ah I still thank you for saving me back there whomever you are. I ran as fast as I could to catch the bus I'm working on a five star restaurant as a chef and sometimes a waitress. I do need money I don't want to ask money from my father or mother they have different families now I don't want to bother them anymore. "HANNN CHOOO HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! BBALIII HELP THE OTHER WAITRESS THERE AND AFTER THAT PROCEED TO THE KITCHEN!!" the manager yelled at me upong my entrance "Yes, yes sorry for being late" I bowed repeatedly and immediately changed into my uniform. "Go to that table and ask the costumer if she wants to order now she's been sitting there for 20 mins already and we still have other costumers waiting for a table." I immediately went to the table the girl look sad and when I look at her Omo she's Ms. Kim HyunA who is she dating anyways? A guy then came and sat on the chair he didn't mind hitting me I almost fell on the floor and he didn't ask if I'm okay what a rude person. "Ehem uhm so would you like to order now? ma'am sir?" I gave them my sweetest smile "MWOH!!!!! YOU!!!!! " the guy stood and went closely to my face yelling at me and gain everyone's attention I look at him and omo omo omo Jay Park I thought I already escaped from this monster. "Hmm do you happen to know her?" miss hyuna said "She's the reason why I was late she ruined my suite you know people like you should've known how to respect other people and you know what you were close to ruining my image you bastard!." I was speechless and just stood there I hope "that" guy comes again to rescue me. "Jay sit down it's okay now that you are here." "NO IT'S NOT YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR MY SUIT AT ANY COST!!" I was already gritting my teeth and couldn't do anything I'm being embarrassed publicly even though it's just the 3 of us who can hear. I felt my body shaking I fell on the ground and my seizures occured. Ms. HyunA immediately stood up and tried to help me.



Taemin's corner: 

I finally get to eat alot after my hard work huh steak , chicken and all those yummy things that I like "Ah you have a reservation for a five star restaurant are you heading there right now?" manager said "Ah well of course since I don't have any schedule left for today right hyung?" he nodded. They drop me off and I told them to just come back later to pick me up I entered the restaurant and sat on a table near the window. Throwing off the mask that I always wear I became the Taemin who I really am I sat there and just did nothing. I saw Jay seonbae-nim entering the same restaurant "He seems to be finding for someone who is this new girl then?" I was just watching him from a far and he sat on the table where Kim Hyuna-ssi was sitting he hit the waitress upon pulling the chair but he didn't bother even looking at the waitress what an attitude. From a far I can tell that he was yelling at the waitress and I don't even know why is he insane? the waitress then fell on the floor and her entire body was shaking as if she was struck by lightning or something. I immediately came and carried her before I brought her to a nearby hospital or clinic I stood beside Jay seonbae-nim "You know that this would be a huge deal if this girl dies because of you. You'll be on the headlines in no time seonbae-nim." he was speechless he never expected for this situation to happen and so do I. Poor girl she met backluck twice today. 

So what do you think of the first chapter?<3

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Chapter 1: Sounds good! I think there r a few Grammar mistakes byt other than that it looks like it has a good plot! I hope she ends up with jaejoong. Update soon!